affaIrs The ^ S-o-oi-e-t-y ^ W orld organizations ~ SILK DRESSES 30° “ Coats $1.00, Shoes 51*, Hats 40c Many other Bargains— Clothing Hats, Shoes. Catalogue FREE Stud name on postcard. FAIR MOUNT CO., 1C0-NG Monroe St., New York. ZOE'S BARBECUE 2713 North 2»th AT. 3170 Good Old Home Style Ilarbecae of All Kinds. Seasoned to suit Your Taste. Cold Drinks and Ice Cream OPEN AEL NIGHT FREE DELIVERY A \DONT TAKE CHANC6S/) /GET THE QUICKEST NON* | \$KID STOPS ON THE J 7 ROAD TODAY! II Safctv , w Goodrich . “ r ouvertowns oivc < Ssai'rT^' ^ ** callv o!.,VCr r e*d aulomati- l thi. gensationai y i town# on your & Goodrich^ I SAFETY Silvertown «* auu m now mi NOKcnM Goodrich Silvertown1 -STORES— 20*h & DOUGLAS STS. DOWNTOWN STORE 2406 L ST. SOUTH OMAHA OPEN EVENINGS & SUNDAYS TOWNSKND CLUB ELECTS DELEGATB Omaha Townsend Club No. 11, in tfieir last meeting elected Mr. West brook McPherson, 1712 N. 28th St., as a d legate to repre sent the Omaha Local at the Omaha Ix>cal at the National con vention in Indianapolis, Ind., June 122. 1939. Mr. McPherson was a candidate [for City Commissioner in the last city election. He is Omaha's own. He graduated at Central h'gh ] school and holds a M. A. Degre from Omaha University in Socio io»ry. __n_ MR. MCPHERSON GETS PARK DEPA RTMENT A PPOINTMENT Mr. Westbrook McPherson, 1712 N. 2Hlh St., received appointment by Park Commissioner Towl >n the general North Side Supervision and Safety department, ———0O0 Th? Pokena Club met at the home of Mrs. Fred McDaniels on Friday evening guest heing Miss Neola McDaniels, Miss Assa Lee Dotson, Mrs. Beatrice Donell, and Mrs. Lenora Scott -0O0 Mrs. Long, 2713 N. 26th i8 re covering from blood poison. She has Iren ill for two weeks, •— -oOo Mrs. Baldwin of 21)10 North 25th St., had as her house guest, Mrs. Victoria M lian from Chic ago, who has been in our city one week. She returned home Monday night, June 12, Mrs. Irene Harvey of 2404 No, 27th Ave., is intertaining Mr. Jim Stark* and her sister Cecial Lew is of Chiscka, Okla., as her house guest for six weeks, Mrs. Lewis is attending summer school. -ow Mr. Clifford Johnson, who broke his shoulder blade about three weeks ago in an automobile acci dent is at hone from the hospital ami is doing very nicely. -—0O0 Miss Ar-alee Estelle Galloway, 1300 Preston St„ Dallas, Texas, a teacher in the public schools in Dallas, is vis'ting her brother, Boyd V. Galloway at 2814 N. 28th St., and her uncle C. C. Galloway, 2418 Grant St. Miss Galloway ar rived in the city Monday, June 12 and she will be here indefinitely. , -oOo Mrs. Percival Roundtree and son Ferciva! Jr., who have been visit ing relatives in the city have re turned to Denver, Colo. They are planning to return to RABE’S BUFFET 2229 Lake Street for Popular Brands of BEEK and LIQUORS —Always a place to park— gjffljml GET RID OF SHINE! Why not have a lovely, lighter com plexion? Why not try this easy way to improve coarse, dark, oily skin? Buy a package of Nadinoia Bleaching Cream. Bach night smooth it gently on your face. No rubbing, no massaging. While you sleep, Nadinoia speeds up the natural proceas of exfoliation—gently bleaches your skin to a lighter shade. In a short time, you begin to see wonderful improvement. Your complexion grows lighter, smoother, softer. Soon you have what every woman wants, what men ad mire ... a lighter, lovelier complexion! You Cin't Lom —Monty-Back Guarantee You don’t ri,k a cent. Every jar of Nadi noia bring, you full instruction, and a positive money-back guarantee. Give your complexion the help of thi, famou, treatment cream. Get Nadinoia today. But be sure it’s (enuine Nadinoia. Don't trust your lovelineu to any un known aubatitute. At all drug (tores 50c. large money-Mvmg sixe (1.00. m Omaha and make this their home. After June 22n!, (I 'ey will be at homo at 2006 North 28th avenue. ———0O0 Mrs. and Mrs. Leroy Smith, who w re visiting Mr. and Mrs. O. Roundtree Jr., the aunt and uncle of Mrs Smith, after having spent a month in the city have re .urned to their home in Denver Colorado. Mrs. O Roundtree, Jr., will be leaving the city June 15th for an cx tided trip through Canada, to tihe West Coast, and to the New York Fair. Mrs. Roundtree will go to Sit. Paul, Minn., from here, then 0 Winnepeg, Canada, Vancouver, 1 ritish Columb'a, Victoria, then to Seattle, Washington, on down the West Coash to the San Fricisco Fair and to several points in Cal ifornia. Mrs. Roundtr e will take the Southern route to New York City, where -he will visit the New York Fair Sihe plans to be back in Omaha after October 15th. -—-oOo—■ — Miss Theresa Mae Union, 2128 North 29th street, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. C. L. Un on, is in Memphis, T nnessee visiting her aunt, Mrs. Mary H. Lee and her grandmother, Missouri Harris, Miss Union will be away six weeks. _ nHn__ I Mr. Robert Cooper, formerly of Omaha, died in Chicago last week and was buried there. His father, Mr. Clifford Book r, J418No. 24th street (has just leturned home from the funeral. -o Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Young man of Topeka, Kansas are visit ing Mr. Youngman’s sister, Mrs. Redman, 2016 Clark street. -oOo The Good Samartain Club met at Elmwood Park for a breakfast. Eveiyone had a good time from 11 ; to 4 with 10 members out. and 6 visitors. Mattem Perkins, presi dent, Miss Wilson, secretary. Our secretary is sick and wasn’t able to attend. At the home of 920 No. 25th St. fried chicken was had along with hot biscuits, pork chops end eggs and must ir greens. -oOo The Matrons Art Club met on June 2 with Mrs. Vaughn, 2855 Maple. The ladies all seemed quite concerned in their work which made the meeting very interesting. All members were requested by tho instructors to bring their work on tho next meeting night for in spection or a finis will be imposed. Because we will disband for two months for the summer, all were very sorry to hear of one of the members, Mrs. A. Ray being struck by an auto. But at this writing she is much improved. Tho hostess Mrs. Vaughn served a delicious luncheon. Next meet ing with Mrs. Elden 2860 Corby St. Mrs. Chas. Morris, President Mrs. Pearl Young, secretary. „ n Mr. and Mrs, Jim Ford, Mrs. Huttie Jdhnson and Mr. John Bell wood motored to Oklahoma, Fri day, May 9, to attend the funeral of the mother of Mrs. Mattie Ford. They will spend a week in Okla homa before coming to Omaha. GRADUATES FROM HOWARD UNIVERSITY Miss Madree Jackson, and Oma ha young lady, has just gradua ted from Howard University. She , was on the honor roll and has received many other honors from the school. Miss Jackson is the daughter of Senior Capt. Alonzo Jackson, 3221 Corby St., and will spend the next two weeks here visiting with him. She will then go to Los Angeles to spend the Summer with her mother, Mrs. North 24th St. SHOE REPAIR 1807 N. 24th ST. WE. 4240 YOU CAN’T TELL THEY ARE REPAIRED— BECAUSE OUR INVISIBLE HALF SOLING. METHOD “Leaves No .Repaid. Look” ON YOUR SHOES. THE NEW SOLE WITH AN IN VISIBLE JOINT —POPULAR PRICES— Spring Chicken Cheaper than Meats 20c lb. We Give Green Trading Stamps CAREY'S NABORHOOO Grocery OPEN SUNDAYS AND EACH NIGHT ’TILL 10 P. M. WE. 6089 Mary Louise Jackson. Miss Jack son wishes to thank the Omaiha Elks for their support in the form of the scholarship that was award ed her from their lodge, MR. AND MRS. GEORGE BLAIR CELEBRATE TRIPPLE EVENT Mrs. Blair’s birthday, twenty two years of married life, and the graduation of their charming daughter, Edna Mae Blair, from Omaha University receiving her Teachers Degree and the title of associate in applied Arts and Sci ences. Mrs. Blair is (the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will iam Lawson, pioneer residents of Omaha, Nebraska. Frank Perkins Jr., Jimmie Al exander, Albert Kercheval and Herrington Hamm, members of Red Perkins Orchestra, were here Sunday night and Monday for a short visit. They reported that the orchestra is having a very successful tour. They met Nat Towles and his orchestra in Minn eapolis, Minn., and had a jam ses sion with them. Frank Perkins, Jr., with take his wife, Mrs. Julia Perkins back with him and she will tour with the orchestra this summer. -oOo Miss Eloise Jones, c.ty teacher of Dallas, Texas, is here spending her summer vacation w|th Mr. and Mrs. Webb. She arrived in the city Sunday, June 11. ———oOo Mr. and Mrs. Elija Pierce, wood carvers of Columbus, Ohio have been in tue city visiting Mrs. Lucy Bell on Hamilton street for six weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Pierce are now in Lincoln, Nebr., demonstra ting their work. They will give their demonstrations at the two largest Baptist Churches in Lin coln June 12 and 16th. MV. Charlie Williamson of The Musical Rascals’ orchestra, left Sunday morning, June 11, for Kansas City, Mo., to attend the National Convention of American Federation of Musicians. Mr. Wil liamson went as a representative of the Omaha Local No. 558 -—oOo Mr. R. S. Simpson, 2618 Grant St., who has been ill for four months is reported as being some better. ■—■— oOo - The Townsend Club No. 11 meets every Monday night at the Urban League Hall. Everyone is invited. Mrs. Mammie Simmons, 2430 Erskine St, is on the sick list. Mr. Robert Adams, 2618 Charles St., caught an eight and one-half pound cat fish in the Missouri River Sunday Morning. •— uvr - Mrs. Wm. Parker, 2825 S. 24th Street, entertained at breakfast, Mrs. Susie Matthews, of Kansas, City, Mo., Mrs. Nina Colman, Pittsburgh, Penn., and Mrs Mar tha Lawson, 2214 N. 29th Street, Tuesday morning, June 13. Mrs. Matthews and Mrs. Cole man are the house guests and,, sisters of Mrs. Martha Lawson. -oOo Mrs Vera Leach, who former ly lived in Omaha and who now lives in Los Angeles, California is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. J. Ltffall. She is accompanying them on their motor trip to Dallas, Texas to visit relatives. Mrs. C M. Wiley of 2875 Ohio reports that her neice is very sick and has been for two weeks. She is Mrs. Flossie Moore of the same address. Thanks To Mrs. Whiteside An employee at ,the Omaha Guide office (had a telephone con versation with Mrs. Whiteside, 3007 Ohio St., some time ago and had secured a promise from Mrs. Whiteside for a renewal of her subscription to The Omaha Guide. When a bay was s:mt to collect tor this subscription and failed to do a, ;his Omaha Guide employee called to find out why. This was Mrs. Whiteside’s reply: “Your boy was not polite when he called on me about the subscription, and I decided that I did not hava to be spoken to as he spoke to me because I could do without the paper.” Sihe went on to say a good many things about politeness in business and salesmanship which were very true, and w?, The Oma ha Guide want the public to know we do not endorse rudeness on the part of the boys who work for The Omaha Guide. We will in struct our boys to be polite and courteous at all times and any report of disresp ct on the part of the boys or any other employee of The Omaha Guide will be given due consideration to the best in terest of the customer. Our in sturetion to our employees in deal ing with the public is tlhat the customer is the boss and is al ways right. We feel deeply grate ful to Mrs. Whiteside for giving us this information. Mr. R. F. Donell returned last week to Coffeyville, Kans., to re sume his duties are City policeman after spending his vacation in Texas and with his daughter, Mrs. Corrine McDaniels. Mr. and Mrs. FTed McDaniels, have as their house guest, Mr. and Mrs. R F. Donell of Ooffey vilb, Kans., and Mliss Neola Mc Daniels of Emporia. Mr. and Mrs. Fred McDaniels returned last week from a very pleasant trip motoring through Kansas visiting relatives and friends. Mrs Annie Alston sponsored a I Phyllis Wheatley Home tag day »als which was held Friday, June 9. She wishes to thank everybody for contribution and all who bought tags and helped ot make it a success. We also wish to thank the workers who worked so b'itihful for its success: Mrs. Mar agret Brakefield, Mrs. Mary King, Mrs. O. Womack, Miss Patrick Auston, Miss Martha Williams Miss Geraldine Hunt, and Miss Anzivilla Gennett. Mr. James Hampton has open ed a soft drink parlor at 1612 No. 24th street. The Very Latest from the Chicago Convention: The New— “Pin Curl” WAVE The Same Effect as the Cro quinole without the heated iron. STYLED AS DESIRED Althouse Beauty School 2422 North 22nd Street WEbster 0846 ii_l I A i DELICIOUS 1 COLA DRINK REFRESHING i AND i STWUUTIHG.J Robbing Pharmacy 2306 No. 2*th St. WE 171. Backache? Try Flushing Excess Poisons And Acid Thru Kidneys And Stop Getting Up Nights 35 CENTS PROVES IT When your kidneys are overtax ed and your bladder is irr'tated and passage scanty and often smarts and burns, you may need Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules, a fine harmless stimulant and diu rectic that starts to work at once and costs but 35 cents at any mod em drugstore. It’s one good safe way to put more healthy activity into kidneys and bladder—you should sleep more soundly the whole night through. But be sure to get GOLD MEDAL—it’s a genuine medicine tor weak kidneys—right from Haarlem in Holland. Try. , Herman’s j Market First HERMAN FRIEDLANDER ' PROPRIETOR 24th Lake St. WE. 5444 Thrifty Service 6 Its. for 48c 7c EACH ADDITIONAL LB. "6V,c ON WEDS.” ALL FLAT WORK BEAUTIFULLY IRONED. BATH TOWELS FLUFFY DRIED. WEARING APPEAREL RETURNED DAMP READY TO IRON. WE GUARANTEE COLORED CLOTHES NOT l TO FADE. SHIRTS FINISHED IN THIS SERVICE FOR 10c E VCB i IF DESIRED. 20% DISCOUNT CASH AND CARRY Emerson-Saratoga Southwest Corner 24th and Erskine Sts. HEALTHY CHILDREN NEED VITAMINS COOK WITH AN ELECTRIC ROASTER Protecting the health oi your children means giving them properly cooked food . . . food that hasnl had all the health-giving vitamins cooked out g| it. That means Electric Cookery 1 When you use an Electric Roaster you can enjoy the new "waterless" cooking method. Nature's vitamins are retained in the food you cook ... its natural color and smooth texture is unharmed . . . meat shrinks less, tool You can prepare a complete meal in one operation. "Waterless" cooking gives you countless savings in many other ways. FREE TRIAL See your dealer today, and ask about the Electric Roasters he has on display. He can give you a three-day trial during the month of June, FREE I Have one delivered to your home . . . see for yourself why Electric Cooking is better I J Cheap Electricity SERVES and SAVES cSW. QJjoWl (Dsjakjv! OR NEBRASKA POWER COMPANY