on YOU REMEMBER? , by Richard Stanley •« ( I —* I Well folks I see quite a number of our people been winning the old Daily Double. They tell me if you keep at any thing long enough, you will succeed. That Is if your money don’t run out. Fans here is a story which was told to me about a couple of reg ular fellows—Mr. Jess Hardin and Jtfr. Spencer Gray decided t» take • breeze out to the race track.-— You know Mr. Hardin is the well known eo-owner of that famous night spot known from coast to coast as the H&M buffet. Mr. Grey you know is the Beau Bruni mel of this man’s town. Well liked by all for his sportsmanship among his friends. Well Mr. Grey and Mr. Hardin jumped in Grey’s beautiful Packard and off bo the races they went Oh! said Jess after they got therei, the rac es have started. Grey said let’s you and I take a peek over bhe fence. OK by me says Jess. They was on the Nonbhside of the track, so up the hill Grey went, followed by Jess, slowly. No soon er than they rested their chin on the rail up pops one of Mr, Sher iff Dorrance’s deputies and says bo move on, you can’t cop no neck here. In the meantime Mr. Grey is parked wrong on the road. The copper also notced that little email incident. Whose car is that he bellows out loud. That’s my car said Grey. WTiy the cappci almost fainted when he regained his senses the copper said you mean to tell me that’s your car and you peeking over the fence. ECONOMIC HIGHLIGHTS The nowu is again going around that the Roosevelt Administration is inaugurating a new policy of “appeasing” industry and business. There is plenty of reason why the Administration might do that but business in general seems to bo going on the theory that seeing is believing. According to practi cally all of the economists, and e«pec'ally those connected in one way or another with the govern ment, business should be on the upgrade now. Inventories are low. Government defier: spending is at a high level. Public purchasing power is in fair shape. There seems to be plenty of room for expansion, with consequent new security issues, in important in dustries. So far so good. But industry is not expanding, and new security RHEUMATISM REIIEVE PAIN IN FEW MINUTES ! To relieve the .torturing pain of Rheuma tism. Neuritis. Neuralgia or Lumbago, in a few minutes, get the Doctor's formula I NUttlTO. Dependable—no opiates, no nnr- * colics. 'Does the work quickly—must Relieve worst pain, to your satisfaction in a few minutes qr money back at Druggists. Don’t Buffer. Use NURITO on this guarantee today. Tsokkkwe wanta\ gYOUNCER MAN FOR I TH/SJOB {Vuic look. V ~toxroicSL)J Ye#, employers do judge your age by your hair. And If your hair la gray you might as well wear a tag aaying, "I'm old —too old lor thlt jobr Hare you ever lost out on good Jobs for this reason? If you hare, don't worry—you can keep It from happening again. Simply color your hair with Godefroy's Larleuse. No matter how gray yours is now. It will Instantly take on glowing, youthful-looking color when Larleuse is brushed through It. No experience necessary — d free tlons 1 n package tell you how to apply Larleuse. Takes only a few minutes. Color will not rub off or wash out. Use Larleuse—keep your age a se cret. Who knows, it may mean a new Job for you ... and new friends ... and new chancet for romance. Get a bottle today. IF YOUR DEALER DOES NOT HAVE IT. SEND $1.25 (no extra postage) DI RECT TO as GODEVBOY'S ^Ja/iieube ■ ^I1. HAI* COLORING SOOCnOY MfG CO.. 3310 011ft St.,St. Louis,Mm V Mr. Hardin and Mr. Grey de parted. Says Grey to Jess, let’s you and I go back to the H&M, where people are more consider ate. Remember the entrance to tho race track is on the soutihside and you must have a ticket or a pass to enter. So fans you see you can’t enjoy the races unless you are inside. Well fans Jack Greenock won just as I said he would. My next winner is Frezza so don’t let him get away from yOU—last year’s winners for June J, 1938. 1st race—• Brown Banner Johnnie Nomack Sweetest Hart 2nd race— Much Trouble Orlap ] t Golden Nugget trd Race Gold Schorer , Carbine Goldy Dodie 4 th Race ] : Sugar Creek Ala Carte Hocking 5th Race— Star Flash Cloveport Triple I’lay 6th Race—• Rosireigh Gusto via Merry Freda 7uh Race— Rotherham Bourbon Prince Early Hour issues simply haven’t been offer ed. Business is on a slow down grade, instead of an upgrade. Sen timent among a large number of business leaders tends toward the pessimistic side. What, then, is the cause of this apparent anomaly? For many months government and other ex perts blamed it on European trou bles. And those troubles have un doubtedly been an important de pressive factor. Rut by now, the experts «ay, wars and war scares have been discounted to the limit. It is no longer possible to blame the shadow of Mars for our do mestic depression. As a result, the experts continue, there is but one thing to which it can be attri buted—and that is the feeling of industry at largte that inimical governmental policies continue to so darken the future that all busi ness can do is stand still, spend only the money that is needed to keep in operation, and wait and seo what happens. Some t'me ago this column ob served that, that “psychological factor” is, at the moment ms im portant and perhaps more impor tant than the more concrete fac tors on which business forecasts are usually based. All the econo mic indicators may be good, hut they won’t produce much result if the people who are in charge of our commercial affairs are wor ried and dispirited and fearful of what government may do. Today, some of the influential Adminis tration officials and advisors are apparently tending toward that point of view. There have been a number of actions lately which, while they haven’t been headlined to any ex tent, may indicate the way the wind blows. Recently Secretary of War Johnson issued a statement praising the electric utilities in the most flattering terms for their cooperation with the War Department in its national pre paredness program. And the utili ty industry has been the principal target of inimical Administration act'on for six years. More recently still, Secretary of Commerce Hopkins, in his capa city of Chairman of the American Trade Association Executives, had the job of choosing the industry which made the greatest progress 'n public spirited trade associa tion work last year. The industry chosen was Portland Cement.-That is the industry which has been threatened with prosecution by tho Justice Department for alleged price fixing, a threat which, ac cording to men high in other in dustries, was a significant factor in producing industrial paralysis. This doesn’t mean that tho Ad ministrator is going out to cooper DARK LAUGHTER by 01 Harrington j _ _ _.___-_i j “I WONDER lF THE BOYS HAD A SUCCESSFUL CARD PARTY LAST NITE. -WHEN I LEFT MR. BOOTSIE HAD AN ACE STICK IN’ OUT OF HIS SLEEVE.” ate with and reassure business. There is still plenty of dissension among White House intimates. On one side is the “radical” wing, led by the famed team of Corcoran and Cohen, and they are still a big influence with the President. On the other side is the "conser vative” wing, led at the moment by Secretaries Morgenthau and Hopkins, wh:ch is al*o influential. Over a period of time, one wing is uppermost for while, then the other. Right now the “conserva tives” seem to be swinging the most weight. But whether their conciliatory policies will be given permanence is still a matter of question. ____ aHa_ - FAST NEGRO BALL TEAM TO PLAY IN CO. BLUFFS Tho Arkansas Bla< k Travellers, a smart, fast Negio team will play at Legion Park, Council Bluffs, Sunday, June 18. This club has the fastest first baseman in the game. Supported by a great pitching staff and four home run hitters. The average weight of the team is 175; average height is 5 1-2; batting average 372. Tho game is sponsored by the DAV. Come to the game Free, Mr. Omaha. -oOo NAVAL NOTES • Tho TEREDO or ship worm is not a worm but belongs to the family of mollusks. They bore in to wood by the use of the file like edges of one end of their shells. The shell remains about the same size but the neck grows longer and longer as their burrow leng thens for their food is procured by tw osmall tubes that remain at the opening. This small mollusk has sunk more ships and sent more men to sleep beneath the waves than all the World's Naval battles. At tho time the “three mile limit” was set as the seaward boundaries of the coastal states, three marine miles constituted the range of their cannon, and it was felt that a coastal state could maintain its authority to that ex tent. Tho Identification Section of the Navy Department has on file the fingerprints of every officer and enlisted man who has served in the Navy since July 1, 1907. Ten former men of the Navy and six former members of the Marines who lost their lives in the hurri cane on the Florida Keys in 1935 were positively identified by the Navy identification system. These identifications prevented these men from being buried as un known. Foreign uniforms are not allow ed to be worn in Switzerland un less prior authority has been ob tained through diplomatic chan nels. “Air craft carriers are a new de velopment in all navies and are still undergoing so many improve ments and new developments that the type is scarcely yet standariz ed. They vary in size, the LEX INGTON and SARATOGA being two largest in existence. Their speed is high, about 34 knots and their armor protection rather light. They have an enormous flight deck for the launching and recovery of planes at sea and hangar facilities for stowing and servicing them below decks. “The United States has the long est coast line of any Naval pow er. The extent of the defensive coast lines of the principal Naval powers are as follows: United States 3,860 miles; Great Britain 1,860 miles; Japan 1,440 miles; France 1,100 miles; Italy 1,380 miles; this does not include pos sessions. “The weight of a ship’s anchor in pounds is approximately the same as the displacement of the ship in tons. “The Navy today is operating 478 engineering plants in vessels. These range from the 180.000 horsepower turbo-electric drive plants in the large aircraft car riers to a 240 horsepower Diesel plant in some of the smaller dis trict craft. “There are 147 U. S. Navy ships which have Doctors attach ed. The smaller vessels, such as tugs and submarines, carry care fully trained Hospital Corpsmen, (enlisted men).” Among the most enjoyable events in the Navy, ashore and afloat are frequent home talent programs called ‘Happy Hours’ presented by volunteer boxers and wrestlers and other amateur en tertainers. -oOo-* OMAHA U FIRST SEMESTER OPENS'MONDAY A. M. JUNE 12-39 First semester of the University | of Omaha’s Summer Session did open Monday morning, June 12, E. M. Hosman, director of the Summer Session announced today. Besides members of the regular University of Omaha faculty, the Summer Session will feature in struction by outside specialists coming to Omaha from all over the country. Among the visiting instructors are: Dr, Harold V. Kaskill, Pro fessor of Psychology, Ohio State University; Mr. Robert Kumler, Supervisor of Art, Creston public schools, Creston, Iowa; Mrs. Grace Sweet, specialist, elemen tary education, Chicago public schools; Dr. Harold Benjamin, Dean of the College of Education, University of Colorado; Mr. Ger pld W. Kirn, Principal, Abraham Lincoln High School, Council Bluffs, Iowa; Dr. Grace Munson, Board of Education, Chicago; Miss Director, Bureau of Child Study, Irene Glizik, Associate Professor of Commercial Arts, University of Toledo; and Dr. FYanklin Elbaugh, Director of Psychopathic Hospit al, Denver, Colorado; and Edward Freed, Head of Speech Department of Central High School, Battle Creek, Michigan The Summer Session will offer courses for certificate credit as well as for regular college credit. The University of Omaha is fully accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Uni versities. The first semester, last ing six weeks, will end July 21; the second semester, five weeks long, will start July 24 and con clude August 26. Special features of the Summer Session will be the eighth annual Summer Institute for Women, Ju ly 14 and 15, sponsored jointly by tho University of Omaha and the Nebraska Federation of Women’s Clubs, and the Institute on Prof essional and Lay Relations, Jun? 12 and 13 under the co-sponsor ship of the University of Omaha the Omaha Teachers Forum and the Nebraska State Teachers As cociation. -— i 5,000 Essays Turned In For Insurance Contest Durham, N C. June 14 (C)— G. W. Cox, chairman of the Na tional Negro Insurance Week Committee, estimated this week that from 3,000 to 5,000 essays havo been turned in for the re cently announced national essay contest aiming at $1,000 in state* and national prizes. The country has been devided into five districts and there are 21 national judges i who will read the essays and the winners will be announced later. Sixty seven state judges have been appointed to read essays and an nounce winners of state prizes. —_—000 Journal of Religion Publishes African No. Wilberforce, O. June 14 (C)— The Negro Journal of Religion, L. C. Ridley, editor, devotes its May issue to Northern Rhodesia, Africa, carrying several articles on African life, and on the work of missionaries in Africa. -oOo-• Read The Guide for News UNITED CASH COAL WINS 12.4 By Richard Stanley The boys turned on the ga3 Sun day at Miller park and made less errors than ever before only two mis plays. By the way fans that was tfhe first time (the boys played at Miller Park since 1931. So lets all holler for Fontenelle park. Why not it is city owned and we pay tax. Getting back to base ball. Bobby Bair made his first start as a regular pitcher. The boy acme through with flying col. ors. Gave up seven hits and walked three, also got one hit Nicd going kid. John Owens play ed second base and handled four chances without any flaws. Look ed like Charley Gehringer. Atta boy John Tapley up four (times, 2 singles, 1 double and a home run. The first the Colored boys had this year. Charley Crump and this Tapley stole the whole show. Crump went way back in left field among the trees and pulled down what would have been a homo run on the first ball pitched. That one play gave all the boys plenty of confidence and the young pitcher really did bear down from that on. Next Sunday you see Roosevelt Walker in there to win this. This Walker boy, he pitching with all his heart trying never loafs—always trying. I notice a lots of new fans out Sun day. The more the better. Come out all of you and give the boys a hand that’s all they need to win the pennant—your support Soup Lawson claimed he got a Charley Hoss Sunday. I wonder if old man father time hasn’t caught up with him. Well I hope not. Hus tling Grady Frye still guarding v-■ ■ -- --- that ft rat base with a machine gun. Manley catching like Bill Dickie—Scott playing thrid like Farina of the movies—Clannie Lee hitting like Grain Belt3 kick—Bill Young playing right field like a champ, also hitting the old apple for dear life—Don Morton, the Grandpa of the team still giving good advice to the youngsters, if they will only listen. We’ll be seeing you next week with more fun. Chicaga June 9 (C)—The Chri stian Century, undenominational weekly, 440 S. Dearborn street, Charles Clayton Morrison, editor, carries editorial correspondence from Paul Hutchinson in its May 24 issue headed “The Methodise Church”, in which it is stated: “Thus, the white Methodist in Georgia is expected to find h'm ?«li at home* in his southern jur isdiction as he might not if too closely sited to the white Method ist of North Dakota in his north central jurisdit itn. And both are prompted agi nut uncomfortably close contact with the Negro Me thodist from any one of thirty states in his central jurisdiction.” -ooO—_ ■I NOTICE! THE OMAHA GUIDE offers free service on all Church, social club and organization news. Mail telephone or bring to office at 2418 Grant St., before Wednesday noon for publication. Special co verage of big events, call Webs ter 1517. For your protection and ours, please write all handwritten copy legible. JAGGED LOVE By Herman J. D. Carter CHAPTER II Cari o/nith is trying to make the acquaintence of a comely belle whom he by chance began to talk with as the train on which he was riding pulled out of the railroad station at Roanoke Va. He has in . formed her that he is a writer. This gained her interest. NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY “Oh, do you write?” she asked. “Well I have a small booklet of poetry published. It isn’t very much; but some day, I might do something worth while,—if I ever get the inspiration from the right source.” “What would you consider the source?” she asked. “Oh, that’s a long story, and I’m afraid you’d get tired of listen ing to it from way up where I’m standing.” His lips parted slowly, followed by an appealing smile. She blushed lightly with understanding. Then you may sit down. “Perhaps I shall if you are sure an old bard won’t be too boresome.” She smiled. He sat down and crossed his hands and leaned back to begin his narrative. She com forted herself to listen. “Well, you see, I was once in love and got disappointed.” Her expression suddenly showed Bigns of profound interest. “I had the inspiration THEN to write,” he continued, “and to make a real success out of it; but since loosing her, well ... I haven't had much incentive to attempt anything worth while.” He paused. She sat in a study, then re marked: “Your affair must have been in teresting. Did she get married ? He shook his head slowly and starred blankly at the seat before them. “Then what happened to cause you to lose her?” “Well. . . She didn’t get married, —at first she didn’t: but you see her mother thought I wasn’t good enough for her. She wanted her to marry a medical student in our town, and every time they were together I became the subject of a heated discussion. That’s when love aad hate in the frames of mother and daughter clashed. Those battles lasted between them until I finished college. Then I left home and went to work on the lake steamers in Chicago, hoping to make enough money to go in cmsi ness the next year and marry her. Well . . . when I did come home, the job I had in mind was fiHed, and we couldn’t get married. Her mother became so tyrranical that Marie ran off and married an or chestra leader. Since then, I haven’t cared much for any other woman, and I’m trying to forget her.” Willa shifted in her seat and tried to hide her compassion. “What’s the matter?” asked Carl, “You look sad.” “Oh, I don’t know,” she sighed. “I was just thinking You know, I went to college once, and fell in love with the foot-ball captain. I shouldn’t tell you this!” she racily concluded shut-mouthly. “Oh no, please go on. Pleasel" She heaved another sigh and con tinued: “Well, I’ve been married. I have one child.” Again her brain twirled. A panorama of her past life flared before her,—all of which she dared not tell. Some of her life . . . only one man must know . . . and he was her husband. She grip ped her nerves and swallowed then added: “When Junior was a year old, I had a terrible tragedy to change my whole life. Again she paused to gather a re covering breath. Her eyes fell to the floor. Her face muscles tight ened as she hung her head. Her body stiffened as the recurrance of the tragedy raced through her brain. “I know you suffered untold mi sery and grief.” he added. “I did . . . over my baby . but not my husband.” “Why, didn’t you love your hus band?" he startled. She sat motionless and in sil ence. Carl realized it best not to question her further. “I did once . . . but after Jun ior’s birth . . . well ... a change came over him. You know children make such a difference sometimes . . . In college, I was president of my sorority, and he was a star; foot ball player. So naturally ws became sweethearts . . . for pres tige so to speak. Then came grad^ uation. We had sapped each other’s lives, so we just married. “Everything went along fine un til after the first year, and I was so happy. Then came the baby.” Again she paused to remove an other lump in her throat. “One night two years ago, John came in drunk, and when he saw Junior was crying he told me he was go-1 ing to take him for a spin in out) new bi-plane. I was too sick to pre vent his taking my baby. My plead ing made him all the more deterj mined. Two hours later I hearq about the tragedy. She began to cry and Carl clut-J ched her hand with feeling. “After; that my life . . . wasn’t worth liv ing.” “Did he deliberately murder you* only child?” Read next week’s “White’s Specific” Story, and if you like this story buy White’s Specific as ad vertised below. “THE FAIR SKIN CREAM” WHITE’S SPECIFIC FACE CREAM (Bleach) Helps You Toward UGHTER—CLEARER FAIRER SKIN 25c at Druggists or by Mail WHITE'S SPECIFIC TOILET CO. NashvUle, Tenn. LET PEOPLES DO IT Clean up that front room. We specialise im making old houses look like new, inside and out. No charge for e*tl mation on work. No job too small or too large. Ten trained decorating mecfhatnics. Our Motto—Service First, at the lowest prices. Call WEbster 2858. Peoples Paint and Papering Shop LARRY PEOPLES, Proprietor ^ ’ M