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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1939)
CHURCH NEWS Interdenomination Church, Rev. W. I Irving, pastor and Morning Star Baptist Church, Rev. W. White, pastor are worshipping to gether while Morning Star re models her church building. It has proven to be a very pleasant fellowship. Sunday services—Sunday school was very well attended by the of ficers, teachers, and pupils of the two Sunday schools. Regular morning service was very well attended. Eldrr W, I. Irving brought the message. The theme, “Hope,” 1st John 3:3. It was clearly shown that desire with expectation in the promises of God, will help us bo over come trivals and able to endure to the end, At 6 P. M. the BYrU met with IMr. lewis Stromile, president. We tiad a real lively meeting. We as semfbled agiain at 8 P. M. for the evening service which was fairly Attended. Rev. W. White, associate pastor, brought the message which text was “He resitoreth my soul.” 23rd Psalm 3 verse. The Rev. did ho ernestly exort that God through the medium of restoration and de liverance from the enemy and the world. All the services were well enjoyed by all present. Come s»nd ftfiare with these two chur rhes in their worship on Sunday and weekly devotion. Prayer meeting Wednesday 8 T. M. Community Bible Forum meets Thursday at 8 P. M. SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH Clarinda, Iowa Kev. D. Nicholson, pastor Sunday school opened at the us with Dr. FRED Pal mer’s Skin Wlhitener. Helps remove sur face pimples, super ^ ficial freckles. 25e - at druggists. Sample (Send Se postage) DR. FRED PALMER CO.. DEPT. Z-150, ATLANTA, GA. LAKE . SHOE SERVICE The Services that , Pleases. A Complete Shoe Service , J. L. Taylor, Prop. 2407 Lake St. ual hour with the Supt. in charge. Attendance was good and the Sun day School helped to send the Pastor to the National Sunday School and BYPU. convention. Morning service was in a high spirit The pastor brought us a instructive sermon full of thought Subjec’ "Unity” Evening service was the spot light service with a nice group of young people present. The pas tor brought us a soul stirring mes sage. Subject "A True Friend. There was many thoughts pres ented to us by our pastor. Next Sunday evening will be a Father Day program at three o’clock after which we expect our pastor to start out to the Nation al Convention of the Sunday school and BYPU. Come and witness this great program. Visitors are always welcome to The Second Baptist Church. -0O0 PLEASANT GREEN CHURCH Rev. Reynolds, Pastor Willa Mae Ross, reporter Sunday school 9:00 a. m. with Supt. in charge. The lesson was rjoyed by all. You are welcome to our Sunday school. Morning worship 11:00. De votional service was in charge by the deacons. Songs by the Senior choir. A lovely sermon was preached by Rev. Reynolds. Pray er by Rev. Caldwell. The service1 was enjoyed by everyone. BYPU. 0:00 p m. with Pres, in dharge. Teachers took charge of their classes for 15 minutes. The program was in charge by Edith (ottr.ll, acting as Mistress of cer emony. Evening worship 8:00. Deacons 1 in charge of devotional service. Song by both choirs. Prayer for tho sick by Rev. Green. Song. The program of the night was introduced by Rev. Reynolds. A musical program was held by tho Junior and Senior choirs. First lhalf was conducted by the Senior choir, and the second half by the Junior choir. It was a llarewell program given by H.’ Making on her departure of the. city. Everyone will miss her, we know. A banquet was held Mon-! day day, June 12 at the YWCA., honoring her service at Pleasant Green Baptist Church. Visitors for the day are as fol lows: Mrs. Georgie Johnson of St. Mary, Missouri; Rose Gardner, 2613 Decatur Street, Miss Mattie Woodruff; L. L. Morrow, Chicago, ill.; Mrs. Alice Young. You are also welcome to any part of these services. _aHa__ MOUNT NEBO CHURCH Rev. Pruitt, pastor Claudia Seay, reporter Sunday school opened at 9:46 o’clock with the Supt. in charge of the group. The teachers had their group fcfr about 16 min-i MRS. MATTIE LEE CALLAWAY —Announces— Hair Oil and Grower for Sale —AT— Harriet’s Vanity Beauty Shop CLEOA KING PARKER HATTIE MOORE PROPRIETORS 1408 North 24th St. Across from Fontenelle Homes WE. 2846 WE : 0156 Special Bargain Prices 37 Ambassador Nash sedan, like new $575 *37 Plymoutr 4 door touring sedan $450 '36 Buick coach sport fodel with heater like new. ••••■•.. 495 33 Plymouth coach, excellent condition $175 *33 Reo 4 Door sedan —. .$195 *32 Nash sedan, good condition.•• $185 31 Panel delivery .. $125 )ne 1938 Ford Deluxe 2 door _ t.$575 Shames Body & Radiator Co. 1906 CUMING STREET AT. 4556 utes. The lesson was “Paul Writes Personal Letters,” Gor 1:1-3. We had a fairly large at tendance. 11 o’clock service opened wi’.h the deacons in charge having the congregation sing “Yield Not to Temptation.” Prayer by Brother McCarthy. Scripture reading was taken from the 25th chap, of Mat thews 1-11 verse. Our pas tor preached a sermon foV the dhildren especially the subject: “Remember God.” Sister McCarthy was the sponsor of the children’s day program. Visitors were: Mrs. Thomas from Nebr. City., Mrs. Emily Union and son from Pleasant Green, Rev. Braggs, Rev. Banks, and Mr. Stromeyer. Visitors are always welcome. , -oOo MT. CALVARY COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev. R. W. Johnson, pastor Romell Hatter, reporter Sunday school began at 9:45 with our monthly opening. We had a lovaly crowd out. Subject “Paul Solves Church Problems.” I Cor. 1:1-3. I Thes. 5:12-15. Golden Text, Let your conversa tion be as it becometh the Gos pel of Christ, Phil. 1-27. 11 o’clock services was open ed by the choir. Our pastor brought us the message. Subject, A soldier for God. Text II Timo thy 2:2 verse. The Lord was really in our midst. Wo had a lovely 3 o’clock ser vice conducted Iby the Fai I iful Few Club with Rev. Crawford of Zion as the speaker. The Union was called to order *£ 6 o’clock. Our lesson was elevating the mind on a higher plane for Christ. Col. 3:1-11. 8 o’clock service was opened by the choir Healing service was con ducted by our pastor. Many were helped through it. Our pastor brought ithe message from these words, "Our fathers Passed This Way.” Josh. 4:5-6 verse. One soul was added to our membership. A visitor was also present, Rev. J. Hill, of Wichita, Kansas. Don’t forget our Anniversary beginning June 18-25. You are welcome one and all. -oOo CHURCH OF GOD Elder S. S. Spaght, Pastor 2025 North 24th St. Sunday school at 9:45. Atten dance was good. The leson: “Paul Solves Church Problems.” The lesson was well taught by Sister D. Willis. 11 o’clock message by Miss Eleeza Williams, Kansas City, Kansas. Subject: “Founded on the Rock.” The message was very in structive and enjoyed by all. We highly appreciate this young woman having given her life to God while she is young and is endeavoring to render full time service for the cause of God, Mas> the Lord save more young people. Evening service. Children’s Day Program was very good. We wish to thjank our pianist, Mrs. Naomi Johnson for the splendid coopera tion in directing the Junior choir. Come and worship with us. _nOn THIS WEEK IN RELIGION & THOUGHT by ROBERT L. MOODY “Our Father”— I,ast month we honored our mothers and last Sunday we hon ored our children. On June 18th we shall honor our fathers. There are two kinds of all the people There are always good people, and bad ones, i. e., good and bad mothers and children. The same is true among the fathers. On these special days of honor wo often tell only the good and never the bad and pretend that it was good. Rather than exag gerate it would be good to keep silent. Fatherhood is equally honorable as motherhood. Though it is ex pressed differently, life would be incomplete w-ithout its love. We are not only grateful for the love nursing and training of mothers, but we thank God for good fath ers who love protect and provide for their families. It takes more than mere masculine powers to be a father. Some mothers have been both mother and father and some fathers had done likewise. Fatherhood is close to godliness because we are taught: “Like as a father pitieth hi3 children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him.” Psalm 103:13. CHURCH SCHOOL MAKES PROGRESS Scenes at Edward Waters col lege, Jacksonville, Fla., the south ern educational outpost of the African Methodist Episcopal CHRIST TEMPLE CHURCH Rev. L. M. Keif, pastor Sis. A. Hogan, reporer Sunday school opened at its re gular time by our Superintendent. The subject of the lesson was: ‘ Paul Solves Church Problems.” I Cor. 1-3. This was indeed a great lesson. The morning worship be gan at eleven fifteen. The Junior Choir took the stand at 11:30. Rev. Rolf brought us the message. He took his text from the 25th chapter of Exodus. Many helpful thoughts were received from this wonderful sermon. In the after noon, Rev Camper of Bethel AME Church brought us a wonderful message. His subject was “Christ never Changes.” We were indeed glad to have Rev. Cam.per and his choir with us. HYPU opened at six thirty. Rev. Relf delivered the evening message. He preached from the Col. 3rd chapter. Sunday night was the climax of our two months rally in which the women and men contested against each other. This was a great rally and the women came out on top. We are now getting refuly for our District Convention which will be held here from June 29 to July 1st. We had quite a number of visitors You are welcome to come and worship with us at anytime. -oO o ST JOHN AME CHURCH “The Friendly Church Dr. R. A. Adams, pastor Tho Children Day Services at Si. John last Sunday were very good. Those in charge are to be complimented on the fine work they are doing. Next Sunday will too Father's Day and Men’s day and tho committee is working very hard to have a very fine service both morning and night. At the morning service the speaker will be Rev. J. Glover of Los Angeles, California. Rev. Glo ver is an Omaha boy who has been ^making good. We are sure brother Glover will have a fine message for us. The St. John’s Choir will have I some very fine music 'to fit in tho service and there will like ly be solos from Mr. Thomas Jones and Mr Foster Goodlett, Jr. These services will be very fine and you will miss a fine treat if you are not there to witness them. The Pageant that Rev. Coutee and his group is putting on each night at St. John is very good. Come an<i see it It will be going on all next week. Perhaps I should tell you more about the Men’s Day and Father’s Day program. At the night ser vice the main speaker will be Senator John Adams, Jr. Senator Adams needs no intro duction to the people of Omaha. He always has a gor/J thought for those who hear him. Others on the program will be Mr. H L. Preston, bass soloist and a paper by Mr. Ijawrence church. Under the leadership of | Bisihop H. Y. Tokes (upper left) President Charles S Long, Jr., * (lower left) and Rev. C. A. Gibbs, Parker, Jr. The master of cere monies will be Dr. D. W_ Gooden. The general dhairman of the clay’s program will be Mr. A. R. Goodlett, who has worked very hard to see that the day will be a success in everyway. Those who are helping him to work out the day’s services, are Bothers L. L. McVay, chairman of the program and Russel Reese finance. Come and bring your guest and enjoy a fine day at St. John _ __. CITY UNION OF THE USHERS AND USHERETTES Jack Hall, reporter WE. 6421 Speaking of Mrs. Summers, president of St. John’s Baptist Ushers Local on South 13th St., who favored us with a visit at our last Cabinet Meeting that was held at .the residence of Mrs. Barnes on Hamilton St., as the guest of Mrs. Henderson of Plea sant Green. After listening to our program pertaining to our Union and tak ing care of our business as a whole, she joined her local up one hundred per cent. Again we say thanks a million for coming and merrier. Of course you know we joining up with us The more, the are hoping to meet all of your Local real soon. Sunday, being a big day over to Zion, as you probably know, a Revival meeting began for a week’s run after which it will go to Pilgrim for a week. Oh yes, it’s a Joint Revival. Your reporter be ing a member of that Usher board and on duty also for the day, I was unable to make my usual Sunday visits, but however I met a few of the presidents from the different locals and they re ported everything so far so good. For the past few weeks I’ve failed to get any news in The Guide, but hope in the near future you will find your news therein. Among the visiting Ushers and Usherettes who favored us with their presence Sunday night was the president of the City Union, Mrs. Young, Mrs. Johnson from St. John’s and a few others. We are glad to have you. Do come over again? Well I’ll Be C’ing U. GIRL DIES AFTER EATING GRAVY MADE FROM POWDER THAT LOOKED LIKE FLOUR A five year old girl, Betty Smith, is dead and three other persons are ill as a result of eat ing gravy made from what ap peared ito be flour. Betty lived with the family of Oscar Johnson, 1227 Woodland avenue. Mr. Johnson is a janitor 1 for the apartment building at F.l eventh street and Paseo. In the course of his work Saturday, he found a sack of what he thought was flour in an apartment he was treasurer, the institution has be come accredited and its worth is now estimated at more than half a million dollars. Two of the SUNDAY SCHOOL LEADER 1»K. A. M. TOWNSEND secretary of the Sunday School board of the National Baptist convention USA and one of the officials of the National Baptist Sunday School and BYPU con gress to be held at Tulsa, Okla., June 19-25. The congress is ex pected to bring together 4,000 young delegates from every sec tion of the country. (ANP) cleaning. He obtained the permission of the apartment manager and took the “flour” home where he im mediately began to prepare supper for his 8-year-old son, Oscar Jr., and Betty. The supper consisted of sausage, potatoes and gravy when Oscar Jr., complained that tho gravy tasted awfully funny, Mr. Johnson gave the rest of it to the family dog. The dob tasted it, but refused to eat more. Soon he became ill and was not long before Mr. John son, Oscar and Beaty also became ill. Betty died before an ambu lance arrived. Mr. Johnson and Oscar were given emergency treatment and are out of danger. Tho only member of the who did not become ill was Mrs. Johnson who ate her dinner before John son brought home the “flour”. The powder was to be tested in .the General hospital laboratories. Legal Notice Atty. Ray L. Williams, Room One Tuchman Bldg. 24th Lake St. PROBATE NOTICE In the matter of the estate of of Harrison Warner, deceased. Notice is hereby given: That the creditors of the said deceased will meet the administrator of said estate, before me, County Judge of Douglas County, Nebras ka, at the County Court Room, in said County, on the 1st day of August 1939 and on the 2nd day of September 1939, at 9 o’clock A. M., each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for exa mination, adjustment and allow ance. Three months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims from the 1st day of July 1939. Bryce Crawford, County Judge Ending June 24-39 buildings are shown, B. F. Lee seminary (upper and Centennial (lower). Succeeding the late Bishop R. A. Grant who died tra gically this spring, Bishop Tookes has carried on and stimulated the effective program of the state and district. (Lower left) a group of students. Read The Guide for News Bill’s Loan JBank AND MERCHANDISE STORE Confidential Loans at Reasonable Rates Unredeemed Quality Merchan dise at a #reat Reduction. Up to-Date Clothing, Dry Goods, Ladies Ready to Wear Millinery Hosiery, Blankets, Shoes for the Entire Family, 1804 N. 24th St. Tel. WE. 1369 We Pay Cash For Old & Antique Guns WE 2869 521 No. 16th St. AMERICAN WEINER SHOP 2509 North 24th Street Best Chili and Best Hot Dogs in the West All Kinds of Sandwiches HOME MADE ICE CREAM MONUMENTS & GRAVE MARKERS Quality at A Price—None Better AMERICAN MEMORIAL CO.. TWENTIETH & CUMING STS PHONE AT. 4927 Duffy Pharmacy We. 0609 24th and LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery “IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL" MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children’s Work A Specialty —2422 Lake Street— COTS—BURNS—SCALDS should be quickly treated to prevent bad after effects as well as relieve pain. Use OIL-of-SALT. Wonderful too for sore, tired feet. At your druggist’s—money back if not satisfied. For free sample write Mosso Laboratories, 215South LeaviLt Street, Chicago. QUICK RELIEF FOR FEET OSBORNES MILLINERY -SHOP 2515 N>rth 24th St. WHY PAY CARFARE When You can get the Hat you want at Osborne’s Millinery Shop. Mrs. Osborne’s is an expert at Dressmaking and Hat Remod eling. Hemstitching at Low Rates.