The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, June 17, 1939, City Edition, Image 1

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Weather outlook for the
period June 12 to June 17
Upper Miss, and lower
I __ _Missouri Valley, general
NEWS SERVICE ly f«jf 1st of wk, showers
_ middle, fair again toward
FREE PUBLICATION \ close; temp, near or be
W ALL LOCAL NEW8| low normal north, near or
MATTER above normal south por
Entered as Second-Class Matter at Postoffice, Omaiha, Cohirdav Iimo 17 10QO Number 11_
_Nebraska, under Act of March 8, 1874._PatUrUHV, June 11, ________
100 Guests Greet Father.
Wilson At Harlem
New York, June 15 (C)—One
hundred guests, among them many
of the leaders of educational, busi
ness an(i social circles of Harlem,
greeted the Rev. Gladstone Or
lando Wilson, eminent young
Catholic priest from Kingston,
Jamaica at an informal reception
in Room A on the second floor of
(ihe YMCA 180 W. 135th street,
Tuesday evening May 30, between
8 and 10 o’clock.
Invitations were sent out by
Floyd' J. Calvin, editor of Calvin’s
Newspapers Service, who met
Father Wilson three weeks ago in
the new DePorres Irterracial Cen
ter, 20 Vesey street and was so
Impressed with his personality and
bearing that he told Edilor George'
K. Hunton of the Interracial Re
view, who had arranged the meet
ing between Mr. Calvin and Father
Wilson that he believed many
more of Father Wilson’s own peo
plo in Harlem would appreciate
an opportunity to meet him.
Father Wilson was deiigruea
with the offer of a chance to meet
more of his own people in New
York, and immediately gave the
date of May 30 at the only one
available. (Father Wilson, who is
secretary to The Most Reverend
Thomas A. Emmett, Roman Cath
olic Bishop of Kingston, Jamaica,
has been in New York since last
October, doing special study in
social science at Fordham Uni
versity. At the age of only 33,
Father Wilson is the holder of
three Doctor’s degrees—Doctor of
Philosophy, Dortor of Sacred The
ology, and Doctor of Canon Jur
isprudence—the law of the Catho
lic Church. He is also vice chan
cellor of the Diocese of Jamaica,
a very high administrative posi
tion in his Church. He speaks six
languages fluently, and has stu
died at several European universi
ties, and at the Vatican in Rome.
He delivered an address in Italian
In the presence of the late Pope
Pus XI, and was personally com
mended by the Supreme Pontiff.)
The Harlem meeting was entire
ly informal. Among those present
were Dr. P. H. H. Savory, chair
man of Victory Mutual Life In
surance Company and co-publish
er of the Amsterdam News; Judge
E. Tyer, principal of Public school
James S. Watson; Mrs. Gertrude
No. 24; Dr. Willis N. Huggins,
instructor of history in Bushwick
High school, Brooklyn; Dr. Ed
ward E. Best; Attorney and Mrs.
H. Eustace Williams; Attorney
Fitzgerald Phillips; Miss Bernice
J. Calvin; and Prof. Norris F.
Roach, business school principal.
Among: prominent out oi town
guests were Dr, Tennyson Sin
clair of Jamaica, B. W, I.; Attor
ney Patrick Deleponha of Man
deville, Jamaica, B. W. I.; and Dr.
M. DuBois of Kingston, Jamaica.
Assisting Mr. Calvin as hostes
ses were Miss Daphne Atkinson,
Miss Beulah Clark, and Miss Roxie
Distinguished white Catholics
present were Father John LaFarge
■noted writer and critic, and a
professor at Fordham University;
and Editor George K. Hunton of
the Interracial Review.
Father Wilson Speaks
After greeting all guests dur
ing the course of an hour, a group
of about seventy persons remained
and Mr. Calvin, master of cere
monies, asked Father Wilson if he
would not give those who had
never heard him speak the op
portunity of hearing this views on
America, (During his stay here,
Father Wilson lhas spent rnpst of
his spare time lecturing in white
Catholic universities, and preach
ing in large white Catiiolic Chur
Father Wilson spoke for thirty
five minutes reviewing his exper
A brilliant coeterie of attor
neys who will conduct the widely
heralded court trial to be held in
connection with the National Bap
tist Sunday school and BYPU
Congress meeting in Tusla, Okla..
June 19-25. The Baptist Youth
iences in both America and Europe
where he studied extensively at
various European universities.
At the conclusion of Father
Wilson’s talk, Father LaFarge
gave a ibrief address, in which he
expressed appreciation of the op
portunity to meet a large number
of new colored friends; and said
that the question of race relations
he thinks, is largely a matter of
individual contacts each individual
making a good impression on the
Editor George K. Hunton spoke
briefly of his experiences in in
terracial work, and invited all
present to visit the newly opened
DePorres Interracial and ( ultural
Center, 20 Vesey street.
Judge Watson rays irimue
Judge James S. Watson was
paid a high tribute by Mr. Cal
vin, who said he has made a fine
record on ahe bench which le
flects credit not only on his group
bu:; on the entire judiciary of the
city. Judge Watson then paid tri
bute to Father Wilson as a scholar
and a high churchman; said the
people cf Harkm were proud of
him and that his own people from
the Islands are justly proud of
him. He told the guest of honor
that all present regretted that he
must leave and return to his post
in Jamacia, but wished him bon
voyage and high success in his
work at home. He welcomed Fath
er Wilson back to America when
ever he found it possible to return.
Calvin Given Vote of Thanks
Judge Watson then moved that*
bho audience give a rising vote of
thanks to Mr. Calvin for having
taken the initiative in making pos
sible the meeting at which Father
Wilson had found so many new
friends, and at which so many i
new people had been able to meet
Father Wilson personally and
therefore more able to appreciate
his scholarship and worth.
It was announced that F'ather
Wilson would sail for Jamaica on
June 6.
30 UP FOR M. D.
Nashville, Tenn., June 15 (C)—
Thirty candidates for the M. D.
degree were announced by Me
harry Medical College last week;
and 5 for the D. D. S.; 11 for the
degree of Graduate Nurse; and 3
for certificates as Dental Hygien
hare indicted their elders with
negligence in home and religion
jnd provision of economic securi
ty. Attorneys prosecuting the case
are Carl Roman Johnson, Kan
sas C’'ty„. (left) and Robert L.
Witherspoon. St. Louis. For the
^ ists. An interesting feature of the
commencement exercises was that
on June 1. The commencement
spiaker was Dr. Jolhn Ellis Turner
A. M.; LL. D., president of Lew
iston State Normal School, Lew
iston, Idaho, the father of Dr. E.
L. Turner, president of Meharry
Medical College.
For the first time in the history
of Elkdom in America, the Offi
cers of Omaha Lodge Number 39
BPOE Elks in person extended an
invitation to the IBPOE of W Lod
ge Number 92 to join them at 27th
and Leavenworth Streets in a pa
rade from there to Hanscom Park
to commemorate Flag Day Ser
Hats off and in hand to Omaha
Lodge Number 39 BPOE Elks for
showing their spirit of tolerance
in this commemorated services,
a new day and a more fully coop
May it be the opening wedge for
which these two America’s own
eration in the great principles for
lodges stand for.
-oOo- ’
Daytona Beach, Fla. June 8—
Despite the fact that in testifying
before a coroner’s jury here April
29, he p<tsitively identified liwo
white brothers as the men who
lynched Lee Snell, forty three
year old taxi driver, near the local
airport, Constable James Durden
recanted his previous testimony
which enabled the men to be set
free by a coroner s Jury May 27.
The men, Everett and Earl
Blackwelder were charged with
lynching Snell, after the latter
had run down their younger bro
ther with his cab on the pm>n St.
of Daytona Beach. The boy died
shortly thereafter.
At a coroner’s hearing April 29,
Constable Durden termed the ac
tions of the Blackwelder brothers
“cold blooded murder.” He fur
ther said: “I know these Black
welder boys as well as I know any
According to Durden’s story at
the earlier hearing, which was con
tinued in order to allow “senti
defense, Webster L Porter of
Knoxville, Tenn., and Edward B
Paxton of Columbus Ohio, where
he is assistant district attorney
of Franklin Co. Hon. Wm. H.
Harrison is to presid, as judge.
ment to cool” he was on his way
■to the county jail at Deland, Flo
with his taxi driver prisoner,
when his car was halted by n
barricade across the highway.
The Blaekwelder brothers ran
to the side of the machine and
Everett struck at Snell with a
shotgun. Durden said he dragged
his prisoner with him and got out
of the car in an effort to calm
the two white men.
“When we got out the Negro
broke away and ran,” he said,
“Earl shot at him with a rifle and
missed. Then Everett shot him in
tiie leg with the shotgun and
Snell fell. Earl went over to the
wounded taxi driver,” he added,
and “fired two or three times in
to hfs back.”
It was at the second hearing
in the case that Constable Dur
den recanted his former testi
mony and told the twelve-man
jury that he was now unable to
identify the Blackwelder brothers
positively. They were set free.
L'ttle Rock, Ark., June 8 (ANP)
_ two colored convicts, Archie
Goodwin and James Patterson,
who escaped last Thursday when
a high wind demolished their
tockade at Cumins State prison
farm, later cornered and shot to
death by trusty guards. Prison
officials said the men were killed
by two Negro trusties when they
sprang On one who was beating
hrough the woods between Cum
m'ns and Guold, Ark.
The shooting followed m the
wake of a spring storm of great
violence which injured many,
caused damage elsewhere in the
state estimated a million dollars.
Slain Convict Goodwin was serv
ing 21 years for assault with in
tent to kill, burglary and grand
larceny; Patterson was serving 7
years for burglary and larceny.
Another convict who escaped in
the stockade break returned vol
untarily to the prison camp, and
questioned by officials as to his
attempted escape, he said“ just
took to the woods for safety.”
Several prisoners were injured
when the atockade collapsed.
Fontenelle Housing Pro
ject Is Again Put Off
Another Group of landlords Had
Their Say
Under Mr. Allwine’g direction,
Tuesday Morning, June 13, quite
a few apartment owners and one
gentleman who represents the
Plumbing Association, three in
dividual spoke against the new ad
dition to the Fontenelle Apart
ment project After listening to
several arguments against the
project, the council put the mat
ter off another week.
Mr. S. Edward Gilbert, editor
of the Omaha Star and President
of the Negro Chamber of Com
inerce, (appeared at a meeting in
I'he City Council Chamber Tues
day morning and registered his
approval in favor of the addition
of the new Fontenelle Apartment
project. Mr. Gilbert called to the
ittention of the City Council the
unsanitary condition of many of
ho Negroes’ present homes and
'.o the fire hazards of the homes
in this district.
Atty. H. J. Pinkett spoke against
the new Fontenelle housing pro
ject Tuesday morning at the City
Council meeting Mr. Pinketit sta
ted the present Fontenelle hous
ing project was not serving the
purpose it was intended to serve
when built. He stated that, one
tenant lived in the present Fon
tenelle apartments who owns two
drug stores and there are three
tenants living in the Fontenelle
Apartments who are in clerical
positions drawing better than $300
a month salary. He ,also stated
that there was one tenant who
owns a ten thousand dollar home
in Bemis Park district and had
rented his own home out and is
now living in the Fontenelle apart
The Mayor at this point inter
rupted Mr. Pinkett and asked him
to pkjase name the party who
owned a ten thousand dollar home i
and lived in the apartments. Af
ter some persuassion by the Mayor
and a few moments of hesitation
on the part of Atty. Pinkett, he
said the man’s name was Mr. Ben
Handler. At this point Mr. Klus
nick interrepted Mr. Pinkett and
asked if Mr. Ben Handler was in
the Council Chamber and if he
was would he please stand. Mr.
Handler was asked, “Do you own
a ten thousand dollar house in Be
mis Park Addition?” Mr. Hand
ler answered no, he did not and
never did own such a home.
Dr. G. B. Lennox appeared in
the City Council meeting again
Tuesday morning and expressed
big disapproval and reasons for
not approving the Fontenelle a
partment housing project.
Mr. Peter Mehrens, a member,
of the Board of Education, and
who ran high in the Negro distr
ict for City Commissioner May 9
viciously registered his disappro
val of any new Fontenelle apart
ments being built. Mr. Mehrens
talked at length and after con
cluding his argument against the
new project, he kept up a whisp
ering campaign from one Commis
sioner to another during the rest
of the Council session. Mr. Meh
Katherine Hepburn Serves As Model for Spirit of
Tolerance In Painting by McClelland Barclay for
Independence Day Ceremony of the Council
Against Intolerance In America
Katherine Hepburn, dynamic star of stage and
screen, today was presented in a new role—that of a
model for the Spirit of Tolerance in a patriotic pos
ter painted by McClelland Barclay, nojted illustrator,
for the nationwide Independence Day Ceremony of
the Council Against IntoleraiVe in America.
The poster, which will symbolize the American
Declaration of Tolerance and Equality, initiated
George Gordon Battle, United States Senator W.
Warren Barbour of New Jersey and William Allen
White, co-chairman of the Council, will be reproduc
ed on billboards in Times Square and throughout the
Miss Hepburn, now appearing in the Broad
way hit play “The Philadelphia Story,” consented to
model for the painting after she had been selected
by Mr. Barclay as the American woman who, in the
minds of American citizens, “best symbolized the
Spirit of Tolerance.”
Mr. Barclay himself will direct the wrork of
transposing the painting from the original canvass
to the Times Square billboard. He will work on the
scaffold at the Billboard next week, when the job of
painting begins.
The Independence Day Ceremony will entail
adoption of the Declaration of Tolerance and Equal
ity at thousands of community patriotic celebrations
throughout the nation on July Fourth as part of a
program to “afford a stirring national rededication
to American ideals of tolerance and freedom as set
forth in our Declaration of Independence,” the Coun
cil announced.
The Declaration has been submitted to the
Governors of the 48 States for approval and signat
ure and will be presented to Congress after the In
dependence Day observance.
Among the outstanding leaders of American
civic and patriotic organizations who are serving on
the Independence Day Committee of the Council are:
Walter W. Head, President, Boy Scouts of America;
Colonel James A. Moles, President General, United
States Flag Association; Isador S. Worth, National
Commander, Jewish War Veterans of the United
States; Owen A. Galvin, National Commander, Dis
abled American Veterans of the World War; Joseph
Berning, Supreme President, The Catholic Knights
of America; Lester F. Scott, National Executive,
Camp Fire Girls, Inc.; Frank L. Weil, President,
Young Men’s Hebrew Association ^Alfred J. Kenn
edy, Past Commander-in-Chief, Spanish War Veter
ans—1898; Mrs. Ray F. Schwrartz, Executive Direc
tor, Young Women’s Hebrew Association; Robert
B. Handy, Jr., Adjutant General, Veterans of For
eign Wars of the United States; Mrs. John French,
President, National Board, Young Women’s Christ
ian Association; Dr. Edward J. McCormick, Grand
Exalted Ruler, Grand Lodge, Benevolent and Pro
tective Order of Elks; John E. Manley, General Sec
retary, National Council, Young Men’s Christian As
sociations; Mrs. Bess Duncan Wells, National Pres
ident, American Gold Star Mothers, Inc.
rens is the owner of a large block
of apartments on Webster street.
New York, June 9—Averaging
five thousand a week, signatures
to petitions calling for passage of
the Gavagan federal anti-lynching
bill reached the 94,000 mark, of
ficials of the NAACP. reported to
The association is seeking 100,
000 of these signatmres. The time
limit has been extended indefinite
ly it was said, in order to permit
a full cross-section of the entire
country to express support of the