affaIrs The" S-o-c-i-e-t-y^ World organizations The Smart Set met w th Mrs. Hester Woods Sunday, May 14. Tho pni idont called the meeting to order. Old and new business was discussed. There were two amendments added to 'he Consti tution cif the club. They have planned to go on a picnic on May 21st Thb discussions for the even ings were very interesting. The guest for the evening were Mrs. Margaret Cruder, Mrs. Lula Smi h both of Denver, Colorado. After the busind s part of the meeting whs ovej', Mrs. Woods served a very delicious repast. Mr. Ethel Phillips, Mrs. Irene McDonald, and Miss Jewell Brown assisted Mrs Woods with the serving. The club h planning big things for the future. The next meet Robbing Pharmacy 2806 No. 211 h SI. WE 171 ^ 'in# will be at the home of Miss Lontprieyer 2122 Ohio. Hester Woork, reporter. -ooO——— Mr. and Mrs Harry Majors have mover! to the'r new residence at 2640 Binney St. ———0O0-• Mr. Peterson, Chicago, 111., docker at Ak-sar-ben races is stopping with Mrs. Myrtle Wash ington, 2324 N. 22 Ave. Mrs IjOU:sc Strother, 2220 Wil lis street, is reported as resting much better at this writing. Miss Arlene Baker, Chicago, III., is spending the Summer in tho city. She is staying at 2324 No, 24 tb, Rev. R. E. Adams, pastor of St. John is not doing so well at this writing. Little Raymond Conwell, 2415 GOODRICH HOLIDAY For Split-Second Stops on Wet Slippery Roads— Get the new Goodrich Safety Silver town with the Life-Saver Tread. Stops you quicker, safer than you've ever stopped before. And the famous Golden Ply protects you against high-speed blowouts. Two sensational safety fea tures at no extra cost. Play safe with GOODRICH SAFETY SILVERTOWNS ACTUALLY A ROAD DRYER The . never-ending •piral hare of thla Life-Saver Tread act like a battery of windahleld wip er* —- sweep the water right and left, force It out through the deep groove*, making a dry track for tha rubber to grip. MOTOROLA AUTO RADIO Bn joy thrilling life-like reception of yonr favorite radio program* while yon ride. Oaeh panel mounting* ex actly match your car. Low battery $0095 1 .npprtaslan* lo ▼ M %N W J harm angina M _ ■ llD C .Meitner._— W r 1 /SEAT ^ COVERS Draw op your car— i protect your cloth ing—eaee money In the bargain. Siaee and type* for all Coupe auto cleaker ”„r looking I KeeP l ,#«» ‘h*" | with •*** . u before I ,» 1 origin*' ‘ produce» ssJEar arc Cholc>~w . -U.T°>AMP *W8$ s?r£i= hou". .nd 'ZllUn* u'h' «t? Tcr I 7 c Up CIGAR LIGHTER Beats up quickly—remains hot Ion* enough for soreral lights. Heating de ment receesed so it cannot bum hands or clothes. Easily in stalled. _ GRILLE GUARDS Prevent cosily dam age to your radi ator grille by pro tecting it with a sturdy, attractive, saay to install grille guard. Iz 20th & DOUGLAS STS. 2406 L ST. DOWNTOWN STORE SOUTH OMAHA Open Evenings and Sundays Caluwell is at home from the hos pital where he was taken May 4th for observation by a child’s specialist. — - ——o O o-* Mrs. Minnie Dixon of 2889 Ohio St., has returned from Brewton, Ala., where she attended the fun eral of her mother, Mrs, Ellen Dacuse. Mrs. Dacus was ill two year8 and four month. The family wishcu to thank her many friends for their kindness during the ten months of illness in Omaha. Also for the many telegrams of sympathy and floral offerings eent. Acknowling those sent from Omaha: The Free Stone Baptist Church, Pilgrim Baptist Church, and The New Era WomenU Con vention, /the Postal employees and the many cards from other friends and groups. Signed: Mrs. Minnie L. Dixon Mrs, Ingraham Goldston Mrs. Pearl Mills Mr. J. W. Dacus. Mrs. Nina CJsdibert, of PiMsv burgh, Penn., is visiting her sister Mrs. Martha LawUon, 2214 N. 29th Street. Mr. Sam Lawson, 2214 N. 29th Sit., i« home from the hospital and is doing nicely, Mr. Jack Terry of North 30th Street is very ill at his home, Mr. Stovall, 2415 N. 22nd Street is on the sick list this week. Mrs. Margaret Taylor, 2724 Burdette St., is in a local hospi tal. Mrs. Cora Conway, of Miami Street, was called to Lincoln to tho bedside