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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1939)
MOUNT NEGO CHURCH « Rev. William Pruitt, pastor Claudia Seay, reporter Sunday school opened at 9:45 with our superintendent. Rev. Harris. The lesson was “Paul Works a Hard Field," Act* 17:16 18. The entire school gave their j bewt attention to their teachers. 11 o’clock service opened with the choir singing “Holy, Holy". < Prayer by brothf^ McCarthy. A scripture reading from the book of Isaiah beginning at the 10th verse. MAIL ORDERS FILLEO NOW! Good News! Trim foot Own Hair with QUICK TRIMMER You Trim as You Comb • ECONOMICAL ~ « SANITARY • SAVES TIME \ • HANDY ^ hist use like an ordinary comb -can't leave ''steps'* II or "bites"-the excess hair ' comes otf smoothly and evenly, leaving a proles ; sional taper. Women find it handy to remove excess I hair. Mothers use it to trim children's hair. * SPECIAL jm I PRICE W NATIONALLY ADVIRTISIO ATll.W Ml rr BIMONSTRATI® IN Mall Orders Filled Telletrles—First Fleer BRANDOS AND | li Rev. Pruitt read the covenent of the church to the congregation. As it is a custom of the church to testify on every first Sunday, in each month, a period of testify ing took place during the service. (Recognition service, honoring R v. Wm Pruitt our newly elect ed pastor will be held at the church, May 15th, 21th, A cordial invitation is extended to all, -0O0 CHRIST TEMPLE CHURCH Rev. L. M, Relf, pastor H'o. A. Hogan, reporer Sunday school was opened at iin ( hir y A. M. by our superin tendent Rev. S. Staford. The Gold n text was “I can do all things hrough Christ which strengthen ;th me.” Phil. 4:13. The morning crvic© opened at the regular time lunday was the beginning of our o week revival meeting. Out Evangelist Rev. E. K. Bethel is ho speaker. He brought us the uorning message. IIis subject was 'ound in Matt. 6:25. This was a Treat soul stirring and inspiring -ncssaga The* Women’s Willing Worker's gave a very fine pro Tiam at threo o'clock in the af ternoon. HYPU opened at six hirty P. M by our president. The evening service began at (even forty five P. M. Rev. Bethel dso preached the evening sermon. “And Simon Peter answer and -laid, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God." Matt. '6:16 was his subject. We certain ly had a wonderful time with the Lord and these messages were a spiritual uplift to all that heard them. We are asking you to come snd worship with us in this revival meeting. -oOo SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH j Clarinda, Iowa Rev. D. Nicholson, pastor Sunday school opened at the us ual hour with the pastor in charge. We had a high spirit and all took We Pay Cash For Old & Antique Guns WE 2869 521 No. 16th St. AMERICAN WEINER SHOP 2509 North 24th Street Best Chili and Best Hot Doga in the Weat All Kinds of Sandwiches _ HOME MADE ICE CREAM m m Other girls can have LIGHTER SKIN, too! hi rVnwmJ <‘|_)LEASE don’t print my name, but if my story can help other girls, here it is 1 I was unpopular, never asked out on account of my ugly, oily dark skin! I tried so many remedies I grew discouraged. I said ‘I'll try just one more.' Luck ily it was Nadinola. Now my skin is lighter, feels so much softer and .smoother. Men say I’m alluring.” \« What YOU Can Do Tonight, smooth a little of this fragrant cream on your face; no rubbing or massaging. Unlike most creams, Nadinola speeds up the natural process of exfoliation bleaches the skin to a lighter shade, loosens blackheads, clears up surface pimples and other ex ternally caused blemishes. Soon you begin to see wonderful im provement—your skin becoming lighter, softer and smoother. ' l ___ o Coarseness and ugly shine are im proved at the same time. Nadinola is Tried and Trusted Don't take chances with unproved bleaches, ointments or salves. De mand genuine Nadinola, tried and trusted for two generations. You Get Results, or Money Back Every jar of Nadinola contains full instructions and positive money-back guarantee. For sale at good drug stores in two sizes, 50c and $1. part in the service. Communion was had. Evening service was in a high spirit with a large group present. The pastor preached a stirring message. Subject: The Betrayal and Glorification. The Second Baptist Church has planned a program which will be had at the high school auditorium, Juno 6th. The Dulcet Carters Quartet will entertain us. Come ono and all and enjoy the evening. Look for further information in the church news. -0O0 MT. CALVARY COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev. R. W. Johnson, pastor Romell Hatter, reporter Sunday school opened at 9:30 with ®ur Supt. in charge. Subject: “Paul Establishes Churches." Golden text: Ah a wise master builder, I have laid the foundation and another buildeth thereon.” I Cor. 3:10 verse. The lesson was i found Acts 14:1-7:19-23. The les I son was well discussed by the f scholars and friends. 11 o’clock service was opened by the c’.oir singing “The Lord is in His Holy Temple." On account of this being first Sunday in May, our pastor did not preach alone, but everyono else that so desired. The Lord really was in our midst be cause even the sinners saw his works and felt his presence. 6 o’clock Union was called to order by the acting president. Our lesson was on Christian faith and Eternal Rest in Christ. 8 o’clock service was opened by *ho choir. Our pastor brought us the message. Subject: The Zero Hour. St. Luke 11:24-26 verses. Tho Lord was with us all day. There was one who was added to our membership We also had a visitor, Rev. Caldwell, of Pleasant Green. N*|ice! Don’t forget the singers will be present May 16-17-18-19. Come one and all. ■ ®Oo—•——• CHURCH OF GOD 2026 N. 24th St Elder S. S. Spaght Sunday school at 9:45 was well attended. The lesson “Paul Works a Hard Field." Acts. 17:16 Paul suffered much to tell others of his Savior, and accomplished much through Christ. Wo should be will ing to suffer that others might bo drawn to Christ. At 11 o’clock a message by Sis. D. Willis. Subject: “Ye mu*t be bom Again." How our hearts re joiced as she so wonderfully ex plained to us tho now birth. Telling us again when we are bom again we are new creatures, old things are passed away. Our heart, mind, even our actions become new things. Six o’clock—HPM well taught. At 8 o'clock the pastor brought the message. St. John 14:6. I am the way. Through this message we was again reminded that there i3 just one way and that i3 the way of the Bible. We were glad to have some visi tors with us throughout the day. Como and worship with us. You are always welcome. -oOo-■ ST. JOHN AME CHURCH Dr. R. A. Adams, pastor “The Friendly Church" Tho Sunday schpot started the day’s service at St,*,John Sunday with T. H. Goodwin, Supt. in charge. The attendance was very good. As Dr. Adams is not yet able to be in his pulpit. Rev Rhone AVW.VAV.V.V.V.%V.-AV. Duffy Pharmacy We. 0609 24th and LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS Ftm Deliver? rVAV.VAV.V.VAVWA'.W LAKE SHOE SERVICE ^ SHOP — High Class Workmanship Quality Material Free Delivery 2407 Lake St. J. L. TAYLOR, Prop. o SAILS FOR INDIA MISS ELIZABETH ANN | McOREE Ot' Boston, wh'. sailed from New j York on the Normandie on May 3 with Miss Margaret Bush for a year’s study in India and the near East. Miss McCree is a senior at Fisk and Miss Bush at Talladega. Tho two young ladies are recipi ents of tho Juliette Derricotte Memorial Scholarship sponsored by Mrs. Hhward Thurman. They plan to return to college next April to complete the work for t their graduation. Miss McCree is j the daughter of Mr. Wade McCree ^ and Mr*. Lulu Harper McCree, I both graduates of Fisk university, j (ANP) i preached for both morning and the nighc. Rev. Rhone’s text in the morning was Christ the Light of the World,” and at the evening service it was, The Church of a Living God.” Both morning and evening Rev Rhone gave a very ..trong and an appealing message. We may thick Rev. Rhone a» one of our best real men. He always has some fine thoughts in his mes sages. The sick of the Church are Dr. R. A. Adams, the pastor, gisters Louise Strawther, Gardener,‘Mrs. W Houston, Brother Cook, Sister S. Hanger and perhaps others whoso names we do not have. Vr e wish for all much comfort. The people have been looking forward to the 4th Sunday night’s request services so now we ask you to pass in your request at once. Now do not forget your financial drive is still on and get your amount paid before the names are posted. Let it be seen that you are trying to do your bit for St. John. Do not let your name be shown as not trying to help ycur church in tho time of its greatest need. Tho Mother Day Service prom ises to ibe verv interesting. Make your plans to be present, and lead to tho interest of such service. There were two people to join tho Church last Sunday. One was Mrs. Gromer and the other was master Co’e. Mrs. Groner is a new comer to Omaha and came with much to offer Omaha from her long experience as a teacher. We aro very glad to have such a per son como to us. She can be made very useful in the Church and Sunday school. We are always glad to see oui visitors at St, John. We were very glad to have Rev. Story come in and say a word of encouragement last Sunday imoming. It showed ho is not only interested in his own church, but wants to see them all do well. We pray for more men like Rev. Story. You can find all your Church news in your local news papers. Will you have them sent to your home each week. -oOo--— PLEASANT GREEN CHURCH Rev. Reynolds, Pastor Wills Mae Row», reporter Sunday school 9 o’clock with the Supt in charge. Teachers took charge of their classes for fifteen minutes. Sunday May 7, 1939, was discussion day. Song. Announce ments. Adjournment. Morning worship 11 o’clock with deacons in charge of devotional service. Prayer for the sick by MONUMENTS & GRAVE MARKERS Quality at A Price—None Better AMERICAN MEMORIAL CO.. TWENTIETH & CUMING STS PHONE AT. 4927 -I I Rev. Green. Song, then the door was open for anyone that desired to sing or testify. It was enjoyed by all. Solo by Mrs. Union. Song announcement and adjournment. Midday services at 3 o’clock with Mrs Warrick in charge. A song by the Junior Choir. This program wa3 given by the Junior Choir. It was a true rally. The Choir was also elated for the May Festival. This program was a great success. A lovely sermon was preached by Rev. Campbell. Song. Adjournment. Visitom for Sunday May include Busy Bee Class and Velema Mer rell. Announcements On May 14, 1939, there will be a “Mother Day’ 'program sponsor ed by Mrs. B. Pearl. We are asking every one to come out and enjoy the program and yourself. The Mother and Daughter banquet was held May 13, 1939 at the Masonic Hall at 26.h Blondo. The Junior ChaJr will sing all day Sunday May 21. For good singing, come and hear the Jun ior Choir. President Wilja Mae Ross, panist and directed by Mrs. H. Makin. If you want to spend a pleasant OSBORNES MILLINERY -SHOP 2515 N rth 24th St. WHY PAY CARFARE When You can get the Hat you want at Osborne’s Millinery Shop. Mrs. Osborne’s is an expert at Dressmaking and Hat Remod eling. Hemstitching at Low Rates. Call Us For MODERNIZATION Attics, Kitchens, Basements, Re roofing, Insulation, Re-siding. No Down Payment Easy Monthly Payments MICKLIN LUMBER CO. 19th & Nicholas Sts. JA. 5000 .■.■AWW.YAWAW.W CHOP SUEY Open from 2 p. m. until 3 a. m. King Yuen Cafe .. 2010'/, N. 24th St. JAckson 8570 American and Chinese Dishes AV.W/AV.W, AViVAVA .. .■■■■■!■■ - 1///,. men love > urn girlswith rtr It you are peppy and full of fun, man arftl invite you to dances and parties. BUT if you are cross, listless and tired; men won't be interested. Men dont like "<juiet'’ girls. When they go to parties they want giru along who are full at pep. So in ease you need a good general system tonic, remember for 8 generations one woman has told another how to go "smiling thru” with Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound. It helps build up more physical resistance and thua aids in giving you mors pep and lessens distress from female funo* 1 tional disorders. You’ll find Pinkham'a Compound WELL WORTH TRYING! _ day. Come to Pleasant Green at 27th Franklin St. CONCERT Concert featuring ike leading Quartets of the city. Featuring Negro spirituals sponsored by the Trustees Helpers Club Friday, May 26th, 8:00 P M. at Bethel AME Church, 2430 Franklin St. Lillian Harrison, President; Rev. W. M. Camper, pastor. CUTS—BURNS—SCALDS should be quickly treated to prevent bad after effects as well as relieve pain. Use OIL-of-SALT. Wonderful too for sore, tired feet. At your druggist's—money back if not satisfied. For free sample w rite Mosso Laboratories, 215Soutl> Leavitt Street, Chicago. QUICK RELIEF FOR FEET BE KIND! J LBe considerate! Don't cough in public ph j. ^arry with you I Smith Brothers Cough Drops. (Two kinds—B^tck or Menthol, 5tf.) Smith Bros. Cengh Drops are the only drops containingVITAMINA This is the vitamin that raises the resistance of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat to cold infections. MRS. MATTIE LEE CALLAWAY —Announces— Hair Oil and Grower for Sale —AT— Harriet’s Vanity Beauty Shop CEEOA KING PARKER HATTIE MOORE PROPRIETORS 1408 North 24th St. Across from F°ntenelIe Homes WE. 2846 WE: 0156 Special Bargain Prices / Ambassador Nash sedan, like new $575 ’37 Plymoutr 4 door touring sedan $450 '36 Buick coach sport fodel with heater like new. ..495 33 Plymouth coach, excellent condition $175 '33 Reo 4 Door sedan... .$195 *32 Nash sedan, good condition • $185 31 Panel delivery .. ~ $125 One 1938 Ford Deluxe 2 door - ..$575 Shames Body & Radiator Co. 1906 CUMING STREET AT. 4556 •___ _ -SAFEzi in any kind of weather! With a Naw 1939 ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR Install a new 1939 Electric Refrigerator tot safe food-keeping in any weather . . . par ticularly the hot weather we can expect for the next few months. You'll not only appre ciate the food-savings and protection, but your family will applaud the big supply of ice cubes it will give them for refreshing drinks ... as well os the delightful frozen desserts you can make so easily. You'll find it costs very little to operate because your electricity costs so little in Omaha. See your dealer today. Choose the Electric Refrigerator that suits your needs 1 Cheap Electricity SERVES and SAVES! Sajl IJjowl (bswdsuv! OR NEBRASKA POWER COMPANY