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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1939)
asffa!rs The ^S-o-c-i-e-t-y^ World organizations PYHLISS WHEATLEY HOME A drive for r,ember: hip by the Phyllis Wheatley home, 5625 S. 24th strut was opened Sun ii y. Mrs. P. C. Price is ch:arman. Mrs. Frances Mosley spoke at Pilgrim Baptist Chart h Sunday morning, Mrs. C. M. Fanner at Plessan Green Baptist Church in the m r.i mg and / run unity Church at the evening service. Other church es wall be visited during this drive. The Phyllis Wheatley Home is 1 calling on all men and women to l '■ 11 ’ ■■ 1 .. ■ ' - —■ -—n Drink this fine cola-1 Rich in i flavor and I sweetness m . 4 DELICIOUS MEALS and PARTY SNACKS NEW ELECTRIC ROASTER How easy it is to win the flattering comments ol your guests and arouse the enthusiastic response oi your iamiiy at mealtime—when you cook with a modern Electric Roaster. Simply follow the recipe, put the food in the Roaster . . . then set the automatic controls which take care of every thing until serving time. You get perfect results every time I Cook this modem time-saving way. Visit your dealer today and find out how easy it is to own a new Electric Roaster with his low down pay ment and easy terms. Have one in your home —it costs so little to operate with your cheqp electricity. Cheap Electricity SERVES and SAVES i SsSL CljsmA. (bswdsuU OR NEBRASKA POWER COMPANY gv tcir supj) rt to this vH.*thy . . e for Colored women and Z-'.ir. of Cn.uha. Our only hope for keeping this insti ution going is h 1.. igh your assistance. Any mc wishing to call us may crV Mrs. It C. Pi ice, We. 1G58. -—0O0 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Buckner and .’. mil/ 227 Ixcust street, left ..he | •Ity Monday, April 21th, 1939, to •nal.o th< ir homo in Chicago. 111. -nflo M.- George Woods, 3030 Pink ■r' street, was called to Chicago to attend tthc funeral of his sis c.v Mrs. Ollie IJdbeon. Mrs Hob sen was a cou'sin to Mrs. Cora Jackson of Spencer, Iowa, and M's. Ana Tubbs of Omaha, Nebr. -0O0 Tho JMF Bridge Club met at ,Vt home c<f Mrs. Frank Blackwell I?s‘; week. Prizes were won by Mrs. !d. B. Cowan and Mr Frank Black Wvdl. Mrs. G. B. I^nnox, substitu ted for Mrs. Hanger and John Peg CTiiwtdtuted for Mrs. Earl Wheeler. MODERN ART CLUB Tho Modem Art Club met April 17th wi h Mrs. Dr. A. L. Hawkin' as hostess. The meeting was called to . ,rder by the president Order: of business: Minutes, roll call and appointments of committees for tho Annual Tea. Mrs. Dr. A. L. Hawkins on tho c mmi'tee for ice cream and Mrs R. C. Price com mittee for cakes. Other com mi tees are to be ap WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF BULK CARDEN SEED, GRASS SEED, & FERTILIZER. BUI.BS, HARDY PLANTS, NURSERY STOCK COME IN AND SEE US HOME LANDSCAPE SERVICE 924 N. 24TH ST. JA. 5115 --- pointc I at the n^xt meeting. Apart from be ng experts at , needle \l rk, these ladies have de cided to exch nge recipes The hostess served a lovely re ps Members present were: Mrs. W. L. Myer*, Mrs. Cozy Nicolson, Mrs. Charie Harrold, Mrs. Chas. McFall, Mrs. W. R. Rogers, Mrs. R. C. Price. Mrs. D. C. Riddle, and Mrs. Jasper Cole. Tho club adjourned to meet April 25 with Mrs. W. L. Myers as hostess. Mrs. Cozy Nicholo? », presiien. Mr'. R. C. Price, n-porter ■-0O0 RECEIVES HIGH RATING Booker T. Washington, student of Cecil Berryman, received a rat ing of Superior in the Piano Di vidon of the District High School Music Contest). The award was rnado last Friday at) Fremont, Ndhr. In the piano divisi.fn there were 25 performers and of this number, seven were awarded the coveted rating. However Booker was the only from any of the Omaha High schools to receive this rating. Dr. Herbert Schmit, herd of the Nebraska University sch(i'll of Piano gave this criti t'sm: “This performer plays with a warmth of feeling and in excel lent mu ical taste He has fine piano talent and is doing very good work. He is a s ludent of North High land is the son of Mrs. Julia Wash ington, 2037 Florence BlvJ. -0O0 Mrs. N. Miller and Mrs Helen Butler of Detroit, Michigan, si»ter and niece of Mrs. Dora Marshall I of 2806 N. 25th SI, who passef this life April 9, wish to thank the many friends for their wonder ful kindness during this bereave ment. Says folks! Why not. try H. L. Ross our neighbor who is a fine upholsterer and furniture repairer, mattress builder. His w.<rk is all guaranteed. Work called for nnd delivered. Call At. 1770 at 2221 North 20th St. High class work and reasonable prices. Mrs. Bertha Mallory, 2221 North 25.h St., is recovering nicely from her operation. She got out of the hospital Wednesday. Alvin Childress, wh> tea unique performance a* Jacques in the WPA. sensational drama “Haiti" now in its 14 th successful week at the La Fayette theatre in Har lem has been lauded by leading critics. -oOo JUST WE SOCIAL CLUB The Just We Social and Charity Club met at the horre of Mrs. Jessie Vann Hilton. The club mem bers felt sad as one of their mem Robbings Pharmacy 2306 No. 24(h St. WE 1711 Bill’s Loan Bank AND MERCHANDISE STORE Confidential Loans at Reasonable Rates Unredeemed Quality Merchan dise at a Great Reduction. Up to-Date Clothing, Dry Goods, Ladies Ready to Wear Millinery Hosiery, Blankets, Shoes for the Entire Family. 1804 N. 24th St. T«l. WE. 1369 The Very Latest from the Chicago Convention: The New— “Pin Curl” WAVE The Same Effect as the Cro quinole without the heated iron, STYLED AS DESIRED Althouse Beauty School 2422 North 22nd Street WEbster 0846 bsrs had Death in their family . and "ere net able to be present. Wo extend to her our heart felt sympathy. A splendid luncheon was served by the hostess. Mrs. E. Todd, pre ident; Mrs. A. Wi odson, reporter. WIDE-AWAKE 21 Tho Wide-Awake 24 will sponsor A Baby Contest at Zion Baptist church on June 8, 1939. Mrs. M. Jackson, president; Mrs L. Rose, chairman. A X N O U X C E S M A RRIA C, E The wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Foster, on February 24th, 1939, was announced this week. Mrs. Foster was the former Mrs. Mat tie Payne a resident of Oma ha fur a number «f years. Mr. Foster is a veteran employee of the Pullman Company. The couple aro making their home at 2867 Casjj Street. _aAa__ — GAY WESTERNERS GIVE PREMIERE OF GOLDEN SPIKE SOCIAL EVENTS Renting the s arting whistle, 1 (blown by President Roosevelt on April 20th at 10:30 a m ) the Gay Westerner Social club were hosts at ft swanky costume ball at the beautiful Dreamland Hall on Mon- , 'ay, April 24th. Garbs of the eventful '69’s of Union Pacific fame and cowboy raiments len 'ed to the feeling of abandon that permeated through tho happy crowd. A scene of the western hills formed a background for the or chestra. An indian village (teepee lighted bonfire etc.) in the center of the floor was the center < / attraction. The decorative ability of the Diekin f >ns, Clarks, and Frys, deserve a special honorable mention. Signs of the old west wcro in evidence everywhere and an old fashioned barrel of lerm - ado was dispensed with and old fashioned dipper. Cowboy Shobe could be seenn behind the bar, throughout; the evening aiding the , thirsty throng. You should have scon the Dickerson girls in crisp taffeta with pantal,ms. (Margaret ig the very capable secretary of the Gay Westerners.) Aylce Wil- i son was quaint in a dotted or gandie with rick rack Eleanor Haynes and Ethel Bryant as maids of *69, Corrine Jones and Eva Pin kett ir stately black. Jeanette , Former and sis.ers a* quaint dam- 1 se's of '69 as wa> Alma Clark •.rid scores. Robbie Davis in cieam Dee antique style and golden nai ■.hot rivaled the golden spike. Car- | rio Wilson as a demure maid of ’G9 as was Florence Hoylt. lone Han* ■.tr and Caudel Thomas as wild wooly cow girls. And the nen' ; ' here were .owboys, Ind'ans, gents of the period and every des- j Mcription of costume. Officers of i the club are GuiCier Pegg, j • It.-:, Margaret Dickerson, iecrc taiy; Alma Clark, assistant secre tary and Robbie Davis who is chairman or program •'c.innittee. -DUO-• TROJAN CLUB The Trojans did their share ti a 1-dilate Golden Spike Days it their social last Tuesday night. Fiod, dresses and entertainment writ all in keeping with I*••• old times Several guests were present in cluding Mrs Sally Dill, Mildred Parks and Mr Toussaint I/Ouver t.ure Jennings connected with the YMOA in Los Angeles. Calif. Mrs. Bernice Marshall played old-fashioned music for singing and dancing. Miss I. Roberta Bell was the photographer. The Trojans are preparing to present a very unique affair to the public. It will be a Theatrical Medley to be given at the Dream land Hall on May 23. Ask any Trojan about tickets and she will be glad to serve you. Watch the Guide for more infor mation about the Theatrical Med ley Helena Thomas, reporter. --ouo TOWNSEND CLUB NO. 11 Townsend Club No. 11 met last Monday Evening at 3613 Lake Si. and several new members were ta ken in. Due to the bad weather, a number of members were unable to attend this ntfeeting and the no mination of officers was postponed until April 24th. Every member will be asked o attend the meet ing which will be open to the pub lic. A special program will be given lor the young people if they will como out. There is a misunder standing among the middle-aged and young people about this move ment. Some think that it is for Lite older people only. If they would come out and learn more r.f *■' e plan they would find cut that the young boys and girls wd' receive more bene/., from the lownseplan than : he older pen ■»'» - A I re door priz- will be given «' cicsy meeting staler,; Monday Aru’il 2n Come out .nd io’n in 1.1 . v “t’erful work Have a good ime at the same tiro.' -0O0 THIS YEAR'S GOODWILL SPRING MUSICAL TO SURPASS ALL OTHERS Tha dress rehearsal in the Tech High school auditorium last Sun day showed much in evidence that tho Musical this year will be bet te.- than anyone in the years be fore. The latest check-up^ hows that1 there will be over 300 people tak ing part. It will be a treat of a life dme to be there to witness what has become to be a day look ed forward to. A day looked for ward from one year to another. This year you will see Twelve j Church choirs dressed in their vested robes to sing joy and Good will into the hearts of near three thousand people who are expected to attend. There will be many ou'l of town po pie who will come to see and hear these massed choirs under tho direction of Rev. John S. Williams assisted by Mrs. Pearl Gibson. Perhaps tho one coming the longest distance will be Mrs. Willis ReM from Portland. Oregon who will be guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. L, McVal 2868 0,1-by St. Mr.. Reed is a very active Church. Sunday school and YWCA worker in Pc*rtland as well as other civic movements. She is now the president of the Women’s Federated club of Portland. She is a very good friend to tho wife of Dr. Unthank who was Miss Shipman -if Omaha. The daughters the sbipman’s that now live at 30th and Corby St. Tho Omaha Concert! Band, now directed by Mr. George Bryant, will play a great part in making the day a success.. This concert band has given many fine con certs in Omaha and near by towms in the last few years. The Musical will start at the time set, 2:45 P. M. The Proces sional will start from the Girl’s Gym at 2:35 P. M. and the choirs will block the doorway for time, so if you are late, you may miss the impressive view of it. Tho procession will be led by ; little girls carrying the beauti ful banners of the different choirs. It is the sincere Iv tpe of those !n charge, ^hat y/U will not be the one to disiroy the beauty and sacreness of the procession by ap , plauding when you see the choir I coming in Just remember you will be just as much out of place of you would be at your rrn nving service when your choir comes in. In fact, there will bo no place in the service where applauding will be in place. Please remember this will not be a contest in any s since of tihe word, but simply a service in song. Some of your may wonder what will be (li ne with the collection or offering. May I say, it will be devided among the choirs taking part. So please give freely. That tho day may be a success financial ly as well a» intellectual and spiri -— i .You’ve Tried the Rest—NOW Try the BEST— THE SQUARE DEAL POULTRY MARKET Which Is Sanitary and Clean Stock Squabs, Rabbits and see All kinds of Fat Hens Springer Stags and Fresh Eggs —DELIVERY 2520 CUMING ST. WE. 4277 tually. I A few days after this musical is over, the choirs will have a reception so that they may meet and know each other better in social life. This will not be open to tho general public but t mem bers of the choirs and their “bet tec half." The minis ers and their wives will be invited guests. It is believed that the people of Omaha can have one of the best massed choirs m the country. The material is here. Oh yes! There is a great deal of hard work to do. before such can be accomplished, but what has ever been done that d.Unted for very much with out a great deal of hard work and grief? We can only do, that we are willing to pay the price to do. i You will perhaps be impressed as never before when you see and hear your own church choirs mass ed to send out a great message to t’»>-e whd'e tidai* 8 are set to receive it. Tho Union Ushers and Usheretts of tho city will be there to give you service with a smile. Mrs. Goo*bv and Mrs. Young and their co-AVorkers are to be commended for tho fine service thev are ren dering from time to -ime at the large meetings in Omaha __ _nHo Mis* Maxine Blair, former Central High school graduate and graduate of Omaha Univers ty’s business school is leaving for 1 os Angeles where she will be employ ed as secretary to Dr. T W. Kyle. Miss Blair ^ays *he is proud of her new job but *he doesn’t think California will be to her what Omaha, Nebr. has been and if she could get a position she would not leave you she loves Omaha better than any place in the world, Oma ha will miss her for Miss Biair grew up here from a little girl. Mrs. Lucille Edward's who has been confined to her home by a badly sprained ankle, is able to bo out again. Cards received here by friend* of Mrs. Rae Lee Jone-s, who went outh rome weeks ago to train a girls singing orchestra at Law renco Jone« Piney Woods Indus trial at Piney Woods Miss., tell of interesting trips she is making by bus, wi Ih her orchestra throughout trie southland and of the favorable comments her sing ing group is receiving everywhere. The funeral of Mrs. Georgia E. White, wife of Peter White, was held Tuesday afternoon from St. Johns AME Church. Shaffer chap ter N. I.O.E.S. had charge of the services. Mrs White died last Wednesday after a long illness. Myers Service. Interment was in Forest lawn Memorial Park. Sfieba Chapter O.E.S.. gave a delightful Tea Sunday afternoon a ! the home of Mrs. L. L Mcvay on Corby Street. A large number attended the occasion. -0O0 The Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity met Tuesday evening at the home of the Polemarch, James C. Jewell, 2233 Grant Street. Brother Milton Johnson ill at the Methodist hos pital was reported convalescing. -0O0 A group of intimate friends of Dr. and Mrs. W, W. Peebles sur prised them last Saturday on their 31st wedding Anniversary. Present were: Messers and Mesdames l'ssac Bailey, W. J. Haynes, Toby James, Ghas Solomon, T. P. Ma j hammitt, Mrs. E. Dorsey, Mrs. Kate Wilson, Mrs. Jeanet e Jones and Miss Jennie Robinson. They pro cnted he couple with a gor geous beJ spread as a memento of the occasion. Their son William (Bill) Peebles Jr., planned this pleasant affair. ———0O0 Tho Woman’s Auxiliary of St. 1 hillips Episcopal church are pre paring to present Miss Josephine Harreld, talented daughter of Prof. Kemper Harreld, well known violinist, in a piano recital at the YWCA auditorium Sa urday even ing, May 13th. —-0O0 Mi's. G. A. Starrn, wife of the Rector of St. Phillips Church who has been seriously ill for some weeks is reported much better at. this time. READ THE GUIDE Try.. Herman's Market First KERMAN FRIEDLANDER PROPRIETOR 24th LakeSt. WE. 5444 Fine For Kidney And Bladder Weakness STOP GETTING UP NIGHTS .. AND FEEL YOUNGER Keep your blood more free from waste mattei', poisons and acid by putting more activity into kidneys and bladder, and you should live a healthier, happier and longer life. One efficient, safe and harmless way to do this is to get from your druggist a 35 cent box of Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules and take them as directed—the swift results should delight you. Besides ge tting up nights, some symptoms of kidney trouble may be backache, shifting pains, puffy eyes Don’t be an EASY MARK and rccept a substitute—Ask for Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules— right from Haarlem in Holland. GET GOLD MEDAL—the original —the genuine. Look for the Gold Medal on the box—35 cents. ! Even the most stubborn itching of eczema, blotches, pimples, athlete's foot, rashes and other externally caused skin eruptions, quickly yields to pure, cooling, antiseptic, liquid D.D.D. Prescription. <71ear. grease less and stainless—dries fast. Its gentle oils soothe tho irritation. Stops the most intense itching in a hurry. A 35c trial bot tle, at all drug stores, proves It-—or your money back. Ask for D.D.D. Prescription. Thrifty Service 6 lbs. for 48c 7c EACH ADDITIONAL LB. “6V,c ON WEDS.” ALL FLAT WORK BEATIFUL LY IRONED. BATH TOWELS FLUFFY DRIED WEARING APPAREL RETURNED DAMP READY TO IRON. WE GUARANTEE COLORED CLOTHES NOT TO FADE. SHIRTS FINISHED IN THIS SERVICE FOR 10c EACH IF DESIRED. 20% DISCOUNT CASH AND CARRY Emerson-Saratoga Southwest Corner 24th and Erskine Sts.