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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1939)
._ CHRIST TEMPLE Rev. L. M. Rolf, Pastor A. Hogan, reporter Sunday School opened at nine thirty a. m. There was a very fine and good attendance. The morning services opened at ekven-thirty a m. Our (pastor brought us the morning message, His gubjec was “I Have Found a Ran-some.” It was found in Job 33:24. HYTU met ait rix-thirty. The young people were out in large numbers. Evening service opened at sev en-thii’ty p. m. Rev. Relf brought us a very stirring message en titled, “The VV'ell of Living Wa ter". St. John 4. Our vistors were four. CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD Elder M. L, Steele pastor Sunday school opened at 9:4ft with the assistant Supt., Sister Watson in charge. Iiesson taught very briefly from Acta 1ft. Subjec : * Paul Teaching the word to all.” At 11:00 the pastor came forth Call Us For MODERNIZATION Attic*, Kitchens, Rmscments, Re roofing, Insulation, Re-siding No Down Payment Easy Monthly Payments MICKLIN LUMBER CO. 19th & Nicholas Sts. JA. 5000 Wc Pay Cash For Old & Antique Guns WE 2869 521 No. 16th St. MONUMENTS & GRAVE MARKERS Quality at A Price—None Hettcr AMERICAN MEMORIAL eO.. TWENTIETH & CUMING STS PHONE AT. 4927 TRY— OSBORNES MILLINERY 2615 N. 24th St. For latest Styles in Hats and Dress making speciality in large sizes. New Stock. AMERICAN WEINER SHOP 2509 North 24th Street Best Chili and Best Hot Dogs in the West All Kinds of Sandwiches HOME MADE ICE CREAM - -■ 1 7-i WAV/.V.V.’.V.V.VAV.V, Duffy Pharmacy We. 0609 24th and LAKE STREET8 PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery n j Suits $2.00, Coats $1.00, Dresses 30c, Many other bargains Catalogs Free Fail-mount 160-N6 Monrc St., New York, N. Y. NEBRASKA PRODUCE 1202—4—6 North 24th St. _ _ Phone WE 4137 Poultry and Egg Dealers Otu prices are reasonsable, see ns first. Free Trading Stamps with each Pu rchaBe. While visiting the N. Y. WORLD’S FAIR Stop at a STA Y-SERVICE Inspected home -within walk ing distance of Fair Grounds. All sheets and fcdwels changed DAILY. Make mid-season reservations at pre-season rates by writing NOW. 31-27 106 St., Corona, N. Y. Dept. N. G. - --. with a very inspiring sermon from Galaitions. Subject: “Faith”. He gave us the true meaning of the word faith. The at tendance was good and the spirit of the most I high Gad ran high. Our visiting ' minister Elder Green gave us a very interesting talk on the above subject w'hich we all enjoyed. At 6:00 the Bible Band opened with tho president in charge. The lesson .aught by the teacher from j Matt. 16:1-13. 1 We had a grand lesson and many : wonderful thoughts was taken. The pastor, at 8:45, brought the ( sermon for tho evening from Matt. 22:42. Subject: “What do you think of Chr:st?” and “Who’s son is he?”. It wen'j forth very favor ably and many souls were benefit ed, After the isermon we had foot Washington, cammin and right hand of fellowship. We ask all to come and be in our services. You are always welcome at the Church of the Living God __ _ CHRIST TEMPLE CHURCH Rev. L. M. Keif, pastor SW. A. Hogan, reporer Sunday was a great day at Christ Temple. In the absence of our pastor, Rev. Relf, Rev. J. W. Goodwin our assis'ant pastor car ried on the (services. Sunday school opened at 9:30 A. M, There was a very fine attendance and the les son was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Morning service began at 11:15 A. M. Rev. F. H. Huntey brought us the sermon. His subject was “Assurance of Faith,” Heb. 10:21 22. This (s irring message was very j much enjoyed. HYPU met at six thirty P M. Evening service opened at seven thirty A M. Rev. Rucker of St. John delivered the sermon. Obe dience is Better than Sacrifice. Jeremiah 10:23-24. Everyone cer tainly was glad to hear this won derful message. Our visitors num bered eight1. Our pastor is expect ed to be back with us next Sun day. Como and worship with us. CLEAVES TEMPLE CHURCH Rev. I*. A Story, pastor Beatrice Gray, reporter Sunday school opened at regular hour with a good attendance. Rev. , Story spoke to the Junior church. Mi lining services were well attend- j ed. Rev. Story preached from Matt. 8:26. He preached from the subject, O ye of Little Faith Rev. Story was at his best and brought to us a message that was an in spiration to all. League opened at 6:30 We regret to say that our president is Confined in the hospi tal. Wo hope for her a speedy re covery and return to us. Rev. Story again brought us a real mesapgei. NexJ Sunday will be Young People’s day at Cleaves Temple and they will have charge of the services throughout the day. Music will be furnished by the Junior and Intermediate choirs j and the Boys and Girls chorus. ; tVlme out and encourage the young people. Our presiding elder, Rev. L. E. B Rosser will be here on the 1st Sunday in May to hold his quarterly meeting. --nOn ■■ ■— MT. CALVARY COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev. R. W. Johnson, pastor Sister Woodie, ass’t. reporter Sunday school opened at 9:45. Miss Bcviker the supt. in charge. All pupils wide awake We thank the Lord for he is blessing our j Sunday school. .Reviewed lesson was enjoyed by all. 11 o’clock service w'as well at tended. We we^e very glad to have our assistant pastor back in her place. Sister Jackson, our pastor, delivered a w\ <nderfu! mes sage. Found St. Luke 8th chap. r verse. Subject: The Sower went Forth to Sow, We received wonder ful help and teaching to l>e care ful what we sow. The sP'rit of the Lord was very high 3 P. M. our pastor delivered the message at the city-wide Mission. Our choir furnished song and music. We re turned lvune. 6 P. M. Union was enjoyed by all present. Sister Jack son teaching Jfbs&on. Found St. Mark 4:3-8. We really enjoyed the lesson. It was interesting Bible Drill was in order. Sister Jack son loading 8 P. M. service with pastor in charge bringing us the message found in St. Luke 8:27. Subject: The Satan the Tombs. We were made to understand that Satan is everywhere. Our pastor and choir are to be over by Mt» Olive Thursday and Friday nights April 27 and 28. AH members and friends are invited Thank the Lord for our many friends. MT MORIAH BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. F. P. Jones, pastor F. Burroughs, reporter The order of services are as fol lows : Sunday school—9:30 A. M. Morning worship—11:00 A. M. BYPU—6:00 evening Worship—8:00 P. M. Mid-week Prayer services—Every Wednes day evenings at 8:00 P. M. Everyono is invited tt) come and pray with us. Friday evening is choir practice and Sunday School- and BYPU teachers council also usher board meets. The sick of our number are Mrs. Anna Long ajjd Mrs. Julia Henry. Visitors are always welcome! — —-—• ST. JOHN AMK CHURCH ‘‘The Friendly Church” Dr. R. A. A lams, pastor Tho beautiful spring day, brought out a very fine atten dance at St. J *hn last Sunday. Tho Sunday school opened at 9:30 with Supt. Thomas H. Goodwin in charge. Dr. Adams preached a very fine sermon and the apiri ual side of the service was very good. One young woman was received into the church on conferion. The sick < f the church are Bro ther, Cook Sister Gardner, Sister Hanger and others whose names which were not passed in. We pray for all their comfort. The church wishes to express its sympathy to Brother C W. White and family over the passing of their love one as Sister Whifte who has been ill f r some time at her home. Sister White was a very hard worker in the church when she was in good health. The Lord is calling hi« child ren home every day. Are you ready for his call? The choir went to Tech High last) Sunday for a dress rehearsal for the Fifth Annual Goodwill Spring Musical to he presented April 30th in the Tech High school auditorium at 2:45 P. M. They did not have their 4th Sunday night’s request service this month because its has a full schedule all the month. So send in your request now for next month. The Women of the church are going to put over the financial drive to pay out the debt < the parsonage. Now be a booster and help them. Now is the time to show just what you can do. Let us all put in some direction and put tihis drive to the safety line. You will see in a few days the cards with the names and amount each member and friend has paid. N..|W don’t let your name he miss ing. When the ones who are appoint ed to collect this money, comes to you show them you are just as much interested as they are to pay off this debt. Watch for the card and your name. See that your name is rv«t in the danger column as it will be explained when this card comes out. We are expecting several out of town visitors in Omaha next Sunday for the Goodwill Spring Musical. Help make them feel wel come at St. John. Get your local paper and keep p ated on your church and social news. ——— 0O0 SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH Clarinda, Iowa Rev. I). Nicholson, pastor Sunday school at the mnual hour with R. L Brown in charge. The school was in a studious mood. And everybody seem to be inter ested in the lesson. Morning service was in a high spirit and the pastor continued to 'Jalk on the Sunday school lesson and plead for all to attend Sunday school We were pleased to have Rev. Green of Pleasant Green Baptist Church as our visitor from Oma lu. In the afternoon, we had an Ordanition service which was in a 1* ly service. We were happy to have Rev. Goldsmith. Rev. Oamel, and Rev. Green as ministers that took parts in this service The Calvary Baptist Church deacon was with 1*3 al»o and many oth ers. Evening service opened at the usual hour with a lively devotion. Rev. Green of Omaha brought the message which was enjoyed by all. Rev. Nicholson, our pastor, wife and children worshiped with us all day. We were happy to see our pastor’s wife after being away from us during the winter months. Sunday afternoon the Mission Circle will have a program. Visitors are always welcome to t'^:1 Second Baptist Church. ■ ■ Wv-'-■ UNION MISSION OF OMAHA, NEBR. The Union Mission of Omaha, Nebr., had their monthly meeting at Morning Star Baptist Church, 2608 Franklin St. at 3:00 Rev. White pastor, The meeting was opened by our president. Sister Billingsley after which there was a wonderful expression period conducted by our vice president, Sister Hill, at this time our pro gram chairman, sister Bradshaw presented a wonderful program. There were some wonderful numbers rendered at this time. The speaker of the hour in pre sence of Rev. Roy Johnson, was introduced by Rev. White. The God man gave ua the word of the Holy one out of the book of Luke 14-17 .Subject: “Come, for now all things are now ready." The spirit ran high and the sermon was enjoyed by all. Our next meeting will be at New Hope Baptish Church, 26th Seward St. May 28. Elder Carter, pastor, is asking to come. The Union Mission is doing a wonderful work, so join, and helps us put this great program of God over. We are working for the better ment of our people. Sister Billingsley, president Sister K. Steele, Reporter PLEASANT GREEN CHURCH Rev. Reynolds, Pastor Willa Mae Ros.s, reporter Sunday school 9 o’clock with tho Supt. in charge. Number pre sent. 94. Morning worship at 11 o’clock with the deacons in charge of devotional service. Prayer for the sick by Rev. Caldwell. Song by the choir. A lovely sermon was preached by Rev. Reynolds. Visitors were Mrs. Wesley Jones, Clair Chapel, James Mc Donald, Miss Verma Pruitt, Mrs. Lucille Wells, Paradise, Mr. and Mrs. Curtiss Morgan, Salem Bap tish church, Mrs. Farmer, repre senting Phyliss Wheatley Home and J. D Lewis, mortician. Announcement and adjournment. BYPU at 6 o’clock with presi dent in charge. Evening worship 8 o’clock with deacons in charge of devotional service. Prayer for the sick, song. A lovely sermon was preached by the pastor. You are also welcome to at tend any part of the following service. -oOo CHURCH OF GOD 2025 N. 24th St. Elder S. S. Spaght Sunday school opened at usual hour. The lesson “Paula Wins Rcc ognization for Gentiles Christians’’ Many helpful thoughts from the lesson teaching us just as men through the Guidance of the Holy Ghost won souls for in those days the 'same is needed today. 11:30 message by the pastor “The Grace of God teaches us.” Titua 2:11-12. Was very instruc tive telling us that when one is saved from sin their hearts is open for the word of God. And he teaches us many things if we continue in hrs word. Six o’clock YPM met. Taught by sister D. Willis Evening worship was good. The pastor taught us from Isiah 60-1. Our hearts was made to rejoice. Mid-week service Wednesday night. Kible Class Friday night. Everyone is welcome. O 3 BETHEL AME CHURCH 2430 Franklin St. Kev. W. M Camper, Pastor J. S. Jefferson, reporter Sunday school at 9:30. Lesson for discussion. Acts. 16:1-36: Gala tions 2:ltl0 Golden Te%‘.: “A man is not justified by the works of the law but by the faith of Jesus Christ. All teachers were on the job and very glad to see their classes. 30 minutes was spent in stru<j,ing the school after which Rev. Camper gave a splendid re view At 11:00 o’clock morning ser vice, song by the choir, “I woke up this morning with my mind on Jesus.” Prayer by Rev. Coolidge. Rev. Oamper selected his text from 4 different passages of the scripture. Psalms 14:1; Matthews 1:26; Mark 16:6; Jake 14:14: Sub ject: “The four churches of Chris tianity.” The service was well at tended. A large number of visitors were present. Among them Mr. Robert Gray and Mrs. Hickmpn. The sick of the church are Sister Martin and Sister M. F Jacobs. They are doing fairly well. Visi tors are always welcome to our church. Our regular mid-week service Wednesday. THIS WEEK IN RELIGION & THOUGHT by ROBERT L. MOODY Lour Long Ago— Tho subject suggests many years but we intend to think of a period between seventy and one hundred and nine years. Much progress has been made since 2830. The record states that at that time there were only twenty-three miles of railroad. Now there are thousands of miles between the coasts. 'Omaha is one of the most im portant railroad centers of the United States because of its loca tion. It is really the “Gateway to the West.” This week those living now from the past generation with the present generation are re-living the “Golden Spike Days.” It is thrilling to compare the con veniences -If the 60's with now At that time peoi'J.' used kerosene lamps, stagecoaches, horses and buggies. Thirty miles an hour was very swift travel. There Vere no “Streamliners”, radios, airplanes or automobiles. Then it took seven, days and seven nights of danger ous and uncomfortable travel to go from the Atlantic to the Paci fic. Now one may go this same route by rail in two and three nights. By airplane, one may make this distance in twenty-four hours. Whatever may be said about the styles of ’69, At women they are extravagant but modest. Some would do well to hold-over some of the ideals of modesty of the “Golden Spike Days” for our pres ent age. City Union of the Ushers and Usherettes Jack Hall, reporter Hast Sunday afternoon wap> ideal for our get-together meeting or should I say, our dress rehear sal ? As a matter of fact it was both. Well whatever you want to call it, it was well attended. I really had to second the motion when our president said she was quite pleased to see so many pre sent. Your reporter, took time out during the meeting to run up to Tech to peep in on Rev, Williams and Mr. McVay You kmw they too were having a dress rehearsal i nd believe you me, they were all there, and the out-look according to song-ology should meet the ap proval of all who hear and see them. We are glad to see Mt. Movio lis’ local functioning again. Now you girls must be good girls, or papa spank. Sorry to hear of the sudden ill ness of Mr. Auston, the husband of Mrs. Auston of Pleasant Green h veal. However, we trust at this writing he is able to be up and out again. All ushers and usherettes who are supposed to work next Sunday at Technical high school are re quested to be there at 2 P. M. for last minute instruction and to get your assignmens Of course, you knnv that your uniform and everything is expected to be in A-l condition. Don’t forget your “Penny Punch Card. You know you are helping your local when you help the union. Here’s hoping to meet all of you on time next Sunday. HI B-c-ing-U. -_o0o-. SAVING MONEY FOR OMAHA’S GAS CONSUMERS Officials of the Metropolitan Utilities Distinct have expressed a deeire to save money for Omaha’s gas consumers. They purpose to do this by im proving the quality of the gas thus making it permissable to use less gas and still accomplish the same as is being accomplished now when more gas is being used. To make thi3 change in gas re quires a change in the law. The District has submitted She neces sary amendment, known as Legis lative Bill 374. The saving to residential con sumers will be approximately 20 per cent and slightly less than 20 per cent to industrial users. If your gas bill now i3 $2.00, passage of L. B. 374 will reduce it bo $.160; if your bill is $2.50 it will be reduced to $2.00; if the bill is $3.00, it will be reduced to $2.40. This saving can be accomplished with your cooperation in the cam paign for the passage of L. B. 374. Write or call your state sena b/r today. Urge him to work and vote for the passag eof Legisla tive Bill 374 which has been in troduced to save you money. Douglas County state Sen tors, Ernest A. Adams, John Adams, Jr., Peter P. Gutoski, Sam Klaver, William J. Norman. Amos Thomas and Charles F. Tvrdik, may be reached at the State Capi tol, Lincoln, Nebraska. -0O0 Ministers Asked To Preach Insurance Sermons New Orleans, April 27 (C)—F. A. Young, secretary of the Nation al Negro Insurance Week Commit tee, 2107 Dryades street, has con tacted' ministers throughout the country urging that they inform their congregations of the fifth annual observance of National Ne gro Insurance Week, May 8-13. Text frtm Proverbs 6:6 and Tim othy 5:3 were sumbitfced with out lines for two different sermons on insurance. -O NAVAL NOTES The saib for the ITUS CONSTI TUTION, one of our Navy’s his toric shifts which saw service in the war of 1812, developed six hundred horsepower from a full spread of canvas with a wind that is said to have driven this ship at a speed of 13 knots per hour. The effectiveness of this type of ship was so noted that the British Admiralty offered British fri gates to cruise in pairs and under no circumstances, where avoidable tb accept a single ship action with an American frigate. The UUS LEXINGTON is over 100 feet linger than the Wool worth building is tall. It is contemplated that in the near future chapels designed es pecially for the holding of Divine Services, will be constructed in warships of the U. S. Navy. The first will be in the battleships North Carolina and Washington, now being built Admiral Dewey is the only Nav al Officer in history who ever ‘knocked off’ fighting the enemy to hr ijst the meal pennant for crew breakfast. The dolphin is reputed to be the fastest thing in the bring deep, as it is conceded to make 70 miles an hour. It takes approximately 259 gallons of anti-fouling paint tt paint the bottom of a battleship. The United States Naval uses more coffee per man than any other naval or military organiza tion in the world. Do you know that one-legged men were Captains on ancient ships, according to the “Stories of the Sea.’ One legged men were considered as ‘Men of Honor’ and given jobs of running the ships of war. CUTS—BURNS—-SCALES should be quickly treated to prevent bad after effects as well as relieve pain. Use OIL-of-SALT. Wonderful too for sore, tired feet. At your druggist's—money back if not satisfied. For free sample write Mosso Laboratories, 215South Leavitt Street. Chicago. QUICK RELIEF FOR FEF TRADE^ Remember—when you take a Smith Brothers Cough Drop you get Vitamin A—extra! Smith Bros. Cough Drops are the only drops containing VITAMIN A This is the vitamin that raises the resistance | of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat to cold infections. j ^ MARK MRS. MATTIE LEE CALLAWAY —Announces— Hair Oil and Grower for Sale —AT—. Harriet’s Vanity Beauty Shop CLEOA KING PARKER HATTIE MOORE PROPRIETORS 1408 North 24th St. Acro,,s from FonteneUe Homef> WE. 2846 WE: 0156 Special Bargain Prices <7 Ambassador Nash sedan, like new $575 ’37 Plymoutr 4 door touring sedan $450 36 Buick coach sport fodel with heater like new. 495 33 Plymouth coach, excellent condition $175 33 Reo 4 Door sedan $195 '32 Nash sedan, good condition $185 31 Panel delivery $125 One 1938 Ford Deluxe 2 door.$575 Shames Body & Radiator Co. 1906 CUMING STREET AT. 4556 Dolgoff Hardware PAINT, GLASS & VARNISH We Do Glazing & Make Window Shades to Order Stove Pipes, Furnace Pipes, & Stove & Furnace Repairs Electrical Supplies Plumbing Supplies ,* Roofing Paper & Guttering We Have a Full Line of KrTCHEN UTENSILES (Open Evenings) —WE. 1607— 1822-24 N. 24th St.