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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1939)
North 24th St Shoe Repair ' 1807 N. 24th St. WE. 4242 Have Comfortable Feet and be Happy. We make Old Shoes Wear and Look Like New. AMERICAN WEI NEK SHOP 2509 North 24th Street Best Chili and Best Hot Dogs in the West All Kinds of Sandwiches ~H0ME MADE ICE CREAM Duffy Pharmacy We. 0609 24tb and LAKE 8TREIT8 PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery iW/WiWWWVAW/iWW Suits 22 00. Coata $1.00, Dresses 30c. Many other bargains Catalogs Free Fairmount 160-Nfi Monre St., New York, N. Y. CHURCH OF GOD < 2025 N. 24tb St. Rider S. 8. Spaght ' | Sunday School opened at 0:45 A. M. with regular devotional hour conducted by the supt Mrs A. Britt. Lesson “Paul Establishes Churches." Taught thru this lesson of the high enthusiasm and unhes itating sacrifice made to help spread the gospel to the needy portions. Our hearts are stirred the more to increase in interest for the unsaved—yejt lost. Shall we note one high point in all Pauls preaching. That tho many churches were established, yet on ly “ono doctrine" constituted them all. Regular morning worship began 11:30. Message by Pastor “The Church Devinely Organized.” Mes sage was instruct ve showing Christ the founder (and hoad) of his Church YMP at 6 P. M. Evening wor ship was very good. Pastor preach ing from II Cor. 13-5. Subject: “Ch rail an. Examiriaton.” How he did each us from Gods word It's Thrifty To Telephone f _ . Americans are great users of telephone ser vice because it saves them so much time, energy and expense and costs them so little. They have the most and the best telephone service in the world at the lowest cost — largely because of con stant improvements and economies. NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY P<*—d hy pr§ fmammnml m»d«t' i “I wanted LIGHTER SKIN!” ♦ ‘■TTOU wouldn’t believe it now. but 1 a few months ago my skin was so dark, coarse and oily I was ashamed My mother said I was foolish to keep trying remedies. But I refused to give up hope! I read an ‘ad’ in the paper about Nadinola Cream. That night I began using it. Soon my skin got softer and lighter so that I forgot all about my past disappointments. Noth ing else makes a girl so happy as a gloriously beautiful skin!” Let Nadinola Help You Famous beauties preserve their love liness because they take infinite pains to care for it. Most girls have much greater beauty than they even suspect. And it frequently isn’t a bit hard to bring it out I It’s the duty of eveiy girl to try, for the sake of her own happiness. - Do you want men to admire you— women to envy you? Do you want a soft, smooth, lighter skin? Then try famous Nadinola Bleaching Cream! Simply smooth this fragrant cream on every night. No rubbing, no mas saging. Unlike most creams, Nadinola speeds up the natural process of exfo liation—bleaches the skin to a lighter shade, loosens blackheads, clears up surface pimples and other externally caused blemishes. Soon you'll see a marvelous improvement. You Can’t Lose! Money-Back Guarantee Get Nadinola today But be sure you get fenuine Nadinola I Don't trust your loveliness to any unknown sub stitute. Every cent you pay for Nadi nola is refunded if you're not fully satisfied. At all drug stores, 50c— large money-saving size, $1.00. > "things that accompany Salvation. A3 Christiana today lets retros pect. Do we find (a* we examine our lives) things that are not like God ? If so, no man can serve two masters. —* - - ■ — NEW HOPB BAPTIST Texjt 8t, John 5th chapter 1st to 9th verse. Subject: “Rise, take up thy bed and walk. This man waited 38 years before he went in the pool, and he knew it would make him whole, “Why did he wait so long?" Low wages and unemployed workers spoke after the sermon on the same subject, but reverse it! toward the Negro problem Why don’t tho multitude of minister and deacons get involved in Amer ican Democracy. We’ve been coming ever since the civil war and have not entered in to the pool to be made whole. Low wages and the unemployed workers wants minsters to help get poor people relief for those that are in destitute and also jobs. Low Wages and Unem ployed Workers Com mittee 2721 Charles St. BETHEL AME CHURCH 2430 Franklin St, Rev. W. M Camper, Pastor J. S. Jefferson, reporter Sunday school cal 1 d ,to order at 9:30 by superintendent J. S. Jefferson. Subject of the lesson: “Paul Establishes Churches.” The lesson was found in Acts. 14:1-23. And a very fine school present. All teachers ready to take charge of heir classes After 30 minutes discussion the school was called to order by the superintendent. Next in order was a a splendid review toy Rev. S. Clair He drew many interesting thougths from the lesson. The entire school en joyed his wonderful lecture. The girls have held the collection ban ner for two successful Sundays. That’s fine girls. Look out next Sunday. The morning service began with a song by (the choir, "Must Jesus bear the cross alone.’’ Prayer by Rev. Coolige. The scripture lesson from Luke 24. Read by Rev. W. M. Camper. Rev. St. Clair brought us a wonderful message from Luke 24:32. Text, "Did not our hearts burn within.’ ’Everyone erjoyed his splendid message. The sick of the church are re ported getting along fine. A very large number of visitors were on hand: Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. F W. Stearms, of St. John, Mr. William Borden, Mrs. Samuel Bush of Lo>s Angeles, Cali TRY— OSBORNES MILLINERY 2515 N. 24th St. For la/test Styles in Hats :and Dress making speciality in large sizes. New Stock. t fornfia. W« were very glad to have them worship wijth us. You are al welcome to Bethel. Teacher’s meeriing Wed. night from 7:30 to 8:16. Prayer and class every Wednesday evening. SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH Clarinda, Iowa Rev. D. Nicholson, pastor Sunday school opened at the us ual hour with Mr. R. Brown in charge. The School presented the church with a wonderful gift of the Church Covemant in red and black letters Morning services opened at the usual hour with the pastor at his Mr. W Worker l» improving from a sick spell. We pray for him a speedy recover. Come to Clarinda and enjoy an Old Tim* Service. Visitors are al ways welcome. post. We had a wonderful service although the weather was rather gloomy. Evening service was In high spirit and the pastor brought us a stirring message full of the spirit. Next Sunday is a great day in Olarinda. There will be an Ordan ition service at three o’clock. We invite you to come and worship with us. --__. MT. NEBO Rev. Pruitt, pastor Reporter, Claudia Seay Sunday school opened at the regular time with our superinten dent. The lesson was Paul Estab lishes Churches. We had a fair attendance and everyone enjoyed the lesson. The 11 o’clock service opened with the choir singing “Love Lift ed Me.’ ’Scripture reading from 17th chapter of St. John beginning at the first verse. Prayer was led by Rev Pruitt, after which the choir sang his favorite song, “Prescipus Lord.” Our pastor brought to us a spiritual program. Subject: “Let us go a Little Far ther,” taken from the 24th chap ter of St. John. The writer of the text wa« Matthew's. At 3:00 o’clock Katie Mae Bil lingsley a member, gave her first recital at Zion Baptist Church. The recital was sponsored by her music teacher, Mrs. Pinkston New members were: Brother Anderson, former member of New Hope in Arkansas and Mr. Seay, former member of Mt. Ne bo. Rev I.ane was a visitor. Visitors are always welcome. -oOo MT. CALVARY COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev. R. W. Johnson, pastor Sister Woodie, ass’t. reporter Sunday school opened at 9:30 with Sister Mickles acting supt. in charge in the absence of Sister Booker Class opened with the teacher ‘jaking her place. Lesson, Jude 21 verse. Subject: Christian Living.’’ Sunday school was well attended. 11 o’clock service was opened with the pastor in charge. Sermon found in St. Luke, 24th-23rd. Sub ject. Unspeakable Joy. We were happy to have Brother Whitney and Brother Smith with us. Also our many friends who are always welcome. Union meeting at 6 P M. Sister Woody presiding. Lesson taught Metz Beer Is Better—Doy or Night /sleepwalking meX f EYE ! HES HEADING I STRAIGHT FOR YOUR \ "METZ"J FONTENELLE . BREWING CO. °*AHA. NEBR. fl by our teacners. We thank the Lord for our girl class. The young girls’ rendered a nice program. So ! happy for little Miss Jacqueline Whitney for her music talent We aro looking forward to great things out of our girls. Lesson found GaL 5-9. First of the spirit evils services was opened with the chair marching singing “Oh Lord, have Mercy.” Sermon found at Mark, 16 chapter 16 verse. Sub ject: I am with you a blessed won derful, promise to the preachers and disciples. We were honored to have prophet Hess with us in the evening service and will conduct a flower seance Friday night A message through the flowers. Do come out and receive your flower. It is good for many things. Come and be with us Thursday night and enjoy a message through song by “The Harmony Four.” Come and have your Hpiriyual strength renewed. Notice! A Heaven and Hell entertainment Beau Strut, pop corn stringing, hot fish. Come out and help us. Everyone wel come. Given at 2608 Hamilton. Mrs. Warren’s Home. Sponsored by the Emergency Club. -oOo-— MT MORIAH BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. F. P, Jones, pastor F. Burroughs, reporter An attentive audience listened to the sermon “Why Marriage Is a Failure.’’ Heb. 6 and 6 chapter was the text for this interesting sermon. Many good thoughts were presented The value of the home was also stressed. Home making was des cribed as the greatest and most important industry. Many visitors were present to hear this sermon and we wish to thank them for their presence. Funeral services for Miss Dora Marshall were held Monday after noon at the Church. Friday night the Mission Circle is sponsoring a sermon at 8 o’ clock to which th public is cor dially invited. Mrs Anna Rice and family of Creston, Iowa were present for two Sunday. Each Sunday Mrs. Rice gave a stirring song number. We all enjoyed hearing Mrs. Rice sing for she has the spirit with her. Also glad to see Mrs. Owens able to attend services again. Mrs. Owens has been indisposed for quite some time. The tea given Sunday afternoon by the Willing Workers Club at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stewart was a lovely affair and enjctyable time was had by all who attended. Don’t forget the Golden Spike entertainment April 28. Men grow your whiskers and gt out your tcp hats. Ladies get your gingham and calico dresses ready. Every body invited. -oOo-• ST. JOHN AME CHURCH “The Friendly Church” Dr. R. A. Adams, pastor The services at St. John Sun day was very good. The Sunday school started the day with a fine attendance. It is good to see the !■ TOWNMl 1410 DOUGLAS M I EXTRA! ADDED! I 1 TO OUR REGULAR §| ■ SHOW B H WED. THUR. FRI. SAT. M I LODIS- ROPER I 5 Fight Pictures X in S’ow Motion! I P 15 MINUTES OF |6 || DETAIL ACTION # $ DETAIL ACTION! % B SEE THE BLOW |f S THAT KNOCKED || H ROPER OUT |J No Advance §§ H in Prices [ - » vr Do TMt If You're NERVOUS Don't into chances on produets you know nothing about or rely on temporary relief when there’* need of a good general tode like time proven Lydia E. Plnkham e Vegetable Com pound, made npoeially for uomtn from whole some herb* »Jid roots. , , , Let Pinkesm’s Compound help built up more phyab-a! resistance and thus aid in oalm ing jangTy nerves, lessen distress from (email f unctionv 1 disorders and make life worth living, bor free trial bottle tear this i oui) and send with name and ad dress to Lvdia E. Pinkham Medi cine Co., 130 Tucker St., Lynn, Mass. Over 1,000,000 women have written in reporting glorious bene fijts--Pintoham’s MUST BE GOOD! supt. and Mrs. T. H. Goodwin back on duly after the illnesg of Mrs. Goodwin. Dr Adams preached at the morn ing service and in the afternoon he and some of His congregation went to Clair ME where Rev. Story and his choir wa3 assisting Rev. Hancock finish up his year’s work just before he goes to the Conference. At the night service, Dr. Adams only had a short song and prayer service so all could go /to Clair and be with Rev. Hancock in his very last service of his conference year. The sick of the Church are still Sister Louise Strawther, Brother Cook, Sister S. Hanger, and Dr. Adams left Sunday night not feeling so well. The Financial Drive will start , with a new effort to raise money to pay off the debt on the par sonage. Now see to it that your obligation is paid. If ever there was a time you needed to help it i* now. There will be a chart placed in a conspicuous place in the ECONOMY Tailor 1D1S N. 24th St. For Your Spring Cleaning A Repair Work—SEE CHAS. M. SIMMONS church where you can 3«e just how much b being paid in as this drive progresses. Your name and (continued on page 5) Call Ua For MODERNIZATION Attics, Kitchens, Basements, Re roofing, Insulation, Re-siding. No Down Payment Easy Monthly Payments MICKLIN LUMBER CO. 19th * Nicholas Sts. JA. 6900 We Pay Cash For Old & Antique Guns WB 2890 821 No. 19th St. MONUMENTS & GRAYS MARKERS Quality at A Price—None Better AMERICAN MEMORIAL GO.. TWENTIETH & CUMING STS PHONE AT. 4927 CUTS-BURNS-SCALDS ahtwijd be qulcidy treated to prevent bad after - effects as well aa relieve pain. UseOIL-of-SALT. Wonderful too for (ore. tired feet. At your druggist's—money back if not satisfied. For free sample write Mono Laboratories, ZlSSouth Leavitt Street, Chicago. QUICK RELIEF FOR FEF Headache, Bad Breath Tell of More To Come $ Just as Paul Revere’s famous ride warned osf the Redcoats’ coming, so Nature’s messengers,—head aches, biliousness, bad breath— [Often warn of faulty elimination. Neglecting these signs may cause a host of constipation’s discom forts: sour sjtomach, belching; no appetite or energy; mental dull ness. It’s so easy to wake up your lazy insides. Just take spicy, all vege table BLACK-DRAUGHT. Ita un usual help comes from its princi pal ingredient—an intestinal tonic laxatve which imparts tone to lazy bowel muscles . Millions of packages used testify to BLACK-DRAUGHT’S merit. Try it. trTd^jHV BE KIND! r<smr mark I Be considerate! Don’t cough in public pla „arry with you & Smith Brothers Cough Drops. (Two kinds— B.ack or Menthol, 5tf.) 1 Smith Bros. Cough Drops are the only drops containing VITAMIN A | This is the vitamin that raises the resistance of the mucous I membranes of the nose and throat to cold infections. I MRS. MATTIE LEE CALLAWAY —Announces— I Hair Oil and Grower for Sale —AT— Harriet’s Vanity Beauty Shop CLEOA KING PARKER HATTIE MOORE PROPRIETORS 1408 North 24th St. Across from Fontenelle Homes WE. 2846 WE: 0156 Special Bargain Prices 7 Ambassador Nash sedan, like new $575 ’37 Plymoutr 4 door touring sedan $450 '36 Buick coach sport fodel with heater like new. 495 33 Plymouth coach, excellent condition $175 '33 Reo 4 Door sedan-- $195 i’32 Nash sedan, good condition $185 31 Panel delivery - $125 30 Ford One and a ralf ton panel delivery A Bargain. $75 '29 Ford coupe, a good buy . $55 28 Ford coupe, a real bargain $45 Shames Body & Radiator Co. 1906 CUMING STREET ~7"" AT. 4556 ___-• _ • _ Dolgoff Hardware PAINT, GLASS & VARNISH We Do Glazing & Make Window Shades to Order Stove Pipes, Furnace Pipes, & Stove & Furnace Repaira Electrical Supplies Plumbing Supplies 1 Roofing Paper & Guttering Wo Have a Full Line of KITCHEN UTENSILES (Open Evenings) —WE. 1607— 1822-24 N. 24th St. A