The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, April 15, 1939, City Edition, Page 4, Image 4
AFFAIRS The"S-o-c-i-e-t-yeWorld organizations THE MODERN ART CLUB The Modern Art Club met Tues day April llt’n with Mrs. Charles Harroli as hostess. The club was called to order by the president. All members joined in a round ta ble discusiion in planning an An niversary May Tea. Tickets for the unique affair will be out soon. The remainder of the evening was spent in doing art work. All mem bers are working on piepe* for the Drink this fine cola* Rich in flavor and sweetness ------ .iteinn. Members present were Mesdames: D. C. Kiddle, Cozy Nicholson, Charlet McFall, W. L. \fy :-s, K. 0 Price, Dr. A. L. Haw lins, W. R. Rogers, J. C. Greer. ! A lively repast was served by the hostess. next meeting wll be I held at Dr. A. L. Hawkins, 2120Mi | N. 24 th St. Mm. Cozy Nicholson, president Mrs. R. C. Price, reporter I | 1'UBL'iC GETS FIRST INTRODUCTION TO COLLEGE CLUB The Collegian Club will have its introductory meeting to the pub lic Sunday evening, April 16, at Zion Baptist Church at 8 I*. M. The program will be in the form oi a Symposium. The topic will be “What part should the Negro Youth play in the Amei ic ui De mocracy.” The speakers will be well known leaders of the city. Mrs. VV. P. Ervin will discuss the social aspect; John Adams, the political; Mrs. Robbie Davis, the economical; Father Stams of St. Philips Epis copal Church, the religious; and Bobbin's Pharmacy 2.1116 No. 21th St. WE 1711 WA,.VW.,,VW,,A\W.* You’ve Tried the Rest—NOW Try the BEST— THE SQUARE DEAL POULTRY MARKET Which Is Sanitary and Ciean Stock Squabs, Rabbits and see All kinds of Fat Hens Springer Stags and Fresh Eggs —DELIVERY 2528 CUMING ST. WE. 4277 ' Dr. A. L Hawkins, me educational. A group of bojM end girls will ' sing under the direction of Rev. J. S. Williams. Tho public is invited to come out anl enjoy this program; also to meet the members of this or ganization. A special placs will bo reserved for all school seniors. The president and members of Ihv) * Willing Workers’ Club,” of Mt. Calvary Community Church wish to thank those who partici pated in making our Ear .er Tea ", success. We were pleased to note among those pit-sent: Mr. anl Mrs Curtis Kirtlty; Mrs. I>r. Hawkins; Mr.t. Milton Brooks; Mrs. Emma Knight; Mrs. H. Norman and her daughter. Our thanks to Mrs, Gladys Wil liams and Miss Irene Brooker for th<?ir musical rendition Pres. Gertrude Mayberry Rep. Laura Perry Rev.' R. W. Johnson, pastor --0O0— —*— KITE FLY CONTEST SPONSORED BY RECREATION OF WPA A kite flying contest sponsored ly Orraha Recreation of WPA will ho held. The preliminaries of the Northside centers held Monday April 3 Park finals held on fields of Logan Fontenelle Thursduy fi. Any boys who would like to regis ter at the social rooms of the Lo gon Fontenelle, Urban league. Al so enroll for Marble Tournament. -0O0 ENTRE NOUS CLUB The Entre Nous Club of North Side YWCA will give a “(lolden Squiae and Antique Tea”, at the "Y” on April 23, --0O0 QUACK CLUB The Quack Club of the Northside YWCA presented their eleventh an ^____ with the New Goodrich rx (-Scaj^OTJiatic <\\V\2-WAY LIFE-SAVER TUBE This amazing 60% stronger tube teals Itself — reduces blow-out danger to a new minimum — and protects you against sudden Hats t car rolls on. T»E^ST0FT1939 , Silk 1 alow l*°'t** -II — (Bl " 1 *°nd protection \ *treng^* .-^H-tubb*1 \ vs&tasi \ idled bY * __ mended \ 1 ^, Sv^dor^ 1 comple'e'’/^ thi, i,nm<* 1 endY-S^^ond *• 1 1 louche* ^ ptotecU *• I ebouldet* ^h#I. prac 1 all puncture* - % occur. ! p^uilLYourCarand^ Lona0p YOUr °Wn I ! L°ng, Easy Term$ c« 2*wiP rr l Saver Tub.. ft «. you Hdtlay *°r I Q«°un. each •'?a" I •«*l Budget Pla- r °Ur F income. Th /“* •r«rY L ,aP* or d.lay^r*u,f "d ■ V°ur license how u* i£ ° Ma.icTubei 'neWS°a'- I 5n' fires imm j y°urpr*«- ■ es immediately. » CREDIT R ,s goqd7^eRE UK SwiByBB^PHi ? -! ®%"^ 4Ilsur i ■■ rTiTTi r^Kpi JH ’ BB ^v^Hp Om|^B flfl B jBB * j^HB IIV b m » a 20th & Douglas Sts. 2406 1’ St. V DOWNTOWN STORE n r . SOUTH OMAHA Open Evenings and Sundays | l u^t stylo show at the Dreamland Hall on Mon., evening. A crowd of • 600 attended and reported a grand time. -oOo Mrs. Elmer Jackson from St. Paul, Minn, is visiting her mother Mrs. E. M. Davis of 2817 North 24th St. Her stay is indefinite. ---oOo-—* The Osborm. H Millinery which is now located at 2516 No. 24th St. They moved from 4921 South Oma ha and will be glad to meet her old customers and all new ones. -—oOo Big Bingo Party by NAACP Wednesday evening April 19th at Urban Center. Come ami bring your friends. YWCA NEWS “The witch doctor still has too much sway, although the practice of witchcraft has been made a crime,” the bishop continuted. "There is need everywhere of health service. So the AME church begins its new epoch, here in this community where 11,003 people live with no doctor, no dentist, no drug store, no health committee, here where we 'bring the aspiring youth rf South Africa to learn the higher things of life, here is the place we start. And 1 am happy to «ay that this elinic is the gift of the American Negroes. “The Budget Plan” waa the chieli iopic of the evening at the Mom er’s Council Mi’s. Travers gave *ti outlino of u “Year Planned Budget” that :«d been use ! successfully by numerous families. A planless life i like a ship withrut a compass, it gets nowhere because it likes direction. Whether it be clothing, vacation, house furnishing, medical care, your child’s education, have your plans made long before the occasion arrives. Mrs. Travers as serted that the lack of initiative and cooperation causes most fail ure i in the achievements in the family budgets. \1 isi Willis directed the Moth er’s Chorus in an enjoyable hoar »f As next Monday evening is Mrs. community singing. Travers last evening, all mothers are urged to be present to submit their ideas for a new program for the1 next quarter. The Mothers are looking forward to an outting to Boys To»vn. Res ervations can be made by calling the “Y”. We 1539. GROSS KICKS The Gross Kicks opened thei meeting at 4:45. Pictures were taken of the grntp. . 'is. Ciawfo i male a»me announcements. Mildred Squires, David Ixwgmire, Velma Thomas, Inez Saunders, and John ny Burden acted on the panel with Mrs. Crawford as Chairman. Mild red Squires talked on “My Ideal Boy” David Longmtre’s topic was “My Ideal Girl.” The third speaker was Johnny Burden who talked on “Pet Peeves in a girl.” Velaia Thomas talked on “Pet Peeves in a 'Boy.” Inez Saunders summed up tho four topics. One of the most important faults found in boys and men in our community is that they arc too lazy to tip their hats. We are hoping that they will correct this fault. President, Jauanita Lett Secretary, Vivian Morgan Use /^£f£fflCG¥ERS^\ (NUENAMfL) for Your Spring Painting—of Your House—Interior & Outside—Your Car Furniture or Screens BRILLIANT FINISH—LONG LASTING MORE COVERAGE NU ENAMEL CO. 1511 Harney St. FREE DELIVERY & ESTIMATIONS [ Syvrbel Banquet for 'Gir! iReserves will be held at Central A: sedation, April 25 at 6 P. M. CAREER CLASSES will begin Sunday April 16, at 4 P. M. AH Boys and Girls between the ages of 15 and 22 years are invited i to attend. ■-oOo Pora Club met at the home of Mrs. Cora Brooks secretary. Her repast wp.i, just fine. AH members enjoyed it. Mrs. K. t... Piicei, president; Mrs. Ade Woodson vice president; Miss Grace Speer r assistant secrecy y; Mrs. C.nv les Lillard, tr-ruurer; Mrs I. S. Jefferson, chapli.i, Mrs. Charles T.iEt>rd, chairman pp>e*-’in eommitto;; Mrs. Rosetta Walker, reporter. -oOo THE SOv 1AL ART CLUB On Apnl 0, the meeting <f the Social A" Club, opened at the residence of Mrs Elnora Morris 2629 Parser St.; with the president in charge. At the dose of the de votional period, the minute of the previous meeting were read. One new moire- r was added to the frld, in the pers r of Mrs. Bertha Moo "e 2922 Dfruir St The tiuh member? extend to the i bereaved family of Me Oscar Hayes, their heartfelt sympathy. Under the leadership of such a capable president, the rowing club is making great prog-es3. Quite a number already have acquired frames, with which to be/in learn fn* th* art of eandle-wicking Since the last article the following have joined the club: Mrs. Rose Baker; Miss Coela Curtis; Mrs. Batrice Frederick; Mrs. Ivory McGaugh; Mrs. Amelia McKinney; Mrr. Hattie Potties; Mrs. Saline Quorrels; Mrs. Gwendotyneal Sims and Mrs. Jewel Ware. For more news concerning the activities of this club, see your lo cal papers every week. Yours until the next writing, about the meeting to be had at the home of Mrs. Flossie Moore. Ekna Wesley, president Bertha Smith, secretary Reported by Bertha Smith STOP! LOOK! READ! He's eomtacr! Rev R. R. Blown, radio minister to Salem Baptist Ohmch 29th and Deeetor 8t When? Tuesday, May 9, 1939. Do not fail to be there. William Cooper, BYPU pres. Berthe Smith, chr. in charge Rev E. H. Hilson, pastor -oOo OMAHA BRANCH OF POSTAL EMPLOYEES MEETS -. The Omaha Branch of National ’ Alliance of Postal Employees met at; the Community Center April 1st. The President Comrade, J. W. Dacus, opened the meeting and the 1 usual honthly business was dispat ched The secretary Comrade, 01 lio Lewis, explainer! the importance of continuing financial support of The Omaha Youth Career or ganization on which the branch I voted favorably. On the evening of February 24, 1 tho branch and their- wives were entertained by Comrade Wal'ier Ervin and Lanson Ervin at the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ervin, 3001 North 39th Street A very nice buffet supper was served. Everyone spent a de lightful evening playing whist and Chinese Checkers. A vote, of thanks was convey ed to the Ervin brothers Those present were Mr .and Mrs. J. W. Dacus; Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Lewis; Mr. and Mrs Robert Will iams and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wheeler; Mr. and Mrs Ghas. Barnett, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Williams; Mr. and Mr«. Austin; Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Young; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ervin; Mr. and Mrs. Lanson Ervin; Mr. and Mrs. John Ervin; Mr. Chas. Scott; Earl B —- ^ WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF BULK GARDEN SEED. GRASS SEED, & FERTILIZER. BULBS, HARDY PLANTS, NURSERY STOCK f! COME IN AND SEE US j HOME LANDSCAPE SERVICE 924 N. 24THST. JA. 5115 Waldon; Mr Wallace Wright; Mr. J. L. Fausett; Mr. C. Adam?; and Mr Homer Steele. -0O0 HOLLYWOOD CHARM by Bessie Mae West of the Alt house School of Beauty The care of the hands is quite essential of a person if it is to be charming or attractively definitely detract from our personal charm. Our nails should be scientifically manicured regularly whether polish is applied. Manicures not only beautify but remove deposits from under the nail that a mere washing of the hand does not re move. There are many 'helpful inter ring facts concerning manicuring. Read Hollywood Charm and visit your Cosmetologists for helpful beauty hi nits _—0O0 ■ Out-Look Good for The Goodwill Spring Musical Now that Easter has p«r«en. all time will be given to preparing for the Spring Musical It is expected now that all who are to take part will make these other rehearsals. You will be given instructions as to what you will be expected to do, so do not ex pect some one else to tell you. You should be there and get it first hand for yourself. Just no*w we think there should be m.eamals on each Thursday night and Sunday afternoons until the time for the Musical. It is to take place on April 30th. Will have a dress rehearsal at Tech High school Sunday April 23 at 3:15 P. M. at this rehearsal you should have your banner girls and boys with their little robes on so they can be drilled in the march ing. These children will be urjier the general charge of Mrs. Annie May Kennedy and girls she has to help her . Now make it your duty to be at this rehearsal because your places will be deffinately assigned The Omaha Concert band will be theiv to rehearse with you. Remember now you are to dress Just as you will do on the day of the musical. We are having this k rehearsal at a great expense, so, let us make it worth while. If we get an understanding the SAVE money during National Shoe Repair Week APRIL 15th & 22"d Look over all of your Shoes Now and bring them to us for needed repair. We can Rebuild your shabby shoes at Small cost. (Jur Shop is headquarters for NATIONAL SHOE REPAIR WEEK LAKE SHOE SERVICE 2407 Lake St. J. L. TAYLOR, Prop, 23rd then tho 30iii will be (Any for all. Remember we are to get bigger and better eaeh year, and our slogan is all working with 100 per cent Spirit of Solidarity. L. Ij. McVay. Try.,. Herman’s Market First HERMAN FRtEDLANOER PROPRIETOR 24th Lake St. WE. 5444 The Very Latest from the Chiea<jo Convention: The New— “Pin Curl” WAVE The Same Effect as the Cro quinole without the heated iron. STYLED AS DESIRED Althouse Beauty School 2422 North 22nd Street WEbster 0846 m Nervous, Weak, Ankles Swollen! Much nervousness Is caused by an ex cess of acids and poisons due to func tional Kidney and Bladder disorders which may also cause Getting Up Nights, Burning Passages, Swollen Joints, Backache, Circles Under Eyes, Excess Acidity, Leg Pains and Dizzi ness. Help your kidneys purify your blood with Cystex; Usually the very first dose starts helping your kidneys clean out excess acids ana this soon may make you feel like new. Cystex must satisfy you completely or money back is guaranteed. Get Cystex (slss-tex) to day. It costs only 3c a dose at druggists and the guarantee protects you. FLUSH POISONS FROM KIDNEYS AND STOP GETTING UP NIGHTS BE HEALTHIER, HAPPIER LIVE LONGER When you can get for 36 cents a safe, efficient anil harmless stim ulant and diuretic that should flush from your kidneys the waste matter, poisons and acid that are now doing you harm, Why continue to break your restful sleep by get ting up thru the night? Dn’t be an EASY MARK and ac cept a substitute—Ask for Gold right from Haarlem in Holland. Medal Haarlem Oil in Capsules— GET GOLD MEDAL—the original —the genuine. Look for the Gold Medal on the box—35 cents . Other symptoms of weak kidneys anil irritated bladder may lx back ache, puffy eyes, shifting pains, burning or scanty passage. Thrifty Service 6 lbs. for 48c 7c EACH ADDITIONAL LB. “6'//c ON WEDS.” ALL FLAT WORK BEATIFUL LT IRONED. BATH TOWELS FLUFFY DRIED WEARING APPAREL RETURNED DAMP READY TO IRON. WE GUARANTEE COLORED CLOTHES NOT TO FADE. SHIRTS FINISHED IN THIS SERVICE FOR lOe EACH IF DESIRED. 20% DISCOUNT CASH AND CARRY Emerson-Saratoga Southwest Corner 24th and Erskine Sts.