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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1939)
■f Bill’s Loan Bank Aha MERCHANDISE STORE Confidential Loans at Reasonable Rates Unredeemed Quality Merchan at a Great Reduction. Up* to-Date Clothing, Dry Goods. I.adii'* Itra.-h tu Wear Millinery llo- cry, Blankets, Shoes for the J-.n'ire family. asm V 24th St. Tel. WE. 1369 I msmsmm TV'mvr Co., Dept. Z-20, Atlanta, •Georgia. North 21th St. Shoe Repair 1807 N, 24th St. WE. 4242 "Have Comfortable Feet, and be T' >ppv. We make Old Shoes Wear end Look Like New. S PLEASANT GREEN CHURCH WUIa Mae Rosw, reporter Rev. Reynolds, Pastor Sunday school 9 o'clock w-ith the supt, in charge of devotional. | Teachers took charge of their classes for 15 minutes. Song. An nouncement. Number present, 99. Morning worship 11 o’clock with decors in charge of devotional ser vice. Prayer for live nick by Rev. Caldwell. Song. A lovely sermon war, preached by Rev. Reynolds. Tho Easter program was ronder c 1 at 3 o'clock. It was enjoyoi by all. i:.'. r.imr worship at 8 o’clock. Prayer for tho by Mr. Faulk ner, Song. Tho Easter Cantata was ren . derod by the senior choir. It was enpjoyol by all. Sunday April 16, at 8 o’cLtck tho Junior Choir will give a musical program at Pleasant Groen Church. The ‘•isitors of the day are as follows: Min. L. Ford, 2817 N. 2-lth; Mrs. M. A. Walker, 1706 East 10th St., Kansas Citiv, Mo.; .Mrs. A.lbert Green, 1518 10th avenue, Council I. GRAHAM, Tailor Shop 1618 North 24th St. We I)o First Class Cleaning & Repairing.. See Us Fir^t. E*uu \ //out HO SAVE; Efkii MAGIC CHEF rang* U being otiered lor the first ttrae. at a troductory price, well usual selling price. » "Magic Chef' range a famous "Roper" ilso being lectured. xf «L| ... ^ An Equal Value from the Famous "Roper" Gas Range Line Is Being Offered ot the Same Price. lltk^HAinr WW 34th &T0 Bluffs; Lula Gilbert, Council Bluffs, la.; Lillian Jenkins, 2922 Grant 9t - Mrs. Bennett, Clarinda la.; Mrs. Riley, fjjmeck Ji God; a:d Melvin Ourren. -oOo MT MORIAH BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. F. Jones, pastor F. Rhirroughs, reporter Attendance was good thro ighout tho day. Services were filled with rejoicing reaching its climax a! t-he evening worship when everyone joined in tiho singing and shaking of hands. A real Pen’.encOistal sr i vrer then poured down the drops falling upon many hearts. Kext Sunday April 16t.-. every body ig asked to come out and hear t mutual subj ct “Why Marriage c a Failure” discussed. AM persons who are married are or eo.d »mpla ting such, are j eked to come out end bear this sermon discussed Thiec persons united v tb the cr.urih at the morning wvhip. Thrgr on the f'ck list u:’> Mrs Anna wong and M’s. Jtil't Henry. Death once again has stolen into our ranks and taken a faithful member in the person of Miss Dora Marshall. She shall be greatly missed by u« for she wau of a pleasing personality, quiet, cheerful and always willing to do what ever her hands found to do. Visitors are always welcome to our services. -oOo-• MT. CALVARY COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev. II. W. Johnson, pastor Sister Woodie, ass’t, reporter Sunday school opened on time. Sister Booker acting supt. in charge. Sunday school was well at tended. Easter program followed the lesson. Eggs were presented to tho children. Thank the Lord for making our Supt. and the children happy. 5 A. M. Service was wonder fully attended. The drama and candlo light service was enjoyed by all that was present 11 o’clock service opened with Iho choir marching, singing ‘‘Oh Lord have mercy.” Pastor bringing tho message. St. Luke 24-32. Sub ject unspeakable joy. Didn’t our heart bum while he talked to us by tho way. Union meeting at 6: IB P. M. was well attended. We thank the Lord, he has blessed us ■V.W.V.V.V.V.V.V.V/Mft Duffy Pharmacy We. 0609 24th and LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS Free Deliver* aw.v.v.v.v.vav.v.vav AMERICAN" WEINER SHOP 2509 North 24th Street Best Chili and Beat Hot Doga in the West All Kinds of Sandwiches HOME MADE ICE CREAM GET RID OF SHINE! Why not have a lovely, lighter com plexion? Why not try this easy way to improve coarse, dark, oily skin? Buy a package of Nadinola Bleaching Cream. Bach night smooth it gently on your face. No rubbing, no massaging. White you eteep. Nadinola speeds up the natural process of cxfuliatioa—gently bleaches your skin to a lighter shade. In • short time, you begin to see wonderful improvement. Your complexion grows lighter, smoother, softer. Soon you have what every woman wants, what men ad* mire ... a lighter, lovelier complexion! You Can't lost — Monty -Back GoaraatM You don't risk a cent. Every jar of Nadi nola bring, you full instruction, and a positive money-back guarantee. Give your completion the help of this famous treatment cream. Get Nadinola today. But be sure it's finuine Nadinola. Don't trust your loveliness to any un known substitute. At all drug stores 50c, large money-saving sue $1.00. with a girl class. We are praying I for the Lord for us a boy class. Our Junior class rendered a sweet program. Little Miss War® is our program committee. Evening service was largely at tended. Our church was packed and almost as imany outside an was inside. As the Lord has said, “If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto me.” Rev. Caldwell conducted the service. We were also honored to have Prophetess Hess with us. A man of God. Come out and (.ear him and be healed. Wednesday night. Bring your sick. Don’t for get the Fish fry and program ren dered Saturday night. April 15th. This fry and program is (sponsored by the Count on Me Club. Sister Forrest, captain. We thank our friends for their wonderful support on our financial drive ending June 24th. Watch for announcements on the black boards. -0O0 FIRST CHURCH DELIVERANCE 1827 N. 24th St. Itcv. A. J. Thomas, pastor Rev. F K. Johnson, assistant Atlantic 0628 _. I | Sunday morning Service at 11 A. M. Sunday school at 10:30 A. M. Spiritual Union at 6:00 P. M. Volunteer program 7:00 P. M. Evening worship 8:00 P. M. Sunday school was opened by the pastor and lesson taught by Sister Arnold The lesson was commented on by Mother Alexender. The «]<?cial Easter service at 11 o’clock was largely attended. The pastor delivered the message and the text was: ‘‘He has Arisen as ihe said. Mark 28:6. Subject: ‘‘The Risen Savior.” A high spiri tual testimony service was led by Sister Arnold find all was truly lifted in the Easter spirit of our risen Load. Many visitors were present who were introduced and welcomed by the pastor. Tho evening service was opened by tho pastor: “‘Jesus the Light of the World, and “The Lord is in His Holy Temple.’ The processional was led by Sister Livingston. The pastor turned the service over to Mother Johnson who was in charge of the program. Various Easter sayings and poems were recited by tho little folk of whom we are very proud. Sister Holt narrated the “Passing of the Saviour, and (his glorious rissurection. The group under the leadersip of Sister Liv ingston aided by Mother Johnson gave some impressive scene® of the passing and rissurection. a. The Lord’s Supper. b. The Hour of Trial. c. Jesus before Pilate. d. The Crucifixion. o. The Resurrection. The last »ong joined with the congregathion “The Rose.’’ Many visitor^ were ipresent, including ministers of various churches who in turn were introduced by tbe pastor, and given a chance to speak a few words. We are very grate ful for our success in our Lord, and pray for a steady continuance. Easter eggs were given to all who attended and small baskets were given to our Sunday school child i*n filled with candy eggs and small coilton chickens. The whole procedure was a success. W e, the entire body of our church, thank our many friends and visitors who made our success passible. Announcements Beginning Tuesday night at R P. M. Services will continue the en tire week. Tuesday night, Professor Allen j Suite $2.00, Coats $1.00, -* Dresses 30c. Many other bargains Catalogs Free Fairmount j 160-N6 Monre St., New York, N. Y. ; _ __-— --- CHICAGO FURNITURE COMPANY -Where Thrifty Folks Buy" Furniture, Rags, Floor Cover ings St Stoves JA. 4411 18M-S5 N, 24th Evening Phone WE. 2261 Folks! BUY Living, Dining and ided nom Suites and SAVE Half or more. YES, rugs, floor coverings, gas ranges, oil stov **s. SAVE REAL MONEY! CHICAGO FURNITURE CO. 1833 North 24th St. will be our guest. Wednesday night, Rev. Bell from Kansas City will have full charge of services. Thursday night, Rev Curtiss Jackson will have entire charge. Friday night, A special Candle light service. The pastor in cl large. All are welcome to attend these services. -0O0 CHURCH OF GOI) 2025 N. 24th St. Elder S. S. Spaght Sunday school opened at usual hour. Attendance was very good. The lesson “Paul preaches the risen Christ.” The lesson taught by bro ther King Alls Having a risen Christ means “Life.” The great truth of Easter means only ressu rection but it is life. As he looks back to that empty tomb, it whis pers in memory to our hearts. —He lives.—■ Message by the pastor. 11 A. M. Mark 16-3, Roll away the stone. Wais soul stirring as he related to us the suffering Christ went through to Redeem us from sin. May we be more willing to suffer for the cause of God. At 7:30 Sunday evening the Eas ter program conducted by Sister Naomi Johnson was presented. The program was very good We were glad to have the Keystone Quar tette present. They sang for us several numbers. May the Lord bless sethe young men as they go about singing. Everyone is welcome. -oOo— ST. JOHN AME CHURCH “The Friendly Church" Dr. R. A. Adams, pastor Sunday was an other banner day at St. John. The Sunday school had a fine attendance. The choir’s Easter Music was rendered at the Morning Service hour. The Cantata, “Victory De vine" was very well presented un der the direction of Mrs. Pearl Gibson. The service of the Orchestra men who have joined the choir give* great help to the program. In the afternoon, the Union ser vices of all Omaha churches held at St John was very impressive and well attended. The sermon was preached by Rtv. Hilson pastor of Salem Baptist Church. It i3 great ly encouraging to have these Union services. Let us hope they may continue to draw us a little closer together. At 7:30 P. M. the Sunday school program was presented. It was very interesting. Those in charge are to be commended for such pro grams with so little interest shown on tho part of the children. Now that Easter is over and the Union Service for the present the choir will start it’s hard work for the “Goodwill Spring Musical, ’ and its 4th Sunday nights all re quest programs. Now if you have n request, send them in early Now you who have not as yet paid anything toward the finan cial drive, you can still do so and get credit. Just remember when you pay on this, you are helping your church only. Yours will only bo used for what you pay it for. It is true that cold weather and coal buying season is just about over So see to it that your obli gations are paid. We were glad to see many out . Sunday, but we are sorry to think wo may not see some of them out again until next Easter. The sick are Sister Louise Strawther Brother Cook. We pray for their comfort. We were glad to see so many visitors out Sunday. We invite them to come again. Watch your local paper for your church news. -—0O0 MT. NEBO Rev. I*ruit<, pastor Reporter, Claudia Seay The Sunday school opened at 9:45. The Sunday school lesson: Jesus lives Again. The Easter pro gram was (held during the Sunday school, sponsored by Miss Brad shaw. The 11 o'clock service opened with the choir and congregation try-^t OSffORNES MILLINERY 2513 N. 24th St. For laftest Styles in Hafts (amd Dress making speciality in large sizes. New Stock. singing “Holy Hedy”. Prayer by Brother Bradshaw. Scripture read ing of the 24th of St. Luke, 12th verse. Rev. Pruitt brought us a beauti ful sermon. Subject: The Risen Lord.” 24th capter St. Luke 6th i verse. “He is not here, but is risen. ’ The message ending with the choir singing a very spiritual song. He’s a Joy of my Salvation.” Visitors were Rev Olives and Rev. Stafford, Mr. Percy Halls. Viators are always invited to come to Mt. Nebo. -oOo-_ ALLEN CHAPEL AME CHURCH The Church that welcomes You 25th and R. Street Rev. H. D. Piggue, pastor ' Beginning Monday April 10 an Old Fashioned Revival will be held at Allen Chapel. This meeting will be oonducted by our pastor, Rev. H .D. Piggue. Come out and hear this fearless young man preach God’s word in its fullness. Come ECONOMY Tailor 1918 N. 24th St. For Your Spring Cleaning & Repair Work—SEE QHAS. M. SIMMONS I “ ' and bring your febles. You are al MORE CHURCH NEWS ON PAGE 3 NEURITIS RELIEVE PAIN IN FEW MINUTES To relieve the torturing pain of Neuritis Rheumatism, Neuralgia or Lumbago jn ^ few minutes, get the Doctor’s formula NUR1TO. Dependable—no opiates, no nar cotics. Does the work quickly—must relievo worst pain, to your satisfaction in a few minutes or money back at Druggists. Don’t suffer. Use NURITO oil this guarantee today. We Pay Casta For Old & Antique Guns VVE 2869 521 No. 16th St. MONUMENTS & GRAVE MARKERS Quality at A Price—None Better AMERICAN MEMORIAL CO.. TWENTIETH & CUMING STS PHONE AT. 4927 COTS—BURNS—SCALDS should be quickly treated to prevent bad after effects as well as relieve pain. Use OIL-of-SALT. Wonderful too for sore, tired feet. At your druggist's—money back if not satisfied. For free sample write Mosso Laboratories, 215Soutb Leavitt Street, Chicago. QUICK RELIEF FOR FEET Over 2,000 Women Now Check Query Results Every day brings more figures to confirm what the Touring Re porters discovered in the first few weeks of their famous Query among women. Now 2011 users in 20 cities have answered their, “Were you helped by CARDUI?” Of these 2011 wom en 1880 said “Yes.” In other words 93 per cent said they were definite ly benefited! CARDUI is a good stimulator for lagging appetities, an effective aid to digestion and assimilation. That’s the reason iis proper use enables so many women and girls to build up phyiscal resistance and thus help avoid periodic pain and disturbances of functional dys menorrhea due to malnutrition. Begin tho CARDUI build-up today trad(^OH5Hv NO JOKE cmr» ark A cough due to a cold is no joke. Get Smith Brothers Cough Drops. (Black or Menthol.) Cost only 5^—yet they’re a real cough medicine. Smith Bros. Cough Drops are the’oniy drops containing VITAMIN A This is the vitamin that raises the resistance of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat to cold infections. MRS. MATTIE LEE CALLAWAY —Announces— ; Hair Oil and Grower for Sale —AT— Harriet’s Vanity Beauty Shop CLEOA KING PARKER HATTIE MOORE PROPRIETORS 1408 North 24th St. Acro&s fTom *0«teneX'* Homes WE. 2846 WE: 0156 Special Bargain Prices / Ambassador Nash sedan, like new $575 ‘37 Plymoutr 4 door touring* sedan $450 36 Buick coach sport fodel with heater like new.— •••••*. 495 33 Plymouth coach, excellent condition $175 '33 Reo 4 Door sedan -. .$195 ’32 Nash sedan, good condition $185 31 Panel delivery .-. $125 '30 Ford One and a ralf ton panel delivery A Bargain.. $75 '29 Ford coupe, a good buy --•••• $55 28 Ford coupe, a real bargain -$45 Shames Body & Radiator Co. 1906 CUMING STREET AT. 4556 Dolgoff Hardware PAINT, GLASS & VARNISH W® Do Gluing A Make Window Shade® to Order Stove Pipe*, Furnace Pipes, A Stove A Furnace Repairs Electrical Supplies Plumbing Supplies * Roofing Paper * Guttering Wo Have a Full Line of KTTCHEN UTENSILES _ (Open Evenings) —WE. 1607— 1822-24 N. 24th St.