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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1939)
CLEAVES TEMPLE EASTER SERVICE 9 A. M. Church school 9:30 A. M. Church school pro gr;. •> 1 :30 A. M. Processional with fifty voices singing “Christ the Lor' is Risen Today." T i f< ur singing groups of the church, S.-nioi Jr. and Intermedi at<. o r.% and the Boys and Girls cho us will furnish the music for the morning hour. / H P. M. the Senior choir will rer 1 ' a Cnntila ‘‘Risen Indeed" • -r-• Ar.ny Shoes $1.75 i»r. SEE FRANK AT THE RITZ SHOE SERVICE SHOP 2033 NORTH 24th ST. r. _fi i BUI’S I oan Bank AND M'RCHANDISE STORE Confidential Loans at Reasonable Rates Unredeemed Quality Merchan dise at a Great Reduction. Up tn-Date Clothing, Dry Goods, Ladies Ready to Wear Millinery Hosiery, Blankets, Shoes for the Fntire family. 1804 N. 21th St. Tel. WE. 1369 GEORGE A. ROBERTS fo / City Commissioner Gi'ain business in Omaha 30 years. Never held Public Offic^. For Effieent Busi ness Administration. (Political Advertisement) osAfii/A? ? -____________ by Frod B. Holton and the follow ing numbers will be sung: Song of Triumph (choir) Soprano obligato nolo. 2 Ho Has the Thornes—(Bari : ‘on t Quarto e and choir) 3—Lord Spare Thyself (Tenor Solo and choir) 4 Behold the lamb of God (So prano Solo and choir) I fi—Our Hopes were in Vain (Two j part Men’s chorus and choir) P> There wus a great Earth oijc'ke (choir) 7 T) glorius Dawn (Soprano jolo) 8 He I ives Again (choir) 9—The Lord is Risen Indeed (Y> men’s chorus ) 10—o Love Divine (Contralto So lo) • 2—Ho Giveth us the Victory (choir) It—Proclaim tibe Risen l.ord (choir). Special partis will be taken bv thy following persons: Mesdames: Glady Harrison, Effie Moore, Alice Voting. Katie Burnett and Miss Mildred Wiley. Messrs: It, F. Adams, C. L. I' ibbs, and F. Allison. Others are Sopranos: Mesdames Bertha Bell, Cleo Hayes, Vera Harris, Ida P. Wiley, Minnie Kmbrough, Eiiza txtdv Walker, Nancy Hall, and Anthy Adams. Altoes: Mesdames Anna Thomas, Mac Ruohlac, and Mrs J. Allison. Tenors: Mr. J. D. Young. Mrs. L. A. Story, pianist and Chorister. L. A. Story, Minister, Mrs. Beatrice Gray, reporter —oOo—-• ST. JOHN AME CHURCH “The Friendly Church" Dr. R. A. Adams, pastor The beautiful spring morning brought a good attendance out to Church and Sunday school last Sunday. The Sunday school was Ben Handler RECOMMENDS THESE CANDIDATES FDR CITY COMMISSIONERS • . V ■ Roy N. Towl Mace Brown Emmett Hannon Peter Mehrens Bill Green Leo Abramson Political Advertisement opened at 9:30 a. m. and the les son was reviewed with great in terest. The Raster Services will be some what changed this year The Senior Choir will have its program at the 11 o’clock hour and the Sunday School at 7:30 P. M. and the young people’s chorus directed by Mrs. Alice Wilson will furnish the mu sic. In the afternoon at 3, there will bo a United Easter Service under the direction of the Ministers’ Al liance. Rev. Hilson, pastor Salem will speak and a large united choir will sing. The bervtees will be very good! and you will miss a treat if you are not present. last Sunday was communion day and as is, Dr. Adams’ custom, he did not preach a sermon, but em phasize Palm Sunday and the Com munion. At the evening service hour, the Booster Club presented a religious pageant which was very good and uplifting. One could not help but appreciate it when he sees the fine talent in our group. Now that the Union Services a>e , over, and we go back to our regu lar Sunday night services, we will start having our all request ser vices by the choir, and you can sent in your request now so cney will bo sung. Please do not wait until a few days before the request night because the director has to make out nor program it advance. If at any time you request a num Lev Hnd don’t hear it you may know your request came too late or the program was filled out. You can however, look for it on the next request program. The choir’s has been working hal'd on its Easter Musis and as soon as Easter is over, it will put in extra time for the “Goodwill Spring Music” which is to be at Omaha Technical High school Au ditorium, Sunday, April 30th at 2:45 P. M. Thoso >n charge of this Spring Music are very sure it will be far hotter than any one in the years before, because more time han been used in getting ready for it. The sick of the church are bro ther Cook, a member of the choir, Sister Hanger of the Senior Board. We wish for them and oth ers whoso names were not passed in to the sick committee, a speedy recovery. St John is always glad to see and welcome her many visitors and «sk them to make it their church home while in the city -0O0 Read the Omaha Guide BERNARD’S MARKET 2012 North 24th St: WE. I073 The Store that Sells for Less Easter Greetings Our Store will be Filled with GOOD THINGS for Your Eaater Breakfast and Dinner. SPECIAL EASTER CAKE— MARSHALLOW GOLD CAKE with Cocoanut Icin*—50c(s. Petersen Bakery 24th & Lake St. CARLOAD PIANO 4 An outstanding opportunity for you to save real money through our huge purchase of Spinet Pianos. sensational price concession made us at the factory, plus BIG TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES brings you the greatest PIANO BAR GAINS in our history. 88-not« key board. Popular known make. AT THESE PRICES only while pres ent shipment lasts. FOR A LIMITED TIME *235 FREE! A Beautiful Bench er Chair to Match j No Charge for Out-of-Town Deliveries Within 200 Miles During This Sal* *50 ALLOWANCE for Your Old Plano SALE TERMS $1 WEEKLY Schmoller&inuellcrFiqno Co 1516 Podgo St.—Omoho _6th ond Broodway, Co. Bluff* - I SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH Clarinda, Iowa Rev. D. Nicholson, pastor Sunday school opened at the us ual hour with Brother B. Brown, presiding. There were a large at tendance and much interest was put in the lesson. Next Sunday evening the Sunday school will have their Easter program. Morning service was in a high spirit and all was anxious to tell their testimonials. Evening service was in high and a very large group was present. Brother Pearl Nash our young Min ister preached a wonderful sermon and was backed up by the Pastor who made his subject very plain. Many visitors were present. Visi tors are always welcome to the Second Baptist Church, -—uv/u MT. CALVARY COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev. R. W. Johnson, pastor Sister Woodie, ass't, reporter Sunday school opened at 9:45 A M. Sister Booker acting Supt. Our Sunday school is increasing 30 won derful fair which wo thank the Lord, Teachers in charge of their classes. Sunday school looking for ward to .their Raster eggs. A treat fro»m our Sunday school. Come out and join us. Class studying a re_ view of the lesson of past Quar terly. 11 o’clock service largely attended. Our pastor at his best, Ve enjoyed the wonderful testify ing serveie followed by our pastor bringing the message of St. John l2-31-32rul verse Subject: I want to see Jesus. 6 P. M Union meeting Sister Woodie presiding lesson taught by Sister Romell Hatters and little Miss Whitner. We are growing in grace and our Bible drill is wonderful. Praise the Lord. Evening service conducted by our Pa»tor. Sermon delivered 8:30 P. M. Text, St. John 19-30 Subject: It is finished Knowing our pastor is a God sent man. For the Lord is with him. The Holy Spirit is in this place. Praise the Lord. Como out and enjoy our Easter drama at 5 A. M. the risen Christ. Dpors of the church opende at 4:30 A. M. Our ^pa/.or 'has -worked very hard to make this drama a ! success. We were also honored to have a prophet. He shall render services for the trie and tried Club Wednesday evening Sister Ransom, group Captain. Come and see and hoar. We are still praying for our sick'. Please don’t forget the tea given Sunday April the 9th by our Willing Workers. Sister May berry group captain. 2 P. M. to 6 P. M. Please help us. MT MORIAH BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. F. P. Jones, pastor F. Burroughs, reporter “The Lord is in His Holy Temple Let all the earth keep silence.” At both the morning and even ing worship attendance was good. For the morning worship the pastor spoke on Communion or the impotance of the Lord’s supper in the Christian life. For the evening warship, he ser monized a portion of the 92nd Psalms. The subject which was in keeping with the day was “The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree." After the sermon com munion was observed. Each dea con made a report of his district also. Next Sunday which is Easter Sunday, the order of services will bo as follows: 6 A. M. Special Music by the choir. Sermon by the pastor. 7 A. M Easter morning follow ship breakfast. 9:30 A M. Bible school also at this period the children will ren der thqjr program. 11 A. M. Special music by the choir and sermon. 6 P. M. BYPU as usual. Plea»e come out and help keep the Blas ter Spirit in high 8 P. M. Continuance of Blaster songs by the choir and sermon. Mr. and Mrs. Public, you are invited to all of thsee services. Came out and rejoice with us. -.—oOo EASTER GREETINGS TO OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS FROM THE MYERS FUNERAL HOME 2116 N. 22nd ST. WE. 0428 _ n an an . _ . a a. an an an an an m a-v 0 HLKASANT green church Wiila Mae Roaa, reporter Rev. Reynolds, Pus tor Sunday school 9 o’clock with vice president in charge. Number present, 94, Morning worship 11 o’clock with deacons in charge pf devotional service. Pray er for the sick by Rev Green, Song A short talk by Mr. Upchre. Visi tors, Mrs. Gilbert, Council Bluffs, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Hacka day, Mrs. Smith, 2631 Decatur; Anges Estes, 2920 Grant. BYPTJ at 6 o’clock. Evening wor ship 8 o'clock with deacons in charge of devotional services. Prayer for the sick by Rev. Cald well. Song. A lovely and inspiring sermon was Preached by Rev. G. W. Spires of Council Bluffs, Iowa. It was enjoyed by all. Visitors Mr. and Mrs. L. James. The Easter program will be rendered Sunday April 9, 1939 at 3 o’clock. Come out and enjoy yourselves. You are as welcome as April showers and will be made happy as May flowers. .A CHRIST TEMPLE Rev. L. M. Rolf, Pastor A. Hogan, reporter -—0O0 Sunday school opened on Palm Sunday morning with a very good attendance at nine thirty A. M. Rev L. M. Relf brought us the morning sermon. His subject was Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem. De forming the fact that when “Ouk Lord’ was entering Jerusalem there was no one to welcome him, Found in St. Luke, 19:28. HYP met at six o’clock. A very fine attendance. Rev. Burton delivered the even ing message. The Dark Period, found in St. Luke 23:34 verse was his subject It was a soul stilling message. Our visitors were four in number. Next Sunday being Easter our Easter program will be held at seven thirty in the even ing. We invite you to come and be with us. MT. NEBO Assistant pastor, Rev. Renfro Reporter, Claudia Seay S. S. opened at 9:45 a. m. with Rev. Harris our superintendant with a fair attendance. The topic of the lesson: Soul Becomes a new man. Brother Connor and Sister Billingsley teachers, discussed the lesson wonderfully. 1 o’clock opened with our new elected pastor, Rev. Pruitt. Pray er was led by Brother Thomas. Scripture reading from the 133 Psalm of David. The service was carried out as a regular custom of testifying on the first Sunday of each new month. Many spirited songs were sung between each testimony. Visitoni were Brother Strowneys, and Mrs. Elsie Irving. The Sunday School program will be given at 9:45 A. M. Easter Sun day. ■ ■■■ oOo • ■ » CLEAVES TEMPLE CHURCH Rev. L. A. Story, pastor Beatrice Gray, reporter Sunday school opened at the re gular hour with a good attendance. Next Sunday the Easter program will be held during the Sunday School hour. Sunday school will begin at 9 o’clock on Easter Sun day. Church services will start at 10:30. There will be a processional of four choirs with more than 50 voices. The adult choir, Junior choir, Intermediate choir, and a choir of small boys and girls who will be in the processional. Rav. Story will preach a short sermon. At night, cantata will be presented by the Adult choir. The choirs are being trained by Mrs. L. A. Story. Last Sunday our church resumed regular night services in our own church. Our pas to preached both morning and evening inspirational sermons. The Forward Step Club is sponsoring an Easter Tea at the church Sunday from 3 td 7. The Epworth League meets at 6:30 and the young especially are urg td to attend. -oOn— CHURCH OF GOD 2026 N. 24th St. Elder S. S. SpaRht Sunday school opened at usual hour. Attendance was good. The lesson was well taught. 11 o’clock message by pastor. Subject “Jesus our only Helper.” St. John 15-16. We learned through this message that we as Christians was chosen by Jesus and unless we let him take first place in our hearts, wa cannot bring forth fruit as Jesus requires us to do. 6 o’clock YMP was well attend VI ed. Topic for the evening was The Life of Samuel. We wish to express our oompliments to mas ter Jimmie Shelton and Miss Betty Stronm and Mr. John Spagfat for their wonderful explanation on the lesson. 8 o’clock the pastor taugiht us from St. Matt. 20-17. This was a soul stirring message telling us how Christ faced his suffering and went through that we might be saved from sin and live for victori ous lif® in this present world. Everyone is welcome! -n On NOTICE! OPPORTUNITY EDUCATION FOR ADULTS English, Arithmetic, Spelling & Reading: classes at: 1. Colored Old Folks Home, Wed nesdays, 7:30 to 9:30, 933 N. 25th. 5. Urban League, 2212 Lake St. Thursday and Fridays, 7:30 to 9:30 P. M. 3 Mt Nebo Baptist Church, On Tuesdays, 1 to 3 P. M. 31st and Pinkney. 4. Phylis Wheatley oHme 5625 South 24th St. Monday^ and Tues days 7:30 to 9:30 P. M. 5. 2010 N. 13th St. Wednesdays and Fridays, lto 3 P. M. Your accepting these opportuni ties by regular attendance will help us tp keep these classes open Please enroll now. We Pay Cash For 03d & Antique Guns WE 2869 521 No. 16th St MONUMENTS & GRAVE MARKERS Quality at A Price—None Better AMERICAN MEMORIAL CO.. TWENTIETH & CUMING STS , PHONE AT. 4927 CUTS—BL'RNS—SCALDS should he quickly treated to prevent bad after effects as well as relieve pain. Use OIL-of-SALT. Wonderful too foe sore, tired feet. At your druggist's—money back if not satisfied. Foe free sample w rite Moaeo Laboratories, 21 £> South Leavitt Street, Chicago. QUICK RELIEF FOR FEET Breath Bad, Logy? •You May Need This! 0 Just as tho lighthouse flashes a friendly warning to sailors, so Na ture sends out headaches, bad breath, biliousness, which often warn of constipation. Too many misunderstand or neglect those symptoms and thereby may invite a host ot constipation’s oth er discomforts: sour stomach, bel ohing, loss of appetite or energy. Be wise. Tack spicy, all vegetable BLACK-DIAUGHT tonight by simple directions and clear your bowel3 gently, promptly, thorough ly. This intestinal tonic-laxative helps give tone to lazy bowels^ Long life and popularity testify to BLACK-DRAUGHT’S merit. EXT TBAOE^j Remember—when you take a Smith Brothers Cough Drop you get Vitamin A—eztra! Smith Bros. Cough Drops are the cnly drops containing VITAMIN A This is the vitamin that raises the resistance k of the mucous membranes of the nose i f and throat to cold infections. - ■ — mm mm mmh p"« v1 'Hi r m r*Ta nun • i ■■ Ml fiTT y^ MARK inpniaue MRS. MATTIE LEE CALLAWAY —Announces— Hair Oil and Grower for Sale —AT— My Lady Vanity Beauty Shop CLEOTA KINO PARSONS. HATTIE MOORE PROPRIETORS 1408 North 24th St. Across from Fontenelle Homed WE. 2846 WE: 0156 __ Special Bargain Prices 7 Ambassador Nash sedan, like new $575 "37 Plymoutr 4 door touring sedan $450 ‘36 Buick coach sport fodel with heater like new. ... ’ 495 33 Plymouth coach, excellent condition $175 '33 Reo 4 Door sedan. .. .$195 '32 Nash sedan, good Condition. •• $185 31 Panel delivery *. - $125 *30 Ford One and a ralf ton panel delivery A Bargain... -. $75 29 Ford coupe, a good buy - $55 28 Ford coupe, a real bargain..- $45 Shames Body & Radiator Co. 1906 CUMING STREET . AT. 4556 Dolgoff Hardware PAINT, GLASS & VARNISH Wo Do Glazing & Make Window Shade* to Order Stove Pipes, Furnace Pipes, & Stove & Furnace Repairs Electrical Supplies Plumbing Supplies Roofing Paper & Guttering We Have a Full Line of KITCHEN UTENSILES (Open Evenings) —WE. 1607— 1822-24 N. 24th St.