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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1939)
CHRIST TEMPLE Rev. L. M. Rdf. Pastor A. Hogan, reporter SuncSy School opened at nine Shirty a. m. and there waa a very fine art ondance. The subject of our lesson was “Peter Interprets CJhrisV Suffering and Death." fV&er 1: 17-23 ;2 : 20-25. Our pas tor was called away due to the illness of his son. But he was able to be hero Sunday. Rev, Relf imjogh* us our morning sermon, fits subject was found in Diah 61: f-S It proclaimed the task that is placed -pon the minister of God. Sunday afternoon our assistant pastor. Rev. J. W. Goodwin, prea ched for Rev. Piggue in South Omaha. FfYIPU opened at six P. M. The Union was enjoyed by all who mttended. The evening message wa<* delivered by Rev, Samuel Stafford. His subject was “Power in Pray enr.” 7 chapter I Samuel 5 verse. This stirring message determain ing hhe great power of prayer waa eninyed by all who hear it. Our visitors were three. Come *nd worship with us anytime. JlLLT* CHAPEL AME CHUKCH “T e church that welcomes you” 25th and S Streets Rev. H_ I). Pggue, Minister S»:30 a. m. Sunday School— James Fellows, Supt, 1 * 03 a. m. Morning worship < 90 p. m. A. C. E. I>engue 7:30 p. m. Evening worship The- Sunday School’s attendance was unusually large at Allen Cha pel Inst Sunday. The Bible Class taugl t hy Rev. Piggue is well un der way and it is hoped that more members will bo added each Sun day. Tho lesson was reviewed by IRev Piggue. The pastor brought to us a spirt ed gospel message at the 11 o'clock service. Text St. John, 17-3. Sub ject. “The Eternal Life Is a New Life and the New Life is Lived Hero”. At 3:00 p. m. Elder Goodwin of Orrist Temple preached a wonder ful oermon. Announements Everyday at 12 o’clock AlJ-’n * Impel ia having old fashioned »---® I Army Shoes | $1«75 pr. i ■ f SEE FRANK AT THE : BUZ SHOE SERVICE SHOP 2033 NORTH 24 th ST. jesses: ..® Bill's Loan Bank m MERCHANDISE STORE Confidential Loans at Reasonable * Rates Unredeemed Quality Merchan dise at a Great Reduction. Up Co-Date Clothing, Dry Goods, l adies. Ready to Wear Millinery \ Hosiery, Blankets, Shoes for the lu<»ire Family. *804 N. 24th St. Tel. WE. 1S«9 GEORGE A. ROBERTS iot City Commissioner Grain business in Omaha 30 years. Never held PuMic Officer For Efficent Busi ness Administration. (Political Advertisement) j We Pay Cash For 03d & Antique Guns WF 2869 52i No. Iftth St. »" NEBRASKA^ PRODUCE 1202 4 6 North 24th St. Phone WE 4137 Poultry and Egg Dealers ; Om prices are reasonsable, ! ’ee ns first. Free Trading Stamps with A each Purchase. noon-day prayer aervicas. The pu blic is invited to attend . I Beginning April 10th, a series of meeting" will be held at Allen Chapel every evening at 7 p. m. You are cordially invited to attend theso meetings. Come and hear the gospel preached by a good God | fearing miniscr, our beloved Rev. ' H. D. Piggue. Come and bring your Bibles. April 2 is Mien's Day. An all roquost program by the choir at 7 p m. April 6 at 8 pt m., a banquet will bo given by the Portia Club Don’t fail to attend this well plan ned affair at Butchers Workman Hall, 25th and M streets. Get your tickot from any member of the club. At 7 p. m. Easter Sunday, a , cantata entitled, "Death and Life ’ will bo given by the Senior choir under the able direction of Mrs, Ethel Webb. The Sunday School program will be given at 3 p. m. Easter Sun day. MT. nebo Assistant pastor. Rev. Renfro Reporter, Claudia Seay Sunday school opened at 9:45 A. M. with our faithful superin tendent. Tho opening services and tho lesson was carried out splen didly, although it was a new sys tem that our superintendent had planned. At 11 o’clock tho devotional ser vico opened with tho congregation singing “I love the Lord.” Scrip turo reading by Bro. Bradshaw, reading 7 verges of the 110th booki of Psalms. The devotion was then' turned ovor to Rev. J. Harris, visit ing pastor, with tho choir singing “Leaning on tho Everlasting Arms” and “Right Now.” Rev. Holmes brought to u* a wonderful messogo subject: “What new Doctrine is This?” from tho following writers: Acta 17th 19 verse; Isiah 29th 13 verso; Titus 1th 14-16 verse; Colassiens 2th 18-22 verse; Matthew 16th 9 verso; Matthew 16th 12 verse. The preaching closed with the choir winging “Softly and Tender ly.” Our visitors were Rev. M. Harris accompanied by his wife, and Rev.’ Holmes. Mt. Nebo al ways havo her doors open for vis itors. MT MORIAH BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. F. P. Jones, pastor F. Burroughs, reporter Tho day was well spent in lis tening to the truth that came from God’s servants. Morning services were filled with the spirit. Judg ing from the expressions of per sons we talked with afterwards they were uplifted spiritually. The truth is much needed and the sin cere seeker cannot help but re joice when they hear it. The afternon worship sponsored by the Mission Society was a suc cess financially and spiritually. Rev. G. Hickerson, pastor of Be ethel Baptist church brought the message. The services each night during the week were very good and pro ved to bo a source of inspiration to those who attended. Each ser mon was timely providing excell i ent material for food for thought, | Friday night is business meeting and all Members are requested to be present. Those on the sick list are some what improved. Visitors are always welcome to our services. PLEASANT GREEN CHURCH Willa Mao Roms, reporter Rev. (Reynolds, Pastor Sunday School opened at 9 o’ clock with tho superintendant in charge. A lovely missionary pro gram was sponsored by the Miss ionary department. You are invi ted to attend our Sunday School. Morning worship at 11 o’clock wibh deacons in charge of the de votional service. Song by the choir Greer. An inspiring sermon v/a.i preached by Rev. J. H. Reynold:,. Visitors: Mrs. Elva Moye, 1520 North 21: h. Mrs. Alpha M. Waf.h I ington 1706 North 24th, Mrs. Dolly Dixon, 3516 Emmett St. Mid-day service .at 3 o’clock with Mrs. B. Pearl in charge. A nice program was rendered. BYPU was at 6 o'clock with the vice-president presiding and a pro gram was performed by the miss ionary department It was enjoyed by all. Evening worship at 8 o'clock with deacons in charga of the de votional services. Prayer for the sick and a song by Uhe choir. A lovely ‘sermon was preached by the pastor. Visitors: Mrs. Joseph Hogan, Mrs. Louise Redd. Announcements were then read and followed by adjournment. You arc also welcome to attend any part of the church services, comu one and all and enjoy your seli. Bethel AME CHURCH Rev. W. Camper, Pastor J, S. Jefferson, reporter Sunday School was called to or der by tho superentendent at its urual time wrtlh fair attendance and all teachers ready to take charge of their classes. After 30 minutes of discus-ion tho school lisfcend to a review by Sister Ijee. ReV. J. W. Williams niade a de lightful talk to the Sunday School A' 11 o’clock the morning aer vioo began by a song by the choir, “Father I Stretch My Hands To T1 ", Prayer by Rev. J. W. Wil liams. Scripture lesson from the 6t’ chapter of Paul’s letter to the Romans. Rev Ca r per spoke from Qalaltion 6th chapter 14t.h verse. The Spirit ran high all through the service. The sick of the church are ro poEcd to be doing fine. We were glad to see Brother William Mon day out Sunday morning after being confined to his home be cause of a broken leg. He will soon bo all right again. Tho Union ser vice closed Sunday night. Every one seemed to regret it because wo have enjoyed them so much and prayer and class Wednesday evening. —_—oOo FIRST CHURCH of DELIVERANCE 1837 No. 24th St. A. J. Thomas, pastor F. K. Johnson, Assistant Sunday morning. Worship 12: A. M. Sunday school 10:30. Spiri tual Union 6:00 P. M. Volunteer Program, 7:00 P. M. Evening worship 8:00 P. M. Sunday school was opened by the assistant pastor. The passion of our Lord and Savior, Jeeus Christ was depicted and taught by the pastor. The Sunday school is giv ing a Easter pixjrram for ithe children under the direction of N. Lillian Johnson. A special invi tation is extended to all to come and see what our little folks are doing. Morning service was opened in the usual form. The sermon was delivered by bhe pastor. Text: “Am I my brother’s keeper.” Gen. 4:9. Subject: “Radiance of Influence.” An enjoyable time was had by all. The spiritual Union, and Volun teer Program hours were used as rehearsel for the “Pageant” and Easter program. Evening worship was opened with "Jesus is the Light of the World” and “The Lord is in his 1 Holy Temple.” The message was delivered by bhe assistant pastor. Text: "Forgive them for they kn^w not what they not.” Luke 23:34, Subject: “Forgiveness.” The spirit was high and w'e enjoyed a spiritual feast with the Lord. Announcements Tuesday March 28—8 P. M. A' special candlelight service. The pastor has entire charge. Thursday March 30—8 P. M. Re-! gular midweek service. Conducted' by the assistant pastor. Friday, March 31—8:30 P M. Madam English Paris will be pre-i sented in a recita/. Tickets arc available at Elverta’s Barber Shop at 2011 N. 24th St. Friday, March 31—8 P .M. The1 Busy Bee Art circle meets at Sis ter Livingston’s at 2011 N. 24 StJ April 6—A bako sale under the auspices of the Minister's board. Pits and donuts are for sale. Phone your orders to Atlantic 0628. (Free delivery) : 8:05 F. M.--E«.aUr eggs will be j given to the children. We welcome i our friend* end at ail t ries to tbe friendly little church around the ccme*. The Union Mission of Omaha ! Nebraska, had their monthly meet i mg Sunday March 20, at New Hope Baptist Church 25th Burdette S:„ pastor Rev. Crowder, The meeting was called bo order ; by the president, Sister Biliing I sley. Devotional led by sister Hill and sister Wright. They conduct ed a chain prayer which was to his children. Sister Bradthaw, our program committe rendered a pro gram which was highly enjoyed by all. Rev, E. D. Johnson was the speaker for the afternoon. His text was found in St. John 10 chap. Subject: “Life.” The man of God truly opened up Life to us, in a wonderful and most explicit manner. The se mon was trully needed and many a good though was taken from it. The courtesy committee, Mrs. G. W. Strc(mile called our visitors i forward. There were quite a few out. We thank our visitor* and ask them to come back and bring more with them. The next meeting will be April 23rd. Morning Church, pastor Rev. G. E. White 2'>0S Franklin St. Wo are asking for all Missionary groups of all churches, to join jn end help put this great organisa tion over. We are working for t.he betterment of our people. Sister Billingsley, president; Sis tu K. Steele, reporter. ST. JOHN AME CHURCH “The Friendly Church” I)r. R. A. Adams, pastor Th" fir-t Sunday of Spring gave u? a very fine attendance to all service? at St. John last Sunday. The Sunday School had the best it; has .had for some time. As Easter is near, the teachers aij very anxious that all children come regular and on time. The Easter program for the Sunday school will take p’aco Sunday night this year and the choir will have its program during the morning worship hour. In the afternoon, there will be n grand Easter Union Service at which Rev. Hilson, pastor of Salem Baptist church will speak. This should be a very interesting ser vice I.ast Sunday, Dr. Adams preach ed at the morning service and at Pilgrim Baptist in the afternoon. Sunday night was the last night of the Unio nservices. The choirs of the four churches connected with the Union services were mass ed in ono choir under the direction of Mrs. Pearl Gibson. It was a :iong and prayer service in which a fine spiritual message by song was given to those who had their hearts set to receive it. Tho Union Meeting has shown p. fine spirit of cooperatlofTon the part of all connected, as well as very helpful. Tho siick of the church are Sis ter Gardener, Sister Hanger. We are glad to see Sister Rose Ma son, George Borders and Brother Goodwin out after their illness. There are othera who are sick and whose names were not pas sed in but we pray for all and that they will recover shortly. The Booster club is preparing a very fine pageant for Good Fri day night. Be sure to see and heai' it. You will be surprised with your own home talent. The Financial drive is still on so if you were not able to give your assessment last Sun, please do it as soon as you can. Vou can be assured that yoj’ help is greatly needed. .Read your local papers for youi church news. ——-—o CHURCH OF GOl) 2025 N. 24th St \ Fide.- S. S. Spaght Sunday school opened at usuaf hour. Attendance was good. The lesson "Peter Interprets Christ’s Suffering and Death.” Was well taught by Brother King Alls tell ing us after studying the life of Peter for the past three months hope we as Chri.-yfons will be willing to suffer more for the Lord an 1 encourage others to live for him. At 1! o clock, the message by the pastor. Subject: “Be thou an example Titus 2-7-8. (> o clock. YPM. Good attendance. Vcp c r v -\ erring: ’the l:fe of , Samuel. Many inspiring and help ful thoughts were received from I this subject by ijiiitor D. vViULs. i 8’ oclock the pastor taught us from 2 Titu 2-19-20. It was en joyed by all. Come. Everyone is i welcome! --oOo MT. CALVARY COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev. R. W. Johnson, pastor Sister Woodie, asa’t, reporter Sunday school opened at 9.46 A. M. with Miss Irene Booker asst, super in tertian t. We were very happy for the increase in our Sun day school Lesson found I Peter 1-1-17. Subject: Christ Death and Suffering. Miss Booker and Miss Hatters, teachers. Lesson t/dt won derfully discussed. 11 o’clock service was well at tended. Pastor brought the mes sage. One that shall be remem bered. Scripture reading from St. -John 3 chapter 1-17 verse. Subject: How can these things be. Found in 9th verse. 3 P. M. we were present at Rev. Crowders church attending the City Wide Mission. 6 P. M. Union service with sister Woodie presid ing class was nicely attended. Sis ter Hatters, teacher. Come oi’t and hear this young girl teach. Les sen found St John 10 chanter 1-3. We were happy to na e sister Wat*on and sister Miller with us br.tb very able to be a great help to us. 8 o’clock sc vice opened » choir marching “Oh, Lord, have mercy." Pastor delivered a great spiritual message. He made the message plain. We thank the friends for the part they played on our program. Don’t forget our musical Friday night in South Omaha at Rev, Mosley’s church 20th and R. You are cordially in vited to help us out. Come help us put the program over. -oOu Dr. Irving S. Cutter, medical columnist and first president of the Omaha Community Chest will be the speaker at the fifteenth an niversary celebration of the Omaha Community Chest, April 10 at the Forttenelle Hotel. Dr. Cutter, former dean of the University of Nebraska College of Medicine, was instrumental in the organization of the Community Chest fifteen years ago. According to Francis Matthew, present president of the Chest, all past presidents will attend the dinner. They include Henry Doorly, W. O. Fraser, J. L. Haugh, A. H. Richardson, C. M. Wilhelm, Melvin Bekins, W. Dale Clark, Rop Page and Henry Monsky. Reservations to the dinner may be made at the Chest office. THIS WEEK IN RELIGION & THOUGHT by ROBERT L. MOODY Negro Health Week— Each year we appropriately ob serve National Negro Health Week. This is a very important because of the stated “death rate" among Negroes. Some Insurance compa nies either entirely regret Negro applicants or depreciate our In goes without disputation that sta tistics on our health. The writer has been permitted to visit several homes of the other group* and for indvidu&l cases. 1 find conditions as unsanitary as our own, it not more so. But it goes without disputaion that sta tistics aro accepted as true. Several factors have influenced the poor health conditions among CU,' people. IgnorancQ and econo mic depression aro the most af -*-"+**1 ojnes, But since the obSer AVw. vanco of Negro Health Week and many other agencies such as cli nic* and lectures campaigns, our national health has greatly im proved. There one thing we desire In Omaha locally, that is, tha$ more ,o? our girls and boys should be g’jvcn' ®n opportunity to develope into ar>d doctors. Wo want hi ^ only know the causes health health but ! they have a cWce t0 help to era' dicate the same, ~ • 11—^ TO SING “SEVEN LAST WORDS On Palm Sunday April 2nd (V ct.ioir of Hillside ProsbyteriaiY Church will sing Dubois “Seven Last Words of Christ,” at 3:30 o’clock. The soloists will be Mrs. Ethel Webb and Mrs. Irene Mor ton sopranos, Mr. Richard Miller, soloist of Dundee Presbyterian tenor, awl Mr. H. L. Prestor, has:. This is the eighth annual presen ! tat ion of this beautiful y piece of music. Music lovers are asked to bo in their seats, at 3 o’clock. Tha Benson Presbyterian Church Parishioners have asked that these words be sung for them on Sunday evening at 8 oVlock March 2nd. And the Park Forrest Presbyterian has asked for it to be rendered on Good Friday night Hillside church and its choir “live, to serve." The pastor, Rev. John 3. Williams will direct the choir, and Miss Edrose Willis as guest pianist -—oOo-• W. C. Handy On Speaking Tour New York, March 30 (C)—W. C. Handy, head of the Handy Bro thers Music Publishing company, 1687 Broadway, is now on a speak ing tour, (having closed his en gagement with the Cotton Club. Mr. Handy appeared in Philadel phia on March 21, and will tour tho schools of We«t Virginia be ginning April 16, following which ho will go to Washington, D. C., anti take part in the National Folk Festival, in which he appeared last year in Constitution Hall (the same hall which barred Marian Anderson) and will appear there again this year. Mr. Handy’s Broadway offices hare been renov ated and are ready for the influx of Fair visitors. NEURITIS tllllVI PAIN IN PIW MINUTES To relieve the torturing pnjp of NenriUq. Rb«smaU«m. Neuralgia or Lumbago M a ^^“•S-SLb^n JtEl.« entice. Dooo too work quickly—must re%e wont pain, to your aatinfactlan in > ffiw minutes or money bock nt Drugghste. Uflfc’t •uNer. Dm NTTRiTO on tkfc gaamntoo tocKv. , OF EXTRA Men and women make big money every dey celling the moet complete line of over _ 100 guaranteed coemetica, flavoring, ■ and curies. Customers buy on sight and buy the nest time you call. Make op to 14000 » ***!> full time, Jt.00 a day spare tiaaa. Get Lucky Heart’a FREE samples. Kpage illustrated beauty book. 19 00 worth el guaranteed products and a big sample cam FREE of cstra coet. Write Lucky Heart C», Dept. 1-4-33, Memphis, Tenn. __ I guarantee to help you got • Nfo. No com beyond hops. Stop worry, k* I Write me today InfonnwUoa PRNBI M. WILLIAMS, Journal S^aaro SQu loraay City, N. K Dept, o COTS-Bl'RNS-SCALDS should be quickly treated to prevent had after effects as well aa relieve pain. Use OIL-of-SALT. Wonderful too for sore, tired feet. At your druggist’a—money back if not satisfied. For free sample write Moeso Laboratories, 2lf> South Leavitt Street, Chicago. QUICK RELIEF FOR FEET BE KIND! lie considerate! Don t cough in public p. ^rry with you Smith Brothers Cough Drops. (Two kinds—B^ack or Menthol, 5<f.) Smith Bros. Cough Drops are the only drops containing VITAMIN A This is the vitamin that raises the resistance of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat to cold infections. . I - * — Headachy, Breath Bad? Make This Check-Up! ine ronce »iren means .look'-m out!” And so do Nature’s signals — headaches, biliousness, bad breath, which are often symptoms of constipation. Don’t neglect your sluggish bowels, for a host of con stipation’s other discomforts may result; suah as, sour stomach, loss of appetite or energy, mental dull ness. Help your lazy bowels with spicy, all vegetable BLACK-DRAUGHT. Acts gently, promptly, thoroughly, by simple directions. BLACK-DRAUGHT’S principal in gredient is an “intestinal tonic laxative.” It helps impart tone to lazy bowels muscles. Next time try this time-tested product! MRS. MATTIE LEE CALLAWAY —Announces— Hair Oil and Grower for Sale —AT— My Lady Vanity Beauty Sbop CLEOTA KING PARSONS. HATTIE MOORE PROPRIETORS 1408 North 24th St. Across from Fontenelle Homes WE. 2846 WE: 0156 Special Bargain Prices 7 Ambassador Nash sedan, like new $575 '37 Plymoutr 4 door touring1 Sedan $450 36 Buick coach sport fodel with heater like new. 495 33 Plymouth coach, excellent condition $175 33 Reo 4 Door sedan $195 32 Nash sedan, good condition $185 31 Panel delivery $125 30 Ford One and a ralf ton panel delivery A Bargain . $75 29 Ford coupe, a good buy .. . . . .. 555 28 Ford coupe, a real bargain $45 Shames Body & Radiator Co. 1906 CUMING STREET . AT. 4556 Taint, glass & varnish We Do Glazing & Make Window Shades to Order Stove Pipes, Furnace Pipes. & Stove & Furnace Repairs Electrical Supplies Plumbing Supplies Roofing Paper * Guttering We Have a Full Line of KITCHEN UTENSILES (Open Evenings) XVE. 1607— 1822-24 N. 24th St.