The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, March 18, 1939, City Edition, Page Four, Image 4

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    AFFAIRS The ^ S-o-oi-e-t-y * W or Id organizations
Nervous, Weak.
Ankles Swollen!
Much nerroueneas is caused by an ex
cess of adds and poisons due to func
tional Kidney and Bladdar disorder*
tch may alao oauee Getting Up
l Burning Passage*, Swollen
■*- - --- ('iro|„, Under Byes,
fcxoeei Acidity. »g Pains and IHxal
nna Hdp roar kidneys purify yoai
blood with Orels*. Usually the rery
first dues starts helping your kidney*
clean out emcoKB add* ana this soon tnay
make you feel like new. Cysts* Bud
satisfy you completely or money buck It
guaranteed. Get Cyste* (slsH-tex) to
day. It ooeta only 9c a dose at druggist,
aud the guarantee protects you.
“I Won 51 O j
the Day I Got My
Rabbit’s Foot”
writes F. T. of Pa. “The PRAY
ER you sent me with my RAB
BIT'S FOOT has helped me won
derfully." say* Mrs. L. C. of Ohio.
“Results have been amazing," re
ports S. G. of Florida.
Letters like these coming from
grateful men and women all over
the country make me very happy.
I sell only as a curio, so it may be
coincidence -or ifflie psychological
effect, but these people believe 1
have helped them—and I would
liko to include YOU too!
No matter what your Hard Luck
is, Poor Health, No Job, Unlucky
in Numbers, Games, Races, etc.,
In Love, lonely, Worried, or the
like—you may bless the day you
send for one of my alleged gen
and Your loved Ones which I en
close in every order.
Thousands of people say that the
-myeterious “LUCKY” POWER of
a real IRABBITS FOOT brings
Good Fortune and Protection from
Harm. Almost every living soul
on earth has FAITH in the Trem
endous, Mighty, Never-Failing
haven’t tried the combination of
these two alleged great POWERS,
don't delay. Some people say they
may easily Change Your Luck Over
So please hurry! Clip this mes
sage and mail with only 26c (coin).
Please print your name and address
clearly. I want to help you if pos
sible ss fast as I can. Your sincere
Friend LADY HOPE, 272 Post
Road, Noroton, Conn.
Father Rums of St. Phillips
Episcopal Church is the speaker
for the Trojans during Lent. On
March 7, Father Slams gave his
initial talk before the group At
this time, he stressed the differ
ence between “religioufl freedom"
and "freedom with religion." Tues
day nijF t of this week his sub
ject was "the Divio? Discontent."
In substance. Father Stems said
j that relfgi< n is the answer to
men’s unre t and the soul wag
made for God and it will never
find peace except with God.
Tho Trojans consider themselves
very fortunate in securing auch a
proficient speaker.
Helena Thomas, Reporter
A Party was (riven at the home
of Mr. and Mm. Barber1, 2866 Ohio
for tihe following, Mr. and Mrs.
Ousley of 2618 Benny St., Mr. and
Mrs Herman Smith, 2816 Maple
St., Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hall.
A very nice time wns had. Cards
were played. Mr. Smith and Mrs.
Barber took booby prize as usual.
' Mr Sm'th is a Railroad porter.
Mrs. Barber is one of Omaha’s
prominent matrons.
Mrs. Henry Hayden, 4240 Mia
mi Street, entertaiied at six o’clock
dinner Sunday March 12 in honor
24th Lake St.
WE. 5444
For years I'd always paid cash. My
credit had sever boon established
anywhere but I needed new tires
at once. Imagine my amassment
when they OXd my credit, opened
my account and delivered the tires
at once.
fey fetter let, Heater* er a Redie
Tbit fety Way
Why not use your credit to buy tires,
a radio, battery at heater when it
is so easy to opon an account. No
ted tape — no delays — no long
credit investigations.
Vwi i ■ i i jnmj ms111 ri KS H>
of her husbands birthday. Tho!
present were Mrs. H, J. Kinney,
Mr. and Mrs. Nat Hunter, Mr. and
Mrs. V S. Wheatley and Mr. and
Mrs. William Downing. A pleasant
evening was enjoyed by all.
With three new members to aug
ment the City Recreation staff
now maintained at the Urban Lea
gue, activities there will increase
in vigor and number. The three
additions, Mrs. Bernice Marshall
Mr Rudolph Gerren, and Mr. A1
Abney, will help inagurate sev
eral new classes. Among them will
bo studies in dramatics for grade
school children, needle craft for
girls, and woodworking and carv
ing for men and women.
The game room will be open for
players of shuffle-board, ping pong
chine?o checkers, badminton and
many other inside games. Special
classes in garden furniture con
struction for adults will be given
on Monday evenings from 7:00 to
9:00 P. M.
Boy’s handcraft classes are be
ginning work on toy yatchs in pre
paration for the city-wide racing
regatta to be staged in the spring.
Edroso Willis has been named
the new assistant supervisor at
the 23rd and Charles Streets Cen
ter. Courses in handcraft and wood
working are available at this cen
ter. Classes for pre-school child
ren are also being hold. For in
formation call Jackson 8798.
Well, Howdy, Folks.
First, I want to say you missed
a treat, when you failed to attend
the Cabinet meeting last Sunday at
the residence of Mrs Herberts on
28th St. Oh yes. Pleasant Green
Ushers came 100 per cent as usual.
Our president made some very en
teresting talks togather with oth
er., who spoke upon different top
ics of interest. The president of
Pleasant Green Ushers stated in
part ‘that in speakng for her
group. They are glad to join up
with us.”
Don't forget the Pew Rally on
the 4th Sunday at Cleaves Tem
ple. Be sure to get your envelopes
from your local president for said
date You got what I mwn I hope.
We were Very glad to see our
secretary Mr. Goobsey at her post
last Sunday having been out of the
city for the past weeks
Bethel Baptist, in South Omaha,
where are you. Won’t you come
to see us or will we have to come
to you?
Jack Hall, reporter
by Bessie Mas West
of the A Mouse School of
All the latest and most becom
ing individual hair styles are the
remit, of two world famous hair
These two methods of curling
are the croquenole curl and the
pin curl. Pin curls and croquenoles
can be set into rolls, waves, ring
lets, and curls Your hair can be
styled as desired.
Paris, New York and Hollywood
women say “Pin Curls.” Have your
hair pin curled in the latest styles.
Watch Hollywood Charm, and
visit your cosmetologists for help
ful beauty hints.
Ug For delayed or Irregular
lyl periods use this Relief Oom
fjflj pound. ACTS QUICKLY.
IV- Relieves many long stubborn
Ml! unnatural delays in two U
■ “ five days without pain or
inconvenience. Mrs. L.
writes: "I missed 12 weeks,
_ after a few doses it started.’
Don’t suffer er be uncertain.
Send today for this amaz
ing remedy. |8.
DR. RON-AL Medicine Co.
7842 N. P., Ogentz Are.
PW*- _i
The Goodwill Spring Musical
choirs are showing fine spirit of
cooperation in their rehearsals for
our great day April 30th. The day
set for our 5th annual Musical at
Tech High school auditorium, at
2:45 P. M.
This one wflj be far better than
any one in the past yearg. The
massed choirs are making their
voices blend very beautifully un
der the direction of Rev. J. S. Wil
liams and Mrs. Pearl Gibson. The
very fine thing about it all is to
seo the joy in the rehearsals both
on the part of the choirs and those
in charge.
It is very important that all
choirs and members of choirs
make all these rehearsals if they
expect to sing at the musical.
The next rehearsals will be Sun
day March 19 at the Hillside about
4:30 P. M. After the NAACP meet
Now this is a time for you to
unite all your friends of all groups
to come and see and hear this very
fino seawice. Just think of those
you work for and with.
If there are those who yet want
robes, they should get in touch
with L. L. McVay, Phone Web.
0713, because he can tell them
about getting robes at a great
saving. You may write to the Tho
mas A. Peterson Company, 2020
Grand Ave, Kansas City Mo., and
they will give you the best price
to be given on robes. Do this at
once so you may have your robes
cn time for the Spring Musical.
If you have not gotten your
music yet, you should do so at
once. If you expect to do your pad
to make our music what it should
be. Remeber our slogan—
“100 per cent Spirit of Solidarity.’*
L. L. McVay
Educating for Democracy
There is a general awakening
among the thinking people of our
counltry. Heretofore, the freedom
enjoyed in a democracy has been
taken as a matter of course. But
“opposition” is a very good teacher
though he is a very sever one at
times. We have spent much time
fighting communistic propaganda
and while we are dang this, the
opposfto extcrmists were sowing
seeds of a destructive nationalism.
The Constitution of the United
States and the Holy Bible are pro
bably the most misinterpreted
documents in the world. Since the
ratification, there have been dif
ferent schools of thought regard
ing what the constitution provided
for the individual and the state.
Our much cherished principle of
“freedom” is often abused.
Now that such doctrines as Na
zism Facism, Communisms and
score* of other “ism*” are being
spread under the provisions of
freedom of speech and we have
the task of learning, knowing and
spreading the truth. Every true
American feels that our form of
govemmest (|i. e. representative
d mocracy) is the best system un
der which one may enjoy life, li
berty ,and pursuit of happiness.
Like salvation, it is not enough
to know these blessings ourselves
but it is our duty to educate our
fellow-men about the principle of
The public schools are doing
much to train our children in de
mocracy .Wo have learned the vio
lence and unguarded force Is de
structive to our purpose but there
is a better way. That better way
is “Education for Democracy"
through speech and press. The beet
way to overcome propaganda is
with propaganda,
2509 North 24th Street
Best Chili and Beat Hot Doga
in tha Waat
All Kinda of gandwtehea
(continued from p. 1)
of Agriculture through the Prairie
States Forestry and also through
tho Department of Biological Sur
vey, is furnishing these trees and
shrubs free to the farmers. Tho
game raised in these areas furn
ishes the fanner much valuable
food during the hunting season.
Tho upland game and song birds
also kill millions of grasshoppers,
cut worms and other insects that
cause so much damage to the
Coincident with National Wild
life Restoration Week is the sale
of Wild life Poster stamps, design
ed by the foremost nature artists
of America.
Stamps sell for one dollar per
sheet of 80 stamps and the pro
ceeds will bo used for conservation
projects both here in the state and
j in the administration of the nation
al headquarters of the National
Wildlife Federation, which spon
sors the movement.
Comparable to the American ■
Red Cross as an agent of mercy
among the afflicted, the Wildlife
Federation serves a3 a helping
hand to the continent’s wildlife.
Only through stamp sales can
funds be raised to carry on the
fight for posterity.
Stamps are being distributed
through the state Wildlife Federa
tion and through county chairmen
and hardware dealers. The first
legislative achievement of the fed
eration was the drafting and spon
sorship of the Pittman-Robertson
Act, returning to the states for
(Wildlife restoration^ the excise tax
funds from the sales of sporting
arms and ammunition.
Nebraska is among 30 states
now cooperating i'n Pittman-Ro
bertson projects, the first state
projects being the cooperative
rearing program scedulei for 25
districts in the state.
This newspaper will cooperate in
tho restoration of trees, Wildlife
and fish in Sebraska. If you wish
you can mail us one dollar for a
sheet of 80 beautiful sitamps show
ing various specie* of trees, fish
and wildlife in eight color artwork.
We will order these stamps for
you from Nebraska Wildlife Feder
ation, Lincoln, Nebr.. so that you
may do your part in assisting in
this great work.
Northside Beauty Shop n|
Tho more you know about your
hair the easier you will find its 1
care, for the care of the hair and
scalp is really a very simple mat
ter. When you fully understand
nature1!? simple laws governing
hair growth, you will realize that
a healthy scalp and exquisitely
soft, glossy hair are within reach
of everyone, ** i ' t* • *
Every hair begins at the bulb
and grows to the surface through
the follicle. The hair receives its
supply of blood from the tiny cap
illaries which lead from the blood
stream to the papilla. Tiny nerves
also connect the papilla with the
nervous structure of the body So
you see, the hair is intimately w>n
nected with the blood and nerve
system of the human body.
Tho life of a hair is not more
than seven years, after which it
falls out and is replaced by a new
one. A good many hairs finish
their cycle of life each day, and it
is perfectly natural for a few of
these dead hairs to come out every
time you comb your hair. This
is also true during a shampoo, for
ll r** wnnt to trtMy **y *5J£* SiiJSH
—Ltfbaio you must lint tot rid of soma of
the oM and false beliefs about thml ,
Road a Book that te informing thousand*—
•The Into Hysteria* at Bhs»aan*“
ArthrUU.” In simple words «Wa helpful
Book revanla startling, proven tecta that
•very sufferer should know 1
The 8th edition it Just off the prma and*
tees copy will be mailed without obligation
to any sufferer tending their address prompt
ly to the author. H. F. Clearwater, Fb- «w
2029-B Street, Hallowell, Maine
come out then. However, you need
a number of hairs will usually
not worry about this at all. If tho
scalp has been given proper care,
all of the-e hairs will be replaced
by new hairs as Nature intended.
1 osts prove that he hair picks
up and holds more dirt in an hour
than the entire body dors in a day.
Yet most people bathe every day,
but was'' their heads every few
weeks. Is it any wonder that
baldness, falling hair and excessive
dandruff are so prevalent?
Tho perspiration of the body ei
ther evaporates or is, to a great
extent, absorbed by our clothes.
Tho dead skin sloughed off by the
body usually fallsoff or is rubbed
off by our clothes. ,But the pers
piration coming out of the scalp
pores stays on the scalp. The oil
coming out of the hair follicles,
stays on the scalp. The dried skin
sloughed off by the scalp stays on
the scalp. All this perspiration,
oil, dead skin, dirt and foreign
matter form a waxy accumulation
which stays on your scalp and in
your hair, clogging the follicles and
stiffling the growth of the hair.
Tho one way to remove this waxy
accumulation is to get a good pro
fessional shampoo.
Some people will tell you that
it is harmful to shampoo oftener
than once a month, because sham
pooing removes the oil from the
scalp. Others will tell you that fre
quent shampooing injures the hair.
These, and many other false ideas
havo been widely circulated. How
ever, in view of the fact that the
hair gdts dirtier than the body, it
is easy to see that the ha r must
be shampooed frequently, provided
ii is shampooed PROPERLY. By
PROPER shampooing I mean the
complete removal of every particle
of the accumulation on the scalp
• »h! in tho hair.
(Read next week THE DANG
— — 0O0—.
Lecture Group Withdraws
Patronage of DAR Hall,
As Protest in Color Ban
Washington, D. C. March 16—
Admist applause from the audience
Senator Robert M. LaFolIette, Jr.
of Wisconsin, announced from the
stage of Constitution Hall Tues
day, March 7, that no more lec
ture8 in the Bronson Cutting Mem- j
orial series will be held in the
building belongs to the DAR, be
cause of the ban on Marian Ander
son’s singing there April 9.
The last lecture in the 1939 series
according to Senator LaFolletote,
who is chairman of the committee
in charge of the lectures, will be
held March 27 in some other hall
here. The lectures are made pos
sibly by an endowment, establish
ed in honor of the late Senator
Bronson Cutting, of New Mexico,
w'V 4,^
The Very Latest from the
Chicago Convention:
The New—
‘Tin Curl” WAVE
The Same Effect as the Cro
quinole without the heated
Althouse Beauty School
2422 North 22nd Street
WEbster 0846
1 Senator LaFollette made the an
nouncement just prior to a lecture
1 gri'en by A. A. Berle, assistant
' Sec ret* ary of State.
Rven the im. t stubborn ttchtns of errr-na.
biolche. . pimples, athlete's tout, rast* -i
other tsxtsrn&uy oautfcd sum erupt h,
quickly yields to pure, cooling antluvuc.
liquid D.D.n. hUKKirriON t*Vv»r. Krnae
lass and ilanwt—dries tarn, its gtniLio
oils soothe the briti tion. Stops the meat
hitense itching hi a burry. A 35c trial bot
tle. at all drug stores, proves it—or yttur
money back. Ask for D.D.O. hitMinrTios.
i *
Bobbin’s Pharmacy
2306 Na. 24th St. WE 1711
i r
Flush Kidneys uf
Acid and Poisons
When kidneys are continually
over-burdened they often become
weak—the bladder is irritated—
often passage is scanty and smarts
and bums—sleep is restless and
nightly visits to the bathroom are
A safe, harmless and inexpens
ive way ito relieve this trouble and
help restore more healthy action
to kidneys and bladder is to get «
35 cent box of GOLD MEDAL
Haarlem Oil Capsules and take as
directed—don’t be disappointed.
Don’t be an EASY MARK and
accept a substitute—Ask for Gold
Medal Haarlem Oil Cipsules—
right from Haarlem in Holland.
GET GOLD MEDAL—the original
—the genuine. Iaok for the Gold
Medal on the box—35 centa.
Remember—other symptoms of
kidney and bladder troubla may b©
backache, puffy eyes, nervousness
and leg cramps.
Thrifty Service
6 lbs. for 48c
Southwest Corner 24th and Erskine Sts.