The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, March 18, 1939, City Edition, Page Two, Image 2

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    ? f
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I &
Rce. F. P. Jones, pastor
•Wr>*te«» Ifeirroughs, reporter
Mori ling worship was well at
4nadt^i and we listened to a splen
d^eoorsB from 2 Kings, fourth
I •
Bill’s Loan Bank
Confidential Loans at Reasonable
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€o-l>aie Clothing, Dry Goods,
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Mimicry. Blankets, Shoes for the
Wliii Family.
MM N. 24th St. Tel. WE, 13S9
j oxr 7~^r~.7=T~
chapter. Subject: “Killing the Pro
phets.” Among the thoughts glean
ed from this sermon was this: that
NegTo people a9 a whole, do not
havo the proper regard for the
minis ters and servants of God. Nor
do they realize that tho church is
largely responsible for his being
where he is today
For the evening worship we a
gain listened to a spirit-filled ser*
mon. The text being found in Mat
thew 12 chapter. Subject “Twelve
Rounds of a I-adder That Leads to
a Perfect Life in Christ.”
Tho fourth Sunday in this month .
Rev. C. Hickorson of Bethel Bap- |
ti*t church will preach for us at J
3 o’clock. Everyone is invited.
Remember—when you take a Smith Brothers
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i : T
Serves and Saves
There are a number of the mom
tier, on the sick list. For them we
are praying that health may be
their’s again.
Visitors are always welcome.
1837 N. 24th St.
Rev. Frank Johnson, Asa't Par tor
Atlantic 0628
10:30 A. M. Sunday School
12:00 A M. Morning Worship
6:00 P. M. Spiritual Union
7:00 P. M. Volunteer Program
8:00 P. M. Evening Worship
Rev. Curtis Jackson preached
for the morning service, Text.
"Tho Holy Spirit and Evil Spirit"
Tho spirit was high and all were
spiritually benefited. A beautiful
and most timely sermon was de
livered at the evening service by
the assistant pastor, Text,"Didn’t
our hearts burn within us while
he talked to us by the way," Luke
2:32. Services all day were well
attended Sister Hettie Taylor and
Sister Je-ssio Lotiolas were veiled
by the padtor aided by Rev. John
son. and Rev. Jackson. Rev. Davis
spoke very encouragingly to the
members .which was appreciated
highly and at all times our ass
ociated ministers are welcomed at
all times to take part in our ser
vices. The member* and friends
are working enthustically in our
new church home by putting on
special drives to help ip this most
worthy cause. Tho Spiritual union 1
in doing quite a constructive work
under ti’io leadership of Mother
Rose Jones. All are welcome to
some out and spend a pleasant
evening in school with the master.
Regular mid-week service* Tues
day and Thursday, and Friday
nig*’ t a special Candlelight ser
vic ' Sponsored hv the choir Thurs
day March 23, a visiting prophet
wil’ be in our midst and we wel
tom all our members and friends.
TV"’ Busy Bee art circle meets
;vei-y Friday night at Sister El
Dcrta Livingston, 2011 North 24th
Street at 8 P. M “Come over in ,
Macedonia and help us.”
2025 North 24th St. I ,
Elder S. S. Spaught, pastor
Sunday school opened at tihe
isual home. The lesson, “Peter De
ivered from Prison,’’ was well ,
aught. Showed ua the power of :
irayer in the early church.
Again teaching us we should ;
lave tho same success through t
Trayer If our life Is pure and
HToly and we manifest the same (
At 11 o’clock, the message by
.ho pastor 1 Kings 6-14 “Building
:he Home for God.” Message was
tery interesting, proving by God’s
word, and showing that one can by
io means love God, leave his
course, and dwell in the homes of
Cedar and splendor, while God
tiavo no places to be intimated.
Six o’clock YPM.
Eight o’clock, Rev. StafPort,
Yes, employers do judge your age
by your hair. And if your hair Is
gray you might us well wear a tag
saying, "I'm old —too old for this
Have you ever lost out on good
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Use Larleuse—keep your age a se
cret. Who knows. It may mean a
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Get a bottle today. IF YOUR
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MDEFRQY MFC. CO ,1510 Oliva $t,$LLs«U,Ms.
In Memory of
—■■ ■
! Whose love can equal the love
| of a mother: Whose the de
! votion so loyal and true -, j
Who suffers so much with j
auch joy for another; '
• Who works with such pleas
ure as mother for you.
You hail with delight the j
friendship of others. You
revel in love of the sweet
heart you won. Yet when d<>
you find a friendship like
I Unbroken til death calls,
and life’s work is done.
Mrs. Paul Barnett,
Brothers and Sisters. I
brought the message. Subject wa:
Everyone is welcome.
R*v. R. W. Johnson, pastor
Mrs. Edna Mitchell. Reporter
Sister Woody, acting reporter
Sunday school opened at 9:4E
Mi iss Irena Booker acting supterin
tendent. due to the illness of Sistci
Mitchell. Sunday School was well
attended. Lesson found Acts ,12
chapter 5-17 verse.
Secret power in prayer,
11 o'clock service opened with
thoir Ringing “0 Lord have
Vferrcy.” Holy spirit was present to
Mess our souls. My oh my, you
ihould of been ctbere. Our pastors
light for tho message II Peter
r chapter, 18 verse Subject: Lord
it is good to he here. We were
pleased to have Miss Has tin pre
sent who r^Mered several spiri
tual gongs At 3 P. M. our Sunday
School was ot Bethel AME Church
attending Sunday School Alliance
tVe thank the Lord after having
>o«th banner^ during the month oi
February. We was aWe to bring
>f the banners hack home to stay
’or tho month of March with the
iccond banner on its way back
rome in about two weeks. We
>raise the Lord for the unity of
;ho spirit, 6:30 p. m. Union meet
ng with Sister Booker and Sister
-Tatters in charge. Lesson found
n James, 2 chapter. Wonderful dis
8.15 p. m. Evening service Pas
,or delivered a spiritual message.
Food for thought. 27 div. of the
Psalms. 4th verse. Subject: My
Desire service large attendence
lappy for our many visiting
Don’t forget our Bake Sale Sat.
18th. Hot rolls and doughnuts de
livered to your door. Thank you
for helping us in advance Spon
sored by tbe Emergencies Club.
Rov. R. W. Johnson Supervisor
Mid Pastor. We are still praying
for our sick. We miss you so.
Mrs. L Hawthorne, reporter
Rev. C, Adams, pastor
23th Clark St
Sunday school opened at usual
hour with the Supt. presiding
Mrs. M. E. Hill.
Healthful serman preached by
tho pastor. It was enjoyed by all
You will find his text in Luke ttu
19 chapter and the 10 verse. Anc
.his subject was “Come and SeeV
Jesus.’’ In the afternoon there wa;
a program rendered under thi
auspices of the choir and the goo<
Samartin Club and the speaker wai
Rev. Wager from the Interdeno
minational church 26th Franklin
His sermon was enjoyed by all am
We Pay Cash
For OJd & Antique
| WE 28fi<t 521 No. 16th St.
RrtfcTJ What is your problem
Love, Money, Busines
husband, sweetheart, wif
cross conditions. If you wai
your problems solved, write me t
once; Madam Carolyn, P. O. Bo
■ 5647, Chicago. 111., USA.
® in tho evenin’ there was a program
rendered by the choir and the Good
Sarrjartin Club. Mrs. J. D. Lewis,
was the principal speaker, and a
duet by Deacon Young from Pil
grim Church then three numbers
from the Junior Gateway Quartet.
Mrs. E. M. Wiley, Mistress of cere
We had a crowded hour and a
j wonderful time
2430 Franklin Street
Rev. W M. Camper, pastor
J. S. Jefferson, reporter
Sunday school opened at 9:30
with the superintendent at hia post
of duty. And with the majority of
teachers present. Subject of the les
son: “Peter delivered from Prison.”
Golden text: Prayer was made
without ceasing of the church unto
God for him. Acts. 12-5. The lesson
was well discussed and reviewed.
It was reviewed by Mrs. M Young.
1 Wt are very Sorry to report the
^ Hlness of one of our teachers Mrs.
, Lula Thornton.
At 11:00 o’<flock song by the
choir “Guide me O great Jehovah-”
Prayer by Rev. Coolidge. Scripture
lesson 70th Psalms. After which we
were favored waa a solo by Miss
Hilda Woods. Title “It’s my desire
to bo like my Lord.” Rev. Carrper
spoke from Hebrews 13:8. The
subject: “The Changeless Jesus.”
Everyone enjoyed his message,
j At 3:30 o’clock the Sunday school
I Alliance met with Bethel with the
prc. ident, Mr. M. E. Webb, presid
• Invocation by Rev. Irvin. Also
the lesson was instructed by Rev.
Irvin. Many interesting questions
were asked and answered. And a
very nice attendance. After which
<h ’ calling of the roll of churches.
Olvary Community received the
Fercentago Banner. Zion was nre
gnrted with the Attendance Ban
pnc^ A splendid program was ren
dered by the young People under 1
tho direction of Mrs. Lewis. We
wrf'j very' nice 'J to hnvo
Sj5 W. McClain and Ethel of De
troit, Michigan to worship with t»
in the morning service.
Visitors are always welcome to
Bethel. Prayer and class Wednee- '
days of each week.
Wills Mae Rom, Reporter
Rev. Reynolds, Pastor
Sunday School at -9 o’clock with '
Supt. in charge. Song service for
15 minutes. Teachers took charge j
of their classes. The Sunday school ,
was divided into two groups. North ,
and South. There was a Bible con- <
test and the South part of
the church won. You are welcome
to our Sunday School. Morning ;
worship 11 o’clock deacons was in '
charge of devotional services.
Prayer for the sick by Rev. St.
Claire, Song by the choir. Solo by
Mrs, C. L. Union.
A lovely sermon was preached
by Rev. Reynolds. Announcement
! and adjournment. BYPU 8 o’clock
| with vice president in charge. The
father and son's banquet was held
at the North YWCA, Sunday
March 19. There will be a debate
on which is the most useful “Money
or Education.” Everyone is wel
como to come and debate on this
subject. So come out and enjoy
yourself. Evening worship 8 o’clock
with deacons in charge of devotion
al services. Prayer for the sick by
Rev. Green, Song by the choir. A
lovely and inspiring Bermon was
preached and enjoyed by all. You
• are also welcome to attend any
! part of the services.
26th and Burdette St.
Rev. L. M. Relf, paator
Sister A. Hogan, reporter
Sunday School opened at nine
I thirty A. M. There was a very nice
attendance. The subject of the les
son was "Peter Delivered From
Prison.” Acts. 12:5-17. Golden
Text, Prayer was made earnestly
of the church unto God for him.
Acts. 12-5. The morning service
began alt eleven A. M. Rev. J. W.
Goodwin brought us the morning '
sermon His subject was "Faith in
I1 Prayer.” Acts. 12. Everyone en
! joyed this stirring and inspiring
I, message. Althought our pastor has
• J been ill during the week, he was
ablo to be with us in our Sunday
services. HYPU met art. six thirty
Lt P. M. with a very good attendance
‘t Rev. L. M. Relf, brought the even
x ing sermon. His subject was
preached from Psalmi 37:37 and
Romans 12:1.
All the services were a spiritua
up lift to those that attendee
them. Visitors were five. You art
welcome to come and worship wit!
us at any time.
"The Friendly Church"
Dr. R. A. Adams, pastor
The Sunday School opened at
9:30 with Dr. Adams acting as
Supt. This was caused by the ill
ness of Mrs. T. H. Goodwin, the
wife of the supt being sick.
The iservice • Sunday was well
attended. Dr. Adam's preached at
homo Sunday morning and in the
afternoon he went to South Omaha
to take part in the quarterly me
eting at Allen Chapel. His choir
could not go because of the re
hearsal for the Goodwill Spring
Musical an engagement before Dr.
Adams knew he had to preach in
SoUth Omaha .
These choirs will have another
rehearsal at 4 p. m. Sunday after
they attend the meeting of the N.
A A C. P.
The Union service last Sunday
was at St. John with Rev. Hand
cock and his ohoir serving. The
services were very impressive, and
all who came with their hearts eet
to receive the message were great
ly helped.
The choir shows much improve
ment. and sings with the real Spi
The last Sunday night of the
anion services will be at St. John
tho 4th Sunday night, when all the
ihoirs that have been in these un
ion meetings will unite and sing
is one choir. Thia will be a night
when the dhoirs will give the great
si" part of the service. Because
shere will be no preaching on this
The sick of the church are Sis
ters Georgia Borders, P. H. Good
win, S. Hanger, Handy, Rovse Ma
»n, Grace Speece and Mrs. Mable
4.rant and daughter. We pray for
these and others whos names were
lot turned in a speedy recovery.
Members and friends of St. John
u-e asked to not let up a little on
Ji« giving in tho financial drive
to pay the debt at the parsonage.
Ifou should really give this time
in til it hurts because it is for bet
jer to pay this debt off than to
cecp paying interest on the money,
vfow is a time of all times to show
four love for your church, St.
This year the choir will have
ts Easter Musical at the Easter
noming service. The Sunday
ichool will likely have its during
he Sunday school hour.
If it is news about your church,
you will find it in your local new
! paper. Why not hare it come Ur
I four door each week?
Open from 2 p. m. until 3 i. m.
King Yuen Cafe ..
2W10H N. 24th St JAckson 8S7«
American and Chinese Dishes
^ _ Our book with prepared
JP^*^church and Sunday school
C&» addresses and prayers for
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check or money order or C. 0. D.
plus postage. Write Public Speak
ers Society Box 1114 A, Oakland,
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Grave Markers
Prepare now to have a
monument placed over
the graves of deceased
loved ones by Decor
ation Day. Every grave
should be marked. We.
offer you a plan to ob
tain the finest engrav
ed markers at a very
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ments can be arranged
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