f* Cents :| ^ TT T L _ U City ri ^er | .._Edition W Copy \/AI ~~thTive^Tbn— wpkvwiipim,- ^ fl B'' B B* ^ Weather outlook for the, _hN Kim>llluh_i ■ BIB H l'7 to Mar-4' WORLD WTDE ^B /| I ( J£m H _ 1 pper Miss, and lower S4o. IICIUO crm/inr JBH^B alleys and Northern and HlViu OlHVIUl ___ ~ Central Greet Plains, ra ^Kj^SU,/^TICE/EQUALITY ]JEW.TO THEljM 5SSS3 _ ! **■'«— —i j a.uro near to somewhat FLASH PHOTO j ■- above normal. SERVICE » - . ^—— .t-:-: ▼ LARGEST ACCREDITED NEGRO NEWSPAPER WEST OF CHICAGO AND NORTH OF KANSAS CITY • - -- - - -'• .—----—r— -*—-- -:—- ....•/..---:--—-———- -— -. _ ——j—.—= nim w. Entered as Second-Clasg Matter at Postoffice, Omaha, j. .. ■ ^ ~ ' * * ’ .. - . ,,. — ~-. .. .. .'ft Nebraska, under Act of March 8, 1874. ... Omaha, Neb, batlirday, March 4, 1939 Number 47. Hats Off to Mrs. Roosevelt People everywhere, regardless of race or color who believe in liberty, freedom and the principles of democracy, guaranteed to all its citizens under the Con&citution of the United States, will applaud the fine gesture made this week by the “first lady of thr land”, Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, in resigning h/*r mem bership in the exduaWf yfet undemocratic organiza tion, the D. A. R. which barred Marion Anderson, the great Negro contralto, called by some of the worlds most prominent musicians, “THE GREATEST SING ER IN THE WORLD”, from appearing in Constitu tion Hall owned by them, because of her racial identi ty, -i i i • , •! i r ' Mrs ‘ Roosevelt explains her reasons to her press conference thus, “In this case I belong to an organi zation in which I can do no active work. They have tak(■ . u action which has been widely talked of in the To remain as a member implies approval of that action. I am therefore resigning.” *. This is not the first time Mrs. Roosevelt has bold ly and courageously championed our cause publicly. We all remember how some weeks ago she went on record as approving the passage of an Anti-Lynch bill by congress because she felt it to be a step in the right direction. Thank God for Mrs. Roosevelt, a woman of high est character, born to wealth and high social position, yet too honest, toto fair minded, too democratic to bow to narrow minded prejudice. Certainly we as Negroes appreciate Mrs. Roose velt’s stanc., certainly we applaud her action. But this is not enough. Let us show7 her in some tangible way our gratitude by sending her a post card, a letter, or a telegram, thanking her for this expression of her; desire for justice and fair play. Don’t delay—write to Mrs. Roosevelt TODAY. If you as a real American, have ndt sent your let ter or telegram of thanks to Mrs. Roosevelt for the stand she has taken to kill American Ignorant Preju dice—STOP and do it today. DON’T WAIT Send that telegram or letter. —.... " ■ • 'TORTURE REPRIEVE STIRS TEXAS AGAINST GOVERNOR Houston, Tex., Feb. 2—(CNA) A popular movement for impeach ment of Governor O’Daniel is de veloping throughout Texas as a result of O’Daniel’s recent announ cement of the reprieve of a 19 yr. old Negro for the purpose of 30 days torture facing certain death in the face coupled with growing against the governor’s anti-labor policies. Almost universal condemnation freeted the governor’t announce , ment of a 30 day reprieve for Win zell Williams "in order that Win> I zell Williams may suffer this dreadful punishment 30 daya be-* fore he is relieved by death in theI electric chair.” All of the ministers in O’Daniel’s home town, Fort Worth, with one exception, characterized the gov ernor’s statement as barbarous. One legislator from Houston, J. E. Winfree, used the adjective “heinous” in describing the gover nor’s action. In the recent state conference of the Communist Party, Homer Br.ooks, state secretary, declared: “The 30-day sentence of infinite torture to which O’Daniel sentenc ed a 19 year-old-Negro boy is enough to chow the closeness of the sadism ami medieval 'barbarism that is fascism to stir all of us to greater and greater aligning our selves with the democratic forces of tie world.’ O'Daniel’s acton in the Winzell Williams case was preceded by the governor’s recommendation for a transactions tax that would in crease the workers’ cost of living 5 per cent, and by other reaction ary moves. Texas trade unions, CIO and AFL, have launched a determined drive against the transactions tax and the appointment of a company of a company union man as State Labor Commissioner. There is tal althcugh nothing definite yet. of a broad progressive conference of , trade union, farmer progressive legislators and others to form a block to challenge Garner-O’Dan iel control over the Democratic Party in 1940. ----A n r»__ . BILL WOULD PUT KLAN ON SPOT Atlanta, Ga. March 2—(CNA)— Rep J. B. Davis, of Newman, is leading a fight to suppress die ter roristic Ku Klux Klan in Georgia headed by Imperial Wizard Hiram W. Evans. j j Davis is author of a bill making it a misdemenor to wear a mask, hood, or regalia for the purpose of concealing identity. The measure was before the Georgia House’s Committee on the State of the Re public last week. v, “This bill »• aimed directly at the tl’iux Klan,” Davi8 said, "I think the Klan has brought shame and disgrace to the whole South. It is a disgrace to permit the hooded hoodlums of the Klan to appear in public. “If we can keep the masks off these men. we can identify them. Then our courts can arre,st and con vict them.” The Klan. after sevei-al years of inactivity, has sCiown renewed life in reoent months. Among its recent activities have been an organized attack on CIO unions in the South and a campaign, initiated at a se cret meeting, to eliminate promin ent Negro Democrats from the next National Democratic convention and to swing the convention behind Vice-President Garner of Texas for Democratic nominee for President. TEACHES THRIFT W. A. QUILLAN Supervisor of thrift club activit ies of the North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company which are modeled after children’s hour and birthday party radio broadcasts, being especially designed for child len between the ages of 1 and 15. Mr. Quillan, former Scoutmaster of the City of Atlanta, also did special work in training children l'or the AME. church in the Gate City. Ho is nonv in the second year of his new job and is meeting with success in promoting thrift clubs in several states. The clubs have local supervisors who carry out entertainment programs at periodic meetings. Also through this program, valuable economic training is given to ehldren which will be helpful in later life. (Cal vin service.) ». ...» 1NAACP. TO HOLD BIG MASS MEETING There will bo a big mass meet ing held March 19, 1939 at which Dean Wiliam Pickens will lecture. More details will be gVen in next week’s issue of The Guide. —_ft Oo $1,250,000 REFUND TO MEM Bmy Four Thousand Omaha members of the Woodmen of the World Life li.surance Society will soon recede checks for their share of a $1,250, 000 refund of payments, placed in the mail Saturday. Three hun dred thousand members in all cor ners of the world, will share in the refund, according to De Em mett Bradshaw, president of the Society. While the vast majority of the checks will remain in the Unted States, there are about 60 which are destined for far-flung ports— Alaska, Canada, Canal Zone Tahait Hawaii, Mexico, Philippine Islands,! Colombia, Spain, Japan, Scotland,! South Africa, Australia, Puerto1 Rico, Italy, Cuba, Palestine, Ger many, Bermuda, British West In dies, Sweden, Samoa, Chile, France Nicaragua and other Central Am erican countries The current refund brings the total of payments returned to mem bers to more than twenty million dollars, a record that is unsurpass ed by any similar organization. ^Iv. Bradshaw said the refund was indicative of the financial stability 01 the society. The amount of each check was determined by the length of time the member’s certificate had been in force, and the amount of each annual payment. Three hundred thousand members who have held beneficiary certificates (in good standing on Dec. 31, 1938) for more than two years, shared in the distribution. “The Woodmen of the World has taken great forward strides in the past decade,” Mr. Bradshaw said. “Our membership has increased more han 50,000. Our assets have grown from 85 million to more than 128 million dollars. Our field men have carried the influence and benefits of fratemalism far a field—reaching into the homes of 'ir;N'ld thousands of less fortunate numbers. , u : “In the past year alone, the Wotdmen of the World delivered certificates for $56,647,291 of life !.Totection. This remarkable pro gress in days of stress is not ac cidental. The Woodmen of the World is filling a vital need—pro viding social contacts and security for thousands who might other wise be deprived of future happi ness.” -—ouo • NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COLORED WOMEN PLAN FOR CONVENTION TO BE HELD IN BOSTON NEXT SUMMER Kamas City .March 2, (ANP)— In ft letter tent out this week by Mrs. Susie V. Bouldin, national chairman of the arts and Crafts department of the National Asso ciation of Colored Women, she ur ged that all club Women interested in the art department exhibition of tho national convention to be held at Boston from July 29 through August 5 ’ hurry with their work in order to be ready with their exhibitions at that time. Members are urged to send their work if they are unable to attend. Stato chairmen are asked to con tact every individual club in their state, reminding them of the ex hibition. Each state will exhibit : withn its own regional, and the beautiful “Senator Arthur Capper Regional Loving Cup’’ will be given tho reckon showing the best work. Tho Southwest is now holding the eup. All kinds of art work are re quested for the exhibit. FOUNDER OF WOODMEN OF THE WORLD SOCIETY, DIES John T. Yates, last. of the orig inal founders of the Woodmen of the World Life Insurance Society and pioneer fratemalist, died at his home in Omaha. Nebr., early on the morning of February 16. He was in his 83rd year, and had been critically ill for several years. Burial was at Forest Lawn Mem orial Park, in Omaha, after an im pressive ceremony at the All Saints Episcopal Church, of which he was senior warden. Leading citizens of the city were pallbearers, and the great church was filled with friends and relat ives from all over the middleweet. Dr. Frederick W. Clayton, pastor who officiated at the burial cere mony, paid glowing tribute to Mr. V* ates. Mr. Yates came to Omaha in 1886 as a sidesman for Milton Rog ers and Sons, one of the largest wholesale houses in the middle west at that time. He became ac quainted with Joseph Cullen Root, a nationally knemm fratemalist, nnd worked with him in organizing the Sovereign Camp of the Wood men of the World. Meeting in a small room in the Paxton Hotel in June 1890, Mr. Yates, Mr. Root and other devout fraternalists founded the Society, which was to grow into the strongest one of its kind in the world. Mr. Yates was one of the orig inal incorporators and was made National Secretary, a position that he held for 46 years. He retired on March 16, 1937, and has served as secretary emeritus and adviser to the finance committee since that t'rme. Mr. Yates took an active part In church work throughout the years, and had been active in lodge work as a 32nd degree Mason, a Shrin er, a member of the Maccabees, Modem Woodmen of America, Fra ternal Aid Union and a charter member of Alpha Camp No. 1 of the World. He served as treasur er of Brownell aHll, a girls school in Omaha, for a number of years, and was editor and publisher of the Woodmen News, a fraternal paper. Mr. Yates wrote many short stories and poems, and published two books, “The Hunchback” and “Morana”. both (Of which have en joyed large sales. Although bom in Maryland, Mr. Yates spent most of his life in Ne braska. He came to southeast Nebraska in 1883 and engaged in the hardware business in Nemaha City. Brock and Beatrice. He was married on October 18, 1880 to Mary Catherine Sohuey. Five children were bom of this marriage and all are living. They are: Frank Yates, lawyer, of Omaha; Mrs Anna Catherine Guild, of 0 maha; .Tack Yates, insurance man, nf Dubuque, Iowa; Mrs. Harry Weil, of Cincinnati; and Mother Mary', Mother Superior of Good Shepherd Convent, of Omaha. Mr. Yates’ first wife died in 1905. and he was married three years later to the late Mary Free, who died in December 1930. There wero no children by this marriage. OFFICER GUSTIN TO BE HONORED Iroquois Lodge IBPOE. of W. To Confer Award ' COMMISSIONERS TO ATTEND j I Officer Lureay Gustin, who single handed capture ed a dangerous desperado attempting to rob a safe Way store on his beat at 30th and Cuming streets, last! week, is to be signally honored on Monday evening* March 6th at the Elks Hall, 24th and Lake streets* when Che Omaha Welfare League will present him with the Data Club Merit Award of 1939 for outstand ing service to the people of Omaha. Iroquois Lodge No. 92, Improved Benevolent Pro tective Order of Elks of which Officer Gustin is a member, has been chosen as the body under whoso auspices the award, which is to —be a beautifully en graved white gold watch, will be presented. Atty. Charles-Davis, Exalted Ruler will make the presenta tion address. Others appearing on the program will be Mayor: Dan Butler, Police Commissioner Richard Jepsen, Chief of Police J. J. Pzanowski, Asst. Chief of Police Robert Munch, Senator John Adams, Jr. and Officer Gustin. i h.• Music will be rendered by the Omaha Civic Orch estra, under the direction of Prof. James Bryant Iroquois Lodge, extends a cordial invitation to the public to attend this affair. Honor Onahas Own and Especially Yours Mr. Negro Bo on hand at the Elks Hall, Monday March 6, at 8 p. m. Not only the at the Hall, but Lake St, from 22nd to 26th, should be jammed. Every Negro and people of other races should be at the Elks Hall and take part in paying honor to whom honor is due. A MODERN MATER HEATER INCREASES VALUE OF HOUSE It is agreed in realty circles that the installation of an efficient mo dern water heater increases the market value and sales appeal of any house. However the heater must be typed and sized to fulfill the requirements of the house in question. "Constant research and develop ments in the realm of automatic gas water heaters have brought forth a numerous array of types and sizes," says W. J. Barber, as sistant to the General Manager, Metropolitan Utilities District. "Such variety is in no sense need less because water heating engin eers with years of experience have found that variations in service re ouirements are in themselves so numerous they could not be met by limitations in heater". “Consequently there are gas wa ter heaters Specifically designed and engineered for about every conceivable home need. “A convenient form of the auto i^atic storage heater is the conver tible or adjustable recovery type— on which the amount of gas burn ed can be changed to furnish am ounts of hot water. “For example, one type of heat er has two burners, the first to bo employed for ordinary hot wa ter demands, .with the second bur ner available for manual use to meet extra demands for hot wat er service. “Tho heating efficiencies on all types of gas water heaters have been improved; it is estimated this amounts to a 10 percent increase in the last three years,—a factor of marked advantage to the home owner.” MISSISSIPPI LOUISIANA AMB BI-STATE COUNCIL Greenville, Miss., March 3 (AN P)—Ministerial and lay represent atives from all parts of Louisiana and Mississippi of the A ME church gathered at St. Matthew AMB church here Monday in a bi-state annual council presided over by Bishop S. L. Greene, A. M., D. D., Little Rock, Ark., the director of episcopal affairs of the Eight Epis copal district of the African Meth odist church. ‘ In addressing the 800 religious leaders upon the subject “The Ne gro, a Potent Factor in the Devel opment) of the (South,1' Bishop Greene urged bis hearers to get back to the religion of our fore fathers as a sure means of reviving our churches and creat ing a new spiritual attitude among our people, as well as keeping sacred the religious heritage of the fathers. The 27 presiding elders of the two state reported finances for Campbell college at Jackson amounting to $3,500 following the address of the bishop. —---- ■1 \r— UNCLE TOM’ GETS HITLER BAN, IT’S TOO ‘ANTI-NAZF Berlin, March 2—(CNA)-‘‘Uncl* Tom’s Cabin” is net a suitable book for German children to read, in the opinion of Nazi educators. Education Counsellor Hans Mein shausen, addressing a Hitler Youtfr gathering, said “Uncle Tom’s Ca bin” was not a suitable book, “be causo it runs counter to our moial ideals.”