The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, February 25, 1939, City Edition, Page Six, Image 6

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    JV077T:— Tour question will be analyzed free In this column only
svhen you include a clipping of this column and sign your full name.
t irtkdate and correct address to your letter. For a “Private Reply"...
rend only 25c and a stamped envelope for my latest ASTROLOGY
HEADING covering your birthdate; also a free letter »f advHet
analyzing three Questions. Explain your problems clearly and eon
■ fine your questions to those within the scope of logical reasoning.
— Send Yoon Letted To —
. F. W.—Pit* im? tell me will
J L iu's do aj I ask him?
An: Hcck NO. joe Louis has
t rubles enot rh t f his own
> : out adding yours. Through
5 iu.1 own efforts you will
* ’ successful enough to get
u ited in a business of your
; * -n THIS YEAR.
W. M. C.—Not long ago I met
a man without doubt a gentleman.
He is kind, dependable and truth
ful. Should I invi:e him to my
Ans: If he is all that you
claim him to be, then you cer
tainly should make every ef
fort to cultivate his friend
ship. No ore could reasonably
condemn you for attempting to
win the after.ii.ns of such a
Christian gcnt’otun. If he IS
most use caution and judgment
all you claim him to be you
he would readily see througi
any sham or pretense.
S. M W.—Every Saturday, when
tin gets payed off, he comes home
drunk and cusses me like a dog and
throws h s money away and then
wants to run me away. He is terri- j
Itlo with me when he has been
drinking and is just as evil as he
enn he. Will ho ever change?
Ans: Its going to take more
than “sweet treatment’ ’to
change him. lie has got to be
jolted out of his present state
of mind and I think the best
way to do is to make plans to
leave, him If he th'.nks you are
in earnest about going off,
hull change for the better.
X. Y. 7.—1 am deeply in love
with & young girl who sometimes
treats me fine. Anything she does
is okay with me, but now she say*
nJie wants me to stop going around
with her. Poes she mean this. Will
I ever get i(»ack in with her. Doe*
she like me and what must 1 do
if to get back In?
Ana;. ,Ydur girl friend is
atfraid that people will start !
■“talking* al>out you if she con
tinues on with the friendship.
, Apparently, some other girls
'kin carried tales concerning
yoor "chumnyness” to her and
i ah* is unsettled as to what to
( .do. These girls seem to think
that you show more interest in
yenur own sex than you do in
the opposite sex. You under
stand how such stories get
, f '
''AD. P_-I pray every day of
any 'lifo asking the Lord to give
mu twins. My husband also wants
children. Maybe I’m too hasty about
wanting as I know it takes time.
Will I ever become a mother?
Ans: Dont you think you’re
asking the Lord for an awful
Sbig order when you pray for
twins? I’m sure if you let Him
hnqrv that you would take ONE
if he will it so, that he might
answer your prayers. Your
health isn't as good shape as
it should be. Why don’t you ask
your DociU'l’s advice. 1 ibe
ligfe youx prayers will be
♦ •
ADVENTURK—I 'have a strong
determination to got myself a
•rood job and grow up to be a great
ana someday. I have always been
•Ilea hoped to lead my people to a
m great lover of my race and ha'*
“•viefcwy” up to the standards of
•very nationality on the face of
the earth Hease don't print my
name in your column as some of
the people will quickly recogn zc.
me and think probably I a hiin dis
tress. Will I be successful in my
attempt to get a good job?
Ans: Cad, with your courage,
and lofty ideals, you can’t help
(bat get a job by Spring.I be
tftewB you will be successful in
contacting work thru a friend
whom you will meet thru at
tending CHURCH. You have
my hearty congratulations for
jfOui goal In life. Lei me sug
iV’',v ...... ...-ggpajjMi :
Rest: Lhat you try to complete
your High School education and
think seriously of entering the
W. C. M.—I often read your
column and think you nre good.
Will you please tell me will I be
successful enough to get a car with
my intended plan?
Ans: It would bo better if
you made out with the car you
have now until middle sum
mer. Around August of this
year you will bo in much bet
ter financial shape. GET
R. M. M.—Please hurry. Will I
ever meet a boy who will love
me without mo lotting him -
Ans: By being particular in
choosing your friends, you will
eventually marry and live
happily. The next few years of
your life will bring your ideal
L. V. P.—My father has been
married three times. He ami his
third wife seperatod. About three
months ago he was married to his
l. urth wife. Do you think he will
be satisfied with her?
An: Right now, your daddy
wishes ho hadn’t been so hasty
about getting married for the
fourth time. He’s got a “wild
cat” on his hands this time and
your old man is about fed up
with her. He didn’t know
when he was well off. In my
opinion the romance won’t last.
— —<•
X. Y. Z.—I have a sister whom
I l'eel has been storied upon and
I'd like to know am I right in be
lieving it is not true what was
said? I think I’m in love.. Does
the boy love me? I)o you think it
wise to continue my assocation
with him ? Does he respect me
loss than before?
A ns: There is a lot more to
your sister’s case than appears
on the surface, and a lot more
than she will own up to. Some
of tho stories have b^en
stretched a bit though. Your
boy friend is more attached to
you now than he has ever been.
Why don’t you broach the sub
ject of marriage to him, You
two are well mated and could
find happiness together.
L. B. E.—I was married to a
person named “B,” later to find
out the numo was “G.” Is this a
lawful marriage?
Ana: “Assumned marriages”
are not commonly considered
lawful. My advice however, is
to consult a lawyer in the state
where the ceremony was per
.T. A. C.—4 am now under the
death sentence and T want to know
if I will be suceessful in getting
cut of thia mess?
Ans: Thin the efforts of
your lawyer, 1 believe you will
be lucky enough to get this
death sentence commuted to
not give up hope.
W. D. J.—I have 6 children and
have been married 10 years. My
hubby lias been very good to nie
but lately he doesn't want me to
go to town unless he goes with me
and buys what I need. Tell me
whats the trouble?
Ans: Your husband is brood
ing over a certain letter that
he has In his possession and
seems to be of the opinion that
he can’t trust you anymore. I
believe you understand what
I mean.
--———— __
NEW YORK (C) Feb. 10th —
Bill Robinson, world famous tap
dancer an 1 movie star, walked with
a limp and carried a cane wren he
made a brief guest appearance on
tho 125th Street Apollo theatre
stage with Fats Waller and Jeni
LeGon on Monday afternoon. Bill
adm'tted to the audience that he
was slightly lame.
NEW YORK. (C) Feb. 16th —
Newspaper men have been urged
by the National Urban League to
file for jofes with the Wage-Hour
division of the Department of La
bor, Washington, for Principal In
formation Representatives, at $5,
600 per year
NEW YORK (C) Feb. 16— The
new Paul Robeson feature picture
‘“Big Fella”, co-starring Elizabeth
W elch, had its premiere a‘ the 125
Street Apollo theatre on Friday,
February 10, and played a week
Zaidcc Jackson has an important
role in the picture.
NEW YORK, Feb. 16, (C) Once
ngain Negro business in Harlem
is given a big lift in prestige by
the celebration of the eighth anni
versaiy of Gray Shop No. 3, 266
West 145th street, noted as one
of the smartest dinig rooms in up
town Manhattan. As though
crowning its eight years of success
luI catering to the discriminating
taste of New York food lovers, the
New York Times Magazine section
of its Sunday edition carried re
cently a scholarly article on the
fino art of cooking as is practiced
among Negroes, and all the in
formation, including a photo of a
chef illustrating the proper way to
prepare genuine Southern fried
chicken, came from Gray Shop No.
While people throughout the
country were reading this article
on how the tradition of fine food
and service is being preserved in
Harlem by Negroes themselves, the
Gray Shop staff was feeling that
‘this service which was praised so
highly was only routine work for
It was hack in 1929 that the first
Gray Shop was opened in Harlem,
Shortly after this beginning, a sec
ond shop was opened, and in 1931
the Gray Shop fever having taken
a firm hold on Harlem, the largest
shop of all, No. 3j in West 145th
street, was opened, with a spacious
dining roam which seats 80 people,
the Shop all told seating 100 per
immediately upon tne opening oi
this large salon, high standards of
service were invoked and have re
mained until this day, standing the
test and strain of the depression
through eight years.
One innovation has been the
building in of a brick barbecue pit
where real southern barbecue is
prepared right before the eyes of
tho patrons. And also the south
ern fried chicken, which took the
fancy of the Now Yoi-k Times cul
inary expert, has long been regular
fare for the Harlemites of above
average taste.
But in the Gray Shop service al
so lies one of its secrets of suc
cess. A well trained staff of wai
ters. who ha'e had experience on
dining cars and boats, give to Har
lemites tho same service which
commands fancy prices outside the
Harlem distinct In the dining
room, which lias walls <*f grained
wood, giving an air of dignity and
distinction, are seen tables fault
lessly set with linens of gleaming
white cleanliness and china of
matched design throughout the in
tricacies of formal dinners, spark
ling stem glassware, and silver
that has each implement in its pro
per place rom fish fork to demi
tasse spoon.
Nowhere else in Harlem does the
lover of good food and service find
such cloae attention given to de
tail and correct procedure as at
Gray Shop No. 3. Comments have
often come from visiting patrons
of other cities who know and ap
preciate service, long before the
New York. Timesdieard of the Gray
Shop tradition and sent its special
writer to investigate and write a
lengthy report which was broad
cast to the world.
The heads of the Gray Shop are
substantial business men who not
only successfully operate their own
business, but take an interest in
DARK LAUGHTER by 01 Harrington
I ^ Copyrtihi Ooa*. JKaW'v':^*' I
“Say, Bootsie, it’s three A. M. an’ all the food’s gone but
don’t let me rush you—jest take your time.”_
the developement of business
throughout the Harlem area. Once
a leading spirit in the Harlem Busi
ness Men’s Club and officially con
nected with the National Ncgy®
Business League, they are even
now laying plans to serve success
fully a record number of World’s
Fair visitors and are cooperating
with other enterprises to make this
a banner year for Harlem business
generally . ‘ , '' '
1 _-t#«!
_. ; j
" ' .__ . .*•' I
Are you grumbling this wihter
because there’s one room in the
house that you just cant h£at?l '
Usually it’s a bedroom; but it'fnay
be the dining room or even the liv
ing' rodm. And to heat rooms lika
that, you either have to keep all
the rest of the house uncomforta
bly hot, or resign yourself to hav
ing one room that feels like a
cold storage box.
If you have this problem, don’t
blamo the architect, don’t vow to
givo up an otherwise comfortable
home. Your heating plant may on
ly need some simple adjustment
to gvie complete satisfaction.
First, make a careful examina
tion of the warm air duct, or stack
and register of the room in que&
stion. If necessary call in a heating
contractor to look it over. If the *
rest of the house is warm, that
indicates at least that as designed
and built, the heating system- was
adequate; so the chances are some
thing has gone wrong since. Per
haps there is a loose connection
or a portion of the duct has slipped
down or sidewise, letting the heat
that was intended for the room
pass up inside the wall. You may
bo able to trace trouble of this
sort by feeling of the walls and
locating spots where they are |
warmer than they should be.
Often the register connection has
slipped just enough to spoil the
warm air flow; or dirt, fluff or
even more serious obstructions
have clogged the duct. Children
have been known to poke pieces
of cloth or paper into registers and
cut off the room’s heat supply.
Look over the windows too. Make
sure they fit tightly and taa^ there !
is adequate snug weather strip- j
ping. Installing a modern storm I
window often works wonders. I
Doublo windows and storm doors;
sometimes save as much as 20 per '
cent of fuel hill. Txiok around the !
baseboard for cracks through which j
on the windward side, a stream of,
cold air can come whistling in.
Economic Hi-Lights
__ «
Happenings fbat Affect the Din:
ner Pails, Dividend Checks and Tax
Bills of every Individual. Nation*
tl and International Problems In
separable from Local Welfare. . .
! " ’ 4 j -
; In theory, meetings of tne Son-,
a to military affairs committee are
usually supposed to be strictly se
cret. In practice, information about
wb*t goes on at the conclaves us
ually starts leaking out .immediate
ly after they are over. Senators
are only human-— and, like any
one else with important special
knowledge in their minds, they
have a hard time keeping it to
Tho recent meeting between the
President and this committee at
tho White House was supposed to
bo even more secret than most.
Even the stenographers were ex
cluded. But, as usual, the leaks
were much in evidence. The next
day an account was widely publish
ed to the effect that the President
had stated in conversation that A
mericr.’a frontier was in France,
and that this explained the U. S.
government's willingness to have
the French buy big qualities of
war planes here. Still another ac
count stated that the President had
gono farther yet, and said that our
frontier was the Rhine River.
Two days later the Chief Exe
cutive branded these reports as “a"
deliberate lie,” and added that a
move was on foot, supported by
some congressmen and newspapers,
to misrepresent and discredit hiip
But whatever the troth of the mat
ter, bhe episode served t* Unloose
?, veritable torrent of oratory in
the always talkative Congreds—
and served as well to bring Into
sharp focus the fundamental dif
ferences that exist over our for
eign policy.
We are embarking on the larg
est armament program in our
peace-time history. When a coun
try builds a war machine, it in
volves far more than merely ap
propriating the money, increasing
the personnel of our fighting
forces, and placing the orders with
tho arms and munitions makers. It
involves the greatest question of
policy. It involves our entire at
'tlludo toward the relations with
tho other nation in the world. And
it thus very directly involves every
person in the country.
We have apparently reached the
time when our foTeign policy must
bo definitely fixed and established
in one way or another. And this
is going to be no simple matter.
For the congress seems to be bit
terly divided over what our policy
should be. And it is not in any
sense a partisan division—politics
plays little or no part in it.
On the other hand are those who
believe sincerely that in a sense
that we are our brother’s keeper—
that, as the only great democracy
immune from immediate attack by
a powerful totalitarian state, it is
to us to throw the weight of our
ipfIviencQ and resources behind the
menaced democracies. These men
see the world as a great battle
ground in which an undeclared war
without quarter is taking place
between fascism and democracy.
The cause of democracy in Europe
they reason, will soon be lost un
less helped by the New World de
mocracy. And if that happens, they
argue, we will be next in line for
fascist aggression. So, they con
clude the thing to do is to help
the Old World democracies stave
off fascism before it is too late.
The other school believes with
equal sincerity in rigorous isola
tion. That means a policy of treat
ing all countries, democratic or
totalitarian, with equal considera
tion. They feel we n.’ist build up
an adequate defensive military ma
chine, and keep our resources for
our own use. they argue, to pull
any country’s fat out of the fire.
And, they conclude, if we insist on
aiding the other democracies with
moral suasion and giving them ac
cess to our factories and resources,
it will eventually mean that we will
havo to aid them with our amiy
Hnd navy. President Wilson’s refu
sal to be neutral, they think, and
his obv.ous bias towa/3 the ali.j-,
was resp'i sible for bringing js u i
nccessari’y into the World Wtr.
This illustrates the two ni’yor
oxertmes of thought There are, of
course, many more moderate
groups which favor a modified neu
trality—or a modified internation
No one can answer the question
of which side will win. Mr. Roose
velt it is believed, feels that
neutrality must be somewhat re
laxed. On the other hand, there is
a strong and determined group
in Congress, led by Senator Borah,
which is determined to resist to
the end, and Administration effort
to actively aid the European demo
cracies. At this writing,- it looks
like a stalemate is in prospect over
foreign policy.
Ty businesg picture is changing
but little. The anticipated down
swing remains in evidence, and is
secarity values.
One good sign, is sustained
strength in commodity prices T^jr
I characterized by serious losses in
| have declined—but to nowhere near
| the same extent as stock prices.
And there seems to be no danger
! of a big break in this field.
1 Tho inventory situation is also
| favorable. The economists are reet
I ing- on their oars now, confident
1 that spring will bring the much
advertised upturn.
“Postal Laws and Regulations
permit the mailing of letters from
Sailors, Soldiers, and Marines on
board ship without the customary
I postage stamps
The latest ship to invoke this
ruling was the * United Status
Cruiser Marblehead which, wken
she left the United States soma
time ago for duty in Asiatic Wat
ers, did not have the time to ob
tain an additional supply of ooa
tage stamp and as a result tke
ship’9 postoffice ran completely
out of stamps shortly after the
vessel arrived on her Station.
This fact did not deter front
her crew writing their relatives
and friends back in the United
States for in the upper right hand
corner, where the stamp would or
dinarily be placed, each enevelope
bore this inscription: “Sailors Let
ter; Collect upon delivery” land
signed b ythe Ship’s Commander.
Rear Admiral S. P. Carter, dur
ing the Civil War, offered his
services as an Army Officer to
President Lincoln. He entered the
Army, rose to the rank of Mayw
General, returned to the Navy and
rose to the rank of Rear Admir
al, being the only man to hold
both ranks.
Tho largest Naval Hospital
(1400 beds) is located at San
Diego, Califorira.
During the first 120 days of a
Naval Recruit’s service he is en
titled to take out Government In
surance in amounts up to $10,000.”
Congressman Harry B. Coffee
from Nebraska’s fifth Congression
al district took a defenite stand
against the proposal for a war
reierend'.im m replying today to
the University of Omaha’s Mid
dest Poll.
The last of Nebraska represen
tatives to re. pond to the Omaha
university’s statewide canvasc,
Congressman Coffee was the only
TJ. braska representative in Wash
ington willing to commit himself
definitely on the question of whet
her 01 not the people should yote
betrre Congress may declare a war
on foreign soil.
Declaring that he had voted a
gainst the measure during the last
session of Oongi’ess, Congressman
Coffee raid
‘ The adoption of this proposal,
in my opinion, would enhance ra'h
er than diminish the possibliee of
i war because It would have a ten
dency to encourage aggressor na
tions to disrespect our rights vhh
a feeling of impunity.
“After all, the attitude of the
people would be reflected by the
vote of their representatives in
Congress who would be better in
formed and less susceptible to pro
Cong', fcfsman Charles F. Me
Laugh’in, members from the sec
ond Nebraska district, said he hud
voted against the referendum bill
at the last Congress, indicated i-'^at
he was still opposed to the idea,
but qualified his stand by stating
that "this does not mean that
my mind is closed on the subject,”
The three other Nebraska Con
gressmen. George Heinke, firFt dis
trict, Karl Stefan, third. aud.Cail
Curtis, fourth district, declined to
take a stand on the issue. Each
promised to givo the referendum
careful consideration should it
come before the present Congress.
Thirty-six Nebraska and Iowa
newspaper editors who also rp
1 plied to the University of Omaha’s
poll were evenly divided over the
referendum issue, with eighteen
editors voting “yes” on the propo
sal and eighteen voting “no.”
Seventeen of the eighteen edi
tors favoring the referendum
stated they believed their views
reflected the sentiments of their
readers. One said he didn’t know.
Of the eighteen editors opposed
to the referendum only four ven
tured to say their views coincide
writh their readers’ feelings. Five
opposed to the referendum said
they thought their readers were
for it; seven said they had no idea
how their readers felt; and one
r.aid his readers were probably
equally divided on the question.