GOVERNMENT EDUCATIONAL REPORTS ANSWER QUESTIONS SOLVES PROBLEMS How is education help'ng to solve home problems? What do high school pupils like to study? How are neddy college students getting an education ? What is being done to improve teaching in the United States? What are the disappoint ments and satisfaction in library work ? Answers to thes9 and many oth er questions appear in new publi cations of the Office of Education, United States Department of the Interior, publications which should bo of particular interest and use to parents, high school pupils, col lege, students teachers, librarians, and school administrators. Problem^ of the Home Two publications with a special appeal to adult® wishing to solve many of tho problems which come up in the home are “Home-making Education Prosham for Adults,” Bulletin 195 (16 cents,) and “Du ties and Responsibilities of the General Household Employee,’6 Bullet'n 194, (10 cents). Elementary and High School Parents with children in elemen tary cm seqondafy schools, and elementary and high schools teach ers, should be particularly inter ested in the following three publi cations—“The Elementary School Principalsh'p,’’ Bulletin 1938 No. 8 (10 cents), “A Survey of Courses of Study and Other Curriculum Materials Published Since 1934." Bulletin 1937 No. 31 (20 cents), and “Offering and Registrations in High School Subjects,” Bulletin 1038 No 6 (15 cents.) The Office of Education points out that there are 21,000 elemen tary school principals in the Unit ed States, and that two-thirds of them are women. The report on courses of study and other curri culm materials lists more tihan 1600 courses of study, units of work, book lists, handbooks, teach ers’ work reports, monographs and bulletins. The high school subject study of the Office of Education involves registrations of nearly THE AWFUL PRICE YOU PAY FOR BEING NERVOUS Cheek Below And See If You Have Any Of The Signs Quivering nerves can make you old and haggard looking, cranky and hard to live with—can keep you awake nights and rob you of good health, good times and jobs. Don't let yourself go” like that. Stari taking a good, [ eliable tonic—one made espe cially for women. And could you ask for any i hing whose benefits have been better proved than world-famous Lydia B. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound? Let the wholesome herbs and roots of Pinkham’s Compound help Nature calm your shrieking nerves, tons up your system, and help lesson distress from female func tional diaordeis. Make a note NOW to get a bottle of this time-proven 1 ‘ ikham’s Compound TODAY without fail from your druggist. Over a mil lion women have written in letters reporting wonderful benefits. For the past 60 yes's Lydia E. Pinkhara’s Vegetable Compound has helped grateful women go “smiling thru” trying ordeals. Why not let it help YOU? fivo and a half million pupils. II lists more than 200 different sub jects offered in high school throughout the United States and show,, the trend *in what is being taught and what pupils want to study. College Student Aid “0; dlege Projects for Aiding Students,” Bulletin 1938 oN. 9 (10 cents), tells an interesting story cf the way in which colleges and universit'es have adapted their programs to assist finanrially noedy students. It discusses money earning opportunities provided by tho institutions or devised by stu dents, describes projects to reduce student living costs, and tells about outstanding self-help college pro grams. Teachers Tho largest single item of State expenditures for education is for teachers’ salaries, and through cer j tification States endeavor lo get j the most competent instructors, for l the public funds expended. Prac | tically lal our Nation’s one (million public elementary and high school teachers, principals and su pervisors are certificated. The Of fice of Education bulletin, “Devel opment of State Programs for the Certificaticm of Teachers,” 1938 No. 12 (3(0 cents), reveals the more significant findings and re commendations of recent State re ports on this subject. Librarianship What information about libraries and the lferary profession should tho prospective libary eschool stu dent secure to help him determine for himself the vocational possi bilities in the library field, and the kinds of preparation required for the various fields of service? To answer this question the Office of Education offers to high school AI IA Automobiles SHAMES BODY BUILDERS 1906 Cuming Street •Cars in very good condition—good rubber, like new. Beauty Culturists CHRISTINE ALTHOUSE It Pays To Look Attractive 1421 N. 22nd St WE. 0846 BEER TAVERNS BABB’S BITTPHT ” 1229 Lake St JA. 9196 CHARLIES PLACE 1604 No. 22nd St. WE. 4019 fiBVERAGES A LIQUORS FREE DELIVERY ” JOHNSON DRUG CO. Liquors, Wines and Beer Prescriptions We. 0998 1904 N. 24th St. DOUBLE COLA IDEAL BOTTLING Compaq WE. 3043 THE LIQUOR STORE 2316 Cuming St. JA. 6664