The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, February 04, 1939, City Edition, Page Six, Image 6

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„ _i
By Louis O. Hudson
l/obs of people wish to know
wftat this man did and how did he
vino to such great he'ghts in such
. * comparative shodt space of time.
To my knowledge, it is only this.
>m< now and lastly Mike was
nhmaye the baby, boy, child and j
anajn that wra always on the alert
trying to make a dollar. As a kid
ft9 aold papers, sold pop and pea- j
srtft* on excursion boats making
acvpis ntanres of great numbers of I
vne* e mnected with sporting en-!
ferprkes of various types.
Mike conceived th? idea w-hile
watching several large sporting
evontr. where people were forced to
wtand in line for great periods of
tntr to gPt seats; that it would
*e a grand idea to buy a bunch
Ahead of time for important events
at th-1 regular prices of par, and
•on the night of the occasion sell
■♦hem r n margin at p profitable
^-ftsi' This idea went over with
•s* h-nc and it whs ling before
'MSci was kno-wn as a man with un
canny knowledge of events that
would draw the sheckles at big
event *.
A' this stage of the gamp an
any’ flew in from the west in
the personage of George L. (Tex)
Rwb; H who had promt ed the
-Velson and Johnson-Jefferies
dfigh: with a great financial suc
res*. With lots of money a daring
as ’, "smbl ng mind not knowing
the ways of Broadway, he must
wurronnd himself wit han able ca
binet that knew the people and
the general way around uhe town. ^
!M ike s name was placed upon the
♦d*<ftk of Tex for approval and
Richard lost no time in making Ja-j
gr>Vis the man behind the throne, j
This move Tex never regretted as
it was a smart and profitable one
«r>n his part. Jacobs lost no time
*n making fame and fortune for
♦U«setf in his official Richard
Kkibinet npnrity. Upon his own
tampire m the world of Sports.
Not so long after the departing
<»f Tex, a ehingle adorning the door
1414 N. 24th St.
M 7777 1
'Across the street from the
PHONE AT. 6355
253* LAKE ST.
’ Handle AH Kind* of Coal
UB Lake Street
far Papalar Brand*
tr park—
• **4 Work
A SptckttT
—242§ Uke Stmt—
Nemos, Weak.
AoMes Swollen!
Much fiwycrisncw Is caused by an.ex
r«w <vf Midraad poisens due to func
tional KM»ur and Bladder disorder*
which tnur alas cause Oattlng Up
Mights. Burning P saagea. Swollen
Joints. Backache, Circles Under Eyea.
Exceed Aridity, Left Pain* and Dtazt
neaa Help your kidneys purify your
blooal wfth dakr*. Uirually the very
Aral rloae Starts helping your kldneyn
deal out catena acids and this soon may
■Mia vjfli fe*d like new. Uyatc* must
mtiid vy.iu enafelately or money back is
guaranteed- <S*t Cyatex (slss-tex) to
<lay. It cnita only 3c a dose at druggists
4»gd the gudrunloe protects you.
entrance of a cheap room in a 49
St. Hotel read. THE 20th century
Sporting Club. Mike Jacobs presi
dent, Board of Directors, Tickets
office, Matchmaker and Whatnot.
This was only the beginning, juat
ho beginning. Here in this single
room Mike made his matches, sold
his tickets, met with himself to
I •
d scusa matters of paying his ho
tel bill ani| other things of money
importanrqp. Hfs fights were held
any place tha* the owner of the
arena would listen to percentage,
idem. F should bo no news to you
that Mike camo out of the long
end of the horn.
With the Madinon Square Garden
in the way of real basis of corn
petit on it was up to Mike to find
i mething in the way of a fighting
-'on-iation that would bring the
crowds to the offering of the 20th
Century Club. After ’-eading lot
of copy about the brown boy in
he West that answered to the
rani'- ox Joe Louis, Mike took n
gamble by taking a party of news
paper men to the Motor City of
Detroit where ho witriesi the brown
bomber jr action. After Joe had
performed to the specifica ion of
’h > r ss; Mike began to talk tur
key with Johnny Roxbornigh,
1 m wirg he had the answer to
r'roadway’s prayer After the nec
e sary signatures were embossed
the prize document , it was not
long before our Joe was brought
to the B g Apple to show his wares.
.V -.v who is Mike Jacobs? (Ans.)
llo is the man that stopped Joe
(ion counting small change and
give him a chance to deposit cer
ified ch(*cks and win the heavy
'•'ight Champion-hip. (That’s all)
New York went wild over this new
fistic mai-vel and so did Mike (and
Old timers who said the Million
Dollars gate died with Tex soon
their mistake and jumped on Mikes
I and wagon. With the money mart
on e lower level than it was in the
days of Richard, Mike suceeded
Where others fainted from the
'bought. So al] in all folks Mike
is the only man that brought back
the Million Dollar gates, gave Joe
Douis the chance to make a $1,000,
000. make history for the Colored
He gave Henry Armstrong the
ohanco to become the only fighter
ir thri history of the game to hold
three titles at once. Of course it
was the power of their fists that
made them Champions; but re
member they had to have an OP
Mike Jacobs is no more than what
ho DOES.
Newark N. J.
One of the biggest fiascos of
modem times was pulled at the
Newark Armory where 9,087 jeer
ing costumers paid $16,860 to see
their pride and joy the “Hon. Two
“Von*’ Tony Galento sink an in
visible punch to the midsection of
George Brest * of the Argentines, j
f-eelng George fight before I know j
oven allowing for age and ont of j
condition, he is capable of putting J
forth a better bout. Tony showed j
nothing but 236 pounds of beef!
and tho waist line of a fatted calf. |
The round bouse invisible left
which left which sent Broses to the
mat was something* no one seen
oy feh except George Tony must
pray for the public not to call on
him to fight Joe Louis for he
will bo made to order for the Bom
ber. Basher Dean sparring part
ners of Ix»uis stole the show with
»’. lively exhibition of clean boxing
winning tihe decision over Phil
Johnson in 6 hard fought beauti
ful rounds of fighting.
This will serve as the bulid up
1 __
I I |u*r»nlM U> help yuu r«4 • »r» *Urt %
t(% No etM !*..<• ftu*p wn
! «| I WriU rot* to*(p»- "1<KI
i ¥. WJLl!^, Journal Snon^ St*
Jersey City, N i. Dept.-O
by 01 Harrington
“Remember that engagement ring what Mr. Bootsie gave to my big sister? Well, she sent it
back to ’im on account’a she couldn’t keep up tha payments on it."
publicity campaign 1( r an nntica
I eted Galento-Ixiuis scrap on the
grounds that Tony knocked out
Itrescp. quicker than Loui;i did.
Lets hope tt ey are matched so
wl can rid ourselves of "Public
Nui- anco No. 1."
Syr ace :e, N. Y.
S'dat Syngh, the star of foot
Iall for the N. Y. Orange team
has played basket ball during the
winter months as a conditioner. He
ha i played a good game starring
on several occasion for the Syra
cuse team. Sidat has a good hepu
taticn as a goal tow-er. This comes
to him from an honest source, for
he does the same thing with a
t hicagc, III.
Pop Lewis, George Jones and
Wayne McCullough are here to
see tho Ixmis-IiCwiH fight, Those1
boyn are having tho time of their
young lives seeing the town. In
late years Pop wears glasses on
numerous occasions, but when Ed
Small presented him with his check
after the big festival, Pop said the
figures were biy enough to read
without glasses
New York City, N. Y.
The college schedule of Southern
football teams was released to this
office last week. A glimpse at the
above tells me Southern farm will
witness sorno of the f'nest cage
ball Sport at various center courts
of all times. I can now sec the
reason some coaches have worked
overeime. as competition seems the
greatest in many a year.
New York City. N. Y.
Bojangles Bill Robinson turned
down an alluring offer to stay for
the Louis-Lewis fight. Bill will
leavo for Cleveland Ohio, where he
opens at a local Theatre for n
weeks angagement. Bill said this
would bo a tough fight and would
be worth walking miles to witness. J
Mike Jacobs had innervations on!
deck for an unusual number of j
St. LouK Me.
The Sumner High school basket'
ball team seems to be in good form,
firms the latestdope e<f a 26-10 win
over the P ne St. ’*Y" group. Billy
Swanson, and Jordan Chambers,
Muond dty sportsman will givel
tho team new Jersey* for their
fine efforts.
Miami, Florida
Jockey Wayne Wright, who will
ride War Admiral in the $60,000
Widne/ Classic March 4, 1930 wan,
valeted by Cleo Brown the race
track employe of the Illinois Turfj
Association who commitel suicide
after shooting his wife in Tampa, |
Florida about three years ago.”
“Brownie” showed Wayne many an
in and out during his apprentice
days in k928 when he wea under
contract te Ber Raroni the Rene
truf mogul.
New York City, N. Y.
Chalky Wright, ftsblemate of
Henry Ati.rstrong is doing very
nicely under the guiding hand "f
Eddie Walker who is “subbing”
tor Eddie Meade in his absence,
'haIky just whipped another vic
tim at the Ridge wood A. C. He
like Henry is forced to take on
over weight opponents as the boys
of his weight do not care to mix
with him.
Daytct;, Ohi<
Henry Armstrong the two title
Champ on will pull in on the Broad
way limited accompanyed by Ed
'ie Meade his manager Tuesdav
n 11 set to see the Louis-I-zerwis
heavyweight tussle. While here
peac i negotiations will be aired to
tho extent of an announcement of
Henry fighting under the Jacobi
banner at the Garden in Februar*
egainst an un-named opponent.
Kansas City. Mo.
Pincy Brown one of the city’s
'■.jsi: known guiding lights in the
'oca! sport circles has taken the
pior on the old 12th St. Hall to
itagj local fights if he can get the
sanction of the rie-ht parties. Pincy
still keeps his large legion of fol
lowers and makes no kick about
the general time.
N’ew York City, N. Y.
Walter Clark of Ix>s Angelos to
gether with Rich Baker and Gent
Sorrel saddened th? hearts of har
lenitites to the extent of lett ng
them know that their ppopo^ed
vj it to the Big Strap will not be
made. Anita is runn'ng full blast
and their presence is needed at
their homo spots Jay Chavis of
Seattle and Felix Crane are ex
pected at the laat minute.
New York City, N. Y.
Rooster Hammond of Detroit
prabally the larger Race operator
at present times and good friend
of Jack Blackburn has arrived a
head orf schedule to see the Louis
Lewis f ght. Rooster has won over
fSj.OOO betting on Louis to be vic
torious on all of hii big league
battled. Hammond will not bet on
this fight for sentimental reasons
tho he thinks Joe will w'n, add
ing he will be In for the fight of
his life.
New York City, N. Y.
The registers of the Dewey
S*u»r«. Rraddock Hotels are Full
of reservations for the “Big Mass.”
This can be taken as a criterion of
“There Still must be some nego
tiable in circulation as all of the
“bigwigs" will be here. Headquar
ters for the fight gossip will be
maintaned at the "big Apple”
Harlem’s great night spot of joy.
Ed Small of Small’s Paradise will
hold open the house for visitors.
Boston, Mass.
Bob Pastor received the decision
Here's A Kid Who Really Runs!
New York, Feb. 1—There's noth
ing finer for jad?d nerves than to
get out and watch tihe young gen
eration at play. Saturday night we
passed up a big time hockey match
t ■ take in the Public schools Ath
lete league Junior high track
■ games, contested at the spacious
245 Coast Artillery armonry. Nat
<. ally we thrilled to the exploits
of those indomitable bronzed kid
dies of Frctf Douglass Junior high
of Harlem, who after a laape of
e. year, regained the track eham
[ pionsh p of the city against the
| best "Pop Knickerbocker" could
| trot oue against them.
Brown toned lithe youth still
ir their middle teens, like Herbie
Drayton, (60 yd. dash winner);
Oss e Burton ,who walked off with
the 120 pound 70 yd. dash, the re
l-.y. winning the high jump, et al ^
warmed the cockles of our heart
like a shot of brandy when the
wind howling 20 below- zero. But
one kid caused us to leave the
drill shed wondering if we hadn’t
been dreaming through it all.
Clo-e your eyes with me for a
. econo and visualize a husky,
moonfaced kid from the rough and
rea' sidewalk.-- of New York, tipp
ing .he scales in the neighborhood
of 182 pounds; and not a day over
15 years of age. With machine like
effic'ency you watch this boy
whose name appears as EDWARD
GREE1NIDGE, prospect Junior
high school, race la for the sheer
joy of living through heat, and
semi-fnal, leaving the rest of the
fWl behind him as If they were
! «d by invisible ropea. Comes the
final heat Greenldge (we’ll never
forget his race) jogs upto the
lines, a big laughing brown bey
l who might eaadly be mistaken for
» boxer*. Crack goes the gun, and
I with it Greenldge It off like a
Jesse Owens. Now the crowded
i over Tiger Warrington in a 10!
round go at the Boaton Garden
here. The fight was a close one un
11 the 8th round. Bob sent the
Tiger to one knee for the ooaat
of 1 and then out boxed him for
the remainder of the bout, by a
risiousbody attact. The Tiger a
real veteran of the game has aged
considerably and connot get by on
his ring generalship with the
younger boys. Bobby Little t>he
New Haven flash was introduced
n the ring. He is the \Velt“rweight
Champ of the N E. States.
armory is up on their hind legs
just a people of them, forgetting
.'or the moment as this amazing
youngster speeds down the chalk
ed lanes that they are. Jew or Gen
tile, or black or white.
Now he's two yards ahead, six,
■.ever, ten and twelve, looking back
with a grin at the staggering two
roped field in his wake A. hushed
silence ensues while the judges and
timers huddle, then it comes. "The
tim i 10.4 seconds, creating a new
103 yd. dash schoolboy record over
that had stood for 10 years.”
Ctfter events are on the card, but
we have no eyes for them, only the |
picture of this juvenile greyhound,1
who bids fair to take his place with
“all time greats’ when he grows
Back home, that charming lir |
wiio of oars chides ns for babbl
ing inocoherently over the exploit*
of something that was to us, a
cross between « flash of lightning
and a shooting stah. Expert ob
servers agreed with ue that had
the giant youngster been pressed,1
ho could (have raced the distance
in 10 seconds flat. AND DON'T
Sensational Borican Carries ou
Owens Trtinioda .. .
Owens Tradition —Is Artist Too
Wants to Blast Jim Crow—
Myth on( Mile Run
Versatility seems to be the
I force of John Borican of the Shore
A C. the latest and perhaps the
greatest of the Negro athletes to
stop into the spiked shoes of Eddie
Tolan Ralph Metcalfe, and Jesse
| Owens, record splitting performer#
of recent years.
Already the powerfully built
Negro lad is being touted as an
Olympic competitor and the fut
ure decathlon champion of the
wort! Standing 6 feet tall in his
stocking feet and packing 175
pounds of rangy bone and muscle
Borican will bear watching.
Ho is tho holder of the National
penthalon championship, runs the
400 meters in 0:4'.9, hurdles the
nemo distance in 62 seconds flat,
car do 1:52 in the half and can
approach or hit record time in a
dozen other events. Yet he is an
unknown quantity. His talent and
abil'ty have not yet been guaged.
‘Ru>mg inthe finrt 00« meter
race of his career the Negro star
won the Grover Cleveland-Osceola
meet easily in 1:17 last Saturday.
He has never raced the mile yet
says he /hope* to lun as many as
possible in an effort to disprove
tho canard that “colored boys
can’t run * god mile."
Although ho now sports the col
ors of the Shore A. C. Borican is a
graduato of Virginia State, holding
r degree in fine arts. Borican
expects to become a portrait pain-j
ter, if he can make the right con
Never having seen any of his
canvases it is dificult to discuss his
artistic talent but if he can paint
like he can run America has a
great aster. His all around track
performances paint a picture that
is the wonder of trackdom. He
sprints the 100 meters in 0:1.8,!
the 110 meter high hurdles on 0:14-'
.7. the 4000 meters in 0:47.9, and
has run 4.16 for the mile. In j
field events his prowess is as not-j
able. He broadjumps 23 feet and.
six inches, hi* jumps 6 feet and
inhees, tones the javelin 160 feet
and the di*et»ss 130 feet. He's
never attempted t« pole vault but
ia certain that he can climb up to
twelve feet.
He runs as well indoors as he
does la the open. The sharp beak
ed tUrun do not bother him as
nudylis they do Johnny Woodruff
' the 800 meter Olympic champion,
so wamtriculating at Pittsburgh.
Hu is programmed to appear at the
tape for the Bishop Chevents 100#
meter race a', the K. of C. meet in
the Boston Garden this Saturday
hut because of his overwhelming
desire to ‘VseJ for myself” Direchar
f«ill Kenney may shift him aver
to the mile.
By next year Borican should ha
in fine shape for the Olympic Jhry
outs. Ho should better his jwrier
| championship performances in the
800 meters, and should upset Jnak
! Patterson, of Rice, who comqnurad
| him twico in the 400 meter* hurdl
es, once in this country and unaa
in Berlin, during the German-thii
ted States dual meets last year.
Comparatively unknown despot*
hi" sterling perfr;tnancea and his
championships in the pJantatiam
eh-mpionxhips in the pemtihataa
and the Junior 400 meter hnrfle
and 8 hundred meters BeHbaa
should hit the headlines many
| times between now and July 4th.
when he expects to annex the MOO
me er riceptro at the Lincoln. Ma
braska, meet.
Despite his own choices for the
next world decathlon champions.
; two Negroes, Bill Watso af lffoh
j rgan, and Wilbur Strode, of U. C.
L. A. John Borican figures to re
place Glen Morris, present decath
I lor title holder, in 1940.
An “electric eye” will detect im
purities, as .soft drinks are bottleh
op Treasure Island for visitor* V*
the 1939 California World’s Fair.
Chefs and waitresses in the Oak
wood Barbecuo at the 1939 Califor
nia World'i Fair are to wear cos
tumes of the Old West.
Streamlined, miniature trams
will wh'sk visitors around the •ay
way on Treasure Island.
“I Won $100 The
Day I Got My
Rabbit’s Foot”
writes F. T. of Pa. “The PRAYER
you sent me with my RABBIT’S
FOOT has helped mo wonderfully’,
says Mrs. L. C. of Ohio. “Reeak.%
have been amazing',” report* S. G.
of Florida.
Letters like these coming free*
grateful men and women all o««r
th<i country make me vary toppy.
I claim no supernatural ixnre*» mmI
sell my RABBIT’S FEET aed
novelty combination. So it mast
bo coincidence or the psycholog eed
effect, but these people do feeliave
I have helped them, and I weald
I like to help YOU, tooj
N’o matter what your Hard Luck
| is I think you will bless the day
you send for one of my Genuine
so-called I.UCKY .RABBIT’?
for You and Your Loved Ones
which I enclose in every order.
‘ Most wonderful PRAYER I ever
read,” says Mrs. E. S. of Washing
ton, D. C.
People everywhere have heard of
the alleged mysterious LUCKY
FOOT to br ng Good Fortune and
Protection from harm! Almost
every' living soul on earth has
FAITH in the Tremendous, Mighty
Never-Failing POWER OF PRAY
ER! If you haven’t tried tbia
BINATION don’t delay—B. B. of
Detroit writes, ‘'Have been doting
fine ever since!"
So please hurry! Clip this njgs
.-uijr* and mail with only Me
(coin) to help cover my eypcuAae.
Please print your name and ad
dress clearly. I want ®o help yeti
a* fast as I can. Your Shaoere
Friend, LADY HOPE, SMo -Rust.
Hoad, Noroton, Coon.
Thrifty Service
6 lbs. for 48c
Southwest Corner 24th and Erskine Sts.