WOMEN’S DEPARTMENTAL PAGE 1TV NEW ASTROLOGY READ-* •i^GS ARE NOW READY P, H.—Will t ' man that I have in mind have success in getting tile job that he has in mind? If •o, then what does the future hold tat us? Ans: This friend of yours Is go ing to get the job - before the month of March. When he receiv es a few pay checks, he will put • mighty important question be fore you—I feel that yon will bo tile future Mrs. in his household. If.'L M.—I wiah to know will Conditions change financially for my husband and I or will we have to wove into another town ? Ana: A change of addressee isn't groingr to improve your financ-J ial condition. Both you and your Hu.'ihand must make up your minds to GET EMPLOYMENT wh the,- you like the city or not. If your income :» fair, you will dhansro your mind about the loca tion you are in. R. L. W.—My husband wants me to become a mother. Ho doesn’t treat me so good now and I am wondering if fee would do. any bet ter if we were to have a baby ? Ans: If he doesn’t live the right way for the first forty-five years of his life, then a BABY isn’t go ing to change him to any great ex tent. I am afraid that a baby is a bit out of the question anyway. M. S.—Do you think that my husband i* going to come out'al ...IT* EASY TO WIN LOVE WO , ROMANCE «*«i Yw Km« Nm to LIGHTEN SKIN f er oator okin with hahfrr Mnd*r*kin; l Tr» l)r fV*d Bktn WhH«njr. kcalUnactot*. rt»»««npl* (»«od«tl DR. FRED PALMER CO., Dept. Z-19, Atlanta, Georgia. LOANS WE BUY OLD GOLD WATCH A JEWELRY RHPAIK » ING WB LOAN MONEY ON EVERYTHING IROSS JEWELRY & LOAN GO. -CLOTHING earner 24th & KKSHINE 2414 NORTH 244b ST. OMAHA, NEBR. Try... leraiaa’s Market First HERMAN FRIEDLANOES PROPRIETOR 24th Lake St WE.5444 right on this property deal? Ans: Ho will yes. He should be able to make a reasonable am ount of profit from auch a deal. In tSine he will benefit from this deal. C. B X.—I am giving up my teaching position this next sem ester and I wish to know from you if you think that I am using good judgement? Ans: Inded you are. You are marrying a man who is able to take care of you and provide a comfortable home—why should you not make the home a real comfort to him. Give up your work and concentrate on trying to be a good wife and you will not have any thing at all to worry about. G. B.—This friend of mine has asked me many times to marry him and when I told him I wras ready, then he acted as if he thought I w«s out of my head or something. What is his idea any way, Ans: He’s a “city sli.cker’’ — this is just his line to fool the girls with. He has no idea of marrying you or anyone else and if you know what’s good for you, you wil drop him and have nothing more to do with him. Next time he comes down your way and asks for a date—turn him down. I W. R. T.—I am petting old and farm work is my life’s work and I am just wondering if I will be able to make a success of it this year alone ? Asn: I don’t think you should try it alone. Arrange to get you a share cropper or a renter on your place to help do the work. It is better that you not make so much and take care of your health and you aren't actualy dependent on the farm anyway. 1939 Astrology Readings NOW READY! ▼ ABBS’ WALLACE fat efl fee pnn ...mr«nr till JUtfel# OT 1mHh> MNitaf tott on blrth dih> Me* 15c. fit# MM el idttN bcMbd wifll (Mk order. --0-. THB MALAY STRAITS (By Martin L. Harvey, Jr., for ANP) The Malay Straits, which include the world renowned city of Singa pore, is a melting pot of races. In dians, Malayans, Chinese, Furasi ans, and Europeans all live in this land which h mostly under the rule of Great Britain, with a few seperate states. Intermarriage has taken place among the distinctive racial groups and they live together rather har moniously. One of the most inter esting groups are the Furasians. The off-spring of marriages Fura sians. The off-springs of marirages Europeans and Indians, this group often forms a seperate group eco nomically. They tend to feel super ior to the Indians, and inferior to the Europeans. In some cases they have separate schools, and cultu ral groups. They usually become clerks and workers in offices. As Robbings Pharmacy MM N*. Mtk St. WB 1T11 Calvin’s Newspaper Service TESTED RECIPE —By It Meet Lee Bertow—— TO my way of thinking, one ef the most pleasant meals of the j week is Sunday night sapper in the I company of one or two friend*. And for that occasion, noth ing beats waffle* as the plboe de resistance. Start off with tomato Juice, then serre Ham Waffles with scrambled eggs and finish np with coffee and cookies. That meal has "got something” as the young folks pat It! Ham Waffle* A la Marigold (Sour milk waffles) 2 cups sifted cake flour; teaspoons double - acting baking powder; K teaspoon soda; M tea spoon salt; 1 tablespoon sugar; 2 egg yolks, well beaten; 1% cups sour milk or buttermilk; 4 table spoons melted bntter or other shortening; 2 egg whites, stiffly beaten; finely diced cooked ham. Sift flour once, measure, add baking powder, soda, Balt, and sugar, and sift again. Combine egg yolks, milk, and butter; add to flour mixture, beating until smooth. Fold In erg whites. Bake In hot waffle Iron, sprinkling each waffle with about hi cup ham Just before closing iron. Serre soft scrambled eggs on each waffle. Makes tour or fire 4-sectlon waffles. would be expected, moat of them desire to better themselves by marrying Europeans, but if that is impossible, they marry among themselves. We were interested to notice how mur’’, intermarriage had taken > place among the upper middle class oi all race} in this country. Chinese Indian and Malayan physicians, lawyers and business men were married to European women, some of whom they met while studying in England. Social customs were maintained in many areas, especial ly regarding women. At a dinner party we attended in a well to do home, the men ate first while the laJdlies waited in the living room until wo were through. Apparently the Eurc(peian wife of our host had learned to adjust herself to this situation. The unemployment problem was particularly acute among the lower middle class group in this country, ono of the causes being that many Indian college graduates had come into this country seeking govern ment positions, and failing in this were willing to work for very low' wages as clerks and the like. As in our own country, there was no organized effort to seek higher wages on the part of this group, each one feeling that a labor union would identify him too much with the working class The only ray of hope for most of these office work ers was to secure a job with a British firm, because such firms pay tho highest wages. o n n_ FASHIONETTE Efcr Hazel L. Griggs for ANF Kep Your Blouse to YAir Suit For Smart Effect Now that suits are very much on the fashion front again, most of us are in a very receptive mood toward blouses. And finding the right blouse to wear with your early'-bird suit this year shouldn’t be difficult for blouses are more in the fashion picture than ever before. There are many styles of every type from which to select, and these new7 spring blouses are keyed to the clock and the occa sion with almost as much versati lity and variety as the newest dresses. In choosing a blouse it Is im portant to study your suit before making a selection If your suit is checked or of a patterned weave you will want to avoid the prints and lean toward plain colors. Most popular of the plain colors this season are ayclamen (a bright, deep pink the same shade exactly as cyclamen flowers) fushia, lug gage tan, aqua and lime or char treuse. These colors plain but gay are being worn with checks, plaids and tweeds alike. Materials used are crepee, tissue taffetas or jer seys. With a suit of solid color, how ever, you may want to select one of the attractive printed models. In these blouses, spirited stripes, polka dots, flower motifs, paisley designs checks and plaids vie with each other for your attention. The materials are washable crepes, spun rayons, or cottons. Tubable blouses are increasingly popular foe wear with sport suits. . • * +&)TlaXu^^D0WTuimxL Reg. D. S. l>at. Off. J BEHUTU^ROmflllCE Tbo Larlcuso Itanty Foundation **« oatabliahod by | tbo Godofroy Manufacturing Company to atudy mothodo of pruaomng womon'o natural boaufy, and to mako tbo rnaulto of tbti roootrcb rrailablo to tbo pobllo. With the holiday* a thing of th* past, most of os are left with a gen eral run-down feeling. Too many good times, too little sleep, and per haps a bad cold thrown In, will do considerable damage to the best of us. Sleep Important To Beauty The skin reacts most unfavorably to lack of sleep, becoming rough and dry, with a tendency to wrinkle more easily. Sleep Is, of course, the first prescription for reconditioning the skin but it is always well to give nature a hand. By all means get to bed at least an hour ahead of your scheduled bed-time for a week or more to make up for the many hours rest ytu have missed during the holiday season. But, while you are preparing for bed, give a little extra attention to beauty. I Proper ClMMlng and Lubrication ( Necessary . The chances are that daring the holiday rash yoa have neglected the proper cleansing of your skin, giv ing ft fast a hasty going over