CHURCH NEWS FAR A DISK BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. C. Adams. Paster I,. Hawthorne, reporter oSndav Se’-od opened at the u - mal houi with S icrint ndant Mt K. E. Hilt, rep rtcr. At 11.0) rvVe the d v >r:onal aer» ice • wo e If-: v tlit* deacon -. A. vrondet fi’l «fm n by the pa tor, 'Rev. C. Adams was enjoy 1 by a it, BYIU c-n n *>1 at the u uil boor The preside it pi Mint?. KnjcyeJ !•>• *11. There v. ,i> quite a few visitors pr< err The even ire; ■ nice was opene i %\ i <• s lending the de votTon; '. <• i i ■ . Rev. E. Green of Pleasant G . e > Baptist church pmched at th service and the stessng.t was enjoyed by all. CHOP SI KY Open from 2 p. m. until 3 a. m. Kin? Yuen Cafe .. >010', N. 21th St. JAckson 8376 American and Chinese Dishes We Pay Cash For Old & Antique 0,,r»s »'F 2Sf.!l 521 No. 15th St. HU ' S low BANK Confidential T *■«ps at Reasonable Bates Unredeemed Quality Merchan dise at a Great Reduction. Up to-Date Clothing, Dry Goods, Cadies Ready to Wear Millinery Hosiery, Blankets, Shoes for the Entire Family. few I N, 21th St. Tel. WE. Flfiil f u^t SALUTE i IN COOKING J 'TO°/ ~r ' . A ItoK oik Cooknk « 20*. b* l Volurn* 5._ ASK. YOUR N I dealer* New Crop Tree Ripened Oranges and Grapefruit 90 pounds $2,88 (plus $-.40 express) Fine Georgia PECANS $4.85 to $6,85 fo»- 25 pounds LARGE LOTS OX REQUEST —Ideal Gift— NICHOLS & CO, Rockmart, Georgia O ... —— SALEM BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. R. II. Hilson, pastor Anita Depp-Yours, reporter Tha service;; at Salem Baptist j Church opened promptly at t>:30 [ o’clock and whs well attended. A very gw) sermon wa3 deliv | ered at 11:00 by Rev. W. E. Fort, i AH present enjoyed and profi ted i trereby. Subject: "Wftch/ ; Tho BYPtl opened promptly at , 5j30 with the president Mr, Cooper | in charge. An interesting session « i ; enjoyed by all present. Hi ll' program was heartily accepted. At a evening service r plea , >nt surprise awaited us Rev. Davi ! v> cholson pastor of the £e i eond Baptist Church in Cl rinda. i \vn preached a soul stirring ser-, mon. Wo were pleased to hear this. young min who is ono of us. Sub-1 ject: “Keep Your Body Full of Light ’ Mi. R, L. Pittman was added to tho church membership. Our pastor who has been confin ed to his horn? for tie past 14 days is much improved at this writing and able to attend services al though he is not able to preach. We ai • glad to have Rev. Hilson out again. Mrs. A. D. Green is r?portei ill at this writing. Mrs. N. Thomas wa called to 'Chicago because of tho illness of her brother. I mi: church of the living GOD (CWFF) 2316 N 25Ih S'reet Elder M. L. Steele, pastor Sunday soHocl onuifd at the us ua> hour, with Elder M. L. Steele ! ’('ting superintendant. The lesson wai "Seeing No Man Loving” was well taught and a number of good •jghts were taken The Junior Cl;: s was commended for their fin ■ work. At 11:00 a. m &the pastor de livered a soul stirring message found in John 3:16. Subject: “God ; So Envoi the World.” The Bible Band was held at 6:00 p, in. with the president sister A. Rrogg. in charge. The lesson was aught from Colon-fans 3:10-20. Elder E. Clark, preached the I evening simian from John 14:23. Subject. "Love.” The word was w: nderfuJly explained and the spd i i, ran high. E'eryone is naked to join u3 in our service. You are always wel iino at the church of the Living | God. Women’s work. Thursday night. __ nlln_ MT. CALVARY COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev. It. \Y. Johnson, Pastor Mrs. Edna Mitchell. Reporter Sunday school opened at 9:15 with Superintend int Sister Edna Mil hell n charge Forty five min | lit •, were devoted to the lev -on. i There was a nice attendance. 11:00 service was opened by the ciu i' singing. The message was de liver 1 by the pastor from II Cor, : 5:1V. Subject: "A New Creature." 6:00 BYPU was opened by the | president Sister Woody. Lo-son j from the 5th chapter of Matthew, | \v; teught by Sister Edna Mit j ehell. There \\a;. a nice ettendance 1 at this meeting. PRICE SMASH! Attend this sale early tomorrow, for the BIGGEST RADIO BARGAINS everl We are selling out all Philcos! Grunows! General Electrics! RCA Victors Zeniths ond other popular make trode-ins . . . at sensational savings , . . REGARDLESS OF FORMER VALUES1 FINE, LARGE CONSOLE RADIOS While They hast! 1516 DODGE ST. OMAHA, NEB. 8:00 service was opened by the choir singing “The Ixird is In His ” The message was broui t by tlie pastor from St. Viat :><-'% 28 chapter. Subject: “Let hi Church Roll On.” Tuc ly night will be the unveil • 1 dedication of our now i organ. Mrs. J. D Lewis I ■ the guest speaker for the w ri ng. Don’t miss this treat. Wednesday night from 7:30 un til 8:30 regular services. From 3:3') until 9:30 Pastor’s Aid. From »:30 until 10:30 Choir rehoarsel. Wat h for the big musical given by the choir too 27th of January. All are a»ked to bring a silver of fering. f :mo one, Come all. Wcl eom \ ■-—oOo FIRST CHl’ROH OF DELIVERANCE V v. Alfred Thomas, pastor K -v. F. Johnson, assis’t, pastor Jesse I.atiolias, reporter Mi ". Madeline Nash celebrated It." 1 rthiay, January 13th by en tertr'ining the Busy Bee Ail Club at the hnme of Mrs. Mattie Thomas 2520 Patrick St. Lovely refresh ment r w t o served. Tuesday’* services are held bv the p sto’. Bread i„ given to all who <■ me. The special Thursday nigh' "".nee is conducted by Rev. Iran’ Tohnson. Hear this gifted young ■■ n who h>s dedicated his lii < t ‘he teac’-ing of spiritual science. A t"dented mu.s'cian and singer ’ tost rhe t'riendly ’Cttle Chur:> around the corner at 2426 Lak ■ S . -oOo ST JOHN AME. CHl’RCH "The F'riendly Church’* Dr. |{. A. Adams, Pastor Tho Sunday school opened the day’s service at St. John with a very fine attendance. Tho teachers as well as the child ren were very near all on time. Being on time would make a great diffeience in the interest and, good of the Sunday School in every way. If the people could only see it tint way and get the- i Dr. Adams preached from St. . Mark 11:5. His subject: “S'gns of I the Times.’’ From thU Dr. Adams j did as he always does and there fore he gave us a very impressive nu sage. For the evening service:, the Union services were held and Rev. I, A. Storey of Cloves Temple with his chn'r were on duty. Rev. Storey’s subject was “The Dares of Christ.’’ His outstanding thought wa8 “if we want to increase spiri tually, we must decrease ourselvea so that God can increase.’’ Rev. Storey and his choir were at their best and it way a great treat to all. who were able to be present. Wo feel that the Union services j are making gjreat progress anil 1 continue making progress if we will pray and he sincere and help t > make it so. Next Sunday night the services will ho at Bethel AMR Church at | tilth and Franklin Sts., with Dr. Adams of St. John and his choir serving It is expected that St. John’s choir will be out in full numbers to help Dr. Adams bring a great spiritual treat to those who come. If you expect a good seat, you must come early, because these meeting'; nre having batter atten dance each week. Tho church and friends take this method of expressing sympathy to Sister Waddle and family over the pissing of our good friend, i rofessor B. J. Waddle, The sick of the church are Bro ther W. R. Carter who has been ill for nearly three weeks Sister Elsie Harper, who is much be ter than ;ho has been. Brothers L. M. Goodlett and George Ray are about th same. We pray for the comfort of these and others who may be del-' .If it is church news you will find it in the local weekly papers. -oOo-... BETHEL A. M. E. CHURCH Rev. W. M. Camper, pastor J. S. Jefferson, reporter Sunday school opened at its us ual hour 9:45 with J- S. Jefferson 1 >n charge. Lesson for discussion: Peter Sees Christ Glory. Matthew i 17:1-18. Golden text: We Beheld j hi Golry and the glory of th? on ly begotten of the father John. 1:14. All teachers present t< i \ great interest in their classes. Many good thought's were drawn from the lesson After thirty min ute's dfmUssioh, the school was called to order by the superinten dent after which a splendid review was given by Mrs. Lula Thorn ton. Our regular morning service be ' gar at 11:00. A special song was : rendered by the senior ohoir under I :/-.e direction of Mrs. Camper. Rev. Camper selected his text from Luke 15:28 text, “And he was angry and woul ! not ga in; there ioru cane h’s father out, and re treated him." Everyone was uplifted with his great message. Aft: r which the door of the c' urch was opened and a song 1 the congregation. “If I were you ‘Id make a changer’ A j large number of vv.iUi.s were present in the morning service. A mong then: Miss Johnette Col mar. and Mr. Harvey Drake and Mr. Randolph Stevens. Our pastor, Rev. W. M Camper, har. moved in the parsonage, locat ed at 2428 Frank! n St. The Union service will be held Sunday Janu ary 22, 1930, at Bethel AME. Church. Allen Endeavor League meet? at 6:30 o'clock. Mrs. M. L Young, president. Our regular prayer and class on Wednesday evening. Come and worship with us. Visitors are al ways welcome at Bethel. -—oOo CLEAVES TEMPLE CME CHURCH Rev. L. A. Storey, pastor Beatrice Gray, reporter In spite of the cold weather, the attendance at Sunday school was good. Rev. Storey was speaker for the Junior church. Morning services were well at tended. Rev. Storey preached from j M'cah 6:8. Everyone received a spiritual blessin and inspiration. Although Rev. Hilton couldn’t be rresent because of illne3s, the Pew Rally given by the Missionary So-* ciety was a success Epworth Lea guo met at the usual hour. Sun day night we had Union services at St. John AME Church, at which time, Rev. Storey preached and the Cleaves Temple Choir sang, j No. 2 Stewa nines? Board gave r. fish fry and Chitterling Sup per Friday evening. Rev. Storey has been appointed a member of i the executive board of the Gmaha Council of Churches and also n member of the Interac al com mittee. Tho Shutins of the Church are: Mrs. Mollie Smith; Mrs. Rhoda | Smith; Mrs. It. F. Adams, child | ren of Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Allen. U I.F.V (11 WEB AME CHl'RCH I he ( hurch that welcomes you 25th and It. Street Rev. H. I). Pigg'ae, pastor 9:30 A. M. Sunday school, J. Follows, Supt. 11:00 A. M., Morning worship. '.6:00 1’. M. ALE League, Ray mond Alexander, Press'derit. 7:30 P. M. Evening worship. There i- a valuable form of spi ritual exercise, commonly called personal work. There i.- nothing moro necessary for the Advance ( ment of the Kindgom of God or ^ | for the development of a new life i than, this mu h neglected “indi-1 vidua! work for individuals.’’ There aro three real requisites for doing t■*ii work; n personal experience | of Christ’s love, n persona] know-; j ledg ■ of the pr ncipal truths about - in and salvation; and a personal, i love tor souls. Each of these you already have, or ought to, and if not .may have in you will If you ar : lacking in any of the afore said requisites come to Allen Chapel AME Church and learn about how to get them. Come and hear God’s word expounled in its fullness. Como and hear what “thus Saith thj Lord." At 11 o’clock lah Sunday out pastor pleached from the text St. Lu’co 8th chapter 18ver-c, which reads, “Take heed therefore how 1 yo hear; for whosoever hath, to i n shall he given; and wosoever hath not, from him shall ge taken even that which he seemsth to have.” Using the subject, “Tho Warning by parable,” he opened his sermon quoting 5 vsrses of said chapter. “A Sower Went out to Sow his Seed: And as he sowed, some fell by the wayside, some fell on a rock, some among thorns, others fell on good ground.” Thi:s was s, powerful sermon and ’ was wonderfully helpful to the church because Re\>. P'ggue made things so plain that it was impossible for anyono present to fail' o see the spiritual condition. • . .. . Laymen, the light of the true gospel is turned on use now, and we cannot hide. - At 3 p. m A ‘BrlieVC ft or not' program was rendered by the choir. This program consisted of group singing, readings, vocal solos, in strumentals, and shorts talks. This program, though rather «. L uc in | its make ur> was very1 ir > I . and every one s* rated to enjoy; u. The pastor acted as master of : Ceremony, and stressed implieity j tho necessity of unity ‘ Gods work in Mysterious Ways. Hi', wonder-, to Perform.” at 6 o’clock the League -opened with the 15 minutes devot'or 1 per iod. Tine lesson was taut i Crothe • Jam?-S Fellows. Su iect: “Finding hidden Treasures.” The' Leaguo literature is really inspir-: ational and if we follow them through it will help us to grow strung. Tho pastor brought another message at 7:30. Subject: “Ye mu t b eborn again.” St. John 3rd chap. 3rd ver:e. We were pleased to have with us R’V. Hubbard of Union ME Church. Other visitors during the day were; Mrs. John Whiteside, Mrs. A. Turner, Mrs. 'Carr, and Mrs John Hodges. We are glad to have back with us, Sister Mattie Vivians, who ha?, been ill. This writer visited the I rogan Club (the men’s club of the church) j last Tuesday evening. Ladies you should have been there. Really thi‘‘- writer was surprised to see so many rren together. They were t'ere lor the expressed purpose of discussing God’s word. We praise God foi the Men, because a lot of times when a grouT) of men get together they usually have what they call a ‘stag party’, you know smoking, drinking, and telling smutty jokes, etc. But not sc with J the >o men. Their meeting was ! rtrictly business 1 ke. After the business was disci'-;sed, the th ee ladies present were invited to join in the Round Table Discussion. The Biblical prophecies that has been fulfilled. Time and space will , not permit me to give full details of this meeting, however. I will give briefly one of the prophec es that is being fulfilled right now. “The famine of the hearing of the word of God.’’ Amos 8th chapter, , 11th verse. This one was brought I cu by Bro. Geo. Redd. And truly this prophecy is, being fulfilled now. The m'nisters failing to hear God’s word because they don’t want . to preach it, the laymen because they arc failing to live it, and sinners because they will not ex-: eept it. So Christian friends you can see the fulfillment ard Meeting at the home of Mrs. | , Edith Wright 6015 So. 27th St. 4:00 P. M. the Junior Choir, Or-i ganizat'on and rehearsal at the homo of Mrs. Frances Mosley, 5626 So. 24th Street. Friday, January 20th 11:00 P. M. Chicken Dinner at i the Church, given by the Trustee I helpers club. ! | 3:00 P. M. Partia Club (the wo-j men’s club of the church) will meet at the church. 7:30 Choir rehearsal at the home j of Mrs. Frances Mosley. 5626 So. j , 24th Si. Sunday. January 29th 3:00 P M. Special Missionary I Service. Sermon by Evangelist An ! no Burton of St. John AME church. Sunday February 5th A1 day will be Men’s day under the Auspices of the Trogaris. 7:30 P. M. All request program I b ythe Choir see that your request I gets into the hands of the Direct i ress, Mrs. Etehel Webb. -O Or— PLEASANT GREEN BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Reynolds, pastor Wills Mae Ross, reporter Sunday school at 9 o’clock with rAssistant Supt. Mr. Kenneth Mai-' roney. Teachers took charge of their classes a lovely discussion • Was iiscU'Sed by the Rosebud, class. lumber present 94. Morning worship devotional ser vice was led by the deacons. Song by the Junior Choir Prayer for th. sick by Rev. St, Clair. Song ly the Junior Choir. A levely sermon was preac h' 1 by Re'. Reynolds. Song. Visitors Mrs. Minn'e Taylor Zion Baptist Ccllect'on and p.djoumm «t. BYPU at 0 o'clock with vice president in charge. Teachers look charge of thir classes for twenty minutes. A lovely program was rendered by Mr. Parker. Evening worship, deacons in charge of the devotional service. Song by the Juinor Choir Prayer ior the sick. A lovely musical was rendered by the Junior Choru. Collection. Visitors, Josephine Jones. 561G So. 33rd St. Mr. and Mr.s Peace. 1411 North 26th. Mrs. Ratio Hemdum, 2712 Franklin. Mrs. B. F. Gruffer, 811 Otoe St. You aro also welcome to our Church. REMINSCING BACK THROWGH THE YEARS A REGULAR OMAHA GUIDE FEATURE JULY 2, 1932 Miss Olive Jackson, daughter of Mrs May Jackson, 2219 Ohio St. became the charming bride of Mr. Wiliam A. Davis Wednesday af ternoon, Juno 29. The house was artistically decorated with flowers and palms; the prelude was played by Miss Willa Hayes while the bri 'a1, party assembled. Promptly at 5 P. M. “0 Promise Me’’ was sung by Mr. Theodore J. Bell and was followed by “I Love You Truly,” sung by Miss June Arti son. Immediately the bridal proces sion began. The ribbon g’rls, Mis ses Edroso Willis, Charlene Le wis Mai'jorie Bolden and Helen Singleton were dressed in organdy Tho next group were the brides maids, Misses Lorene Lewis, Nad no Clarke, Lorraine Fletcher, and Lucille Paterson, who were also organdy clad. Then came the flo wer girls, Lydia and Estelle Mc •Craty, who rese.rlbled little dolls in. their long organdie dresses. Mrs. Howard Ouslev, the matron of honor, was gowned in peach net and following her was the maid of bo-nor Miss C'elestine Smith, who woro flowered georgette and pic turo hat. Tho most beautiful part of the entiro wedding was the bride, who wore a French creation of white crepo with lace packet effect, as she descended the stairs to be tak en to, the groom by Mrs. Charles Harrold, who gave her away. The ring bearer was little Gordon Jones. Rev, J. R. Young, of Zion officat ed at the ceremony which was very i solemn. The best man was Mr. Jeff Tho mas, and the attendants to the bridesmaids were Messrs. Clarence Davis, T.ouis Artison, Ernie Camp bell and Bert Flower. Mer.dames Gretehen Smith and losepi bine Martin-Bell were in tho rereiv'ng line and assisted with .ho refreshments. The reception took place be tween the hours of seven and nine o’clock. Many beautiful and ex pensive gifts were received. THIS WEEK IN RELIGION & THOUGHT by ROBERT L. MOODY Truce Breaking:— Time and situation change so rapidly until one is afraid to trust any one person or group. The world has had the privilege to watch the treat'es and peace ef forts come to the testing point. Austria, Ozecholovakia and now Spain have been the children that were sacrificed to appease the Gods of War by the Parent Democra cies, France and England It is relatively easy to pledge support to a weaker brother when “bully” is not present, but it ?s altogether different when “push ic.ft1 to shove.” A - Christians, we do or should decry war at all times. Put the p >int at issue now is keeping one’s word when life and principle are at stake. Great Britain is trc recognized mt.-::r minded democracy of Eu rope, but it appears that she play ed “Chicken Little’ with some of her neighbors. Having gathered them together in preparation for peace ( ;ky fall ng) she has al lowed the fox (Militarism and dic tatorship) to lead them into den; (alledgedly going to tell the king.) or preserving the peace of Eu rope. After all. indications prove that War will probably be inevitable. What will finally be done could hav,j been done and thousands of lives already lost would have had more of a chance to live. War and all other evils are not talked away, fought away, or signed, away at conference. They m ustba washed away from the hearts of men and women by the Blood of Je^u.s Christ through re pentance, faith and love. COME OUT AND HEAR U. S. RENNE SPEAK ON BILL NOW IN THE U. S. SENATE NEGRO TOWNSEND CLUB TO BE ORGANIZED On Monday evening January 23 1939 a Townsend Club will be or ganized at Community Hall 22nd and Lake St. Omaha. This club is being organized by Mr. Wells and Mr. Robert W. Brennan district or ganizer for the 2nd Congressional district. No real effort has been made to organize Townsend clubs for the Colored living in Omaha, buj as the Plan has been advanc ed to such a stage that it may bo made into a law of the land ; we must not lose sight of the fact that the Negro people will benefit mere from this Plan than any other class of people Now that that T6th Congress has the bill on tho floor for consideration, known as the H. R. 2 bill lot' us take a glance at what it will do for the Negro. Tho Negro’s ability to spend the Townsend annuity as intelligently as anyone else is unquestioned, H s desire to own as clean and com fortable a home as anyone is un- ' questioned. No race is more inter ested in education, or has accom plished more in this field, than the*' Negro. Because he has always been relegated to the poorest residen tial sections of cities and towns in every part of the country does not mean be is incapable of ap preciating or properly caring for tho best of things. It will be his day of opportunity for full and abundant life, 'such as he has never known, and there is no group in America that deserves it more. He knows less about the Townsend movement than ayone, due to the deficiency in National speakers, and the desire of so-me paper to suppres sthe movement. Any one wi-hing to learn more about the movement, or join one of the many new clubs now being formed, should come out to the Communi ty Hall on January 23 at 8 o’clock P M. or phone the district organi zer Mr. Wells sit Kenwood 3859. n Iritis RELIEVE PAIN IN FE'.V MINUTES To relieve the torturing pain of Neuritis, niieumatim, Neuralgia or Lumbago in a few minute**, get the Doctor’s formula NUUITO. Dependable—no opiates, no nar cotics. Does the work quickly must relieve worst pain, to your satisfaction in a few minutes or money back at Druggists. Don't suffer. Use NURITO on this guarantee today. Cw I :I HAVE GOOD NEWS FOR YOU Regardless of what your trouble may be, you can look the world in the ■ Face; Solve all problems; Get what you Want and Fear no Man or Cir-‘ cumstances. Your Happiness and Success demand that you print your i name clearly and send it to: REV. CHAS. P. COLBERT 1545 OWEN AVENUE '-DETROIT, MICH. T*AOt,tJ!3EssaF MARK A cough due to a cold i* no joke: Get Smith Brothers Cough Drops. (Black or MoftfhoL) Cost only 5{*—yet they re a real cough medicine. Z milh Bros. Cough Drops are thc’oniy drops containing VITAMIN A Tins is the vitamin that raises the resistance of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat to cold infections.