The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, January 21, 1939, City Edition, Page Two, Image 2

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Kb Hazel L. Griggs for AVI’
Mid-Winter Pickups
Tremendously exciting are the
new prints now being colorfully
shown in the smartest shops.
Splash and bright, fchpy are just
tho thing to add a lift lo your mid
winter wardrobe, and w 11 carry
you over into Spring very nicely.
Fash'on themes for Spring indi
cate a lavish use of these prints
with infinite variety as to color
and style.
Florals and paisleys vie with one
another for honors, but either will
serve as a very smart addition to
milady’s wardrobe. Fushit shades
continue to be popular and serve
as backgrounds for many of the
most attractico prints. Gray and
wino are al.-o favored ground co
lors, Shirring, tuckins, small pla ts
flared skirts, high waistlines and
fitted hiplines arc used in mak ng
up these prints, and these femin
ino touches are important and at
tractive details.
Ono dress, especially fetching,
Corner 241 h & ERSKINE
2414 NORTH 24th ST.
24th Lake St.
I Use, fur a. royal blue, green ant
! yellow in itB print. It 1i»h a V
j nockline, three quarter length
| sleeves,"and fokls falling from ga
| tbers at the shoulders to give top
| fullness. This softness at the top
j of the silhouette is a new fashion
: note, and shoulderg are neatly
j draped on tailored and fussier
dresses alike.
Another mid-w.nter pickup is
patent leather which gleams bright
on the fashion horizon for spring,
in it s highlights, it is one of the
freshest, new accents to wear with
early prints, and is found in nar
row b its, shoes and handbags.
Still another mid-season fresh
ener is a new hat of s'ninig straw
ibarid, ribbon or veil-trimmed, and
if you would be very new, match
your gloves to your veil. The
newest color twins come n thrill
ing, new fashion shades hyacinth
blue, geranium, magenta and sea
Other miscellaneous, mid winter
pickups include feminine, frilly
white neckwear, fancy belts worn
with plain wool dresses, and dec
orative jewelry in bubble, shell and
flower motifs. This jewelry is as
light a's air and can be worn by
threes or fours on one wrist or in
any color mixtures to chime in with
your costume.
-_ 0O0
Ily Juliu Sanford
Suits are the latest thing in late
winter and early spring fashions.
You can wear them under your
furs and later on with nia‘ching or
contrasting accessories by them
selves The favorite colors seem o
bo navy, black and oxford, with
stripes and grey close runner ups.
Than of course there are tue col
ors, turquois, bergundy and win".
There are the solid color or all
ono color suits and the suits with
tho solid colored Shetland skirts
with the new plaid or checked
tweed jackets, with built of notch
ed. tops for those fashionable “di
minished wasitlines." Than there
am those thrilling new fashions |
that are actually months ahead1
of chic and new "little girl" styles.
They are the new hand knit suits.
Ono of these of particular loveli
ness is knitted in two tones of blue
from Bucillas, the new tweed knit.
Tt is made in three pieces. The
skirt is styled to slendarizc the
figure, and the knitting is iit>t>ed.
Tho blouse is in sky blue with a
small front panel of medium blue
which matches the skirt. The cape
U sky blue with medium blue
button at the soldier fashion neck
• m .To F!nd Romance
You Must Look Your
Loveliest... Color Your
Hair With Godelroy’s
IE you worried because your
hair is losing its color? Has
the appearance of gray brought
you loneliness ... a constant fear
of losing your popularity — your
sweetheart — your job?
There are many reasons why you
should be concerned, especially if
your hair has prematurely lost its
color. For gray hair is considered
a badge of advancing age — a sure
indication that you're getting
along in years.
Is there anything you can do about
it? Definitely yes.' You can hide
every gray hair—have hair that is
richly and evenly colored, soft,
fluffy,lustrous and natural looking
—with a single application of Godc
froy's Larieuse, the quick-acting,
easy-to-use hair coloring. It will
not rub off or wash out. Neither
is it affected by permanent waves
or the use of hot irons. Choice of
18 colors, including jet-black,
black or brown.
Get Larieuse from your druggist
or beauty shop. Color your hair—
see how much more lovely you
can be. »
Larlauso Shampoo
. . . produces a remarkably
cleansing shampoo which
leaves the hair soft and fluffy.
Larlauso Stain Romavor
... removes hair dye stains
from hands,forehead and scalp.
Will not affect color of hair.
II yoyr doalor
dmm not kgy*
... «6}7lahML,^(}vrniruj.
The larieuse Beauty Foundation was established by
the Godcfroy Manufacturing Company to study methods
of preserving women's natural beauty, and to make
the results of this research available to the public.
A Column for You Alone
The time hns come, I think, for
the teen-age girl to come Into her
share of the limelight. We've con
cerned ourselves with the woman of
i forty, the housewife, the working
girl, and the thirty-year-old, but
i “sweet sixteen” has been left to
glean such hints us she needs from
1 them. So we wilt devote this
! column entirely to her.
Your Charms Are Natural
Many years ago someone gave me
! this bit of advice which I am going
to pass on to you. Just because
you are In high-school now or pos
sibly even on the verge of graduat
ing and are allowed to go out at
night and have "real dates,” don’t
imitate your elders too much.
There’s time enough to be "grown
! up." Your youth is your biggest
drawing card, if you will only real
ize it. Don't cover your fresh young
skin with thick coatings of make
up. A light dusting of powder and
a faint tracing of lipstick should he
sufficient to set off your youthful
charms. Wait until you ure a little
older to use mascara and eye
shadow. Your eyes are clear and
sparkling enough without artificial
Now is the time to build up lmhtts
of cleanliness and beauty which will
serve you well in later years. Make
it a rule never to let stale make-up
clog your pores. Always cleanse
your skin thoroughly before “doing
your face over.” And never, never
go to bed without first removing
[ your make-up. One good cream
should he sufficient for the teen-age
girl, both for cleansing and lubri
Start Your Routine N <w
Start taking rare of your hands
now. Get a good hand-lotion to
keep them smooth and soft. Scrub
them thoroughly with a nail brush.
File your nails with an emory board
rnther than with a steel file. And
If you use colored polishes, pule
shades are more youthful and ap
propriate for the school girl than
the brighter shades.
Set aside a special time to brush
your huir and stick to It. If you
keep at it faithfully, it will become
a habit that will stny with you
through the years and rcwurd you
with healthy shining hair.
Watch your diet. The growing
girl has a tendency to prefer sweets
and starches to the exclusion of all
else. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and
vegetables und drink lots of water.
Proper diet can become us much a
habit as anything else.
And get at least eight hours sleep.
Everything seems so new and ex
eitlng when you ore sixteen that it
is hard to waste time sleeping. Blit
actually It is time well spent. You
can’t burn the candle at both ends
and expect to remain nlways fresh
and charming. Try to be sensible. !
Remember, if you take care of your-1
self, you will stay young and lovely
much longer.
What are your beauty prob
lems? Write Marie Downing,
Larieuse Beauty Foundation,
Room 521 — 319 North Fourth
St., St. Louis, Mo., and she will
be glad to answer them. Be sure
to enclose a self-addressed
stamped envelope.
NOTF:—Your question will be analyzed free fh this column only
when you include a clipping of this column and sign your full name.
birthdate and correct address to your letter. For a "Private Reply”...
send only 25c and a stamped envelope for my latest ASTROLOGY
RFADING covering your birthdate; also a free letter af advice
analyzing three_ Questions. Explain your problems clearly and con*
line your questions to those within the scope of logical reasoning.
— Send Youh Lettes To —
T. T.—I have had some money
owed to me for the past two years
and I am entering a sa t for some.
Please tell me if I will win the
easo and get my money?
Ans: It is indicated that you
are going to win your law
suit, but I fear you have some
difficulty collecting the money
after the case is won. In
t'me you will be able to get
the matter settled to your sat
C, L. M.—There is a man down!
south and he stays on my mind
at all times. Seems life© I want
to marry him but I don’t know
what to do. The one I am with
now doesn’t care as much for me
as the one in the south?
Ans: Well, young lady is it
perfectly natural fog all of
us to want the very thing
that is farthest from our
reach. The man where you are
located now does love you, but
there is no way to be sure of
the person in the south and
you had better not rely on him.
R.J.B. I have had one an a half
years of college and have thought
of going back to complete my edu
cation if possible. Tell me what
are my prospects and I am open
for suggestions.
Ans: After considering your
case thoroughly, I favor a
for you. Arrange to look into
this field and get all the in
formation you can, as I think
you would be better qualified
i 1
| i
i \
in the business world than as
a teacher.
Ii. C. U.—I want to know if the
boy 1 am associated with now will
ever marry me and does he really
lovo me ?
Ans: The young man is fond
of you, but his love isn’t as
sincere as you had hoped it
would be. No, marriage isn’t
going to take place between
you two A marriage will be
yours in a couple of years.
A H. F. My husband has been
lick all this year and continues
to grow worse. He is 80 years old
and 5 different doctors have Look
ed him over. Pour of the doctors
wish to operate on him and the
other says he can cure him without
it. Tell me what to do?
Ans: Your problem is one
that has to be decided by mem
bers of your family, but it
should bo decided at once. If
all four doctors agree on the
same diagnosis then four peo
ple's word usually proves bet
ter than just one persons word.
Get the family together and
decide this question for if you
do not, it will be too late.
I. L.—Please inform me as to
whether by husband will ever stop
getting drunk, and if so, how long
will it be?
Ans: His one great weak
ness is his desire for whiskey
and he will not stop over night.
I feel that you could handle
him better if you were to try
to make him become moderate
in his drinking instead of try
ing to stop him altogether. A
change for the better will take
P. L—Does this boy truly love
me and will we ever marry?
Ans: He is just about as
crazy about you as you are of
him. But he doesn't have the
money to buy a marriage li
cense It's very likeiy that he
can arrange this nutter before
the middle tS ittuntr.
York author, w.hose recent book,
“Aunt Saras’ Wooden God,” won
her coveted Blanche Edwards
award of Sigma Gamma Rlio boule
held in Houston recently. This
award is given yearly to the out
standing soror.
California, High school teachef and
former Grand Basileus of trie Alpha
Kappa Alpha Sorority, whose ad
dress at the A.K.A. Boulc Ban
buet in Detroit last week is being
ha led as pointing to new heights
for Sorority women.
Miss Jackson initiated the fa
mous Mississippi Health project
and has served at dean of women
at Tuskegee Institute. (ANP)
Northside Beauty Shop
(Continued from last Week)
IN APPLYING rouge to the
IDEAL OVAL FACE, do not bring
the rouge too far in toward the
nose, so that the face assumes a
“pinched” expression. Do not fail |
to blend the color out toward the
temples to avoid having the rouge
look artificial. The rouge should
not extend lower on the face than
the tip of the ear. To achieve a
soft, flattering effect, the high
point of color should follow the
natural curve of the cheeks.
long narrow face, rouge can relieve
the length and make the face ap
peal- wider. Small dots of rouge
are placed high under the eye and
carried diagonally out to the hair
line. The rcfjge is blended out
over the temple with heaviest color
kept high and a bit toward the
outside of the face to give the il
lusion of breath. The color is too
long when it hag been properly
rouged, a small dab of color >n
the chin close to the month will
tend to shorten it.
Hollow cheeks are frequently a
feature of the long face and clever
application of rouge can do a great
deal to give an iUusikm of full
ness Place the rouge above the
hollows, along the cheek bone on
ly. Avoid rouging the hollows
themselves because this will tend
to emphasize the sunken effect.
When a long, narrow face hag a
long, thin nose, place a small col
umn of rouge on the upper lip
right under the nose. It .should be
no wider than the natural inden
tation and should, of Course be
applied very lightly. The color be* [
ncath the nose breaks the long ex
panse of whiteness and tends to
shorten the appearance of the
Often a woman with a th'n face
will brush her hair back of her
ears but unless the coiffure is
built out back of the ears this
treatment may make the face ap
pear even thinner. Rouge can add
breadth in this case if a bit is
applied to the tips of the ears.
FACE closer to the oval ideal, |
place the rouge rather near the j
nose and the eyes. Blend it care
fully in this area, but avoid spread
ing the heaviest part of the color
tco far out on the cheek bone?.
Th'r adds width to the fare that
is already <t^r broad. Y^>u can
measure the proper width for the!
rci.gc on the round face by plac
ing three fingers perpendicularly,
under the eyes. The rouge should!
cover no more than the width of
the finger and should remain with
in these boundaries.
Judgement must be used in all
cases. If the nose as well as the
fdco is broad, the rouge must not
be brought too close to the sides
of the nose or it will appear ven
wider. Those with dark circles un
der the eyes may think she cannot
wear rouge. Rouge properly ap
plied can actually minimize the
circles. Bring the rouge far up un
der the eyes so that there is no
demarcation between the vouge and
the darkened area. Likewise a re
ceding chin may be brought for
ward by a touch of rouge on the
(Read next week THE CARE OF
Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 19_Unem
ployment Compensation bene/it
I claims were filed by 7,624 Nebras
kans through twenty offices of the
Nebraska State Employment Ser
'icu during the week ending Sat
urday, January 7, according to of
ficials of the State Department of
Tuesday, January 3, was the first
day that such claims could be fil
ed Nebraska. Applicants for bene
fits must serve a two-weeks’ wait
ing period before serving the first
week of unemployment for which
they may receive benefits. Eligible
claimants who filed claims laet
week will not receive their first
benefit check until some time dur
ing tftve fourth week of January.
Omaha led all offices in number
of claims with 2,710 persons filing
claims. Lincoln was second with
809 claims.
Nebraskans now living in other
states filed claims for benefits
through State Employment Service
offices of the state where they
now reside. There were 111 of this
typo of claim filed.
Meanwhile 230 initial claims and
284 continued claims for benefits
from other states were filed by per
sons now residing in Nebraska who
earned Unemplyoment Compensa
tion credits in other states. These
multi-stats claims will be forward
ed by the local offices of the Ne
braska State Employment Service
directly to the states against whom
the claims were filed.
The first claimant in Omaha, an
auto mechanic, age 37, secured em
ployment with an Omaha automo
bile company through the State
Employment Service shortly after
filing hb claim last Tuesday. He
was eligible to receive benefits of
$11.22 per week for six weeks, but
will not receive them a.t present,
due to the fact that he nows has
Robbin’s Pharmacy
2306 No. 241h St. YVE 1711
Even the most stubborn itching of eczema,
blotches, pimples, athlete's foot, rashes anti
other externally caused skin eruptions,
quickly yields to pure, cooling, antiseptic,
liquid D.D.D. PRESCRIPTION. Clear, grease
less and stainless—dries fast. Its gentlo
oils soothe the Irritation. Stops the most
intense itching in a hurry. A 35c trial bot
tle, at all drug stores, proves it—or your
money back. Ask for O.D.D. Prescription.
Call Us For
Attics, Kitchens, Basements, Re
roofing, Insulation, Re-siding.
No Down Payment
Easy Monthly Payments
19th & Nicholas Sts. JA. 5000
(Pictune ojj a
American WOMEN have learned to let the tele
phone run their errands. It saves them so much
time, energy and expense.
The United States has half the world's tele
phones and the best and cheapest telephone
service in the world.