The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, January 07, 1939, City Edition, Page Eight, Image 8

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    affaIrs The - S-o-c-i-e t y. World ORGANIZATIONS
December 28th was the evening
04 the Al&ho Social (iuj's Annual
Christmas lormal a. the Dream
land Hall. As the exquisite and
lovely gowned ladies danced with
their escorts to the swing music
of Simon Harrold’s orchestra. Tne
emblem of the Alaio’s in green and
silver made a glowing background
of a crescent moon an scintillating
palm trees that gave forth the at
mosphere of Hawaii. The younger
ret featured the Jitterbug during
the evening. Out of town visitors
were introduced by the president,
Mrs. Saybert C. Hanger Misses
Connie Adams, teacher in North
Carolina, houseguest of Mr. John
Williams; Alou > Jones of Dallas
Texas; Madames Corrine Williams
of Kansas City Mo.,: Margaret
Dallas McCrane.y cf Chicago, 111.,;
Grace Maddox of Cleveland, Ohio;
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Drougnerty
of Kansas City Mo., and Misses
Anne Juanita Bell of Kansas City,
and Gwendolyn Bell of Jeffferson
-- 0O0
Mi s Florence Myers, daughter of
Mr. and Mis W. L. Myers of 22nd
St., left December 29, for an ex
tended visit to her sister and bro
ther-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Frank
Jordon of Dallas Texas
„— oO>
2 • *
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Groomes
of Decatur St., were charming hos
tess and host at a cocktail party
preceding the Alaho Christmas for
mal, Dec. 28th. The Groomes are
well remembered for their hospit
ality and tneir friends Look for
ward with pleasure to their part
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Madison,
were hosts toa cocktail party for
friends after the A la ho Social
Club’s Christmas Formal.
Mrs. William Kay of 2615 No. 22
St., entertained matrons at a break
fast Thursday nrorninjr, December
28th, honoring Mrs. Grace Maddon
of Cleveland, Ohio, Sister of Mrs
John F. Fields .Rridge followed
the breakfast.
— —oOo --
John H. Jackson, junior celebrat
ed hi8 eleventh birthday Monday,
December 26, at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. .1 H. Jack
son. 2717 Parker. Mrs. Jackson,
prep-red a very nice party for the
16 pirls and boys that attended.
John received many nice pre
.- i IV.— -
Those vivacious, charming, and
sophisticated young matrons of the
Ifo-Ke-No club held their Annual
House party at the beautiful and
comfortable homo of Mrs. Jeanette
Parmer, of 26th St., Friday night
December 29th. Games of pool,
and Chinese checkers, cards, and
doing the Jitterbug were the en
tertainment of the evening. Guests
present were: Medames Edgar Lee,
Clarence Singleton, Ray Lee, Jones,
Price Terrell, Mamie Thomas, Hel
en Webster, William G, Haynes,
Corrine Williams of Kansas City,
Mo., John Adams, Wm. Gontee,
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Daugherty of
Kansas City, Mo., Mr. and Mrs.
Tommy Wilson, Mr. and Mrs.
James Jones, Mr. and Mrs. B. E.
Squires, Messrs. Burns Scott, Mil
ton Johnson, Gatha Pegg, Berle,
LaFall, Henry I^evells, Wendell Col
lins, Miss Aslee Dotson and her
husband of the members. Mem
bers are Madames: Fred McDaniels
William Davis, Saybert C. Hanger,
Joseph Stuart, Arthur B. McOaw,
Virgil Shobes, Charles Branch, Eva
Mae Dixon, Jeanette Farmer, Wes
ley Jones, Charle8 Davis and Car
rie Jewell, }: ’
• -0——^
The Saturday Sixsome were the
guests of Mrs. Tommy Wilson at
her residence 22nd and Ohio, Sat
urday, December 30th. Madames:
William Davis, Milton Wilson, Le
roy Wright, and Saybert Hanger,
were present. Mrs. William Thomas
will be able to be present at the
next meeting.
The JMF Bridge Cluib held their
Annual Formal New Year’s Eve
Dinner at the home of Mr. and
Mrs B. B. Cowan, o fOhio St.
Cover8 were laid for sixteen. At
each placecard was a beautiful
wrapped gift. Fortunes were read
by each one as they greeted the
.v, ,, 4 .. in ilufereiit part* of
tug w..i,il. M i, Gertrud'S \aw
Ur, the caterers with her waitresses
r, most arid de
lectable repast. Ths table was ur
«. a..y overrated with the club’s
e !rg around the little New Year
as a center pe ce. Those present
Wwi't: Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Do ugh
i.y, Mrs. Joseph Stuart, John
J egg, sub., The Blackwells, Cowans
Gordons, Giey, Wheelers, and
Hanger. .
-- 0O0
Mr . William Davis of 2524 Cor
by Sr. ,was hostess to her sorority
a', a luncheon Thurs lay, Decern
her 28th at her residence.
- - —oOo— —
Mrs. Carr’e Jewell entertained
with r bridge luncheon Thursday
r.ftt moon, December 28t,h honoring
Zuitllr Tuck i' of Chicago 111.
- o()
1 e Optimist club erf the G;rl
Resen'O' dep’t of the YWCA gave
r, matineo dance at the “Y” honor
ing Miss Anno Juanita Bell siste •
o;' tha executive secretary of the
*<y **
The birthday group at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. W. (!. Maynes. of
Corby Street, celebrated with a
surprise no-host, dinner on Mrs.
Wilson’s birthday, New Year’s Day
J in. 1. Mrs. Bel nice Beven* gave
selections on the piano accompanied
on thi violin by Mr. Alfred Drou
gherty. husband o fthe former Ma
deline Shipman Vocal, violin, ami
p'ano selections were the interes*
of the evening, rendered by Mrs.
Frank Blackwell, Milton Wilson,
Alice Wilson, Afred Drougherty,
and little Miss Juanita Ann Han
ger gave a piano selection with
Mrs. Wilson, who is her music
teacher. Those present were the
Cowans, Haynes, IaCours, Black
wells’ Drougherty’s W Isons’, Bry
ants, Mrs. Flowers, the Hangers’.
Messer. Burns, and Tommy Chand
ler and Scott, also Mr. and Mrs.
William Thomas, ,
Dr. and Mrs. Weldon Solomon
welcomed over 100 guests at an “At
Home”, New Years Day in their
cozy little home on Maple St. This
was the first “At Home’’ to be held
among the Young married set. Mis.
Solomon who is quite artistic, ar
ranged the beautiful decoratonf.
herself. The dining room table cen
; ter peice was exquisite and exotic
! in itself, consisting of blue and
i white chrysanthemums arranged
i on a mirror. Tall tapering blu •
| candles formed a guard for the
bouquet Napkins of a deep blue,
1 candies, tea cookies, frozen eggnog,
I in blue and silver, served on a sil
I ver service on one end, whin* a
> silver coffee service at the o*her
' completed the artistic arrangement
of the table. The buffet decora
tions completed the exquisite ar
rangements in the dining room by
the tall silver candles in pale blue
candiebras on each end while whits
vases filled with white and pink
chrysanthemums stood in the cen
Guests registered in the guest
log in the den which wa sdecorated
with American Beauty Roses. In
the living room an cf-cassional
table stood with white chrysanthe
mums, pink carnations, and lavend
ers. The whole setting made one
of the most charming and artistic
pictures #ver seen. Madames C. So
i lomon, Lizzie Buford, Jessica
I Wright and Miss Verginia Jacks m
did honors at the table. Mrs, Say
bert C. Hanger assisted at the door
and registered the guests. Mrs.
Shelton assisted in the dining room.
Messrs. Nelson, Thomas and Le
roy Franklin of Des Moines were
out of town guests. __
On December 27, as ene entered
the Dreamland Hall, the beautiful
and artistic emblem in black and
silver of the Quack club greeted
the guests. The shaded lights shed
a soft glow over the charming and
sophisticated gowned ladies and
their escorts as they danced to the
swing band of the former “High
Hatters”. The Quack Club is the
| largest industrial club of the YW
CA and tlie community Out of
! town guests introduced were: Mrs.
; Katie F. Bell, mother of our popu
I lar and efficient “Y”, secretary
Miss I. Roberta Bell. Misses Oon
' nie Adams of Penn., house guests
Mr. .1 /itTi Williams, Alouise
•fonts of Texas and Margaret Dal
la i,
Mi . Tv a Pinkett was hosteis to
soro if her frends at a dinner
party in her home on 25th St. hon
oring h r birthday New Year's
Day. This group consisting of the
Earl Wheelers, C. B. Lennox's Pin
bet :s Morris’ Mahammittes and
Lizzio Buford celebrate each ot.h
era birthdays as they roll around.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Walton,
' 957 N. 25th St., have as their
gi \sts the Aunt of Mrs. Herbert
Walton from Menrphsi, Tenn. *
Tho Pastor's Aid club gave its
annual party, at the home of Mr.
i Mrs. David Green 2921 North
’th St., FHday evening. In keep
ing wi.h yule-tide spirit, the home
was lavishly decorated with the
holidays colors Th? play ng of new
rnd amusing games in the early
f of the evening which Mrs.
William Camper anil Mrs. Abbie
! ’ -nan were’he sponsors deligh
ted everyone. Mrs Louis Abrams,
a i 1 Mrs. David Green were award
I ■ p'izes. The evening’s feature
was the exchange of gifts.
Promptly at 9 o dock the pro
gram begnn, and Mrs. Buchanan
wa-, the M s:n- i of ceremonies.
The honorable Mr. H. W. Smith,
I’ o main sneaker, spoke on “Church
Loyalty ’ strrssing many point* a
boul t ie value of how to be loyal
to the church.
Mrs. Estella Martin, in he.- uni
quo deliverance gave a Reading.
Mrs. Mabel Harris, the club
president delivered a short talk on
tho “Club History."
Tho closing remarks were by the
Rev, William Camper, pastor of
Bethel A ME Church, who gave a
brief review of the founders of the
African Methodist Espiscopa]
And lastly, just before midnight
all activities ceased, when the hos
tess invited all to the spacious din
ing room, where a very appetizing
repast was served.
These who enjoyed the hospita
lity were: Rev. and Mrs. William
Camper: Mrs. Mabel Harris; Mrs.
Ahbie Buchanan; Mrs. Mao Har
ris; Mrs. Ora Stearns; Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Abrams; Mrs. Agnes
Esters; Mrs. Mary Jacobs; Mr. H.
D. Sin’th; Mrs Martha Brown;
Mr. and Mrs. George Camper; Mrs.
Peterson; Mrs. Agnes Hawkins;
Mr. and rMs. William Rucker; Mrs.
M'artilda Young; Mrs. Josie Brun
er; Mrs. Estella Martin; Mrs. M.
Smith and Mr. S Phillips.
Out of town guests retum ng to
their homes, schools and positions
after having spent one of the most
enjoyable holiday seasons in many
a year in Omaha are: Miss Connie
Adams, a teacher in the Carolinas,
house guest of Mr. John Williams,
Mrs. Corrinne Williams of Kan
sas City, niece and house guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred McDaniels;
Mrs. Margaret Dallas McCraney,
guest of her mother; Mr. and Mrs.
Alfred Dougherty and little son of
I Kansas City, house guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Leslie Shipman Of the
school set, Mr. William Haynes,
returned to Pittsburgh University
Sunday Jan. 1st. Misses Stella Gor
den, Betty Davis Juanita and Ca
therine Macey, and Ethel Davis,
have returned to Nebraska Uni
1 1 —*
Mr. and Mrs. John Fields of 3115
Corby St., had as their gue-sts thru
the holidays Mrs. Fields sister of
; Cleveland, Ohio, Mrs. Grace Mad
| dox. Mrs. Maddox has been the rc
j eipient of many courtesies from the
| friends of the Fields.
The Modern Arts Club held thetr
i annual exhibit and dance Wednes
i day evening at the newly decora
I ted Masonic Hall. All who failed
j to attend this event missed the
; outstanding exhibit of art and
needle work that has been ex
hibited in Omaha this season. The
work shown was so intricate and
fine that guest could hardly be
new it ha i tx-en done by hand One
number aiorte had selections of
hand work which took her more
than seven months to finish. There
wore quilts, bed spreads, scarfts,
pillow cases, pictures, doiles, table
cloths, bed jackets, napkins, etc.
Over two hundred guests came, saw'
and marveled.
__ I
January 3rd, 1939 at 6:00 p. m.
a group of young people appeared
at the home of Rev. Wagner 1512,
N. 26th St. Among them were Mr.
William Holowell and Miss Fatima
Smith who were united in marri
age. The witnesses were Mr. Ifense
McCowen and Mrs. Nadine McCow
en. All are residents of Omaha.
-oOo- -
Rev. E. I). Johnson of St. John
Baptist Church of South Omaha,
w'.th his choir will conduct ser
vices for the benefit of the Trus-1
tee Helpers Sunday January 8th
at 2:30 P. M. The services will
be held at Bethel AME Church
at 2430 Franklin St The Junior
Gateway Quartette will render se
lections. Everyone is invited.
A Can lie Light Cocktail party
wiv: given at the home of Mr. anil
Mr- Caldwell, which was beauti
*'ullv decorated. The nar*v was giv
en in honor of Miss Tucker and
Mrs. Carey from Chicago, Miss Bell
from Idaho, Mr, and Mrs. Webb,
Mr. James Myers and Mr. Jack
Mrs. Caldwell was very attrac
tive in her dress of blue ruffled
net made on princess lines with
drop shoulders and long full skirt
at the Quack party.
-0O0— _—•
The Count On Me club of Salem
Raptist Church met Tueiay Jan
uary 3, at the home of the presi
dent, Mrs. F Green, 947th Ave.
The opening song was led by Mrs.
Jesse Wh'te, scripture by Mi*s.
Freddy Wakefield, and prayer by
Mrs. E. H. HiLson. We were pleas
ed to have as our guests, Mrs.
Wakefield, Mrs. Besse Roberts,
Mrs. Bob Alexander, and Miss De
lores Harding who became a new
member. There were thrirteen pre
sent. A very delicious luncheon was
erved by the hostess and enjoyed
by all. After a brief business meet
ing. the club adjourned to meet
Tuesday, January 10, at the home
• f Mrs. Jesie White, 2604 Wirt.
Mrs. F Green, president
Mis. Ford, Secretary.
Leona Jackson, reporter
Rev. E. H. H Ison, pastor.
-OUO-- .
The Sacrifice Club of Bethel
AME church held its Annual Xmas
Party at the homo of Mrs. A. Bow
ler on December 27th. A very nice
program was rendered by members
of the club. Mrs. Floyd Cloud was
' the chairman of the entire party
and program. Joy to the world
was used as an opening by the
whole group after which Mrs. Mag
gie Smith, vice president of the
club, read a paper on the “History
and Organization of the Sacrifice
Club,’’ Mrs. Elsie Embrey gave a
very lovely instrumental solo “Star
of the East.” Next came a read
ing by Mrs. Martin, entitled
“Homo Sweet Home”. Mrs. Grace
Lewis, Mrs. Leona Lee, and Mrs.
F. Cloud joined together and sang
“Oh Little Town of Bcthelhem”
with Mrs. W. A. Camper as pianist.
Mrs .Martin then gave another in
teresting and amusing reading.
Mrs. Cloud sang the “Prayer Per
fec t’*by Stenson with Mrs. Elsie
Embrey playing the piano. Mrs.
W G. Camper, wife of the pastor,
gave us her interpretation of the
“Fifth Nocturne” by Lelback. “Si
lent Nig<bt” was rendered by the
trio consisting of Mrs. Lewis, Mrs.
Lee, and Mrs. Cloud with Mrs.
Camper again at the piano. Our
president, Mrs. A. Bowler, gave
her favorite reading for us, “The
Hoiuse by the Side of the Road,"
after which we had remarks by our
pastor, Rev. W. A. Camper. Miss
Leah McKinney then acted as
Santa Claus by delivering the
presents which members of the
club exchanged. Refreshments were
then served. There was an abun
dance of Ice Cream and Cake and
also mints and nuts.
At this time we extend our heart
I felt sympathy to our secretary,
Mrs Lula Thornton, who is mourn
1; tile loss ol h ■■ sister who pas
sed away on Friday December 23.
Happy New Yeaw to everyone.
Mrs. A. Bowler President.
Mrs. F. Cloud—Reporter
Tho Social Art Club met Dec.
28, 1938 at the home of Mrs. Col
lier, 2513 Charles. After a few
minutes discussion of business, the
sewing instructres took charge.
After the sewing period was over,
the club members presented each
other with gifts. The hostess serv
ed a most delicious luncheon that
was enjoyed by all. The club ad
journed to meet at the home Mrs.
Rose Overton, 2530 Maple. The
club is quilting a beautiful quilt
that was presented to the club by
the ex-president, Mrs. Emma Blue.
Mi's. Elma Porter, president
Mrs. Walter Morris, secretary
Mrs. Maru Hobbs, reporter.
Mrs. Edna Mitchell Williams,
has moved to 2429 Lake St. and
would be glad to see her custo
mers at this new address.
The Rev. William Camper,
pastor, Bethel A ME. Church 2430
Franklin St., delivered the first
series of sermons of the Union
meetings at Clair Chapel Church,
22nd and Miami St., Sunday even
ing, at 7.45. He spoke on “The
Golden Gate of Opportunities’’ be
fore a capacity crowd.
The rendition of songs were giv
en by the Bethel Choir under the
direction of Mrs. William Camper.
Miss Hilda Woods, 3221 Emmett
St., who is 'ery active in religious
activities and a member of Bethel
AME. Church is improving.
Mr. C. N. Lucas, 2616 Parker
St., who has been employed at the
Omaha Club for the past ten years
is convalesing at his home. Many
good wishes were brought to him
l'or the New year by his headwait
er, Mr. Frank Blackwell and fel
low workers;
Mr. H. L. Anderson an official
of the Atlanta Life Insurance Co.,
with offices in I^ouisville, Ky., was
numbered among the many holiday
visitors. Mr. Anderson resided in
Omaha for many years and took
an active part in many business,
civic and religious undertakings.
! He has been a subscriber of the
“Guide” for 10 years.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Lawson
entertained out of town guests,
Mr. Paul Moore of Oakland, Cali
fornia, Mi's Leon Moore of Berk
ley, California, Mrs. Ruby Round
tree of Denver, Colorado, and
Mrs. Adell Wade of Los Angeles,
The Ladiets Auxiliary to the
Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Por
I ters gave a Ere^Christmas Tea
j on Sunday, December 18, 1938
at the home of Mrs. Floyd Cloud.
Mrs. Henry Beasley was Chair
man. The house wns decorated
i in Christmas colors, and the table
wns attractive with * red and
green candles. Miss Doris Wart*
I and Miss Kat'e JJeasley served at
| tho table. The menu consisted of
open face sandwiches, tea and
j coffee, cake and ice cream, and
mints and nuts. The tea was a
huge success and approxim •‘■"ly
200 persons attended.
Mrs. E. M Harris, President,
Mrs. C. Kirtley, Secretary,
Mrs. Floyd Cloud, reporter
The Ladies Auxiliary to the
Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Por
teYs gave a Christmas party at
the home of Mrs. Henry Beasley
on Friday afternoon, December
30, 1938. Ocfvers were laid for
26. A covered dish luncheon was
served to tho do present. Mem
Duffy Pharmacy
We. 0609
24th and LAKE RTREET8
Free Delivery
b is of the club exchanged gifts.
1 Some very beautiful and useful
gifts were received by all.
Mrs. E. M. Harris, President,
Mrs. C Kirtley, Secretary,
Mrs F W. Cloud, reporter.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walker
Lincoln, Ne'er,, were the dinner
guest of Mr, and Mrs. C. N. Luc
as, 2616 Parker St., New Year’s
day. Mrs. Walker is the sister
of Mr. Lucas.
Mrs. Lee A. Hodge, who has
been visiting her sister, Mrs.
Alic-o Seals, 2602 Parker St., dur
ing the holidays anJ the guest of
honor of many social functfcjis
left for her home, Lawton, Okla.,
Friday evening.
The following classes are find
ing much favor with the Colored
ladies; Handcraft in its various
phases from 2 to 5 P. M. each Wed
nesday in the Social Room 23,
The pre-school classes nrfeet on
T'laz aand Charles Streets, Gym
class at 7:30 P. M. on Friday.
Tuesday and Thursday at 1:30 P.
M. Children from the ages of 3 to
Open from 2 p. m. until 3 a. m.
King Yuen Cafe
2010*/i N. 24th St. JAckson 8576
American and Chinese Dishes
5 years are welc me.
Urban League Recreation
Adult classes in all recreat ioaal
subjects are being organized, and
thoso wishing to palrtiripate in
any of the center’s activities should
register now.
Pre-school classes are held daily
from 9 A. M to 12.
For further information call
Webster 5020.
2509 North 24th Street
Best Chili and Best Hot Dogs
in the West
All Kinds of Sandwiches
__ i ►
The Very Latest from frhe
Chicago Convention:
The New—
“Pin Curl” WAVE
The Same Effect as the •ro
quiinole without the heated
Althouse Beauty School
2422 North 22nd Street
WEbster 0846
1 --. ---—
Special Bargain Prices
1938 Hudson Sedan $200 worth of accessories $790
ijud Po-itiae coupe’ rumble seat radio heater $475
1934 Desoto Sedan, excellent condition $375
1933 Plymouth Coupe’ $225
1930 Ford Coupe’ . .. ... $115
Shames Body Builders
___ ■ •
Dolgoff Hardware
We Do Glazing & Make Window Shades to Order
Stove Pipes, Furnace Pipes, & Stove & Furnace Repairs
Electrical Supplies Plumbing Supplies
Roofing Paper * Guttering
(Open Evenings)
—WE. 1607— 1822-24 N. 24th St.
Bill’s Loan Bank
and Merchandise Store
—Confidential Loans At Reasonable Rates—
1804 N. 24'h ST. WE. 1369
January Clearance Sale Now On
Men's extra heavy socks 10c
Corduroy Caps, now . 49c
Dress Caps ..49c
Cotton Gloves .10c
Fancy Dress Socks ,2 prs. 25c
Sheep lined Coats .__$5.95
Extra Heavy Union Suit $1.00
Suspenders .25c 49c
Dress Gloves _ . .49c
Blue Melton Zipper Coats
. $2.69 & up.
Tootle-Campbell Overalls $1.19
I,adies Coats .. $10.95
Jitterbug Dresses.$1.00
Girls’ Dresses . 59c
Silk Dresses . $2.95
Footwear for All the Family
1804 N 24th ST.
BLANKETS you can afford
ladies Snuggies..25c
Ladies Gloves . 29c
Boy„ & Girls Sweaters ..98c
Red Hall Rubber Footwear for
Ladies Full Fashion Hose 69c
Boys & Girls Cotton Hose 15c
Beau Brummel Gaberdine
SHIRTS ..$2.95
Many unredeemed Items from
Our Pawn at a Great Reduc
WEB. 1369