The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, January 07, 1939, City Edition, Image 1
Cj ! Edition ! Nebr State Historical SoC The Weather ( Lincoln. Nebr. Weather Outlook for tfce, EVERYWttbuu ^ ; Period January 2 to 7. j WORLD WIDE i | Upper Mississippi and i , Lower Missour Valleys, t NEWS SERVICE __ ___I i\ot much predication I isnsmssss* /JUSTICE/EQUALITY 1 HEW TO THt UNEA , DF ALL LOCAL NEWS below normal, except a-J MATTER __ .... “ ——- bove normal at times ex-1 TxASiTpHOTO trerne south portion. j SERVICE LARGEST ACCREDITED NEGRO NEWSPAPER WEST OF CHICAGO AM) NORTH OF KANSAS ( ITV _. - - ' Entered as Second-Class Matter at PosUrffice, Omaha, Omaha. Nebl*., Saturday, Jan. 7,. 1939 Number 3&— Nebraska, under Act of March 8, ra74.____ . _ r I o___ ... - . —o I Register I AT THE URBAN LEAGUE 2213 LAKE ST. NOW o-" o I Adult Education-opportunity classes Glasses begin Thursday, January 5, 1939 Courses offeied: Practical Arithmetic Conversational English Negro History Writing United States History Oourses leading to Grade school Certificates. Mr. Robert Moody, Inscructor, A dult Education Dep’t. Board of Education. For further Information call: Mrs. Gragce Bradford, Neibhbor-: hood Secretary, Webester 5020. Classes each Thursday and Fri day. Other Classes: I Phyllis Wheatley Home 5625 So. 24th St. South Omaha Ma. 0573 Mondays and Tuesday evening from 7 to 9 P. M. II North 13th St. 1912 N. 13th St. Wed. and Fri mornings from 10 to 12 noon. III Mount Nebo District Call us for Information, Mrs. J. S. Bradshaw, 3720 J. A. Creighton Blvd. WE. 7677. -—oOo UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION PAYMENTS BEGIN Lincoln, Nebr., Dec. 31—Thou sands of Nebraska workers who have earned rights to benefit under the Nebraska Unemployment Com pensation law will file initial claims for unemployment benefits during the week beginning Tuesday, Jan uary 3, in twenty offices of the Nebraska State Employment Ser vice. R T. Malone, Director of the Nebraska Unemployment Compen sation division, stated Wednesday that a fund amounting to $7,035, 000 was available for benefit pay ments. Final plans have been com pleted for accepting claims and processing them so that valid claims can bo paid promptly and accurately. Only persons who have worked some period of time since January 1, 1938, for an employer subject to the law are eligible as covered workers for Unemployment Com pensation benefits. A covered worker must have earned wages approximately eight weeks of fulltime employment un der employers subject to the law during the first nine months of 1938, in order to file an initial claim through the State Employ ment Service office during the first three months of 1939. Benefit checks will amount to one-half the worker’s most recent full-time wage with $16 as a max imum benefit and $6 or three fourths of the full-time weekly wage, whichever is the lesser, as the minimum. The law provides a maximum of sixteen weeks of bene fits in any consecutive fifty-two week period. No claim can draw any more than $240 in any one year. Types of employment not cover ed by the Nebraska law include agricultural labor, domestic ser vices in private homes, service per formed as offices or crew of a vessel on navigable waters, ser vices performed by designated membera of one’s family, .services performed for a religious, education charitable, or scientific institution, * nen-profit in character, and ser vices performed for federal, state county, or municipal governments •r any political subdivision theerof. OMAHAN, RESIDENT FOR HALF CENTURY, DIES AFTER FALL Mrs. Alice Brown, 84 died Mon day January 2, 1939 at 4.30 P. M. at her home, 4215 N. 26th St. with a heart attack. She died after an i illness of 3 weeks. The illness was brought on by a fall in which she broke the end of her spine and! complications set in Mrs. Brown came to Omaha with her husband and children 48 years ago from Leavenworth, Kansas. She has been a window for a num ber of years and the mother of a number of children of which three survived, one daughter, Mrs. Della j Wynn of San Franeisco, Jesse and Roy Brown, of Omaha, who resided with her, and one brother, Mr. Hriam R. Greenfield, also of Omaha, two grandchildren, Jessie Lane of Omaha, and Rowena Wynn ; of San Francisco, one ndce, Mrs. Marie Gray, and a nephew, Eugene Davenport, both of Omaha. She was employed for 34 years in the late banker’s family, Mr. Milton Bar lowe, and she was well known and had a host of friends. She was a member of the Ruth Chapter Or dc • Eastern Star, and a member r# Hillside Presbyterian Church. The body is at Lewis Mortuary. Fun«ral arrangements have a ■ not yet been completed, pending the ar rival of her daughter, Mrs. Della Wynn. ___ CLIFF BLOUNT, ARMLESS WONDER MADE FAMOUS Subject of a Cartoon by Ripley • • Reveals Struggles in Magazine Article Chicago, Dec. 31 (ANP)— How he overcame the almost hopeless handicap of losing both arms at an early age te make his way through school and eventually be come an independent business man in Chicago is revealed by Clifford Blount, now 36, in the November December issue of Outwitting Handicaps, a bi-monthly magazine. Mr. Blount, whose abality (to use his mechanical “arms” is so great that he was the subject of a cartoon by Believe-It-Or-Not .Rip ley last year, was in his early teens in Texas when an auto accident resulted in the amputation of his arms. He faced the life of a help less beggar unless he could master what seemed an insumV>untable obstacle. Since his family was poor, he had to struggle as best he could for an educationl. No school in Texas would accept him because of his physical handicaps, but Wi ley College. Since he had learned to use a typewriter with his me chanical appendages, he w»as able to travel all over the country giv ing that and other exhibitions of how an armless boy could care for himself, and from his lectures was able to finish school. At col lege he was a social outcast and after graduation his disability pre vented getting a job teaching. j _ 58 Votes Elect Mound Bayou Mayor Mound Bayou, Miss., Dec. 29— (G)—Only 58 votes were polled by Attorney B. A. Green on Tuesday, December 13, and he was jx?-elected for the tenth consecutive two-year term as mayor of this, the famous “Negro town” which was founded by the late Isiah T. Montgomery. Mr. Green’s opponent, Prof. I. E. Edwards, polled only 30 votes. There was an upset, however, in the Board of Alderman, the Square Deal Party, which has been in con trol for two year being routed, j Five members were defeated The] treasurer, H. A. Riddle, had no op-: ponnent, and received 74 votes. Ma- j yor Green is a Harvard man. VOLUNTEERS BLOOD IN UNSUCCESSFUL ATTEMPT TO SAVE AUNT’S LIFE Miss Lois Anne Herndon, Fre mont resident and well known in Omaha, made a special trip to the city Friday, Dec. 30th to undergo e. blood transfusion in an effort to >;ave the life of her aunt Mrs. U. S .Watts, also of Fremont who had been under the care of physicians at the St. Joseph Hospital for more than three weeks. Doctors who “typed” Miss Herndon’s blood said it was of a fine quality and hoped it would aid Mrs. Watts in regaining her health. After leav ing the hospital, Miss Herndon spent the balance of the day at the home of Mr. an<j Mrs, Joe Drake, 1431 N ,24th St. before re turning to work at Fremont Sat urday. On Monday she received the sad news of Mrs. Watts death. The deceased is survived by her hus band and two daughters, Marjorie of Fremont, who was at her moth er', bedside and Mrs. Henry Jack son of Kansas City, Mo. Funeral services will be held Friday, Jan. 6th at Fremont. STUDENT NURSE Miss Ethel Terrell, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Price Terrell, 1427 North 24th St., will return to Kan sas City next week to resume her nurso training course at General hospital No. 2 Miss Terrell who is a Central High graduate, hopes to become a registered nurse by 1941. -oOo—-■ 55 New Colored Nurses In U-S. Public Health Service Washington, Dec. 29 (C)—A to tal of 55 new colored nurses have been added to the Public Health servico in the United States since 1931, according to a report from the office of Dr. Roscoe C. Brown specialist in health education. For fivo districts, where in 1931 there were 549. California and Nebraska havo only one nurse each. Tn 1931 Mississippi, Wisconsin, Delaware, and Massachusetts had only one nurse each, but today they have 3, none, 4 and 3 respectively. Cali fornia and Nebraska are the only states now having one nurse. The largest group of nurses is in New York, the present number %Mng 164, while in 1831, it was 133. The second largest group is in Georgia, where there are 40, but in 1931, there was 43. But the. largest Negro population served is Georgia,—1,071,124; the New York population served is 412,814. The second highest population served is Mississippi—1,009,718—with 3 nurses. -oOo— Sheriff Under Fire For Substituting American • * Uegion For Klan Birtmingham, Dec 31 (By Wal ter C. Murdock for ANP—Both the colored and the white daily and weekly newspapers have pro tested against the statement made by ^ Jefferson County’s Sheriff Elect Harry E. Smith. He is credited with saying “The old klan is dead but we have the American Legion and you sheriffs can and should get in touch with them at anytime.” The statement was made at the Alabama Peace Officers Convention. “The American Legion has been and still is one of the patriotic or ganizations of the USA*PeopIe do not believe or degenerate the American Legion to mean a substi tute for the repudiated Ku Klux Klan,” said the Birmingham World colored weekly, “nor would anyone like to interpret Sheriff Smith’s words to encourgage the American Legion to take on the anti-Ameri can program of the infernal hood ed floggers.” The powerful Birmingham News, white daily, spoke bitterly in an editorial on the Sheriff’s plans for secret-order law enforcements and ibis plans for vigilante committee, in white neighborhoods. Arresting Negroes found walking through them after dark. --oOo—-• Woman Federal Employe Has “Perfect” Record Washington, Dec. 29 (C)—Mrs. Frances L. Green, an employe for 32 years of the National Park Ser vice, and a member of the United Government Employes from its in ception two years ago, has never been late to work, and has no marks whatsoever against her for delin quency, according to B. C. Gardner chief of pern: ions and protection of the National Park Service. Mr. Gardner introduced Mrs. Green to the audience of the U. G. E. forum Sunday afternoon. —0O0— CIO AM) A.F. OF L. UNITE BEHIND ANTI LYNCHING BILL New York, Dec. 28 — Both the Congress of Industrial Organizat ions and the American Federa tion of Lsbor will support the fight for passages of a federal anti-l.vnchiing bill during the com ing session of Congress, officials of tho National Association for the Advancement, of Colored People re veal hero today Passage of the bill is called for undo/ the civil I herties section of CIO’s 1939 legislative (program, recording to an announcement made in Washington, December 21, by John L Lewis, president of the organization. At its first convention held in Pittsburgh, Pa., recenly the CIO gave a vigorous set-back to em* | ployers who seek to break d own la bor's strength by appealing to race prejudice, when the following reso lution was passed: “Resolved that the CIO hereby pledges itself to uncompromising opposition to any form of discri mination, whether policital or eco nomic. based upon, race, color, or creed or nationality". Replying to a telegram from Walter White urging that the American Federation of Labor in clude actice support of a federal anti-Lynching bill, and a non-dis crimination clause in the federal Government’s program for the dis tribution of education funds to southern states ointhe Federation’s 1939 legislative program, William Green said: ‘ The American Federation of La bor is in accord with the sugges tions submitted in y^ur telegram.” Green’s statement was issued in ; p. telegram sent from the Wash- j ington headquarters of the Fed- j eration December 21. -OUO-— Chicago Detective Captures Daring Wo- j man Bank Robber . Chicago, Dec. 31 (ANP—Al though he had no reason to doubt that the white woman who had just robbed the Drexel State Bank of $16,000 at noon Wednesday, would blow up the place with nitrogly cerine as she had threatened, City Detective Ghtris Cf>vinJgbon, wlho happened to be present at the time risked his life to seize the robber and save the money. For his bra very, he may receive a hero’s re ward The woman, Mrs Mary Cheek McCollum Schueh, went to the : president’s office and after a short I conversation presented him with a ! printed note stating she was “Bess ; Carney, boss of the Carney mob,” and demanding $15,000. In her coat pocket was what seemed a gun. Then Bho produced two small vitals containing a clear liquid she de clared was nitroglycerine. Outside the hank, she 8aid, were four mem bers of her gang, two wearing cab driver’s caps, and all heavily arm ed. The bank president looked through the widow. Peering in was a man with a cabbie’s cap. So the official made out a draft, went to the teller’s window, and got it cash ed. He gave her the money and she started out, saying, “It’s a good thing you did this.” -—x>Oo Negro Is 23 Per Cent of New York Unemployed New York, Dec 29 (C) — Curtis J. Board, vice president of the Empire City Savings Bank, 231 West 125th street, and treasurer of the emergency fund of the New | York Urban League, 220 West Van Nuys Will Re-New Anti-Lynch Bill Fight 136th St., in a Christmas appeal far contributions to the fund, says | although Negroes are only five per j cent of the population of New York I City then constitute 23 per cent! of the city’s unemployed. -- _ oOo - DORRAfs'GF SELECTS DEPUTY .... m hi ii iw— i in 1 uul S. Holliday, 3014 N. 2Hth A Vo., was selected last week by Sheriff elect Wm, Dorrance as Deputy. The new deputy i« a forme.' exalted Ruler of the C-ol ored Elks and a foreman in the City St. Dept. Before being em ployed by the city he was manag er of the Apex Billiard parlor. -oO<> Crippled Colored Children To Benefit hy Presidents’ Infantile Paralysis Program Washington D. C. Dec. 29 (ANP) —Nation wide support this year in being given the President Roose velt Annual Ball by Negroes due to the fact that the infantile Para lysis A^sViatiion, beneficiary of thin annual event, had decided to turn it8 attention to making the benefits avaible to colored child ren. - 0O0 LED REVOLT ■ ■Mm ■■■■! Pittsburgh political leader whose bolt from the Democratic party in Pennsylvania was suc cessful, and he may now dictate patronage in the Republican camp. Mr. Vann claims the Democrats did not live up to their promise ten percent ol stato jobs for Negroes, so he “purged” them singlehanded, throwing out of office David Lawrence, Democratic Staite •Chairman, Vann's arch enemy. Sponsor Expects Bitter Fight; Sees Support F o r Bill Growing Washington, Dec. ,31 The ;wrti iynching bill loomed today as »«e of the major issues facing the 7§th Congress when it convened Tues day. Senator Frederick Vaa Nays, Democrat of Indiana, one of the original sponsors of the measure, said !t» would turoduce it again during the first Week < the new | ses«l„n Indicating that he was ?e^ to I l>ogin the fight all wei tfta.n, Van N'u.s, said that otie of his fir»t mo'b would be to confer with Sea I ator Robert F. Wagner, Demoeent ; of New York, co-author of the b?l. Smothered at the last session by : the desperate fd hrstcr of .* hand ful (i Southern toiy Senatow the determined reactionary opposition. SUPPORT GROWS 'It will he a bitter fign, as it has always been." Vi > Ntys ,«aid in discuasing t.M * - prospects for the measure. During the intervening mot ths «inee last Spring when the bill was kiHec support from church an 1 la bor •:* ganizations for enactmo.v. of Fedrra' anti-lynching legist* u has grown considerably. Both the CIO and AFL .ave placet! themselves on 'reewfJ ia favci of the Wargner-Van Kuya measure and sentiment in the South against lynching was rallied by the recent Southern Conference for Human Welfare. Although there may be some minor changes, it is expected that the anti-lynching bill will be sub stantially the same as at the last session. One of the important questien* which will decide the fate of the bill will be the stand of the Re publicans in the Senate. Refusal of Republican Senators to vote for ele ture to shut off the filibuster help ed kill the bill. Cloiture, which requires a twe thirds vote, will probably be need ed if the bill is to pass since the Southern reactionaries are again expected to try a filibuster. Senator Van Nuys said that be does not anticipate any trouble in getting the bill past the Judiciary Committee where it will probably be referred. He heads the sub-comunittee, which will consider the bill, and he expects approval from both bis group and from the entire com j mittee. Following committee approval, Van Nuys said, the next move will be “to find a place for it on the calendar.” _ “FAITHFUL MARY” RETURNS TO FOIJ) New York, Jan. 13 (By Francis for ANP)—“Faithful Mary”, the back sliding angel, of Father Di vine Heaven, is back again in the | ‘“Peace Brother” Movement. After 17 months of fueding she entered Harlem last week in a sleek limousine with Father as her distinguished escort. Ttalkative angels said that Di vine himself pleaded with Mary to return to the fold and she dic tated her term. Mary demanded to travel in luxufryon Pullmans Divine to meet her at Bridgeport and stipuatel also that transporta tion to Harlem must b ein a limou sine. Apparently, the Father com plied. Once publicly, Mary deno— the Father. She said: ‘he ain’t no God; he’s jest a foolish old man.” Just before her return to Har lem from Chicago, she told her followers that Divin eis “just a damn man and a fake.”