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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1938)
affairs The*S-o-c-i-e-t-y»World organizations COUNT ON ME CLUB Th C v it on Ms Cln’:. of Sa lem Rant- * Church, met Tuesday December 27th. at the he re of Mri. Hall, 2617 Decatur. The opning son was led by Mrs. Green, the scripture ty Mrs. McCary and prayer bv Mrs. Williams. There were: elev — present.. Everyone had a word t> sav. The t 'Iks were very interesting and rffordfd much food for thought. We were phased to have ns our guest, Mrs. Alfred Baldwin. After businesg the club adjourned to meet Tuesday, .Jan uary 3, 1939 at b e horn? of our pn H-"-\ Mrs. Fronnie Green, 947 N. 27 h Avenue. The C-unt, on Me Club wishes to e>-t ’ t’ ”• cresting to our »i» tor, wife ard host of friends. May the New Year bring good health and. cheer, < rtough to J)lot out all the sorrows of th- by gone years. — —oOo emsesshupsi A PURE SWEET COLA DRINK WITH MILLIONS OF FRIENDS . * v I !Vi Charlene Lewis, operator 1 ci the New York Beauty Salon ; recently rt nt her vacation with her me’.he, , Mrs. Em ra McCants, of 2518 Patrick St. While Mrs. Lewi: w’i p Omaha, she was en tertain! 1 by many ftisnd*. C.r T :ur !n> Dec. 8. Mrs. Addie Georg oi 25-'! 1 Charles honored Mrs. Li w th a dinner and thea tre party. O hers who ente -taineil the visitors were Mr. nnd Mr. Ed vard Mp- 'en at a dinner, ami tha tre, Parties for Mrs. I, ewis were giver, by Mr. and Mrs. Flpw'.-’an on December 14, and Mr. and Mrs. f'aldwill on D'f 15. Mr. -*n! Mrs Henilvr-ori gave a farewell dinno" for the former Omahan at their home at 2820 N. 25th St. on Doc r«-v-ei' 1 Cfh. On the following day Mrs. Lowis left for New York ‘ Ci;,*. __—oDo i Mr. and M>s. James H. Williams \ ontertnined at a Christmas dinner af th ir home, 2818. Blondo St., Christmas afternoon. A tasty din nt .• was prepared for the occasion. — -oOo— Mrs. Zenobia Harper returned h'me Wednesday Dec. 21, from a visit to Evergreen anil Birmingham Alabama where she was the guest of her grandmother, Mrs. Laurel Bonn n anil other relatives. She was gone five months and two [ AMERICAN ] WEINER SHOP 2509 North 24th Street , Best Chili and Best Hot Dogs in the West ! All Kinds of Sandwiches ^ HOME M \I)E ICE ( REAM The Very Latest from the Chicago Convention: The New— “Pin Curl” WAVE The Same Effect as the Cro iiuinole without the heated iron. STYLED AS DESIRED Althouse Beauty School 2422 North 22nd Street WEbster 0846 [ Bordentown Beauty Class iuuuuhwmwww' BORDl N'TOWft BEAUTY CLASS Photo show s cltss in beauty cul ture at Manual Training and In dustrial Schi • 1. Bordentown, N. J., Dr. W. R. Valentine, principal. Tb beauty culture course was one <1 til l fir-yt instated by a formal c du'-ational inst'.’.ition, and has met a hiph depree of success in ; trnininp pir's fer earninp a livinp — - - ■ - ------ - • immediately upon graduating from the school. The course is a voca tional sidel'^e, while regular li terary work goes on. —(Calvin Service.) week She enjoyed her visit very much ——--oOe) Mr. ane: Mrs. W. Taylor were le t and roster at a dinner on Christmas dry, at their ho’re at 2515 Wirt. All enjoyed the- dinner very mi ;h. JOLLY TWENTY GIVES TARTY AT SWING L AND Thoro wh1' Id led tn ■•'■‘end ‘h’ Jolly 2’’o Jitter bugs House Coct Party, We 1. Dec. 21, at the Swing land Ceurbet certainly mb red a treat. Table* has be on reserved for was crowded. The Alpha Phi Alpha "paternity hail the* star table beside trio danco platform. The charming iaelic's had house coats of very e'coci iption on. Every social club in Omaha was represented. The Je !ly twenty Club presented the guer'n with balloons and every noise inakler conceivable. The mem RITZ PHOTO STUDIO (Ibrtstmas Special 5x7 ENLARGEMENT |JA Tinted & in Frame. . vllw ^,2MH0fiffl24THST. bers did all in their power to make each and every one feel they must have a good time and thoy did. Each club member and their wife wore a Jolly Twenty De ign on t '■ breT.t. Mr Red Perkins, sur passed. h'msolf in the floor show end. )~rs own golf act brought the house down with applause. — —cOo XMAS PARTY AT DREAMLAND Mond?y n;ght the D -eamlan 1 Up" was baautifully decorated w'th tV art stic and brilliant signs that glittered like sparkling dia *r. n-p’t! pirpsj pnd spelled the name of the Dames, who had summoned their guests at the rec i rr 1 ssion of the Court of Merri ment to witness the verdict on “Old Man Gloom”. As the beau tiful and charmingly dressed lad ies danc?d the Jitterbug with t'-e'r escorts one could see that “Old Man Gloom" wa? doomed. The World-Herald photographer; took the pictures of the lovely and charming members of the club. Members of the club are: Chief Justice Cel^stine Smith; Assistant Chief Justice Sa'lie Henderson, Chief Clerk Louise Crumbley; As sistant Chief Clerk, Lorraine Dick erson; Chief Bailiff Olive Davies; Jury Comm:'sioner, Mary Anne Fllirtt; Probation Officer Mary Alice Will's, Associate Judges, | i.' tna Nel on. MacVline Hurrold, r ,sn',fr Sims. Miaxine Owen and Inez McKinley, Mrs Dorothy Pen ich, olincrary Judge. -—0O0 MANY VISITS OMAHA RELATIVES A T( ng the holiday visitors who a’-' v sitirg the'r families are: Mrs. I Mamie Surrant visiting her sister, Mrs. Jospci Brown; Miss Margaret William*-- visiting her sister, Mrs. Edgar Lee; Mr. Paul Moore visit ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rue Len Moore whose arrival was a surprise. MR. AND MRS. DAUGHERTY VISITS PARENTS Mr. and Mrs Alfred Daugherty, and Son of Kansas City, Mo., are the house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Shipman of 39t'h St. through out the hol'days. Mrs. Daugherty is tho daughter of Mrs. Leslie Shipman. Mr. Daugherty is a teacher in the high school depart ment of the Public school of Kan san City. m i DAWN DANCE Tho Gay Westerners held their! lirct faunal Christmas Dawn dance' December 26th at th.2 Masonic Hall. This club started their guest--, off for the holidays with p, rea1 holiday spirit. The music was hot. The ladies were charm ingly dressed. Tie Jitterbug dance was the feature of the morn ing and all who did net know how to do the Jitterbug soon caught on after watching Mr. Woods of Washington, D. C. guest of Mr. Carlton Goodlet, who really could Jitterbug. Mr. Gaitha Pegg', pres ident of the club introduced the Clher officers and out of town gueiits. Each male member wore SOnBOJtfc&iCJCiK-iiLi.aCd .... tho colors of the club, gree.n and grid in the 1 rpels of their coats. —-cOo Fit AT BROTHERS CELEBRATE HOLIDAYS Mr. Garleton (A.odist of 2815 I nney St. who received his doc ' it’s degree of philospy returned ■ ji- tho holidays and has as his feue: At, two cf his fraternity bro t ers from Washington, D. C. They are Messrs Lawson and A\ nods. These young men certain ly are rushing the young ladies of the college set. Read the Omaha Guide for ads results. tu <3£j£Z$ vt i Doigoff Hardware PAINT, GLASS & VARNISH We I)o Glazing & Make Window Shades to Order Stove Pipes, Furnace Pipes, & Stove & Furnace Repairs Electrical Supplies Plumbing Supplies Roofing Paper & Guttering We Have a Full Line of KITCHEN UTENSILES (Open Evenings) —WE. 1607— 1822-24 N. 24th St. Bill s Loan Bank and Merchandise Store —Confidential Loans At Reasonable Rates— 1804 N. 24"1 ST. WE. 1369 We wish to thank our many5 friends and customers for your loyal support for the short time that we’ve been in business. Our emnlc yees also wish to thank yea for your response due to our advertising in the Omaha Guide. One friend telling another about us h< s added much to our buisn success. I’y continuing to give us your futur business, y~u will enable us t< kern rmore of your group in steady employment. The up to date r^.iaiity merchandise that we have to offer are as reasona ble priced as the down town stores offer and in some in stances much cheaper. I assure you that tt any time you desire to visit our store you will leave fully convinced. Have you considered the extra car I are and time spent in doing your shtpping down town. Your neighborhood store offers you as much value and quality and price r.' a savings to you. No extrt charge for us'ng our friendly layaway plan. The sales c*aff and myself wish to thank our many friends for their hearty cooperation and to wish you a Happy and Prosperous NEW YEAR. REMEMBER BILL’S LOAN BANK & MERCHANDISE STORE 1804 N 24th ST. WEB. 1369 BIRTH OF A SONG I “ 7) ' I I "WHEN YOUR HEARTS ON FIRE (Stroke Gets In Your Eyes)" By Otto Harbach and Jerome Kern -i---=---1 From A -!*<; Bv IosodB R i . ^ iul Carruth i .ii .>uiua>; —i. UE .rfsl OTTO a. HARBACH, born in Salt Lake City, Utah, was educated at Knox College, Galesburg, III., where he won an oratorical contest judged by William Jennings Bryan. uhg-aia-minw ^ •»«*.. *r-* -s.-fi.. i Harbach taught English at Whitman College, Walla Walla, Washington, and then came to New York whore he became a reporter. i—--_i Then followed advertising work with lyric writing on the side. In 1907 came his first success. Joseph M. Gaites gave Harbach and Karl Hoschna one hundred dollars each for the operetta ‘Three Twins,” which sky-rocketted 3essie McCoy into fame. By 1910 Harbach had written ’’Madam Sherry" and other operettas, and had turned to playwriting as well. He was extremely prolific, and it was not unusual to find several of his works in the bright lights of Broadway at the same time. Knox College eventually made him a Doctor of Literature; the number and quality of hi* productions earned him mem bership in the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers and a place on the Board of Directors. *- .N^XN^.XX^XWCVWC^— Harbach has never lost his touch. For "Roberta," among other songs, he produced "When Your Heart's On Rre, Smoke Sets In Your Eyes." He is now at work, in his Ma* maroneck, N. Y., home, on at least one new production.