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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1938)
CHURCH NEWS CHURCH OF GOD 2025 N. 24th St. Elder S. S. Spaght, pastor Sunday school opened at the us ual hour with Sister Naomi John i superintendent in charge. The attendance was good. The lesson srubject was “God s Great Love.” T o lesion was well taught, and many good thoughts were received from it. At 11:00, the pas'er brought the message. The subject was, ‘‘Where If He, found n Matthew. Wish the city n< ghf have heard ti e ser mon piivim v hero in Christ may be lound. Tr i'y no Christ is found in the world carnal things and place* r-f life. Men today celebrate the birth of Christ in reveling, drinking etc. The birth moans to v.a that he shall lie barn in our j heart end we celebrate with Thanksgiving that Cod gave his son that men mig't b» saved. A‘; 0:00 a Christma* program we* enjoyed by all. Come and worship with us. 11 - oOo— - PLEASANT GRF'N P.APT1ST P-v. Reynolds, pastor Willa M ae Ross, reporter Sunday School opened at tune c'tloe'- with Miss Oliver presiding. Ther' were 01 p’-es->nt. A song was rrndevr'1 bv Willa Mao Ross mil Ruth Reynol's, Thre a Union and Dorothv Rrss. Morning wersh’p was opened with the devotion* bv the deacons j end prayer for the pick. An in npiiing r^nnon was preached bv pev yt. Clrl'r. There we- e two to j '-ith t'e rhnr h. T' ey were y F and Mr*. Dill. I1YPU wps enened at TOO with th i vice-president prodding. A lov> 1' Chri«tmas story was r ad. ♦---— There were sixty-four present. Evening worship was at 8:00 with the devotional service led by the deacon1'. Prayer for the sick by Mi. Bostic. An interesting and inspiring sermon was preached by Rev. Caldwell. Watch meeting will star*. Saturday night at 10:00. -0O0— MT. CALVARY COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev. R. W. Johnson. Pastor Mrs. Edna Mitchell. Reporter The 5.00 service was opened by singing. The pastor brought the nit is go from St. I.uke 2:7 Subject: ‘‘No Room In Th? Inn". A space war. given for every one to testi fy tc the honor ami glory of the Savior. The Candle light service wa: also held. Sunday School opened at 9:45 by the superintendent, Mrs. Edna Mit chell. There was a nice attendance. Mothers please send your children on time. The 11:00 service was opened by singing. The message by our pas ter. The scripture lesson was from St. Matthew 2:1-22. Text: St. Mat-1 lhew 2:14-15. Sublet, “Out of Eygypt I Call My Son.” At 6:00 Young PeopleY Meeting was reld and was conducted by Sister Moody and taught by sister Edna Mitchell, from Matthew 7. Thiri' was a nice attendance. The 8:00 service was opened by tin choir singing. Our beloved pas-, to.- brought the message, from St. John 31:9, Subject: “See Jesus.” The Sprit ran h’gh Tue iny night, the pastor Aid wil' meet. 0u.• Christmas program and our trei was a wonderful inspiration, fi / the; chi ldrcn. All were given gifts. Mrs. Crumbly was rewarded premium of the Blue Board Queeen Conti t. All the participants turn i ■' over $16.04 to Mrs. Forrest and Mi's. Gordon. Watch Meeting Saturday night, New Year’s Eve. first church of DELIVERANCE Rev. Alfred Thomas, pastor Rev. F. Johnson, assis’t, pastor Jesse Lat'o’.ias, reporter The limy Bee Art Club enter tained at the home of Mrs. Taylor atl817 N. 23rd St. Friday Dec ember 23 A lovely luncheon was served by the hostess. Members of the club surprised the pastors wit numerous gifts at the home of Mrs. Mattie Thomas 2620 Patrick St., on Christmas Five. The Club ar ___ - - • 3 " I 95th Semi-Annual Statement The Conservative Savings and Loan Association of Omaha 1611 Harney Street JANUARY t. 1959 j I RESOURCES Ouick Assets— Osh .. $4,028,775.49 l nited States Government Treasury Hills and Notes ... 1,170.000.09 $ 5,198,755.49 Loan secured by first mortgage-, on improved real estate .. . - 6,667,280.68 Delinquent interest . .. . 2,530.70 Loans on oass-book security. . 9.592.96 Loans in foreclosure .. . 127.966.22 Real estate sold on contract . 25,431.25 1 Real estate acquired through foreclosure . 429.161.02 Office building and future office building site at 18th and Farnam Street. 195,000.00 Furniture and fixture*. 1.00 — Total. ..$12,656,019.32 | LIABILITIES Credits tq members' saving and naid-up accounts $11,147,049.92 Balance held for borrowers . 31,045.91 Reserves . 1,158,449.64 Undivided profits . 19,473.85 Borrowed Money . NONE Total. $12,656,019.32 OFFICERS Edgar A. Baird. President Clark W. Carnaby, Secretary James A. Lyons, Vice-President J. Herbert McMillan, Treasurer Wayne C. Selby, Ass’t Secretary DIRECTORS Edgar A. Baird Randall K. Brown Charles M. Wilhelm Frank T. B. Martin Bryon R. Hastings J. Herbert McMillan Claire J Baird 1 _ Be A Booster Read The Guide ! ranged p. surprise. A call from Chi 1 eago at 12:15 A. M. from the mo I thcr of Rev. Frank Johnson. Mem ! bers and friends were made happy ! 1 y receiving Christmas baskets thru the efforts of the partors and donation’, from merchants whose ncmer- will be supplied later. Every Tuesday at the evening fi vice'- bread will be given to all wh • come to the church. The story o.' the birth of the Saviour was read by Rev. Alfred Thomas, on Christmas nig’’t. Tho alter was beautifully arrange I, showing a miniature of the birth place of tve new born babe. Everyone is invited to join us New Years Eve to watch the old year out and get a spiritual fore cast of the New Year. --oOo-— CLEAVES TEMPLE CME CHURCH Rev. I*. A. Storey, pastor Beatrice Gray, reporter The Sunduy school opened at tho rcgulai hour. Mr. Adams su- ! I crintendant was called to Chica go by tho illnes and death of his risttMr. E. Matthews was spea- j k< • of Junior Church. Because of ! the absence of our pastor, Rev. Rhone preached Sunday, Rev. Storey returned at 1:30, Sunday af t rnoon.The pageant which was di i< "ted by Rev. Storey and their neict. Ophelia left Monday mom- j inf for Kansas c ty to spend the : holidays with her mother. — I URBAN LEAGUE COMMUNITY | CENTER NEWS The Cultretts exchanged Christ- J iras presents at their meeting on j last Tuesday night. * * * | On Friday, December 23-I, the Tiger Club held an informal "gA to-gether" meeting. To bert get the results of “-aid" meeting, ask Frank Brown or Willie Wise. Let’s have another, Please, any mote. Jon Crosley, president. Raymond Gordon, Sponsor. * * * Plans were successfully cirvied : out for th'» annual party for the Plind. Oud guests wore picked up ».nd brought to the Center and returned home in cars. A palata b'e luncheon was -erved. Delores Jackson, Amelia Jackson and Lola Willis sang Carols. Miss Edrone Willis played Christmas music ckii* :ug the afternoon. Each guest nodi sonic contribution to the pro gram. Mrs. L. V’. Gray, Mrs. tv e lyp Murray, Miss Eloise Dabroah, and Mrs. Lucy Mae Brit* assisted in making the party a success. t t * Over eighty young men and women enjoyed themselves at the Centeretts’ Dancing Party on Thursday, night, December 22rd. During intermission. ‘ San.u C!au‘ passed out popcorn halls to the guests, made by the club member*. * * * The Junior Auxiliary Party was a very beautiful affair on oritiaV night, Dec. 23rd. The mem ben were 'fry charming hostess to over one hundred guests. Many beautiful Holiday headresses prevail -i. YWCA NEWS Dec. 25th, Chritmas program and v verse Choir were presented by the Boy and Girl Forum Committee from 4 00 to 5:00 P. M. Quite i\ number were present. Mrs. \Y il- j Hants Haynes is sponsor of the. Masm^mammmm> ■■ We Pay Cash For OM & Antique Guns WE 2869 521 No. 16th St. Johnson Drug: Co. Prescriptions LIQOPKS, WINES and BEER WE. 0999 1904 N. 24th St 7/vtni csT^'rrtrip^nryrrJ^li Future Citizens Build Minds & Bodies _ - -- ■- mi ii ii- n ~ - - iMM“f y titjh innrr mm in nri'i— rm~i~ uni i ■■ i nirr* • These boys and girls are future citizens who are building up their bodies and minds at a few of the recrcr.tio:i centers, more than 15,000 in number, operated by the Work* I regress Administration in cities, towns and count'es all over the United States. In mot cases, these youngsters’ parents had no such op portunities in their youth, but they know the value of the worthwhile use of leisure time for their children. With other citizens in the'r communities, they formed committees which have investigat ed the local needs for recreation r.nd have p.'aned to satin,fy them. With WPA rssistance. they worked cut programs supervised by trained lecreaticn leaders. They also ar ranged to provide needed parks, jt lay grounds and community build ings in which these programs could operate, like 20,000 other citizens throughout the country, these wide awake parent.; have organized their communities to take advantage of Federal funds which are now pro tiding recreat'on centers for com munities throughout the Unite*d States. ----- g'OUp. * * * Dec. 21st, the date of the all As sociation O’rk'imiv party fc.r Girl Reserves was a high success both in the girls having a glori ous time and the presenting of over 100 gifts that were made pos sible by the Girl Reserves Com nvtteo to see the guests present. <S «< Mi-.. Lucy Charlott Crawford, Girl Reserve Secretary left Xmas li ght toi Detroit, Michigan to visir tit' - sister through the h"d:days. —.--0O0 I ( HAK1T\ LLLB HEL M NEEDY The Charity Club vf (be Omaha C immunity Center ►> “cared an 1 d:stribut( d twelve ru.<ret>- to the needy. The toys no .thcring over fifty that were gi'en by the guest nt the club’s annual lay Parry, Dec. 20, were placed in the baskets along with the groceries. Soma of these f.imilit < had as high as eleven children in the family, but each child was given a gift in Keeping with its age. The members of the dub who were responsible for the filling and delivering of the 1 askets people would know that Santa I Claus had not forgotten them were: traoe^QSBH NO , JOKE VAfW MARK 1i\ v.uu^ii uu» iu a i » iiu juiw.. \jvi Jiiuui muuiin v.uu^u (Black or Menthol.) Cost only 5<*—yet they’re a real cough medicine. Smith Bros. Cough Drops are the'oniy drops containing VITAMIN A This is the vitamin that raises the resistance of the mucous membranes »'f the nose and throat to cold infections. Madames Wesley Jones, S. C. Han ger, Eugene Murray, Jesse Cain, Florence Myers, Gaines T. Brad ford. The members who were employed were excused from this task. The j 1 ove membres wish to thank the | public who made it possible for the kiddies of the families to have the individual gifts. Southwest Ark. CME’s End Annual Conference Many Visitors Present—Bishop J. A. Bray Presides Magnolia, Ark., Dec. 16 (ANP) —The Southwest Arkansas Annual Conference of the CME Church ended her Sunday night at Trinity CME Church after one of the most successful sessions in its history. Bishop J. A. Bray, LL.D.. noted Chicago prelate, presided over the sessions. New Crop Tree Ripened Oranges and Grapefruit 90 pounds $2.88 (plus $2.40 express) Fine Georgia PECANS $4.85 to $6.85 for 25 pounds LARGE LOTS ON REQUEST —Ideal Gift— NICHOLS & CO, Rockmart, Georgia There was an appreciable in crease in finances and the num erical growth of the membership of the conference and Bishop Bi-ay expressed hope for greater growth during the approaching annual conference year. He outlined a very comprehensive and challeng ing program and the ministers and j loyal laymen pladged wholehearted j support. -eOo LOANS WE BUY OLD GOLD W ATCH A JEWELRY REPAIR ING WE LOAN MONEY ON EVERYTHING W T GROSS JEWELRY & LOAN GO. -CLOTHING Corner 24th & ERSKINE 2414 NORTH 24th ST. OMAHA, NEBR. WHEN POISONS SLOW Kidneys & IRRITATE BLADDER FLUSH THEM OUT FOR 35 CENTS Go to your druggist today and get this safe, swift and harmless dim otic and stimulant—task for Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules and start at once to flush kidneys of warte matter saturated with acids and poisons. That's a quick and effective way tn help bring about more healthy kidney activity and relieve that bladder irritation with its scanty passage with smarting and burn ing as well as re-tless nights, Remember the kidneys often need flushing as well as the bow els, and some symptoms of kidney weakness may be: getting up often during the night puffy eyes — backache—shifting pains. Hut b? sure and get GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules— the original and genume—right from Haarlem in Holland—the price is small (35 cents), the good results will fulfill your expect ations. ^"j^^e^Sdne^^po^yoTT Regardless of what your trouble may be, you can look the world in the i Face Solve all problems; Get what you Want and Fear no Man or Cn cunutances Your Happiness an^_S',cc's* Jc"'a'p roLBERT ' name clearly and send it to: REV. CHAS. P* _ »«Tp|j 545 OWEN AVENUE ' _DETROIT, MICH.