CHURCH NEWS] CHRIST TEMPLE CHURCH Rev. L. M. Relf, pastor Edna Pankey, reporter Sunday school opened with a splendid attendance. Our pastor preached two inspiring sermons. The morning message was espec ially good. Tho text was found in iS». Matthew 1:21. We were glad to welcome home our pastor’s wife who will be our guer 25 pounds LARGE LOTS ON RBQURST —Ideal Gift— NICHOLS & CO, Bockmart, Georgia for 20 minutep. The discufcison was enjoyed by all. Mrs. Editl Cortell rendered a program whicl was highly appreciated. Evening worship was opened a 8:00 P. M. The devotional servic< was led by the deacons. The ser mon which Rev. Reynolds proachec was inspiring to all who listened Watch meeting wil be held Satur day night, December 31, 1939, be ginning at 10:00 P. M. Come om and crime all. ———oOo-■ MT. CALVARY COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev. R. W. Johnson, Pa. or Mrs, Edna Mitchell. Reporter Sunday school was opened at 9:45 by the super'ntendant Edna Mitchell. Forty-five minutes was devoted to the lesson. There was a fair attendance. 11:00 service was opened by the Choir singing. Our beloved pastor read the scripture lesson from St. Matthew 22:36-46. The text was from Matthew 22:42. Subject: “What Think Ye of Christ.’ ’The pastor preached a wonderful ser mon. At six o’clock the Young People’s Union met. The maeting was opened by Sister Doletha Watson. The les sen was taught by S'ster Edna Mitchell. At the 8:00 service, the service was opened by the Choir singing, ‘ The ivord is in His Holy Temple.’’ The massage was brought by the past, from Act. 16:30. Tuesday night, (he Pastor’s Aid. Wednesday night regular service. 1’iiday night the ( ty Wide Mis sion will hold Ithe benefit ser vices with us. The movement is to give baskets out to the poor and needy also the fund raised will go to the supply coal for some. Rev. Crowed will deliver the sermon. Saturday night ,the Christinas Eve the Junior Usher Board will give their program and the Sun day School Christmas Tree spon sored by Sifter Helen Lee and Sis ter Edna Mitchel. All are welcome. There will be a service at 5:00 p. m. Christmas morning sermon conducted by our pastor. We will also holda candle service. — —oO" THE CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOI) CWFF Elder M, L. Steele, pastor Mrs. Kathryn Steele, reporter Sunday school opened at 9:45 with superintendent Brother P. Ro binson in charge. Subject: “Old and New Conimendents.” The lea s'- \w. t.’.us t r.:.Jy gnu many god tl. v (>;•( ‘ T . At 11:15 the p-?tcr brought forth an in spiring mesasge from l’salms 23:1. | Text: “A good r Y'pht :d." A good ; vs 11» lay dawn his life for his flock. | A‘. 2:00 the pastor with Elder C. A. Brayboy an I Elder E. Clark motoied to Lincoln Nebraska. There they reordered a wonderful ser mon service in Belmont. The word of God was really preached. The Bible Band met ut 6:00 and was taught by Sister M. Watson TO THOSE WHO CANNOT BE WITH YOU— % I LONG DISTANCE LOWEST REDUCED LONG DISTANCE RATES will apply all day New Year's — as well as on the Monday holiday which follows. These reduced daytime rates will save you as much as 40 per cent of the regular day rate on long distance calls within the United States and to Canada. These are the same low rates that apply every Sunday. (£f£&t iro welcome to attend this great s 'rvice. Mrs. Anna Nash, Mother Nash, r.nd Deacon Washington are on the ck list. Come to Clarinda and have a happy Christmas. ST. JOHN AME. CHURCH “The Friendly Church” Dr. R. A. Adams, Pastor Sunday was another Banner day at St. John. The Sunday tJ"hool started the day with a very fine attendance. The little ones wire glad to have Bishop Gregg t i speak to them. Dr, Gregg brought the inspir in'.: message, taken from Psalms - >■!>. “In their light shall we see Frit.” His subject was, “The Fountain of Life.” His message will long live in the hearts of those vh > heard him, especially those :> know country life. Those ! who have lived in the country could r * help seeing some of their child | V> oi l days all over again, as t.he> ‘ listening to the voice of the P‘ hop as he pnrnted one beautifu nWnre of home life after anoth e>' One could sit for hours and nev - ■ *i<-e of listening to Bishop Greg* po he paints the most interest in* i pictui'es in words. f The choir was near its full cap acity and was glad to have the ser vices of Messrs. Sam Turner. Drake and J. F. Allison. The Sunday School will have its program Saturday night Decem ber 24th and the Choir will have its special Christmas music Sunday night December 25th at the even ing services. Tho choir is working very hard to have this music just what you wiill like best. Tho sick of the church are Bro. L. M. Goodlett and Bro. George Ray. Bro. Ray was able to be out to hear Bishop Gregg last Sunday. There are other sick members whose names have not been pass ed in, but we pray for their com fort of our little friend ‘‘Mike” the baby grandson of Dr. Adams. Now that the year of 1938 is growing near the end, why not Check up on yourself and see how you stand with your obligations to your church and try to get them O. K.’d before the new year comes. Start the New Year with a new stand to do better than you’ve ever done before. We were glad to see so many visitors at St. John last Sunday. As there were too many to najne wo will not try, but we invite you to come again. Make yourself a present of a subscription of your local paper so that you may keep posted on your Church, Social and Fraternal news. CLEAVES TEMPLE CME CHURCH Rev. I*. A. Storey, pastor Beatrice Gray, reporter Sunday school opened at 9:30 with a goo dat»tendance. Dr. D. W. Gooden was the speaker for the Junior Church. Rev. Storey preach ed to a large congregaton. Each Sunday his sermons seem to be better and better. He preached from Mark. 2:4. The Loyal Matrons Club gave a Pre-Chrsitmas Tea Sunday af ternoon at the home of Mrs. Lu die Thomas. Epwort'n League still has a good attendance and in terest is still very good. Rev. Storey again preached Sunday night. Visitors were: Mrs. Robert Smith, Pleasant Green; Mrs. Lewis Strom ile, Mount Valvary; Is ram Johnson; Mrs. Walter Seals; Mrs. Ashly Simmons. Rev. Storey was called to Ma gnola Arkansas, Tuesday by the death of his brother. A program and Christmas tree will be sponsor ed by the Sunday school Saturday night. All members of the church are expected to attend. Come and bring your friends. Also bring your presents to be placed on the these. Sunday night at 8:00 a pageant “The Star Lighted Path” will be presented. More han 30 persons will take part. Characters: Announcer, Mrs. Vera Harris; Shepherds: Norman Gray, Willie Fountain, Herman Washington; Wiseman; Curtis Brown, Johnnie Foutain, Versae Lee Norvell, Naomi, Bernice Gray, Ra chel, Mrs. Bertha Bell, Mary, Mrs. Kffie Moore; Joseph, Mrs. H. L. Oribb; soloist, Mrs. Lucy Ma Britt. Others taking part in the pro gram are: Clarice Washington, I uisc Godfrey, Pauline Wiliams, ■'Midrod Wiley, Charlotte and Dor othy Hayes. SALEM BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. E. II. Hilson, pastor Anita Depp-Young, reporter Services at the Salem Baptisi Church were well attended. Sundaj school opened at 9:30 with a gooi: attendance. Our paster Rev. Hilson, took the stand, at 11 o’clock andl preached r. very instructive sermon. Subject was: “Gifts." Ordinatio nservices for Rev. J, Reagan were well attended. Tho BYPU opened at 6.00 P. M, and a very interesting session was enjoled. Tho Christmas program sponsor ed by Mrs. Bertha Smith was very appropriate for the Christmas sea son. The follownig took part: Ken neth Young accompanied by his sister, Miss Bertha Young, Carrie Harris, Donald Moore, Terry and Ezra L. Young Jr. The night services were opened at 8:00 P. M. The pastor brought the masslage. Subject: “Out (of Eygpt Have I Called My Son.” Mr. Walter Coleman of 2519 Charles St., was a new addition to the church. -oOo——— LOVE MAO YOU HEAPS AF FECTION UPO PILFERING FIANCEE DEAR MISS WATERS: Floyd and Jimmy were my school pals. Our friendship has grown with the years. A day seems in complete without a meeting be tween the three of u<. I’ve been happily married for three years, and am the father of a fine 10 imonth old baby girl. Floyd is en gaged to a girt who also attended school a the same time we did. I dnr.’t think that Jimmy will ever many and from this my problem anises. Floyd’s fiancee has been more than friendly with Jimmy for ouite a while and her impend ing wedding which is scheduled for February has only seemed to inten sify her improper relations. Floyd works mostly at night, so is igno rant of what is happening. He thinks the girl is a perfect angel. Idolizes her Knowing all parties as I do, I have talked to Jimimy and the girl as if they were my brother and s'ster but without suc cess. The girl while not admitting anything, claims that she will be true when married. She seems to want to do the right thing but has no will power whenever Jimmy is concerned. Jimmy makes no pro mises what-so-ever, says his con science does not bother him at all, that such carrying on is all a part of life. He infers, in his carefree manner, that I should keep my nose out of other people’s affairs. I have tried to ignore this farce, but when I see them all together, Floyd really loving the girl, she pretending, and Jimmy acting as if hfs interest is elsewhere but watching the girl out of the corner of his eys, I cannot help but be interested in what the consequences might be: I have hinted to Floyd j in a round about way, that things | were not as smooth as he might Johnson Drug: Co. Prescriptions LIQOURS. WINES and BEER WE. 0999 1904 N. 24th St. CENTRAL MARKET 1608 Harney St. ATlantic 8720 EXTRA i traoi Remember—when you take a Smith Brothers Cough Drop you get Vitamin A—extra! Smith Bros. Cough Drops are the 1 only drops containing VITAMIN A | This is the vitamin that raises t!>e resistance a\ ^^k of the mucous membranes of the nose Xm ami throat to cold infections. i(8k think but he is a fool in love, can’t see nor hear anything and “always taking about the wonderful girl” he ia going to marry. Should I tell him the truth? Answer: Time alone can tell the conse quences of this deception. In giv ing advice to your faithless fri ends you have gone about as far as you can go without causing un due friction which might involve your family in embarrassing sit uations. Not knowing Floyds terri perment, I would not advise you to confide your knowledge to him. And since he is madly in love with the girl and apparently would not believe anything but god of her why not let faith take its course and keep your nose out. We will ignore Jemmy, which is a good idea all the way around and remember that the strongest of two wills usually wins out. Let’s hope that the girl is not as bad as she appears to be and that when and if the wedding takes place that the over powering love and confidence which Floyd holds for her will be so strong and compelling that she will be morally strengthened by his devotion and in comparison will note what an undependable cad Jimmy was. Al though there will be a bitter taste in the memory of what has gone on before, she in realising her error will perhaps put forth ex tra effors to amend for her wrong doings. —-0O0 PO-KE-NO Mrs. Contee of 2’th St., enter tained a few f heads with a Po Ke-No Party Wednesday night in ; honor of Mrs. Edgar Lee’s guest, ] of Minneapolis. I A Merry Christmas AND A Happy New Year FROM DR. A. C. STOKES J. B. CLEANERS & TAILORS 1805 N. 24TH ST. WE. 6161 We Do FIRST CLASS Up to-Date ('leaning. Try U« First , CHRISTMAS GREETINGS and BEST WISHES from Paxton-Mitchell Co. 2614 MARTHA ST. HA. 5523 Pattern Shop, Foundries and Machine Works. DO YOU WANT A LUCKY Lodestone? ARE YOU LUCKY? Do you Car ry A Charm or a loadstone ? Many attribute GREAT LUCK to the fact they carry a loadstone or charm. Some attribute POWER, LUCK and SUCCESS IN LOVE to these stones or MAGNETIC CHARMS. You can secure a Loadstone by sending $1 for 2. Don't wait, mail today. ITAND COMPANY, Box 5, Roch elle Park, N. J. i Bill’s Loan Bank and Merchandise Store —Confidential Loans At Reasonable Rates— 1804 N. 24th ST. WE. 1369 YOU ARE CORDIALLY IN VITED TO MAKE OUR STORE YOUR XMAS GIFT HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL THE FAMILY. I -■ * Complete Line of Indies and Gents Ready-b»-Wear. Millinery, Hosiery, Blankets, Shoes & House Slippers for the family. Nationally known Ball Band , Rubber Footwear. LADIES full fashioned HOSE Newest shades ..._ 69c Xmas boxed Handkerchiefs 10c 19c - 25c - 35c and 19c Silk Nightgowns, Bloomers, Slips, Panties, Pajamas, Snug gies .25c up to $1.00 The F'amous Nightingale Fash ion fit Hosiery . 49c LADIES HEATS 98* and up Sea;,on’s latest styled COATS_ $10.95 SILK DRESSES.. 2.95 and 3.9 8' See the new Jitterbug Dresses] and Housecoats ... _ $1.00 All-Wool ($1.00 value) Stocking; CAPS . 49c Sonja Henie Parka Hoods 59c F'ancy Jockey Caps .49c Ear Muffs for everybody .. .25c and 49c Beautiful PURSES . $1.00 Dress GLOVES 29c. 35c and 49c Ladies Novelty Bracelet Silk] Handkerchiefs, large size ..25c] Ladies Warm Stockings „ 25c] Ladies F'rench F’lannel Pajamas .. 69c GENTLEMEN Shirts in the newest fancy colors —Beau Brummel F’rench F'lannel Shirts $1-45; Gaberdine Shirts, fancy three button sleeve $2.95; White and fancy Beau Brummels .... $1.45. Rayo-Silk Shirts in fancy colors $1.98 The new Hlack Shirt with real dice cuff 1,‘Jttons.$1.45 Many White and fancy patterns in Shirts .__98c. Fancy 1 ie and Handkerchief Sets.. 49c Many other beautiful Ties 25c up Fancy Zipper Sweaters $1.95 and $2.95 Spats 95c— Park; Garters 25c Fancy Pocket-kerchiefs ..25c P A J A MAS ....$1.00 Farcy Socks of many different kinds 15c - 25c and 35c All-wool, fancy Mufflers 59c Belts and Suspenders 25c & 49c HATS .. $1.45 and $1.98 DRESS GLOVES ..49c to $1.00 All-wool Zipper Jackets $2.98 up Boys’ and Girls’ Three-quarter Golf and Long Hose 15c to 25c Ties 25c; Boy’s Gloves 15c; Horse hide Fur Mitts 59c and 69c; Trour;ers 98c; Sweaters for boys and girls 98c; Girls Gloves 25c; Suspenders 25c; Boys Union Suits 49c; Plaid flannel Shirts 49c; Heavy Plaid Zipper Mac kinaws $2.98 and $3.95. Boys and Girls boxed hankies 10c DRESSES (Girls)......59c Bloomers (Girls) __ .15c Misc. On Unredeemed Articles 6-Tube Emerson Radio . $8.50 1-Candid Camera, like new $8.50 1 Expensive P^astman Kodak $10 A Variety of guaranteed Foun tain Pens .... . $1.00 up Beautiful Clocks, newest designs for yc*ir bedroom . $1-98 Ladies Wrist Watches, 15 jewel . . . $7.50. Others for I^ess. Men’s Expensive Pocket and Wrist Watches _ $5.00 P’ield Glasses.... __79c Novelty Owl Flashlights . .98c Leather Wrist Bands .25c up An Expensive BANJO, reason able. And A Variety of other Items NO EXTRA CHARGE for any thing bought on Our P’riendly Lay-Away Plan. YOUR 1939 CALENDAR FREE. NO OBLIGATION. CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR’S GREETINGS from BILL’S LOAN BANK and Our Employees, Mrs. L. JENKINS, and Master LLOYD HILTON.