The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, December 24, 1938, City Edition, Image 1

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    UCU/C CtHu.. Upper Miss, and lower
oLllfKlL ii ■ Mo. valleys, little preeip
fclwssd 4^- MJP Vitim ;:x rrt ;s
MATTER „ _r— tm —. - light snow extreme north;!
* FLASH PHOTO ~~ mostly near or above nor-l
Entered as Second-CJas9 Matter at Po&toffice, Omaha, „ , .. T , 1 , j -rv m V°L. 1ti
Nrt.raska, under Act of March 8. 1874. Omaha, Nebr., Saturday, Dec. 24, 1938 Number Iff »
Kansas City, Mo.—The Twelfth
street cabby who took his “ghost
girl-friend” for a ride recently,
ought to team up with Orson
Welles. They might go places to
On his Mercury Theatre of the
Air program, Welles had a whole
nation terrified one Sunday eve
ning. But he had nothing on the
ingenious taxi-cab driver, who with
out the aid of radio or sound ef
fects. has had two cities on the
jittery-side for nearly two weeks.
It all began Sunday night, No
vember 27, when a driver on a
Twelfth street stand went off on a
“trip” that kept him away an hour
•r-so overtime. As far as his fri
ends have been able to ascertain
the fellow really was off on a
“’date,” and it wasn’t with a wraith.
But he had to return to the
stand, and he had to account—
somehow—for his absence.
The following story accounted
fiar his overtime himself: Early
•hat evening he had been drinking
at the Bar at a Twelfth Street
night spot, when he noticed an at
tractive girl seated alone at a table.
He joined her. They talked. He
bought a few drinks, and alone
abou midnight, the young woman
ahorwed signs of restlessness, which
her impromptu escort interpreted
as a desire to go home. He asked
if he might escort her home. She
said, “Yes."
nvt 1 1. _ i k — .. .. V. . v 1 I
TT licit lie CWACU ** ■
she replied, “At Highland ceme
tary, and the gates are always
open.” They got into his cab, the
story goes, and proceeded to the
cemetery. On the way, they chat
ted amiably, and the girl told the
driver that her mother lived on
Woodlawn avenue. She gave him
the address and telephone number,
adding that she had not lived at
home in about three years.
Arriving at the cemetery, the
cabby got out and went mound to
the other side of his cab to let his
fair passenger out. When he open
ed the door the seat was empty and
out of his writs, the fellow related
that he drove back to town and to
tho Woodland avenue address
where he told the woman of the
house what had happened and
his erstwhile companion was no
where to be seen. Half frightened
described the girl.
“That sounds like my daughter,”
the woman is suposed to have re
marked. She went into the living
room and returned with a picture
“Is that the girl you took to the
cemetery?” she asked the half
fainting taxii driver, who nodded a
mute, “yes.”
“Well, the woman repueu, ac
cording to the cabby s tale, that s
my daughter, who’s been dead three
years. But it’s nothing to be alarm
ed about. She usually comes back
about once a year.” The taxi-cab
driver said he then fainted.
Of course when he told this tale
embellished with all the versimili
t.ude at his command and then pro
ceeded to pass out like a lighted
match in a vacuum his fellow cab
bies believed him. In fact they be
lieved him so thoroughly that they
took him to a hospital.
The imaginative taxi driver did
not mind that, because the strain
of thinking-up and telling that tale
had nearly exhaused him.
Back this week at the stand for
which he drives for, the driver-of
ghosts was a very much chastened
young man—none the worse for his
“harrowing’ experience of almost
a fortnight ago, and much the bet
ter for his restful sojourn at the
On Dec. 15th, the Booklovers
Club of the YWCA heard Father
Mullaney review “Listen to The
Wind,” by Ann Lingbergh,
Richmond, Va. Dec. 16—Reply
ing to a question from the Rich
mond Times Dispatch on what to
do about the U. S. Supreme court’s
ruling that the University of Miss
ouri must admit a Negro to its
law school, Dr, John Hugh Rey*
nolds, president of Hendrix college,
(white) Conway, Arkansas, comes
out flatfooted] y for the admission
of Negroes to white graduate and
professional schools. He is quoted
by the Times Dispatch as saying:
‘‘Separate schools are now main
tained in Arkansas for courses in
which Negroes are largely inter
ested. If any Negroes wishes to
study law or medicine or such— i
and there would be few desiring
thir.—they should be admitted to
tho regular classes at the univer-!
siity. There probably would be
trouble at first—some hot headed
southern boy might mash a Ne
gro's nose—but in a year or two
we would get used to it.”
Thj Times-Dispatch asked nu-;
m • ous white and colored educa
t'MT in the sou:h for their opin
ions and printed the replies under
the headline: ‘‘High Court gives
South Hard Puzzle in Education."
New York, Dec. 22—The sweep
ing opinion of the United States
Supreme court issued December 12
, ordering the tSate of Missouri to
provide Negro students with the
| same facilities for studying law as
aro provided for white students
will be the entering wedge in a
campaign to improve the education
of Negroes in the South all down
tho line to the smallest rural school
it was announced here today by of
ficials of the National Association j
for tho Advancement of Colored
Must Be Equal if Separate
NAACP officials and their le
gal staff point to another sentence
in the broad opinion of the supreme
court as one of the most signifi
cant in the whole opinion and one
upon which a further campaign for
equality of elementary and se
condary education will be based. It
“Tho admissibility of laws separ
ating the races in tho enjoyment
of privileges afforded by the state
rests wholly upon the equality of
tho privileges which the laws give
to the separated groups.
* .
Kansas City, Mo.,—Four Negroes
were slain here by Negroes dur
ing the seven days of last week.
Two others died from results of
old shootings.
Last week’s toll of four lives.
brings the number of violent deaths;
among Negroes to the appaling to
tal of 30 so far in 1938,
This record of violence which
ushered in the month of Decem
ber has aroused citizens here like i
nothing else has done in recent |
years. Many have telepphoned The
Call asking tttat “something be
done to stop the march of the!
Heads of civic organizations and
clubs are outspoken in their de
mands that the killers be brought
to trial and punished. Ministers de
nounced the wave of violence from
their pulpits last Sunday.
New Yfk, Dec. 24—At least
one graduate of the University of
Missouri is happy over the sup
reme court decision ordering the
state university to open its doors
to Negro citizens for professional
The graduate is George Hamil
ton Combs, Jr., white liberal law
yer and a news commenator who
broadcasts every evening over radio
station WHN here.
In his broadcast, December 12,
Combs termed the decision one of
the “milestones witnessing the pro
gress of the Negro race.”
“Your reporter,” he aded, "has
only this to say—that a san alum
nus of the University of Missouri
and of that law school, this is one
decision of the Supreme Court
which he heartily applauds—it is
democracy at work!”
Washington, Dec. 24 (CNA)—
“Haiti,” the Federal Theater drama
of the great Haitian Revolution,
and other WPA theater productions
were vigorously upheld this week
by Mrs. Ellen S. Woodward, as
sistant administrator of the Works
Progress Administration, in her
testimony before the iDes Commit
Subpoenaed as a witness before
the witch-hunting body of the Tex
as Congressman, Mrs. Woodward
not only stoutly defended the Fed
eral production from charges of
Communism and subversivism, but
accused the Committee of violating
tho “American tradition of fair
play and unbiased investigation.”
She ppointed out that the na
tion’s “leading drama critics” had
described the Project plays gen
erally as “outstanding contribu
tions to the American theater.”
Dies ‘attack upon “Haiti” was a
continuatio nof the calumny heap
ed on the great Negro drama by
race hating elements when it was
presented. The production which!
had a record run in New York was
viciously attacked because it por
trayed Negroes in the roles of
heroes instead of the usual carica
tures and buffons. It was greatly
praised by wide sections of the pop
ulation and qnthu.siasticajly ac
claimed by the Negro people.
-■ —
Catholics Demand All
State Universities Admit
All’Negro Students
New York, Dec. 21 (C)—In a
dramatic editorial, “Checking the
Epedemic of Prejudice.” the In
terracial Review, 220 West 42th
Street published by the Catholic In
terracial Council, in its current is
sue unfolds a six point program in
which extremely progressive de
mands are made in behalf of the
Among the points are, that eve
ry state university should admit
Negro students, ALL public hospi-i
tals should admit colored internes
and nurses, and that EVERY labor
organization and local union should
admit Negroes to membership on
the basis of equality.
Other points are that the anti
lynching bill should be enacted at
the next session of Congress; the
President should integrate the ab-!
olition of racial discriminations in
to his program for economic recov
ery, and that public service com
missions should insist that all pub
lic utility corporations comply with
the provisions of the laws against
racial discriminatio nin employ
“Justice and consistency require”
says the editorial, “that American
principles be applied to ALL Amer
icans. The Negro is entitled to the
19 J 8
essentia lopportunities of life and
the full measure of social justice, I
as a matter of right."
Birmingham, Ala.—The first
known case of “expensive courtesy”
resulting from the recent South
ern Conference for Human Welfare
that was held here last month oc
cured last Saturday and involved
an outstanding Baptist minister
and an official of a leading chain
of service stations.
The minister who reported the
incident stated that on last Satur
day, December 10, he drove to a
service station, located on the cor
ner of 8th avenue and 19th Street
and was greeted by a white gentle
man that he had known for many
years. The friend of the minister
was at. the time talking to a white
Customer about the purchase of
some automobile tires and when the
minister approached the white man
turned, and after speaking to the
minister extended his hand.
The white prospective tire cus
tomer seemed astounded and was
quoted as saying: “the deal is off;
I won’t buy tires from any white
man who shakes hands with a
N_—.” The oil company official
then said, “I’m sorry you feel that
way about it.”
When the leading minister drove
away in his car the surprised man
was heard to say words to the ef
fect that the recent Southern Con-;
ference for Human Welfare has
proven that white people cannot
associate with D-—:— N
Colored citizens have expressed
repeatedly ideas that local citizens
of color would feel the effects of
the conference that brought the
race question into every meeting
and to the city hall and headlined
the press of the South and the na
tion for its liberal views on equal
educational opportunities and the
application of laws permitting all
citizens to vote.
No other known cases resulting
directly from the conference are
- oOo ■
PPBA HAS $72,965
Chicago, Dec. 23 (C)—-The Pull
man Porters Benefit Association
of America P. A. Sample, comtrol-1
lev, reports net worth of $249,215.
30, as of November 15, last. Cash
o nhand in bank is $72,965.39. The
Association collected $135,985.98 in
assessments during the current
year, and was paid -6,343.75 as in
terest on U. S. government bonds
making a total income of $142,
329.73. During the year, death
benefits of $90,733.50, and sick and
accident benefits of $37,828.78 were
paid. Disbursements totaled $140,
892.96. Assets of the association in
clude $183,619.46 in the mortuary
fund ,and $29,440.26 in the sick
and accident fund.
Tuskegee, Ala., Dec. 24 (ANP)—
Albert Diaz, a helper in the print
ing office at Tuskegee institute,
was shot and killed Saturday af
ternoon by his wife’s nephew fol
lowing a family altercation.
Diaz, a native of British Guiana,;
Grand Chancellor S. W. Green
of the Knights of Pythia*, of
Louisiana, popularly termed “New
Orleans, Black Mayor," who recent
ly announced the reclaimation of
the mammonth Pythias Temple
through a RFC loan of more than
$50,000. The Temple has long been
tho pride of Southern Negro In
stitutions and has been the show
spot of New Orleans. Chancellor
Green has been connected with the
Pythians since July 1883, and from
then on has been one of the most
outstanding characters in national
fraternal and business circles. He
is also president of the Liberty
Industrial Insurance company of
quarreled with his wife over the
uso of blankets by one of his four
children born of a previous mar
riage in South America. Words be
tween the children and stepmother
led to difficulty between Mr. and
Mrs. Diaz. The wife’s nephew, who
came recently to the community
intervened and slew the husband.
Tho shooting occured in Green
wood, the village just outside Tus
kegee. Diaz, who failed in the
restaurant business some years ago
and lost a job at the government
hospital, was employed by school
officials in an effort to help him
support his large family. The ne
phew was arrested and lodged in
Columbia, Mo.,—University of
Missouri officials were silent this
week upon a Supreme Court ruling
that Lloyd L. Gaines, St. Louis,
Negro, should be permitted to en
roll in the university’s law school
becoming the first Negro to attend
the university in its nearly 100
years of history, but there was
a tendency elsewhere on the cam
pus to look toward the forthcoming
session of the legislature for an
answer to the problem which the
court decision created.
Inferentially the Supreme Court
decision offered two ways out, for
admittance to its law school—eith
er abandonment of the law school
or providing for law training for
Negroes at Lincoln unive ity at
Jefferson City. Either would pro
vide “equality” in educational pri
vileges for the two races. Aban
donment of the law school is ap
parently beyond the realm of pos
sibility for the legislature to meet
tho satuation by providing in
struction in law for Negroes at
Lincoln university.
The state in the past has at
tempted to meet the situation by
Monday night, Mrs. Joseph
9taurt, had a very shocking sur
prise in the form of finding her
Packard car gone when she went
out to drive it. After calling the
police. Mrs. Staurt found that the
Finance Co., had taken it by mis
take for mis-payments. One wan
ders who owned the Packard that
the Finance Co., wants? There are
ony a few others in town
- oOo_.
New York, Dec. 23 A vigour -
ous protest against what is con
sidered a totally unwarranted as
sumption on the part of the United
States War Department, namely
that the majority of the Negro ci
tizens indorse the principle of se
gregated army units was made this
week by Walter White, executive
secretary of the National Associa
tion for the Advancement of Col
ored People.
White had written to Secretary
of War, Harry H. Woording, asking
the opening up of the Army Air
Corps to Negro citizens. The War
Secretary replied:
Following a well established
principle that the races should not
be mixed within organizations, a
principle which is indorsed by your
own people, it ia necessary to set
up specific units to which colored
personnel may be assigned, and
these organizations must have a
definite and proper place in the ba
lanced force organization of the
Army as a whole,
“Sinco no colored units of the Air
; Corps are provided for in the Army
of the United States, it is impos
sible for the War Department to
accept colored applicants at Air
Corps schools.”
Taking issue sharply with this
statement in his protest, White ad
vised the Secretary that despite
tho fact that some Negro citizens
may favor “segregated ior Jim
Crow units in the United States
Army,” the Association is not on
ly unequivocally opposed to it but
“sitates that the majority of A
menican Negroes are opposed to it.’’
financing education in law and
other professions for Negroes in
near by state—a practice which
the Supreme Court ruled is not
“equality” of opportunity.
Establishment of law school in
Lincoln university, however, would
probably serve as only a stop-gap
in the campaign of Negroes for
admission to the university h. <•.
At the same time Gaines was
applying for admission to the law
school to start the present litiga
tion, another Negro sought to enter
the school of journalism, another
field in which professional educa
! tjon is not offered in Lincoln uni
Presumably Negro organizations
which have backed Gaines’ suit
i will shift their attack to other pro
fessional divisions of the universi
ty until Negroes are admitted to
all of them or like educational fa
cilities for Negroes are offered at
other state institutions.
Om Sunday morning, eleven o’
clock watnsihippers will hear the
Christmas message by the pastor,
Rev. J. S. Wiliams. They will
see and hear the Junior Choir in
their new vestments of white and
orange, and will hear Sixteenth
Century Music by the Senior Choir.
At 5:00 the Third Annual Can
dle Light Service will he held. The
Choir will sing excerpts from Han
del’s “Messiah.”
°.--—- -—-&
Birmingham, Ala. Dee. 24 (ANPJI
— Southern resentment against th*
New Deal Flared up this week tritfc
the revelation that Mrs. FraaUa
D. .Roosevelt, wife of the President,
hiid demonstratively shown her
d'slike of .Hm-Orowism and its
enforcement by Birmingham city
authorities at the meetings of th*
Southern Conference for Hums*
Welfare held here three weeks ag*.
Mrs. Roosevelt, who spoke at use
of the sessions of the confVreac*
a»d later took her seat among the
delegate, had been told that the
police had forbidden white paopkc
to sit on the “colored side” of the
hall. The President’s wife there
upon placed her chair directly ic.
the rn'ddle of the convention room*,
thus pitting partly on the white aide
and partly on the colored side of
the room. Mrs. Roosevelt further
showed her contempt of Southern
jiw-crow practices by publicity
embracing Mrs. Mary NeLoed Be
th lime, after the latter had pubficLy
assailed a white Alabaman ivueum
for re Coring to her as “Maiy’%.
in line with the Southern baa an
the use of Mr. and Mrs. for Me
Wisecracks About
Hat Starts A
Fight In Churelt
Gulfport, Miss., Dec. 22 <AXP>
—Caustic criticism by one women
of a hat worn by another resulted
in a hair pulling and choking eea
test in the midst of the Sunday
night services at Ebenezer Baptist
Testimony next day in Mayor W.
Milner’s court indicated that Lute
Belle Watts was the aggressor in
the battle. Her opponent was Ba
ther Anderson who essayed the
role of critic. Mayor Milner fined
Mrs. Watts $7.50 and gave her m
30 day suspended sentence.
“A night Beware” presented Gy
members from the Gir! Resenree
and Boy and Girl Forum of the
YWCA, presented at the Urbans
League Community Center Fri
day and Saturday nights was more
than a grand success. Each parti
cipant was a star in themselves,
and could compete with any adult
amateur group. Mr. Andrew Reed,
is to be commended on his ex
cellent work as director with this
group. Everyone who had the plea
sure of seeing these young people
are looking forward to seeing thcern
in another production soon.
— _0—
New York, City December 15-»
According to information received
at the International Headquarter*
of the Brotherhood of Sleeping
Car Porters, 217 W. 125th Street*
plans are being developed for th®
Brotherhood to express its voice
in the determination of legislative
policies for the reorganization, of
the realroads of the nation along
with the two tone standard rail
road unions and the great railway
President Franklin D. Roosevelt
following tue settlement of the dis
pute between the railway carriers;
and their employes on the proposal
i 15 per cent cut. appointed a com
mittee composed of representatives
of carriers and railway unions, tc*
formulate a program of railroad
reorganization to submit to the
forthcoming Congress, states A.
Philip Randolph, International
' President of the Brotherhood.