affa!rs The" S-o-c-i-e-t-y' World ORGANIZATIONS Mr. George A j'ord and Miss i Lula Phillips were joined in mar wage Monday December 12, at 4:30 P. M. The wedding took place at the residence of Kev. A. Wagner. 1512 N. 26th St. The ceremony was witnessed by Mr. Chalmers Williams and Mrs. Versa Mae Wil liams. All are of Omaha. --otjtt % HOUSE GUEST Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Cowan, had as their guest for the past week- j end. Misses Jones and Graves and their escorts of Topeka, Kansas. Misses Jonesn and Graves are tea chers in the school of Topeka, Kan sas. — Wc Pay Cash For OJd & Antique Guns WE 3S69 521 No. 16th St. _ v .v ^ rA PRACTICAL' j . GIFT FROM LGoodrichJ 20TH & DOUGLAS STS. DOWNTOWN STORE 2406 ‘L' ST. ! SOUTH OMAHA OPEN EVENINGS & SUNDAYS IdKTHD.AY GROUP Saturday n ght, Dec. 10th the birthday group consisting of the Russolls, Bryants. S. C. Hangers’, Milton Wilsons, W. G. Haynes, B. B. Cowans. F. Blackwells, J. La Cours, and Mr. Scott celebrated the forty-fifth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Joe La Cour at til® La Cours residence on Maple St. Other presents were: The Gor dons, Mrs. Flowcn, Mr. Tommy Chandler and Misses Jones and Graves, of Topeka, Kansas, week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Cowan. Games were the amuse ment of the evening. VISITS LOUISIANA Mrs. Ray Lee Jones Jeft Tues day afternoon Dec. 12, for Shres port, I/ouisiuna, to attend the fun eral of her aunt, Mrs. J. S. Wil liams. Mr. J. S. Williams, hus- j band of the deceased, is one of the oldest Negro undertakers in i I/ouisiana. He has been in busi-, ness for over forty-five years. Mr. Augusta Hicks of 3012 Mia- j mi t., is very ill at his home. PA BY GIRL Mrs. William Thomas who be- j became the happy and proud mo- i ther of a bouncing baby girl will- j return home from the Methodist Hospital this week. Baby and mo-1 ther are doing well. RECREATION CENTER The recreation Center at the Fontenollo Logan Apts, under the capable direction of Mrs. Ray Lee Jones, are accomplishing much these days. Their program is quite lull. Adult art classes—Wednesdays, und Mondays, Pre-school, Tues day and Fridays, 1 to 3 P. M. Gym 'lass, ladies, Friday nights, 7:30 P. M. Club Scouts, Mondays night j I to 9 P. M. Saturday morning, story telling lour. The little tots in the pre-school iearn music appreciation, Art, handwork and cooperation with j mch other. On the 23rd of the j Christmas program will he given in the recreation room. Miss Margaret Hill is in charge »f the Recreation Center of the Fonte.nelle-Jjogan Apts., during tho absence of Mrs. Ray Lee Jones. New additions to the Fontenejle Ia>gan Apts., are Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Scott and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ellison. TO VISIT ST. JOSEPH Mrs. Milton Johnson will be the guest of her mother at St. Joseph, Mo., through the holidays. DANCING CLUB The Gay Western Dancing Club held their business meeting ht the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Clarke. Mrs. Hopkins, mother of Mrs. George Love, who has been very ill for the past two weeks is on the mad to recovery. VISITS GRANDPA RENTS Little Miss Edith Atm Adams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Adams, Jr., is the guest of her grandparents, Rev. and Mrs. John Adams Sr., of Topeka, Kansas. She will return in time for the hol iday festivities. * SENATOR JR. ILL Master John Adams III, has been confined to 'his bed with tonsilitis He is to undergo a tonsilectomy operation in the near future. Dur ing young John’s confinement at home, three little playmates play ed mailman by delviering to him Convalescing cards, drawn and colored by each classmate in his room. The charming little mail men were Joan McCaw, Charlie Davis, and Barbara Ann Dil|. GIFT SHOP Everyone should see the beauti ful gifts at the Art and Gift Shop of Mrs. Robbie Davis at 2512 No. 24th St. Gentlemen will especial ly bo interseted as there is a shopper’s guide and buyer at the .“hop, to not only to shop for those , who do not have the time but to help by making the proper sug- , gestions to those who are puzzled about what to get that special girl friend, mother or dad. Mrs. Ada Woodson is now oper-1 ating in the oRse Beauty Salon, 2408 Erskine St. ELKS HOLD ELECTION The Omaha Elks held their elec tion, Wednesday December the 7. The officers are as follows: Charles Davis, exalted ruler; Rcy W. Wright, esteemed leading knight; Russell Moss, esteemed lo yal knight; Redrick Brown, es teemed lecturing knight; Dr. Price Terrell, secretary; Charles B. Ma yo treasurer; Nolan Ander“«n, esquire; Phillip Barge, inner guard; H. J. Johnson; Board of Trus tees; Paul Holiday, Clifton Mc Kinney, Joseph D. Lewis, Nat Hunter, John Cartwright. The Omaha Elk’s Lodge is mak ing a bid for the Grand Ixxige to conv: ne here this summer. -0O0-—. Springers Cheaper than Bacon, 20< lb. Dressed and Delivered Free: Green Trading Stamps.— [ CAREY'S GROCERY, WE. ; Open Sundays—Baby Beef Bead, j quarter*. WPA ORCHESTRA AT URBAN CENTER AND “YM NEXT WEEK Wm., State director of the Federal Music Project announ ces the following' schedule of en gagements of Omaha Works Pro gress Administration music units for the week of December 19th. MONDAY: WPA Civic orchestra; Burling ton depot, 8:30 to !):30 A. M. and 3 to 4:30 P. M.; Immanuel Hospi tal, 8-9 P. M. WPA Colored orches- i tra; Court House, noon, Colored Old Folks Home, 7:30 P. M.; North Side YWCA 9 P. M., dance. TUESDAY: WPA Civic orchestra; Burling ton. depot, 8:30 to 9:30 A. M.. 3 to 4:30 P. M. and 7 to 8:30 P. M.; . WPA Colored Orrhesra, Court House, noon; Urban I-eague 8:30 P. M. WEDNESDAY: WPA Civic Orchestra; Burling ton depot, 8:30 to 9:30 a. m. and 3 to 4:30 P. M. St. Joseph’s Hos pital (Nurses Home) 8 P. M. WPA ’ Colored orchestra; Court House, noon; Christ Child Center, 8 P. M. THURSDAY: WPA Civic orchestra; Burling ton depot, 8:30 to 9:30 and 3 to 4:30 P. M.; Good Shepherd Home, 7 P. M.; Colored WPA orchestra; Court House, noon; Urban Leaugue 8 P. M. 1 RIDAY: WPA Civic orchestra ; Burling-1 ten depot, 8:30 to 9:30 A. M. and 3 to 4:30 p. m. WPA Colored or-j c’-estra; Court oHuse, noon; Urban League, 8:30 P. M, SATURDAY: WPA Civic orchestra Salvation Army, So. 13th St., 9:45 A. M.:j Court House, noon. --oOo——— CLUBS BRIDGE CLUB The Utopia Bridge Club were the ; guest of Mrs. A. L. Hawkins at i their regular monthly meeting. I Wednesday. Dec. 7th. Members of the club are: Madams: Haywood Vawter, president, I. S. McPherson, secretary, Miss Gertrude Lucas, treasurer, Madam: C. C. Coster, G. Irwin, William Bell, M. Frazier, A. L. Hawkins.and new members are Mrs. Blackwell, Mrs. Docas, Mrs. Kurtley and Miss I. Roberta Bel.l PO-KE-NO CLUB Mrs. Isaac Dixon of Miami St., was hostess to the Po-Ke-No Club Friday night Dec. 9th. Guests were Madams: Opelia Logan formerly of Kansas City Mo., who is now is making Omaha her home and Joseph Stuart. Members present,i AMERICAN ij WEINER SHOP 25*9 North 24th Street i Best Chili and Best Hot Dogs in the West All Kinds of Sandwiches HOME MADE ICE CREAM 1 i Madams: William Davis, S. C. Hanger, Virgi] Shotas, A. li. Mc Caw, C. Branch, Jeanette Farmer, Fred McDaniels, and Carrie Je well. SATURDAY GROUP The Saturday group who have (•pent their Saturdays afternoons listening to the /ootball games have decided to spend their time in sew ing, knitting and art work. Mrs. Milton Wilson was hostess to this group Saturday afternoon. Decem ber 10th. SILHOUETTE CLUB Mrs. Stanley Madison was host ess to the Silhouette Club Decem ber 8th. Members present Mad ames Art. B. MeCaw, Carrie Jew ell, Milton Johnson, Weldon Solo mon, Charles Davis. EUREKA ART CLUB The Eureka Art Cuub met with Mrs. M. Hill, 1432 No. 22nd St. Tho club open with prayer led by the president. Roll call, and each member an swering with dues, and verse. There were 13 present. The club made plans for giving Xmas baskets. The club discussed plans for Xmas party. We are glad to have Mrs Usbey back. Mrs. Staurt of Chicago was a) visitor and was made honcl.-ary! member. Mrs. Stuart gave some encouraging remarks. The club adjourned to meet at Mrs. Jinnie Murray 2222 Seward St. December 21. Tho club closed with the song in tune of “Trees.” The Hostess served a delightful lunch. Mrs. E, Moore, president Mrs. H. Ward, reporter. COUNT ON ME CLUB The Count On Me Club of Sal em Baptist Church met Tuesday December 13th, at the home of Mrs. E. H. Hilson, 2917 Decatur St. Tho opening song was led by Mrs. Jesse White, scripture by Mrs. McCrary, and prayer by Mr3. P Green. We were pleased to have as our LOANS WE BUY OLD GOLD WATCH A JEWELRY REPAIR ING WE LOAN MONEY ON EVERYTHING r GROSS JEWELRY & LOAN CO. -CLOTHING Corner 24th & ERSKINE 2414 NORTH 24th ST. OMAHA, NEBR. guest Mrs, W. C. Morris. She spoke of the splendid work the 1 club is doing. The sick of the club is Mrs. T. Barnell, vice-presi dent. Twelve were present at this meeting. A very dejicious chick en dinner was served by tae host ess. Everyone had a lovely time. Closing remarks were made by the pastor, Rev. E. H. Hilson. After the business was finished, the dub | adjourned to meet Tuesday, Dec : ember 20, at the home of Mrs. L. A. Henderson. 2920 North 25th St. Mrs. F. Green, Pres., Leona Jack son, sec’y- reporter, Rev. E. H. Hilson, Pastor. Miss Rayola Jackson, Miss Ed Rose Willis and Mr. Marty Thom as, were the breakfast guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hery Hayden, at their home 4240 Miami St., Sunday December 11, 1938. CHEROKEE TEMPLE N. 223 I. B. P. O. E. OF W. The Lodge has elected the fol lowing officers: Josephine Merritt, Daughter Ru le/. Ethel Marie Price, assistant Daughter Ruler, Sadie Richardson, vice Daughter Ruler, Gertrude Shropshire, gatekeeper, * Opal Stonehan, Doorkeeper. Meltra Wil liams,, Recording Secretary, Ben nette. Cleveland, Treasurer, Eva Morlimw, Corresponding Secretary Nora Jackson, Escort, Trustees: i illif Harding Sarah Lundey, Ju 'ip P>kens, Mamine Simmons, Mat tie Prigett, chaplain, Edith Har rison, District Deputy. lAW/MmWW.VAV.V CHRISTMAS GIFTS for The Whole Family WE HAVE JUST WHAT YOU WANT FOR THOSE GIFTS { 2 & 3 Thread Sheer HOSIERY 49c & UP ALL COLORS WOMENS SHOES $f79 & n» —ALSO— SHOES _ SOCKS — TIES FOR MEN SHOES FOR THE KIDS! FRIEDMAN'S SHOE STORE 1510 N. 24th St. JA. 0353 ’.’.V.'.V.V.V.V.V.'.V/.’.V.V LONG DISTANCE LOWEST REDUCED LONG DISTANCE RATES will apply ALL DAY Christmas and New Year's — as well as on the Monday holidays which follow. These reduced daytime rates will save you as much as 40 per cent of the regular day rate on long distance calls within the United States and to Canada. These are the same low rates that apply every Sunday. (&£&t et a bottle ot Larieuse (look lor the red box). Color your hair—be always ready for life’s joy and romance. Larieuse Shampoo ... produces a remarkably cleansing shampoo which leaves the hair soft and fluffy. Larieuse Stain Remover ... removes hair dye stains from hands, forehead and scalp. Mi ill not affect color of hair. ! GODLFPOY fc.ANUFACHiRIKG CCMPAUY • Zl'.O OLIVE ST. • ST. LOUIS, MC -