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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1938)
The-S-o-c-i e t-y-World oksSns The Colored Oil Folks at the Home had a grand Thanksgiving and they wish to thank Monroe School for p bushel basket of home canned fruit and jelly, grapes, ap ples, oranges, bananas, dates and figs. The Saratoga school, they wish to thank for a bushel basket f canned goods. The Culferette Olrb of the Ur ban Teague for a box of canned ^XwrrIcan : WKINKR SHOP 2!>09 Norlh 24th Street Best Chili ami Best Hot Dogs in the West \II Kinds of Sandwiches - ■ - _ HOME MADE ICE CREAM I ( ebestcda drink you ever ia>*.c I. Rids in food value. ch, aople and oranges. The Junior Red Cross of District No. 39, Srhool at Millard, Nebr. District No. 25. and School at Ben n, are others they wish to thank. They sent Thanksgiving favors, place cards, nut cups, napkins and o' :c.' table decorations. Springers Cheaper than Bacon, 200 lb. Dressed and Delivered i Free: Green Trading Stamps.— CARRY S GROCERY. WE. 5089 Open Sundays-—Baby Beef Mead, iriarters. M l,A MAE FRANKLIN IS I RIDE OF Til (Ml VS TAYLOR Miss Klla Mac Franklin, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Franklin, and Mr. Thomas Taylor, son of M's. Henrietta Taylor were join ed in Holy Matrimony, Nov. 80th 11. 7:30 P. M. at the beautifully ' corated Bethel Bapt'st Church. I bride looked very sweet in white satin drops, princess style f immed with white lillies with a three yard train of silk lace. She c"i ried a boou 't of red roses. The g com wore a suit rf blit U, Those present were Mrs. Warren Ah.ten', sister of the bride who '■ matron of honor and wore a -•"lmon n eb erepe dress, top note's hat, and carried orange.chry •anthemum. Mi s Vivian Foxall, maid of honor wore a blue brocade Nfieta dress, and carried a boquel i i ore'Td chrysnnth mum. The bridesmaid were Misses Alice Con ner wore a beige erepe with a blue satin blouse, Mary Alice Grant, who wore a powder blue crepe dress, l.enzola Wilson, wore l ink brocade satin dress, Sarah Murdock, wore a blue sat ti with •>, dubonnet jacket, Pearl Howard wore a pink satin, and Addie Fox all wore a blue satin with dubon net trimming. The ringbearer was Charles Dickerson. The flower girls were Majorie PaX ridge, Ollne Foxall, Hattie Jeaon Woo ireff and Lavern Franklin ne'ce of the bride. The train bearers were Klla Marie and Will-. Johnson also neices of the 1 ide. The bride was given away by her father, Mr. Levi Franklin. The best man was Mr. Reuben Taylor, the usfhers were: Messrs: Robert Jackson, Novelee Rvans, Waymon LaMott, Charles Nichols Stanley Bught tires 4 EASY TERMS Iways paid cash. My ■or been established I needed new tires rine my amaiement d my credit, opened id delivered the tires Heaters or a Radio Easy Way jur credit to buy tires, ry or heater when it open an account. No o delays — no long stions. O MONEY DOWN Nelson, and Leroy Franklin, bro ther ol the bride. The church was beautiful deco rated with palms an 1 baskets of flowers. The pews were taped off with pink and w iite r bbons. At the entrance was a gate of pink and white, Mrs. Alice Wilson was at the organ, dressed in dubonnet crepe with blue asiessories. Rev. J. S. W'illiams officiated the ceremony. Fre-nuptial music included a so le by Miss Nann'e Rhone, “I Love You Truly.” “0 Promise Me” by Charles Alston. A lovely reception was held af ter the wedding at the Woodson Center urhere she was the recipient of many lovely and useful gifts. Thy Wedding procession was en- j tirely under the supervision of Mrs. j i S. It. Northcross. Mesdameg King I and Brown were in chareg of de I c oration. 1 ic bride and groom are resid-: ing at 2526 Charles St. -o0o- -- The Hillside Presbyterian church at 30th and Ohio St. are giving a Pre-Holiday Dinner, Thursday, j Dec. 8th, 1038. Hours 0-8:30. _ QLINTRACH Mrs. Robbie Davis will be hos ts ss'to the Quintrach Foursome Wednesday, Dec. 7th at her resi-1 dence on Corby Sts. URBAN LEAGUE RECREATION j M'.\ Coffman appeared a« guest | speaker at a meeting held last week at the Max Yergen Hi-Y. i His inspirational comments on mat tern recreational were greatly ap-' preciated by a large audience. Members of the St. Benedict’s High Srhool class, are deriving i much enjoyment from the making cf Christmas grottos depicting the Nativity. Mrs. J. C. Smith, and daughter Maryalyce visited her mother, Mrs. James Herbert Williams, 2816 Blondo St. Friday afternoon. -—_oOo-— B E WA It E -- Of the nights of December 16th and 17th on those night, “The Ace rlayers" sponsored by the Girl I Reserves Department of the North do Rranch, YWCA will present the mystery Drama “This Night Beware,” at the Urban League Au ( litorium, 22nd and Lake Sts. with tho following cast: Dovie Carter, Willard Wright, Doris Ware, Doris Newland, Inez Saunders, Katherine Roggus, Melba Faucctt, John Bur ton. Maurice Simpson, Mildred Green, Clifford Makens and Ches ter Hodges. Buy tickets for night you desire to attend. The entire production is under the direction of Andrew T. Reed, who last d rected the same group in “The Black Ace" which played to two packed houses at the Center. Mrs. J. D. Crawford, Secretary of the Girl Reserves De partment, Miss I. Roberta Bell, Executive Secretary of Northside Branch YWCA. -oOo- • CALIFORNIA VISITOR IN OMAHA Mrs. N. P. Greggs of Los An geles, Calif., arrived in the city Sunday night from Chicago, en routo to her home and is the dis tinguished guest of her friend, Mrs. Hiram R. Greenfield in Dundee, for an indefinate stay. Mrs. Greggs is the widow of the late Rev. N. P. Greggs of Los | Angeles, who was the founder and pastor of the People’s Independant Church of Christ of that city. He i was also the president of the Com- I munity churches of America. Mrs. Greggs has been visiting relatives and friends in Chicago since Sept. This is her first trip to Omaha. -oOe , cxj Johnson Drug Co. Liquors, Wines and Beer Prescriptions KB 0998 1904 No. 24th St PARK'S FUEL & ICE —2406 BLONDO— See Your Nearest Coal Dealer We are Always Ready to Serve You. . ■■■■■■■■■■■■ MINNEAPOLIS VISITOR Miss Bernice McCaw who left Omaha a year ago to make her home with an uncle in Minneapolis, Minn., has been a visitor in the city for the past two weeks and the guest of the McCaw family. Miss McCaw is the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. McCaw of the Logan Fontenelle Apts, and her stay wil continue throughout the holidays. DINNER PARTY Mrs. Mary Hill entertaining at a small dinner party Thursday. November 24th, honoring her hus band, Mr. Robert Hill, Sr., who celebrated his birthday. Sharing honors with her father was Miss Marguerite Hill, whose birthday was on the 9th of November. The dining room was decorated with yellow chrysanthemums and ferns. White and pink carnations were placed in a large glass bowl in the center of the table. On each side was a glass candelabra with red candles which lighted the din ner table. Every one enjoyed n de lightful four course dinner. There were many interesting and amusing toasts offered to the host and hostess. The evening was spent in dancing and playing cards. An after dinner drink of eggnog was served with a slice of both birthday cakes. Mrs. Hill was as-' sis ted by her son, Mr. Robert Hill,; Jr. CLUBS T. A. PTA group was organized Fri day night Dec. 2 at Lake school.1 Members elected to office were Madams: Sidney Katleman, presi-; dent. W. W. Gray, vice-president, Miss Edna Reap, principal of the school, second vice-president, Mrs. A1 Kohrell, secretary and Leon Gross, treasurer. Following the business meeting, Mrs. H.L. Jones, president of the Omaha Council of Parent Teachers Association, spoke on the ' His tory of the PTA.” Mrs. E. G. Connely, state membership chair man, had as her topic “Importance of Membership in PTA.’ ’ JOLLY TWENTY SOCIAL CLUB The Jolly Twenty Social club will hold a Housecoal Jitter Bug Party at the “Swingland” Dec. 21. Reserves your tables early. MUSICAL CLUB Tho Sunday Musical Club held their regular first meeting of the nr nth Sunday e'en'ng at the Hill side. Pre-byterian church. This is one of the most interesting study group? in the city. John Pegg, pres. Booker Washington, secretary. J. M. F. BRIDGE CLUB Saturday, Dec . 3, the Flank Blackwell's were hosts to the JMF Bridge Club. After a delectable repast, scores of the evening were read by the president. Ladies prize went to Mrs. Earl Wheeler, Men’s prize, went to Mr. F. Blackwell. Mrs. B. B. Cowan received the Booby prize. B. B. Cowan, president. S. C. Hanger, secretary. ALPHA l*HI ALPHA Monday evening Dec. 5th the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity met at the home of Mr. Love joy of Maple St. for a business meeting. Those present were Rev. Father | George Stams. priest of St. Phi-1 Hip Episcopal Church, Messrs S. C. Hanger, Peters, Coleman, Sims, and Glenn. DANCING CLUB The new dancing club which or ganized about four weeks ago held its regular meeting at the Ma sonic Hall, Monday evening, Dec. Wc Pay Cash For OJd & Antique Guns WE 2869 521 No. I6tli St. 5th. The name chosen was “The Gay Westerner.” Officers elected were Gaitha Pegg, presi dent; W. W. Gray, vice-president; Madams: Herbert Clark, sec'y.: Leroy Wright, ass’t see’y.; and Robert Allen, treasurer. Among those present who have become members are: The Blackwells, Billy Davis, Tommy Wilsons, Russel Bryans, W. G. Haynes, Stanley Madisons/ Nat Hunters’ Russel Reeses, Milton Johnson’s, Weldon Solomons’, G. B. Lennoxs’, Craig Morris’, Fry’s, Allen’s, Maurice Corbett’s, young Charles and Sen ior Dickerson and many others. A LA HO SOCIAL CLUB The Alaho Social Club will hold their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Scott, of Rinney St. Mr. S. C .Hanger, pres. Mr. Robert Jackson, sec’y. Jasper Brown, treasurer. PO KE NO CULB Mrs. Eva Mae Dixon will be hostess to the Po-Ke-No club, Fri day Dec. 9th at her residence 2213 Miami St. t P ARITY CLUB 1 e Charity CIrb of the Omaha Urban League Community Center holds its second business meet ing cf the month at the Center. T.u date of their annual Toy Christmas Party is set for the 20th .. December. Mrs. S. C. Hangers, president. Mrs. Eva Mae Dixon, sec’y. Mrs. Wesley Jones, treasurer. The Helpin gH^nd Club of Mt. Moriah Baptist Church held their annual Turkey Dimipr at the home cf the President Mri J. L. Betts. __\ SOCIAL ART CLUB - On Monday 29th the Social Art Club gave a formal Birthday party honoring Mrs. F. L. Wesely and daughter, Mrs.E. L. Porter, at the home of Mrs. Diggs 1515 No 25 St. Among the most beautiful gown der women were Mrs. R. Ovington, the sewing instructessj Mrs. Rosie Petigrew and Mrs. Alma Porter. Mrs. Ovington wore a beautiful pea-green taffeta formal with white accessories, while the chair man of the social committee, Mrs. Rosie Pet: grew wore a beautiful white crepe gown with rhinestone trimming. The vice president, Mrs. Alma Porter, wore a pink, slipper satin tunic. Many different and interesting games were played. After the games over the honor guests opened and displayed their gifts. Among the gifts were such things such as. candy dishes, ash trays, and two beautifully decora ted cakes. After the display of gifts, re freshments were served by the hos tess. An enjoyable evening was had by all. Emma Blue, president Mary Hobbs, reporter. ———oOo WOODSON CENTER NEWS CLUBS and CLASSES Tho Negro History Club under the direction of Mrs. Moss is mak ing a scrap book which will tell of outstanding Negroes and their accomplishments. A Three Days’ Cough Is Your Danger Signal No matter how many medicines you have tried for your common cough, chest cold, or bronchial irri tation, you may get relief now with Creomulsion. Serious trouble may be brewing and you cannot afford to take a chance with any remedy less potent than Creomulsion, which goes right to the seat of the trouble and aids nature to soothe and heal the inflamed mucous membranes and to loosen and expel germ laden phlegm. Even if other remedies have failed, don't be discouraged, try Creomul sion. Your druggist is authorized to refund your money if you are not thoroughly satisfied with the bene fits obtained. Creomulsion is one word, ask for it plainly, see that the name on the bottle is Creomulsion, and you’ll get the genuine product and the relief you want. (Adv.) Boys and girls between the years of three and nine are en joying a Saturday morning class conducted by Miss Anie Franklin. Activities of this group includes hand-craft and story telling. ***** The “Double A’’ (grade school) girls closed their November pro gram by visiting Mrs. Mable Har ris Hodges who has just recovered from injuries sustained in an au tomobile accidents several months ago. They carried fruit to Mrs. Hedges and presented her children with Pilgrim dolls fashioned from clothes-pins. ***** Clinton Partridge and Ferdinand Milton were initiated into the boy’s | chorus during the month of No-' vembei'. * * * * * The Aitch-Ess Cee Club is hard at work on “Sig Quilt.” Have you written your name on a block ? A Breakfast dance is being planned for one Of the holiday festivities. ***** Five Basket-ball teams have been organized into a Woodson j Center league. The senior team, including Otho West, Lois •Harris, Ace Breakfield, Gene Bowman, Leonard Starnes, Hliimey Meriil, rnd Perry Harris will play in the City Recreation League. ***** Mr. Nathaniel Goldston, former athletic director (courtesy WPA) has been succeeded by Mr. William King. Mr. Goldston. has been tran ferred to the South Site City Hall. --—0O0— ASK YOUR MERCHANT FOR J-M-R GREEN STAMPS THEY ARE VALUABLE □Jc LOAN * BANK AND MERCHANDISE STORE Confidential Loans at Reasonable Rates 1804 NORTH 24th ST. PHONE WE. 1369 Announcing Complete Line of I {ell-Band Rubber Footwear for tb-1 Family. Men’s Flannel Shirts . 93c Heavy Union Suit SI.00 & up Snuggies and Vest_25c EA. I^-y’s Heavy Zipper Coats. $2.98 Men's Beau Brummel Gaberdine SHIRTS . $2.95 Black Shirts with real (dice) Cuffs buttons .... $1.45 Moleskin Pants .. $1.98 l adies Silk Dresses .... $2.95 up Beautiful Ladies COATS $10.05 Peter’s Shoes for the Family Ladies Latest HATS ...... 98c up Newc t kind Pocketbooks ..$1.00 All Wool fancy Stocking Caps 19c Dress Gloves for the Family Men’s Corduroy Pants $2.19 up Men’s fancy zipper all wool SWEATERS . S1.95 Men’s Sheep lined Coats ...,$5.95 Just Received Many Blankets Corduroy Suits to Suit You Men’s newest kind Felt Hats •..$1.45 up Beau BrUmmeJ French flannel SHIRTS .... . $1.45 SPATS . 89c Ear Muffs .. 25c Men’s All Wool Scar/': . . .. 59c Blankets of all kinds .... .. Ladies flannel' Pajamas_... 69c Mcr's Blue Melton Zipper COATS. ..$2.69 up Toy's & Girl’s Sweaters.. USE OUR FRIENDLY LAY AWAY PLAN—No Extra Charge __ Dolgoff Hardware PAINT, GLASS & VARNISH We Do Glazing & Make Window Shades to Order Stove Pipes, Furnace Pipes, & Stove & Furnace Repairs Elictrical Supplies Plumbing Supplies Roofing Paper & Guttering We Have a Full Line of KITCHEN UTENSILES (Open Evenings) —WE. 1607— 1822-24 N. 24th St. k GbRs I msemv _BEFORE_AFTFR HOW TO MAKE HAIR LOVELY AND KEEP IT THAT WAY You, too, can have lovely hair—hair that peop! • will notice, admire—by using Godefroy'* Larieuse. Drab, lifeless, gray-streaked hair take * on new color and lustre when Larieuse is ap plied. Color wanted comes quickly, evenly Larieuse won't rub off or wash out and it doesn’t color the scalp. Leaves the hair soft, fluffy — ready for hot irons or permanent waves. Choice of 18 colors. Get a bottle of Larieuse today. Dealer will refund your money if you're not satisfied. GGDIIBOV'I If your dealer does not hove LcMdo.$':25 hair coloring m GODEFROY MANUFACTURING COMPANY • 3510 OLIVE ST. • ST. LOUIS, MO. THE AWFUL PRICE YOU PAY FOR BEING NERVOUS Cksek Below And See If You Hare Any Of The Signs Quivering nerves can make you old and I n*ggard looking, rranky and hard to live ( with—can keep you awake nights and rob ' you °f good health, good times and jobs. Don’t let yourself r‘go” like that. Start taking a good, i eliable tonic—one made eapv dally for women. And could you ask for any ! thing whose benefits have been better proved than world-famous Lydia JE. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound? Let the wholesome herbs and roots of Pinkham’s Compound help Nature calm your shrieking nerves, tone up your system, and help lessen distress from female func tional disorders. Make a note NOW to get a bottle of this time-proven jkham’s Compound TODAY without fail from your druggist. Over a mil lion women have written in letters reporting wonderful benefits. For the past GO years Lydia E. Pinkhara's Vegetable Compound has helped grateful women go “smiling thru" trying ordeala. Why not let it help YOU? #