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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1938)
CHURCH NEWS FIRST CHURCH OF DELIVER ENCE Rev. \lfred Thomas, Pastor Rev. Frank Joh"son. Assistant Ji ;se Lat olias. Reporter Everyone is welcome to con e and hear what sniritu- 1 signs mean at the Church 2426 Lake St. The Deacon Board entertained the Busy Pee Art Club Friday December 2. at the home of Dea cones- Mattie Thrmaa, 2520 Pat ric?' Ave. Th" Church is having a rum mage sale at 2208 North 24th St. MT. CALVARY COMMUNITY CHURCH IC v. K. W. .Irhn-r—, Pastor Mr*. Edna ALtcI**.!!. Reporter At 6:00 a. m. the Holy Com mun>n was held. Service was conducted by Rev. E. C. Gore and our beloved pa- tor. At 9:45 Sun-’av School open-d, with. Superintendent E ’na Mitcholl in charge. Eleven, o’clock service was op ened by the C*tc:r. Our paster brought the message from num bers 24:8-9. Subject "lxtok and Live’ . One was added to the church. At a three o’clock service Rev, E. C Gore gave a lecture to women onlv. wH’ed every wonrmi in Omaha could have* heard ht'. A 6.00 BYPU. w*s conducted ty Sister Romelle I1' Cor. She al iir< taught the lessen from the th rd Cha> or of Acta, T1-. Eig'"‘ o'clock *crvW "-as opened bv the "'hoi,- -mg ng ‘The ]*r' is n His Holy Temple” Rev. Know In -.eng “It is Thy Servant I .*•• eri- E. C. Got ' brought the- message front the 42nd chap ♦-— ter of St. John the Sth verse. Sub ject: “Call on Me in the Days of 1 rouble.” Come and hear this wonderful young evangelist she has the power. The spirit ran high. The service will continue until the Lord says enough. Come one, rome all. Welclome j to Mount Calvary. i CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD C.W.F.F. E’dcr M. L. Stcile, Pastrr Mrs. K. Steele. Reporter Sunday School op ne 1 af 9:4' a. m. with Superintendent I . J. ?.ub in«o-* presiding, Subject: ‘Toe Sin rf Lying”. Tae 1. > in van \v« ider fully taught by the teachers and they left a thought with all. “That < aP liars will have their part in the lake of fire.” At eleven fifteen the pastor brought the message. Text from Jonah 6. “Arise all ye sleepers and call upon your God”. The ser mon was enjoyed by all as it was made very plain that there are many Jonahs in the churches to day, that need to arise and call up on their God. At 6:00 the Bible Bund was taught by Sister Watson. Subject “Truth". There was a nrize given to Sister C. A. Brayhiy from the \ teachers f ir hr nging in the high est number <>f verses on Truth. Sho won w'th 1.09 verses. At 8:00 Elder iC. A Brayboy ca re forth with a wonterful me-sage from Mrtt. 19:26. “Thingsimpoisible with man are p ssible with God.” T ie sermon w «’: >ved by all. Prayer tnce'ir"? mi Wednesday night. Women's Work Thund'V n'ght. Wo are asking all women and ev ery one to come and visit with us n all our men' rigs. You are wider me at the Church of the Living God. SM'M BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. E. H. Ililsi r, pastor Anita Dtpn-Young, reporter Sunday services at the Salem ' Baptist Church opened at usual with the Sunday “Ohool at 9:30 A. M. A good attendance was re ported. The pastor took the stand at 11:00 a. m. “Then T erefore En dure Hardships as a Good Soldier.’ The pastor and the church were invited to worship with the Rev. Mosley in South Omaha. Among the visitors present Sunday morn I ing were Mrs. J. D. Lewis and Mi'. Johnnie Owens, both who made ^M®B^»3G5a35Sn«n«5 F f “CHRISTMAS W | , PIANO CLUB” $ A sN;; LOWBOY PIANOS! FOR XMAS . . . replace that old- Pntl On]II fashioned piano you now have with * "{/ ”/!«f/ today's styled instrument, ttoe Low- , J boy. Never will you have a better i opportunity to purchase at lower : prices or on easier terms.. \ FREE S k bench to match J I ■■■III Ml,,— —/ Altowascr) \ Christmas Terms — $1 WEEKLY BIG ALLOWANCE FOR OLD PIANO Write for catalog; and Christmas price* on Stelnwuy, tldokerlnR, i Gee. Sleek, Musette, Whiter, Ketey and Schmoth'r & MuelL>. | Lowboys and Grands. ■P^ k ' ■ - u iifl B I MMmmnMB3sns!amasBiajsw^ l 1516 DODGE ST. OMAHA, NCB insp:ring talks. We are always glad to have vi sitors, The sick of the church reported this week are: Mrs. Moort, Mrs. Digs- , and Mr. James Austin. The Midget Wedding given un der the sponsorship of the BYPU will he given Friday night, Dec. If 1938, at the Salem Church. Tho Men's Laymen will sponsor a banquet Thursday night. The Young Ladies of the Young People’s cho r are giving a Chit terling Supper at the home of Mrs. Gwendolyn Simms. The Mission Circle will meet at the church at 2 o’clock each Fri day. AH ladies are invited. -0O0 PLEASANT GREEN BAPTIST Rev. Reynolds, pastor Willa Mae Ross, reporter Sunday School at 9:00 with the superintendant presiding. There wer 93 present. An interesting lesson was d:scussed. Tittle “Mo dern Form of Lying.’’ Morning service was at 11:00. Devotional service was rendered by the deacons. Song by the choir. Frayer for the sick of the church by Miss Julia Keys. An inspiring convert meeting was held. Two united with the church, one by Christian experience and one as a candidate for baptism. Visitors were Mrs. J. W. Scott, Miss Anna Mae Pierce, and Miss Babsett from Morning Star. At the BYI U a 20 minute song service was rendered by Miss Bux ton. Teachers than took charge. You are always welcome to our BY PL. Evening worship was at 8:00 with the deacons in charge of the devotional service. An inspiring sermon was preached by Rev. Rey n Ids. A very nice day was enjoyed •by all. You are always welcome to come to any part of the service. CHURCH OF GOD 2025 No. 24th St. Elder So | jht, pastor Sunday school opened at the us ual hour with Supt. Joe Ediens in Charge. The attendance was good. Subject: “The Sin of Lying.” It wa s well discussed, showing that all manner of lies bears the same penalty. At 11:00 A. M„ the message was brought by the pastor from St. John 14:3. Subject: ‘ I Will Cbrre Again Proving the Purpose of our Lord’s Return, not to establish a k'ndgom will a reign of 100 years but to reward men accordingly as they have conducted their lives.” At six o’clock. YMP will be taught. At the 8:00 service the pastor brought the message from Matt. 26:28. -oOo— PILGRIM BAPTIST CHURCH Mrs. M. I.. Dixon, Reporter Sunday School was not so well attended as usual. After a preliminary by Rev. Campbell, Re\. C. H. Nicks of the Mt. Zion Church of Lincoln, Nebr ask was presented as the speak er for the day. He spoke from the 13th chapter of John and the 17th verse. “Jesus says if you know these things happy are ye that do them.” Subject: “Applied Christianity". When Christianity is applied, there is a wonderful change. Visitors were Mrs. Marce Madi son. Mrs. Samuel Dean and others. Croup No. 1, BYPU. presented a candle light pageant. They also received the banner in attendance and finance. For the evening service Rev. Nicks spoke from Psalms 143:8, John 5:11, and F,ph, 3:17. Subject “The Will of Christ”. Everyone rejoiced over the two wonderful sermons. Mrs. McOouy unit ed with the Church. New Crop Tree Ripctied ; Oranges and Grapefruit 90 pounds $2.88 (p!w« 8S 40 express) Pine Georgia PECANS $485 to $6.85 for 25 pounds LARGS LOTS ON RlIQURflT —Ideal Gift— NICHOLS & CO, Roekmart, Georgia SPECIAL!! NOTICE!! The Interdenominational Minis terial Alliance of Omaha and ; Council Bluffs will meet at St. j John AME Church, Monday at ■ December 12th, 1938 at 1:00 P. M. All Ministers are urged to be present. Business of Importance. Kev. E. If. Hihon. president L. M. Relf, secretary -oOo- • CLEAVES TEMPLE CME. CHURCH Rev. L. A. Storey. Pastor Beatrice Gray, Reporter Sunday School was well attend ed. Mr. M. E. Webb, president of the Sunday School Alliance, was a visitor. Rev. Storey talked to the Junior Church. He was back at his post after a two weeks vaca tion. He brought inspiring mes sages at both services. The Missionary Indies are spon soring a Ohitterling supper and Gift Sale Friday December 16, 1938 The Loyal Matrons Club will give their Annual pre-Christmas Tea, Sunday, Dec. 18, 1938. No. 2 Board will have a program Sunday, December 11. -oOo THE CHRISTIAN UNSPOTTED PALACE The Christian Unspotted Palace will hold services Sunday at 3 p. m. at the Interdenominational Church building on 26th and Fran klin St. “Who is on the Lord’s Side? Let him como unto me.”—Exodus 32: 26 ’. This is an appeal of the Christian Un potted Palace an aux iiiary of the National Baptist Ev angelical Board Incorporated. Rev. James S. Anderson general scc’y. treasure**. * AP Christians are cordially in vited to l>e present in our meeting Sunday December 11 at 3 p. m. Come and hear about the neces sity. the importance and the pur pose of this great religious organ ization. A special song service will be conducted by Rev. W. Countee, and his twelve year old boy tenor sing ei1. Preaching and teaching of a special topic will be held for the information of all. Come without fail. CHRIST TEMPLE CHURCH 26th & Burdette Sts. Rev. L. Rolf, Pastor . . Edna 1* arkev, Reporter Sunday School opened at 9:30 a m. with a splendid attendance. Rev Rolf preached an outstanding ser mon at the eleven o’clock service The text was found in Genesis 3:9 Subject: “The Jungle in the Gar den.” Many beautiful songs wen rendered by the Junior Choir. Out BYPU. is held every Sunday undet the leadership of Miss Elma bor rest. The Union had an interest ing debate on “Why tinristian Women Should Not Unequal Yoke. Rev. Relf preached another good sermon at the even ng service., af ter which communion was held. Wo wish to invite the public to at tend,. The pastors and Church s Anniversary will l>e held on Sun day, Dec. 11, 1938. Visitors are always given a hearty welcome. Patronize Our Advertisers I GROSGRAIN FACINGS AND ’ i HORIZONTAL PLEATED j .‘HI RTS FEATURE EVENING FINERY Looking ahead to the ensuing holiday season we find many new features in evening wear. Although most of these finds are revivals of | thing's worn in the past, they ind: I cate progress in repeating itself. For instance the taiI-coats which ! had its fling in grand-dads day, 1 pratically disappeared from view, along with the opera hats, which topped off many formal togs in eighteen century and the horizon tal pleated shirt that covered dad’s liosom in the early part of the nineteenth century. All have re turned to lend a bit of air to for mal evening functions. The tail coat more prevalent than before and almost a must of the more for mal evening affairs .Such as fQr‘ mal evening weddings, formal dan ces proms, reception, etc. With the tuxedo led by the double-breasted model, to take you to theatre and dinner parties and other small for mal evening affairs. There is little or no change in the style of the tuxedo this season. But fro mall evidence painstaking efforts have been made by design ers to add a touch of smartness to the tail-coats, by 'slighting lowering the waistline and giving the lapels p higher roll: He has achieved a ihigb.-chested effect. The tails, too, arc a trifle longer, reaching below the break knees. The double-breast ed tuxedo :s still a big favorite over the single breasted model. The latter is st 11 correct and must not bo ignored. DARKER MIDNIGHT BLUE Midnight blue continues to be the mo: t popular color for both the tail and tuxedo. The new mater ial b so dark that one would call i‘ black, only when you put some thing black against it you discover its true color. Many of the new | dress fi hric are woven with a soft herr'ngbone pattern which is hard-] ly noticeable and lends a bit of ] richness to the texture. I notice ' that most of the dre?s trousers are carrying the plain braids instead of the fancy ones. - 0O0 RECORDER OF DEEDS ANALYZES RACE VOTE Kansas City, Mo. Dec. 3 (Cal vin Service)—Dr. William J. Thompkins, Recorder \of Deeds of Washington, D. iC-., tih® “Jim Far ley'1 of Negro politic* in America believes the Negr/ stayed with President Rooseve^, last election day and will support him for any thing he wants. Dr. Thompkins, editor of the Kansas City American and presi dent of the National Colored De mocratic Association, with organi zations in 38 states, came to Kan sas City to vote. He remained here to study results of the election as it applied to Negro areas in the country. “The losses of the Democratic party,” Dr. Thompkins declared, aro not traceable to defections of tne Negro vote, which played such a tremendous part in the 1936 land slide. In virtually all sections where Negro Democrats were can didates for office against Repub lican Negroes, the Democrats won. You can’t charge the loss of Philadelphia to a switch in Negro Santa Claus and y Parrs Recommend INITIAL I Scarfs I 50* Smart for giving! , Smart for wearing! fj Tli re e embroidered > initials with every scarf. Yon shnoae ’ them, we attached j them. Ascot or tab- 2 nlar models. Rayon Crept In whit*, red, win*, brown, nany gold. jhfj Kelly green, rn»t, tangerine. Royal bin* and black. Basement—Where Quality Is Low Priced Democrats when Ed Henry, Repub lican Negro, lost his race for Con gress in a strictly Negro district, and four Democrats out of five j were elected representatives to the ! state legislature. All of this dis cussion about the influence of the cob :-ed newspaper turning the tide I fp Pennsylvania failed to mater | ial ze. Negi • Democrats elected two members of the Indiana legislature and a city councilman in Indiana polis. In Chicago, (Jjngressman Arthur W. Mitchell, Democrat, the only Negro member of Congress, ^yas re-elected to his third teim in the house of Representatives from the First Illinois Congressional District. He defeated Alderman William L. Dawson, Republican, by nearly 4,000 votes. The returns; Mitchell, 30,193; Dawson, 26,364. The biggest upset in the Chica go election was the defeat of State Senator William E. King, Republi can who was seeking re-election in the Illinois Senate for his fifth term. Senator King was defeaed by William A. Wallace, Negro De mocrat. THE LOW DOWN FROM HICKORY GROVE Since November eght, business she has seemed to be taking just p, little more interest in life, and thn family, whih has been hover- ] ir.g at the bedside ,it has a min ute’s time to run out for a sand wich. Business, it is like a person, a L whole lot. You go and p!ck up the ■ smallpox or some Hr thing, and your ^tempera ture Joe aerra which (is O. K. at 98. scoots up to 102 anil you aro flat on your back. And it does not seem like 4 degrees is much, but boy, it sure removes your ap petite for ham and eggs or corn cakes, etc. And with business, it is not an iota different—it can be sicl: too. You take a blacksmith and let him mess around with your liver or appendix, and he is not going to do you much good. And the b^ys who have been thumping and sawing around on business, they have put business in bed, too. Dut these fix-everything fel lows, they were whittled down qu'te a speck ,on November 8th; and business, it has quite a bit more sparkle in its eye already. November 8th, it was quite a day. Yours, with the low down, Jo SERRA. -oOo— COUNT ON ME CLUD The Count on Me Club of Salem Baptist Church met Tuesday Dec. 6, at the home of Mrs. Grace Henry, 2508 Decatur St. The opening song was led by Mis. T. Bamell, scripture by Mrs. Lois White, prayer by Mrs. Me Crary. One new member Mrs. Myrtle entered our club. We wero pleased to have with us as our guest Mrs. Cora Haines, President of the Home and Foreign Missions. Her talk was very interesting and was enjoyed by all. A lovely chicken dinner was served by the hostess. 15 were present. Every one expressed having a lovely time. After business was over the club adjourned to meet Tuesday. Dec. 13. at the home of Mrs. E. H. Hil son, 2719 Decatur. Mrs. E. Green, President, Leona Jackson, Sec'y Reporter, Rev. E. H. Hilson, Pastor The Very Latest from the Chicago Convention: The New— “Pin Curl” WAVE The S^me Effect as the Cro qurinole without the heated iron. STYLED AS DESIRED Althouse Beauty School 2422 North 22nd Street WEbster 0846 NEURITIS RELIEVE PAIN IN FEW MINUTES To relieve the torturing pain of Neuritis. Rheumatism, Neuralgia or Lumbago in a few minutes, get the Doctor’s formula NURITO. Dependable—no opiates, no nar cotics. Does the work quickly—must, relieve worst pain, to your satisfaction in a few minutes or money back at Druggists. Don’t suffer. Use NURITO on this guarantee today* LOANS WE BUY OLD GOLD WATCH & JEWELRY REPAIR ING WE LOAN MONEY ON EVERYTHING r GROSS JEWELRY & LOAN GO. -CLOTHING Corner 24th & ERSKINB 2414 NORTH 24th ST. OMAHA, NEBR. YOUR HOROSCOPE THREE QUESTIONS FREE Find out WHAT YOUR GUID ING STAR SHOWS FOR YOUR PRESENT AND FUTURE LIFE. It may BRING YOU GREAT LUCK in showing you what days are good or bad for you, to invest money, to make love, to guide your actions. Many prominent people guide their lives by the stars. Send 50c and birth date today to HOROSCOPE, Box 5. Rochelle Park, N. J. 'l-— Quick Delivery - Quality Products A Complete Line of Medicines, Liquors, Candies, Perfumes, Magazines and Smoking Needs at Reduced Prices. REID’S PHARMACY | &s“ Phone WE. 1613 < ‘ — -■ ■ -- NO JOKE , H7£T.' A cough due to a cold is no joke. Get Smith Brothers Cough Drops. 9 (Black or Menthol.) Cost only 5^—yet they’re a real cough medicine. ' Smith Bros. Cough Drops are the'oniy drops containing VITAMIN A This is the vitamin that raises the resistance of the mucous ’ I membranes of the nose and throat to cold infections.