The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, December 10, 1938, City Edition, Page Two, Image 2

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NOTE:—Your question will be analyzed free in this column only
when you include a clipping of this column and sign your full name.
tirthdate and correct address to your letter. For a "Private Reply"...
mend only 21c and a stamped envelope for my latest ASTROLOGY
READING covering your birthdate; also a free letter of advice
analyzing three Questions. Explain your problems clearly and con
fine your questions to those within the scope of logical reasoning.
| — Sein> You* Lrrrxa To —
R. A.- I am almost insane from
worry at timer. My husband has
built a new home about 20 yards
from his people and he has the
Crucliat mother that almost ever
lived.1 No one can get along with
her not even her children. She
picks at me all the time and treats
me I ke a dog. She e'en talks to
my own husband against me.
Please tell me will I Clave to be tor
mented with her all my young day*
Am: Well you will, unless you
*tep on her toes and let her know
that, you want nothing more to do
with her. Treat ng her decent
wo!:’; help conditions. You have
to fight fire with fire -jio 1 sug
gest that you have as little to do
with her as possible. Just ignore
M. C. L.—ShouM I ask her dad
dy .jt clothing?
Ans: Don't ask for clothing
Omaha Stove Repair Works
*•08 Douglas St. Phaae AT.1K4
1 en entirely too easy on him. Get
lough, and he will support the
child. He won’t do a doggone
thing unless he (is made to.
I . J. I cannot seem to satisfy
mj mind on which ( hurch I should
j ‘in. I ‘.',uve been thinking of go
ing to the Catholic Church hut I
am undecided. YVhnt would you
Ans: If you live a good clean
i"hristinn life—I think you will he
appy in most any Church. I
think hwever, that you would en
joy go ng to a Catholic Church and
I suggest that you make the ac
ouaiiVanco of some Catholic friends
who will be glad to have you go
to Church with them. After you
learn a little about their customs
and services you ran decide your
self if you want to become a mem
h- \
I. M. B. —1 am a common law
who. I hate it but thought prob
ably he would finally marry 'me,
but he says such hateful things to
me after breaking my o-onte up
that sometimes I feel like hltch
bking somewhere. We have not|
had • -arty dealings with each nth- ,
er for nearly two months.
AnR: You are a very foolish
woman to let. this man dictate to
you the way you have. He isn’t
' i
j Give Your Family |
a RADIO! \
| With your electricity so cheap.
{ it's easy to have another radio
| or two in your home. Then
I every member oi the family can
i enjoy the programs he likes
l best. If you want news or good
I music, you can still have it,
| even though the children choose
S sports, or swing music or "thrill
| ers." When you buy a new
£ radio, use your present one in
* another room ... for extra
® enjoyment! It costs so little to
£ operate!
Step Up to Better 1
Living with Step-Down j|
Electric Rates!
♦ 1 A
I See Your Dealer \
fit to he your mate. Why don’t
you go to live with your slater.
Sb. thinks the world of you and
will do her part in helping you to
get a new start in life. If you
keep on as you are now—you will
wind up n the SICK BED.
E. R. G.—A young man asked
me to spend the Christmas Holi
days in Florida with him. Do you
think I should? Does he really
like me as much as he says? What
would his people think of me?
Ans: When a young unmarried
man asks a young unmarried lady
to spend the holidays with him in
another state—you can usually bet
your bottom dollar that he has a
few ideas up his sleeve. I recom
mend that you talk the matter over
with your own parents. If they
thin! its okay and you feel that
you want to go -then accept.
A. G.—As I take this paper ev
ery week and raads your column
every week I thought I would
write —and ask you to tell me why
my husband goes to see a “Root
Mar” every week? Does he go
to keep me down so I can’t get
no mrney?
Ans: No, I don’t believe that’s,
the reason. I believe if you get to
the bottom of the trouble you will
find a "lady friend” of your hus
bands. A woman, older than your
self, seems to influence him a
great deal and seems to be prof
iting from his trips to tbs man.
Therefore she is encouraging him
to make frequent visits.
T. T_Would it be best for my
daughter to go north or remain
where she is?
Ans: Taking everything into
consideration—it is best for her to
favorable year is indicated for her
throughout 1939 and to leave her
present surroundings would only
mean giving tip everything she has
1939 Astrology Reading*
full oil tha pr*»s . . . my srs1 1939 Astrol
ogy Readings coTdring your own birth
date. Prle* 35c. t ree letter ot adrlcd
Kncluddd with each order.
•• s: ■ ^rm&.'SZZZttr'.
bj Bessie Mae West
of the Alt house School of
The eyes are the most express
ive features of the face. They ex
press our inner feelings and
thoughts. It is in the eyes that
wo look for the true character of
the person; for this reason our
eyes should be expressions of
beauty and show special care.
Eyes should be arched to corres
pond to the contour of the face. Ey
es should he kept brite and clear by
regular eye wash. The life of our
eyes depend upon their protection
from climaticat, seasonal and
occupational conditions.
Visit your eye specialist apd
watch Hollywood charm for health
Tul beauty hints.
First |
24th Like St.
j WE.5444
(Continuation of BEAUTY BE
In neglecting your own physical
charm, you are encouraging lack
of interest in your husband. A
husband may for sometime not no
tice the change. Sooner or later,
however, meeting other women, he
will make comparisons. He wil^
suddenly realize that his wife no1
longer appears young and beauti
frl as when first he married her. I
And he may turn to some other!
woman for the charm his wife no'
longer supplies.
The intelligent woman gives
seme time each day to the "keep-'
ing up” of her quota of personal
charms. Youth And bcrauty are j
largely a matter of good mental
and physical condition. Every
woman should study how to keep1
her youth and beauty.
Try to improve upon what nat
ure has given you! Fill in and
round out the omissions of which
she may have been guilty! This
is not alone your right, —it is your
duty. Ft is commendable, not a
matter for apology. Be beautiful
in middle life. You may even be
beautiful in old age. Hold your
husband’s affection and admiration.
"Beauty Culture” is a good and
legitimate thing if not overdone,
and natural charm may with per
fect propriety be enhanced or plac
ed in relief. Every woman should
have a knowledge of the practical
facts which make for her physical
(Next week read about "FEAT
In keeping with your daytime
loveliness, you’ll want to be es
pecially lovely at night too. Have
you noticed the lovely lounging I
robes, house coats, and pajamas. |
They’re a dream. So daintily fem
inine. They’re styled for comfort,
as well as for becomingness, and
they’re styled in all the latest col
ors and materials. The charm of
these lounging garments lies in
their utter simplicity, the richness
of the fabrics from which they are
made and their full skirts with
their slim waistlines. They're sure
to bring out your best points and
make you look your loveliest.
, Seen in the shops are the love
liest of the loveliest. Here are two
which caught my eye.
The first is one of those slender
waisted, full skirted, housecoats j
in changeable taffeta. The bodice'
is embroidered with holly leaves
with their bright red berries. The
housecoat has large puffed sleev
es and a rounded collar. The slen
der silhouette is kept by the zipper
running the length of the garment.
(Zippers are an added essential in
keeping those graceful, slenderiz
ing silhouettes.)
The second one is charming in
its simplicity. It is made of bright ]
red flannel on princess lines, fitted
at; the waist, with a full zipper
front. The sleeves are loose, fall
ing to the wrist. The robe has a
quilted Indian design runnng from
shoulder to hem.
In either of these charming
lounging robes, you’ll love those
long winter evenings at home.
l'l'Ml*K I\ OK SQUASH 1*1 K
" tablespoon butter,
•'i-4 cup sugar.
2 eggs beaten,
1 1-2 cup milk,
1-4 teaspoon ginger.
1-4 teaspoon nutmeg.
1-4 teaspoon cinnamon,
1 1-4 cup fresh pumpkin or
1-8 teaspoon salt,
1 teaspoon vanilla.
Cream butter, add sugar and
well beaten eggs. Add remaining
ingredients, beat well, pour into pie
plate lined with pastry dough. Bake
in real hot oven 10 minutes to set,
then serve with whipped cream.
1 Calvin’* Newspaper Service
1 ■ By Frances Lee Barton— -
' t
TO have suggested an improve*
ment on quince jelly in grand*
mother's day would have been:
nranaea as posi
tive sacrilege —•
and there is no
doubt but that;
the old lady’s
quince jelly was
delicious. BuC
our generation
prides itself on
Improving on
perfection ltsemi
So In this spirit some inspired
•Jelly maker with a talent for com
bining flavors introduced the quincd
jbo the cranberry — and created »
masterpiece of jelly-making. Try
It — and make it by the short boll
method with bottled fruit pectin, ;
1 Quince and Cranberry Jelly
, 4*4 cups (2*4 lbs.) juice; 7 cups
<3 lbs.) sugar; *4 bottle fruit
To prepare juice, remove cores,
blossom and stem ends from about
a *4 pounds fully ripe quinces. Do
not peel. Grind line; add 1 pound
fully ripe cranberries and 4*4 cups
Water; bring to a boil, cover, and
simmer 15 minutes. Place fruits in
Jelly cloth or bag and squeeze out
Measure sugar and juice Into
large saucepan and mix. Bring to
h boil over hottest Are and at ones
?dd fruit pectin, stirring consi.aut
y. Then bring to a full rolling boil
and boll hard minute. Rerei- *
from Ore, skim, pwur qnHBmy
Paraffln hot Jelly at once. Makes
about 11 gtaeee* (C fluid ouaeee
each). .a. *
•---— •
by Arden H. Duane for ANP.
I think a steamed pudding is a
satisfactory dessert for a festive
dinne,’ that is sure to bring fam
ilies and friends together during
tho holiday season. You may de
cide upon a light or substantial
pudding or a simple or rich or per
haps a 'holiday pudding gay with
holly that will be the highlight of
the Xmas dinner.
Always remember this: that a
really good steamed pudding is no
better than its ingredients. The
suet must be very very fresh. Buy
the finest dried fruits and the best
flour. Be sure to sift it carefully
before measuring it.
Steamed puddings may be cook
ed in glass baking dishes, pudding
melds, empty baking powder boxes
or coffee tins. They should be
placed on a trivet or rack in a ket
tle of hot water, tightly covered.
The water should come up about
halfway round the molds and be
kept boiling, hot water added as
needed. The mold must be thor
oughly greased and filled not more
than two thirds full. Don’t lift
the cover if you can possibly avoid
it—-but, of course, if this is your
very first steamed pudding I'm
at'raiu your curiosity ’"ill get the
best of you.
third cup suet, one 'half pound figs
finely chopped, two and one half
cups stale bread crumbs, one teas
peon, three fourths cup milk, three
fourths teaspoon cinnamon, one
half teaspoon grated nutmeg, one
half eup seeded raisins, two table
spoons flour, four eggs, well beat
er. two teaspoons baking powder.
Chop suet and work with your
hands until creamy, than add figs.
Soak bread crumbs in milk anti
eggs, sugar, salt and spires. Com
1 ne mixtures, add nutmeats, the
raisins cut in pieces and dredged
with flour. Sprinkle over with
baking powder and beat thorough
ly. Steam three hours and serve
with a rich hard sauce. Flavor the
hard sauce with sherry or with
rum. If you like or with brandy.
It makes that real Xmas-y tang.
When you turn the pudding out of
the mold for serving top it with a
spr g of holly full of berries and
lay the holly all around the pudd
ING One half cup fine bread
crumbs, one cup hot milk, four
eggs, one fourth cup sugar, one
half pound fresh beef suet, minced
three fourths eup sifted flour, one
ami one teaspoon salt, one half nut
meg, grated, one fourth teaspoon
Cnnamon, one third teaspoon mace
me third tea^ noon cloves, one hai1"
pound seeded raisins, one fourth
pound dried currants, one fourth
pound figs, chopped, two ounces
litron, chopped, two ounces, cand
ied orange peel, chopped, one half
cup apple cider, one and one half
ounces apple brandy.
Combine crumbs and milk. Al
low to stand ten minutes. Beat
in suet. Add crumbs and milk.
Mi: and eifi. dry ingredients. Com
bine with Iruit and stir in first
mixture. Add cider and mix well.
Beat egg whites unt:l stiff but i
not diy, fold into pudding and turn
into greased one and ona half
"mart mold. Steam three and one
half hours. On serving pour one'
1 thrd cup apply brandy at base of'
j puddng and light.
I have any number of holiday
[ pudding recipes that I think you
i would like to catalogue along with ,
your other recipas. Why not send [
mo a loose three cent stamp and
| I’ll hustle them right off to you.
I Just address Arden H. Duane, As
j sedated Negro Press, 3507 South
Parkway, Chicago, 111.
By W. L. Gordon
Words often Misused
Do not say, “Four and three is
seven,” Say, Four and three are
seven;” there are two subject
nruns. “Four plus three is seven”
is correctly four being the singu
lar subject.
Do not say, “I became enthused j
about it.” Say, "I became enthu-!
s'astic about it.” Ethused is char
acterized by some authorities as
colloquial, by others, as alang.
Do not say, “This is a secret be
tween you any I. Say, “This is
r. secret between you and me,”
both pronouns being objects of the
proposition between.
Do not say, “The affect of the
j news was remarkable.” Say, “The
i effect of the news was remark
| able.” “I waR deeply affected by
the news." i
Do not say, “There am't but ten
boys in the room.” Say “There are
but ten boys in the room." Not
but forms a double negative.
Do not say, “I am going to try
i and see you next week.” Say, “I
| am going to try to see you next
Words often Mispronounced j
Longevity. Pronounce Lon-jev-i-j
ti- o as in one, e as in bed. both i’s
as in it, accent second syabble and
not long-gev-i-ti.
Incognito. Pronounce in-kog-ni-1
to, both i's as in it. first o as in of,
second o as in no, and accent sec-.
end syllable. ,
Marashchno, Pronounce mar-a
ske-no first a as in at. second a
unstressed, e as in me, principal
accent on third syllable.
Data. Pronounce da-ta first as as
in day (not as in at), second a as
in ask unstressed.
Naphtha. Pronuonce naf-tha (not
nap-tba) first a as in at. second a
p. sin ask unstressed, accent first
Interested and interesting. The
onlj accent is on the first sylla
ble. not the first as to often heard.
Wcrds often Misspelled
All right: two words, not alright.
Truly; not truely.
Complexion; not complection.
Bookkeeper; observe the two k's.
Prescription; not perscription.
Height; not height!:.
Word Study
“Use a word three times and it
is yours.” Let us increase our vo
cabulary by mastering one word
every day. Words for this lesson:
MUTABILITY: quality or state
of being subject to change. “The
mutability of man’s law are unlike
the immutable laws of God."
INTREPID; bold; fearless, dar
in?; dauntless. “He deserves a
place among the intrepid pioneers
of history.”
DORMANT; asleep, or as if
asleep; hence, inactive. ‘His dor
mant passions were aroused.” “AH
vegetation was dormant.”
PERSPICUITY; clearness of ex
pression or thought. “Perspicuity
should be one of the first merits of
a writer or a speaker.”
OBVIOUS; easily discovered,
seen or understood. “My reason for
this action is obvious.”
EXPEDITE; to hasten the pro
gress of. “We can expedite mat
ters by beginning the work imme
A«> apart 1 irac. a<» at
• track Cull «Unt Be* ^p
l.ackylfcart'c Hoe cf JBO
Martalwl Mama dec. am- J
rtcc, ■c«lcl»aa. flaror E
ta«a. Jewelry ColereC \
Moerfe key am debt BIO 1
SSwt bFEcV WrmEf|
Dept. 1-12-44, Memphis, Tetin.
To harmlessly flush poisons and
r>cid from kidneys and relieve ir
ritations of bladder so that you can
top “getting up nights” get a -IS
■ent package of Gold Medal Haar
lem Oil Capsules and take as dir
ected. Other symptoms of kidney
ind bladder weaknesses may be
scant, burning or smarting passage
—backache— leg cramps— puffy
•yes. Get the original GOLD MED
and Pastor of 1st Church of
2426 Uke St.
For Appointment—
CALL AT-0628
Clean up that front room. We specialize in making old
houses look like new, inside and out. No chalrge for eati
mation on work. No job too small or too large.
Ten trained decorating mechanics. Our Motto—Service
First, at the lowest prices. Call WEbster 2858.
Peoples Paint and Papering Shop
Christmas Special
5x7 Enlargement, tinted
& in Frame
2031 North 24th $t.