affaIrs The' S-o-c-i-e-t-y* World organizations Mr. Green Peal entertained Rev. Whitelow of Sioux Fall, South akDota and Mrs. Lottie Keys at a six o’clock dinner. Tuesday even ing November 22. Mrs. Beatrice Johnson of Minn eapolis was honored at a 1 o’clock luncheon at the home of Mrs. P. H. Jackson 2324 Paul St., on Wed nesday. Those present were Mrs. Ruth Stephan, Mrs. Spencer and Mrs. Davis. A delightful time was enjoyed by all. Rev. Whitelow and Mr. Warden of Sioux Fall, South Dakota were f m i v v w* * v ' i ^ WAYS TO ' J BUY AT [Goodrich* L /j It's easy to do your Christmas shop ’ ping hors. Ws have a complete line oi practical, ussiul gilts — and you nay pay lor them the way most con vsnisnt lor you. CASH-30-DAY CHARGE \ EASY TERMS f_ s^IANTOLA RADIO I I Mub. A.C. model with uWra- I 1 l Jl mice. A real 1 Lightweight Bicycle a rac,r- -_ [Goodrich Batteries Avoid trouble and dolay — got a new bat tery lor your ear. Aa low am 45 •xch. 20TH & DOUGLAS STS. DOWNTOWN STORE 2406 ‘L’ ST. SOUTH OMAHA OPEN EVENINGS & SUNDAYS visitors in Omaha during the past week. Rev. W iliam Clayton has just closed a very successful revival meeting at Pleasant Green Baptist Church. Fourteen were added to, thj church and seven were baptiz ed. They were, Mr. W. Wind, Mr. Fitzpatrictk. Mr. Matthews, Mr. Lan Lord, Little Shirley Anderson, Miss Maxine Perkins and Miss Avant. May God bless him on his | Christian journey in saving souls. Mrs. L. H. Williams, 1308 North 26th St. is ill with a cold. Reports are that she Is recovering. -0O0 Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Williams, visited their daughter in So. Osna I ha, on Thanksgiving. -—0O0 * On Wed. Nov. 30th, at Bethel Baptist Church, M/ss Ella Mae Franklin will become the bride of Mr. Henry Traylor. A reception will be held at Woodson Center in their honor by the parents of tho bride, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Franklin of 6628 So. 32nd St. -oOo Mrs. Fred McDaniels returned this week after having spent the Thanksgiving holidays visiting her father and relatives at Cdffeville and Kansas, City. _-*Oo Dr. and Mrs. Jones spent spent Thanksgiving and the week houso guests of Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Martin. They attended the an nual fall parties of the Kappa Al pha Psi Fraternity and the Me harry Alumni. Dr. Jones and Dr. Marti n were classmate^ at Me harry, -0O0--—. Mr. and Msr .J. D. Simmons, entertained Mr. and Mrs. Wulter Seals, Mr. and Mrs. Fred McDan iels, and Mr. Edwards of Wash ington D. C. at a Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday November 24. Mr. Edwards is a former classmate of Mr, Seals. On Sunday. November 27, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Seals entertained at a turkey dinner in honor of Mr. Edwards of Washington of Wash ington D. C. Those present were: Miss Alexander, Mr. Tolson, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Simmons, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred McDaniels. Mr, Ed wards left on Tuesday for San Francisco. -0 There will be an all association /Christmas party for all Girl Re serves December 21st at the Y.W. C'.A. sponsored by Girl Reserves Committee and advisors. WILLING WORKERS CLUB The Willing Worker Club of Pleasant Green Baptist Church will give a pre-holiday Tea. The Tea will be given December 11, 1938 at the YWCA. We hope all of our friends will help us in this ef fort and buy a ticket from us. Mrs. Lottie Keys, president Rev. Reynolds, pastor. BUSY BEE ART CLUB Busy bee Art Club of the First Church of Deiiverence ^-as enter tained by Mrs. Earl Roberts of 2529 Decatur, Friday, November 25th. A lovely luncheon was serv ed. Beatrice Jackson, pres. Bernice Thompson, sec’t. Jesse Latiolias, reporter. #-;g Johnson Drug: Co. Liquors, Wines and Beer Prescriptions WE 0998 1904 No. 24th SL AMERICAN WEINER SHOP 2509 North 24th Street Best Chili and Best Hot Dogs in the West All Kinds of Sandwiches HOME MADE ICE CREAM ' 1 m m ■» «-« > « « T S (Crr--.,] What, is your problem? Love, money, business, v<#i^7husband, sweetheart, wife cross conditions. If you want your problem solved, write me at once; Madam Carolyn, P. O. Box 5647, Chicago, III, U.S.A. Sprintr'*r'» CbeTper th-*n Raccn, 20^ lb. Dressed and Delivered Free: Green Trading Stamps,— CAREY S GROCERY, WE. 6089 Open Sundays—Baby Beef Head, charter*. EUREKA ART CLUB Tho Eureka Art Club met with Mrs. Lula Roundtree 2319 North 26th St. The meeting was opened by the president. The minutes of the previous meeting was read. The by-laws were presented to the club and approved. Tho evening was spent in knit ing and, sewing. Two new mem bers were added to the club. Mrs. Walker from Lincoln was one of them. The club was glad to have Mrs. Starks, our sick, out Mrs. Williams of Atohinson, Kansas was a visitor also prsesent visiting was Mrs. Speese. The club adjourned to meet at 1432 No. 26th St. with Mrs. Hill. The hostess served a delightful luncheon. Mrs. S. M>ore, president. Mrs. H. Ward, reporter COUNT ON ME CLUB “The Count on Me” Club of Sa f lem Baptist Church met on Nov ember 29th with Miss Ruth Brown on Tuesday November 29th, 2506 Decatur. The opening song was led by Mrs. L. A. Henderson, y:rtip turo by Mrs. Ford and prayer by Mrs. F. Green. We were pleased to have with us as our guest Mrs. Tief of Memphis, Tennessee. Mrs. Hilson, chairman of the Boosters Committee gave an interesting talk on the Subject of ‘‘Duties of Office Holders." A lovely lunch eon, enjoyed by all, was served by the hostess. There were eleven pre sent. The Count on Me Club wishes to thank each and every one that brought tickets and gave dona tions for the tea Sunday Novem ber 27th. The tea was a lovely affair, beautifully decorated and well attended. The club is taking orders for candy for the holidays. Anyone in terested call Mrs. L. A. Henderson. WE. 4768. Please place orders early. Your candy will be made irefl'i. After the business was over the club adjourned to meet Tuesday December 6th, at the home of Mrs. Grace Henry, of 2508 Decatur. Mrs. G. Green, president Mrs. L. Jackson, sec’y reporter Rev. E. H. Hilson, pastor -oOo FUNERAL RITES HELD Tho passing of Mr. Toney Wil liams was quite a shock to the neighborhood and a great loss to th^ members <1’ Zion Baptist. Church. Mr. Williams and his wife, Mrs. Henrietta Williams joined Zion, Church ten years ago on their ar rival here from Huntsville, Texas. There he remained until his pass ing, Nov. 20th at 5:40. Ho leaves to morn his last five sons, one daughter, 24 grand child ren and 6 great, grand children, and a host of friends. --o()o——— SPELLING BEE i A Big Spelling Bee will be held at the Center 2213 Lake St., The t Spelling Bee Contest will be given under the auspices of the NAAOP. Cash prizes of $3.00, $2.00, and $1.00 will be giv en. To be a contestant, bring one new membership into the organi zation. Dr. Jones, president. ■-oOo . Friday, Nov. 25th, Mrs. Billy Davis of 2514 Corby St. was the hostess to the Quin track bridge foursome. All though the football season, four young matrons, Madams, Mil ton Wilson, S. C. Hanger, Billy Davis ami Tommy Wilson, have been ‘seeing’ the football games via the ‘Radio.” Sat. Nov. 26th, Mrs. Leroy Wright was hostess to this football group. Saturday night, a group of young men and women had a indoor wienier roast at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nat Hunter of 28th, to form a dancing club and elect their officers. Twenty prospective members were present. Gatha President, Gray, secretary. Sunday. Nrv. 27th, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ven/oy of Charles St., was f*:Ja /.ifully lighted from the hours of six to ten for the gala cocktail party ; given by those charming and so phistic young matrons known as tho Dames. Celestine Smith, pres., Sally Hendere* f, '"ice president, Lorraine Dckerson, Recording se cretary, Louise Crumbly, Secty.; Olivo Davis, treasurer; Mary A. Wills, reporter; Maxine Owen, M. 1 Ann Ellicott, Francis Simms, Ma I 1 delino Brown Irma Nelson. The hostesses graciously receiving the guests made a picture in their cocktail gowns. Cocktails were ser ved in the recreation room. Ap proximately 120 guests more than made the evening a success. _ - — - The Masonic Hall was artistical ly decorated with the colors of the Uaiho Social Club, orchid and gold, Monday night, Nov. 28th. The event marked the celebrations of their eight annual dinner dance. Groups of four, six, eight and ten were cabinet style and beautifully ar ranged with orchid and gold chry aanthenmus in crystal vases so as to carry out the club color scheme. At the front of the hall seated at a table for ten sat the officers and wives and guests of the club. Messr. S. C. Hanger, pres., Ro bert Jackson, secretary; Jasper Brown treasurer; Mrs. Howard Mc Daniels, chairman of the Social Committee and in charge of ar rangemnets; Howard McDaniyls. Madams: Jasper Brown, S. C. Hanger, Robert Jackson. Tommy Wilson and Lizzie Buford. Groups at the other tables were the Wheelers, Carters, Rays, Hawkins, Stormes, Harrolds, Lewis, Meyers, Althouse Yancy’s Wests, Goodes, Groomes. MclConels, Watsons. Flowers, Farmers, Collins, Wal dron, Davis. Other members guests were: Mrs. Vivian Mitehem of Chica go, Dorothy Scott and Bill Glenn, gUest of the Yancey’s Miss Pauline Offord of Kansas City, Mo., guest of Bari Waldron; Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Avant, Mrs. Pearl Gibon, guest of the Lewis’. The Coopers of Council Bluffs, Janies Jones, Jeanette Fanner, guest i of Che Wendal Colbins, the Maurice Corbettes, guests of Bert Flowers, Mr. and Mrs. Sones, Mr. an<' Mrs. McFarland, guests of the Groomes. Lsessie Mae West, Uelmar Kurt li y. guest of the McConnells’, Ma blo King, Mary Al'ce Willis, Ju lian McPheirson and Mr. and Mrs. Hill, guests of Clarence Davis Mrs. >Creighers and Homer McCraney, guests of the Watson’s. The de lectable menu was very efficiently prepared and served by Mrs. Dana Murphy and her waiters. The ladies and their escorts presented a pleasing picture in their dinner gowns and tuxedos. -—0O0 AUTOGRAPH REQUEST LEADS TO SHOOTING New York, Nov. 27—Two uni dentified white girls who sought the autograph of Thomas “Fats”, Waller, Negro orchestra leader, precipitated a free for all fight early today in which Waller’s bro ther, Edward was shot twice and seriously wounded, and Thomas Kehoe, 22. one o f the girls’ escorts was severely beaten. We Pay Cash For Old & Antique Guns WE 2869 521 No. 16th St. Dear Miss Waters ATTRACTIVE WOMEN TRY TO WIN AFFECTION OF BIG BUSINESS ROMEO Dear MUa Waters: I am very much in love with this 'man. Ho tells me that he loves me and wants to marry, me and I think he does. But he is a very busy man and his business brings him with many attractive women, and all of they try to win his attention. Because of this I am afraid to let him see how much I love him. I am afraid that if I do he will take too much for granted. I really love him. Could it be jealousy or what? Please advise me what to do. G. W. T.— ***** • A complete answer to this ques tion cannot be given because of the details left out. However, gen erally speaking, professional and business men whose work bring them into contact with attractive women, are no more to be doubted than any other type or species of men. As for the** attractive wo men. this is perhaps an illusion on your part. Smiles are often times and most of the time noth ing more than charm and courtesy. As for the sincerty of his love toward you, study the man, piece together his opinions, views, and past experiences. If his record is fairly clean there should not be much cause for doubting. —.. . ■ ■ ... • Dear Miss Waters: I am 21 and have a sister 16. I am going with a man with whom I am very much in love. He is 26 Until lately everything was going nicely. Now my sister seems very much interested in by boy friend, and although she -is much younger than he is, he seems interested in her. He seems very nice to me still, but he seems to be falling in love with her. My sister is not really in love with him, she just leads h/m on. She is my sister and I can’t keep him is she wants him. Tell me please what I should do. —-S. M. F. * * * * At her immature age, your sistei certainly should not be interested in a man 10 years her senior, not even to the extent of leading him on. As for this young man who would play double, forget him, he is not worthy of your love. When your sister sees that you are no longer interested in thi's person, she will also lose interest. The breaking up of this affair will leavo the way clear for you to give your sister the advise which she needs, but which you could not give while both of you are liking thi s man. BUSY BEE CLUB Tho new club presented last week is the “Busy Bee’’ Club. It is made of of young women of tho church, under the direction of The Very Latest from the Chicago Convention: The New— “Pin Curl” WAVE The Same Effect as the Cro quilnole without the heated iron. STYLED AS DESIRED Althouse Beauty School 2422 North 22nd Street WEbster 0846 THE AWFUL PRICE YUU PAT FHH BEING NERVOUS Cheek Below And See If You Have Any Of The Signs - < Quiwiag nerves can make you old and haggard looking, cranky and hard to live with —can keep you awake nights and rob you of good health, good times and jobs. Dont let yourself “go" like that. Start taking a good, tellable tonic—one made espe cially for women. And could you ask for any thing whose benefits have been better proved than world-famous Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound? * Let the wholesome herbs and roots of Pinkham’s C;»npound help Nature calm your shrieking nerves, tone up yoUr system, and help lessen distress from female func tional disorders. Make a note NOW to get a bottle of this time-proven ikham’s Compound TODAY without fail from your druggist. Over a mil lion women have written in letters reporting wonderful benefits. For the past t»0 years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has helped grateful women go “smiling thru” trying ordeals. Why not let it help YOU? • Mrs. Mable Avant. Mrs. Avant i3 a fine worker and with coopera tion, she will do very nice things with this new club. The Young people’s chorus di rected b y Mrs. Alice Wilson will be he-rd more in the future. “Hats off to Mrs. Wilson” for the fine work she is doing with our girls and boys. Our local newspapers are do ing a fine work in trying to keep you informed on the church, socia? and fraternal news. Get your pa p< «• and read it. RHEUMATISM f/UH IM MW MINUTES To relieve the torturing pain of Rheumj. tian-., Nenrttia. Neuralgia or Lumbago, iD 0 ff"' mioutea, get the Doctor’s ionnu la HUhlTO. Dependable—no opiates, no nar «>tt. v Does the work quickly—must relieve wor-t pain, to your satisfaction in a few minute; or mOTeybaek at Druggist*. Don’t suffer. Use NURTTO on this guarantee toufct. arzttir&runznnx ,, , Dolgoff Hardware PAINT, GLASS & VARNISH We Do Glazing & Make Window Shades to Order Stove Pipes, Furnace Pipes, & Stove & Furnace Repairs Electrical Supplies Plumbing Supplies Roofing Paper * Guttering We Have a Full Line of KITCHEN UTENSILES (Open Evenings) —WE. 1607— 1822-24 N. 24th St. 1Renfce3vous grille (formerly the Apex Bar) A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF LIQUORS — BEERS ft WINE SPACIOUS DANCE FLOOR _ NEWLY DECORATED 1818 N. 24th St. JA-9331 '. ' REPAIRfo M)TOCLASf/(VJr^ v _BEFORE_ r j CME COdU _AFTER__ GIVE A LAMP the Gift of Cheer! Here's a gift of good cheer and better sight, too! For these new Better Sight lamps guard against dangerous eyestrain that so easily results in headaches and nervousness. See these beauti ful lamps on display . . . check over your gift list right now and make your selection: • FOR MOTHER—A smart new bridge lamp, that is so useful for reading, sewing or when entertaining. • FOR FATHER—A pin it up or study lamp for his workshop or den. • FOR BROTHER—He needs bet ter light for long hours of homework. Give him a Better Sight study lamp. • FOR SISTER—How she levee to read in bed! Give her a pin-it up for her room, and make her reading easier on her eyes. • FOR GRANDMOTHER-She must have good light or she Just doesn't enjoy reading. Give her a floor lamp for her work and leisure hours. See Your Bealer STEP UP TO BETTER LIVING WITH STEP-DOWN ELECTRIC RATES