CHURCH NEWS CLEAVES TEMPLE C. M. E. Rev. L. A. Story. Pastor Beatrice Gray, Reporter The Sudden change in the wea ther affected the attendance at Sunday school. R v. Story, was the speaker for the Junior church. Morning services were well attend ee!. Re V. Story preach el from I Thes. 6:21. Prove all things, that which w’as good. The missionary society musical nrngram was a success. Epworth league met at 6:3C. Another class has been aelded. ^B ASK YOUR DEALER LOUIS J^Omjha ►= Mrs. L. A. Story is the teacher of the young Peoples class. Sunday night a very beautiful ami im pressive sf rvice was ha 1 in instal ling all officers and members of all departments. No. 2 Board is sponsoring a musical recital Fri day by a young man and h's ac companist. - . 0O0 CHRUCH OF THE LIVING GOD C. W. F. F. Elder M. L Steele, pastor Mrs. Kathryn Steele, reporter Sunday school opened at 9:45 with xi pt. Brother' P. J. Robinson presiding. The topic of the les son was “The Sacredness of Mar i iage.” Many thonghts were brought, out on the lesson, which was enjoyed by all. At eleven o’clock, the pastor brought t>h< message. The text was from Genesis 22, “God will Pre pare Him a Man.’’ We enjoyed a wonderful sermon us the word of ' God went forth. At six o’clock The Bibb* Band | was taugb by Elder C. A. Bray boy. There was a nice attendance. At eight o'clock Elder C. A. Brayboy delivered a very inspiring message. The word of God was opened to ell. Everyone is always welcome. We are asking all to come and join in and help to put our program ruurtD! fHE SECRET TO YOUTHFUL LOOKING HAIR... ^ Life is so different for (he woman who knows (hit '‘secret"— the easy way to make, and keep, hair youthful lookint. Whatever its condition — whether drah, lifeless, ofl-color, or streaked with rray — a single application of Godefroy’a Larieuse Hair Coloring will make your hair one even, lus trous, natural, 'outhful-appearinjt c* .lor. No wait ing. No disappointments. Choice of 18 colors. R.' .ultt must satisfy you or dealer will refund your money. Don’t wait — tet a bottle of Larieuse MaV «■. ^ ^ V CCBEFDOY'f I* your dealer does not have dir.’c’uo.*':” HAIR COLORING „ G->DFFrOY MANUFACTURING COMPANY . 3STO OLIVI ST. • ST. IOUI*, MO. • * ' -VS^VN.- V»W.‘A * “MY SON has his OWN RADIO’’ My son likes swing, I like the classics. But that's no ground for dispute at our home. He has his radio—and listens to swing. I have mine and en)oy the old masters. Every home should have two. or more, radios. See the latest models now. They have new automatic tuning, beautiful, modern design, even better reception. They have everything! ★ See Your Dealer STEP UP TO BETTER LIVING WITH STEP-DOWN ELECTRIC RATES __ 1 over /or God. --—o()o— SALEM BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. E. H. Hikon^ pastor Anita Depp-Young, reporter The Sunday services at the Sa lem Baptist church tdgan at 9:30 with the Sunday school which was well attended. Rev. Hilson took the stand at 11:00. A very instruc tive sermon was enjoyed. Atten dance was good. The BYFU was unusually inter e ,'ing. An instructive lesson was enjoyed by all and much enthu siam noted by all. An interesting program was; presented by Mrs. Bertha Smith.! Cno interesting feature was a turkey drawing contest, which was won by Master Edward Slaughter. I Mis. Smith always brings the B.Y. 1 U. unique and profitable pro r 'em?, Tho Pleasant Gretn, Council Bluffs, and Salem Baptist churches ; h 11 joint baptizing in the Salem • p r>l at 7:30 Sunday evening. A ; ical old time Baptizing was en 1 iayed by all present. Come and worship with. Visitors aro always welcome. MT. CALVARY COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev. R. E. Johnson, paste* Edna Mitrhell, reporter Sunday schoolopened at 9:45, i with Supt. Edna Mitehel' presid ing'. Forty five minuteg was de ! voted to the lesson. There was a i ice atten ance. Ten of the Red Ears received their premiums, which were presented by Miss Helen Hood. Those that received preimums were: Bertha McCarroll, Aquilla Ware, Beulah Mc( aroll, Daniel Ware, Al bei tp. Albert, Margaret Sheilds, Edward Rot nson, Fred Jr. For rest, and Dicky Mooney. We hope, all children will be interested in' this movement. Eleven o’clock service was open ed by the choir singing the Lord If in His Holy Temple. This scrip ture lesson was read by our be loved pantor, from Psalms. His text was from Psalms 84:10. Sub ject: “A Doorkeeper for GiXL” The sermon was dedicated to -the Junior Usher Board. At three o’ clock the Junior Usher Board had their program. Sister Helen Lee is tho organizer of the Board. They also had their installation. The Young oeople have wonderful talent. You missed a treat by not hearing them. Sister Gordon was the mistress of Ceremonies. A' 6:00 the Young people’s Union. Rev. Sister Mildred Jack son taught the lesson. There was a nice attendance, 8:00 service was opened by the -.hoir nging the first part of th - service. The Junior Usher Board . e; rated their program". Our pastor to.- than brought us a wonderful sermon from the forty second chap. >i‘ Genesis. Subject: “Lor i Bless j My Soul." The spirit ran high, the | evening was fine and we ha<| a: lacked hom e. Tuesday night, the pastor's aid will meet. Wednesday night, special service. Friday, the Missionary Society New Crop Tree Ripened Oranges and Grapefruit 90 pounds $2.88 (plus $2.40 txpress) Fine Georgia PECANS $4.85 to $6.85 fo1' 25 pounds LARGE LOTS ON REQUEST —Ideal Gift— NICHOLS & CO, Rock mart, Georgia meets at the church. President wishes all to be present. On November 28. Rev. V. E.. Gore and Miss Austin will be witi us in a three week servo e. Com.* and hear thi: wonderful God sent Evangelist and her Gospel singer. Come one* Coni** all! All Wel come! -0O0— Pleasant Green Baptist Church Rev. Reynolds, Pastor Willa Mai Ross, Reporter Sunday School opened at 9:00 with the superintendent presiding. There were 84 present. You are welcome to Pleasant Green Bap tist church. Morning worship with the deacons in charge of the devo tional service. Song by the Junior Choir. The Junior Choir had charge of all the music. An inspiring ser mon was preached by Rev. Rey nolds. There were two who united with the church. BYPU at six o’clock with the president presiding. An interesting topic was discussed by Rev. Har ris. There were 64 present. At the evning worship, the de votional service was led by the Deacons. Prayer by Rev. Nuhbs. Song, by the Junior Choir, A love ly and inspiring seimon was preached by Rev. Caldwell. Three wt rc united with the church. Bap tizing* was held after church. The Evangilists meeting will continue through next week. Come out and help us make this meeting a success. -oOo-—. CHURCH OF GOD 2025 North 24th St. Elder S. S. Spaght, pastor Sunday school opened at the us ual hour with the Superintendant Jt.; Eddens in charge. The lesson wa “The SacroJness of the home,” which taught us of faithfulness in ! companionship, in these days when mer. are given to breaking the mar- j riago vows. At eleven o'clock the pastor brought the message. Psl. 100-4. “Being Grateful to God.” At six o’clock the YMP was well taught by sister Naomi Jackson. At 8:00 the pastor brought the message. Subject: “Christion Uni ty • -,—*>Oo—<-■ SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. I). H Nicholson, pastor Clarinda, Iowa Sunday 8chool opened at the us ual hour, with the superintendant in charge. The school was in a high spirit and all had a good les son. Miss Louise Nash, formerly | of Clarinda was a visitor in our| church school, Morning service was well at tended and the pastor brought a powerful message, full of inspira tion. The subject; “The End.’’ Evening worship was in high ipirit with a large group present. T :e nustur brought fourth another 4oul stirring m sage, full of the spirit. We were pleased to see Miss Louise Nash hack home and in service all day , The pastor visited, Coirn, Iowa, Sunday evening to s* e some of the metnt rs jn tnat town. Mrs. Mont gomery is improving from all ill apell. Come to Clarinda the fri endly city. Visitors are always welcome. - oOc——— CHRIST TEMPLE CHURCH < Rev. L. M. Relf, Pastor Edna Pank v. Reporter __. f The Sunday School opened at ):,f0 A. M. with a splendid atten 'ance. Our assistant pastor, Rev. I. W. Goodwin delivered the mom ng mesasge. Subject: “The Sa-; 'redness of the church.’’ Many, Hitstanding thoughts were brought )Ut- HYPU opened at 6:00 P. M. vith the president, Miss Elma For •est presiding. The attendance was rood and the lesson was enjoyed. fa rrftr rM V KIND! TRADt mark I Be considerate! Don't cough in public p. > . . .arry with you Smith Brothers Cough Drops. (Two kinds—B.ack or Menthol, 5?.) Smith Bros. Cough Drops are the only drops containing VITAMIN A This is the vitamin that raises the resistance of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat to cold infections. by all. The evening serman was preached by Rev. F. Hunby. The sermcn was full of the sprit an! ; afforded much food for thought. I Come out and worship with us. Visitors are always welcome. -—oOo INTERDENOMINATIONAL CHURCH Elder W. I. Irving, Pastor Mrs. L Hartfield, Reporter Sunday’s services were full of the spirit all the day. The Sun day school is still progressing. The morning sermon was delivered by Elder S. Stafford whose subject was taken from Isiah 40:31. Many good thoughts were gleaned from this message. Truly our hearts did burn within as he talked with us., Rev. Thomas Rucker worshipped with us at the evening service, and brought us another great message. The subject: “Lazerus Raised from the Dead.” We invite you to come and wor ship with the church that stands for the unity of God’s children. -oOo CLAIR CHAPEL ME CHURCH Rev. G. D. Hancock, pastor I -- Sunday school 9:30 a. m., preach ing 11:30 a. m., Epworth league 6:00 p. m.( preaching 7:30 p. m. Sunday school opened at the a 13Ve time with an interesting group on hand. There is still an erg for ths adults to come out and 'akt. part in the Sunday school. At the eleven o'clock services, | Lev. Hancock selected his scripture text from Matthews 8:2 “And, be hold, thero came a leper and wor shipped Him, saying, Lord, if thou wilt, Thou canst make me clean.” An inspiring sermon delivered to a receptive congregat on. The visitors who worshipped with us; were, Miss J. Margaret, Miss R. Stevenson, Mr. Fiddler of Indiana polis, Mr. Countee, Kansas City and Miss Sanford. These and all otht.1 visitors are welcome at all times. There seems to be a great anxiously awaiting the Sunday when we will enter a “new church. Regular services every Wednesday night to which you are welcome. Don’t forget the fish fry next Tues day Nov. 29, 1938. -oOc—— • THIS WEEK IN RELIGION AND THOUGHT R. L. MOODY. RACE HATRED— We American Negroes, know what it is to be a minority and to be made the bottom rail in social standing. There seems to be a mw wave c. hatred rpreadng a gainst the Jewish people through out the world but particularly Ger man j. Many American white people have become alarmed at the cruel ty dealt out to the Jews. Many protests have been raised and much intercession has been made. We, the Colored people don’t think theso unfortunate happenings are strange. We feel the same w’ay when one Negro commits an of fense and the whole race is stig matized and several may lose their lives to lynch mobs. We, as Am- j ■ricans, should be equally alarm id over these happenings that are I'ight about our doors. We should make America a more peaceful place to live for the minorities :hat are already here as well as for foreign refugees. BISHOP WRIGHT ADDRESSES RULING CLASS WHITES IN SOUTH AFRICA Johannesburg, South Africa, Sov. 24 (C)—Bishop R. R. Wright >f the AME church, passing through here recently, stopped over » day to visit this, Africa’s great ;st city with a population of more :han 500,000, and addressed the Rotary Clnb on the “Problem of Race in America and South Afri ca.’’ leaders in education, finance •eligion and statecraft were pre sent, among them tse Hon. Earl Russell, consul general of the Unit 'd States. The luncheon was held n the exclusive Carlton hotel. Bishop Wright made a plea for he scientific attitude, and for the Christian attitude, which is one of lelpt’ulness rather than exploita ion. -0O0 v.v.v.v.v.v.wwAV/yw CHOP SUEY American and Chinese Dishe* King Yuen Cafe .. :010’» N. 24th St. Jackson 8576 ' »nen from 2 n-, m. until 3 a. m I,.V.V.V.W.‘.V. /.V.V.V.'A Dear Miss Waters Dear Miss Watters;—Until the : present time my hr me life has | been very happy. I have a lovely husband, who is very grand to me, and an adorable baby. Now Miss ! Vvat'er'. although my hu. band is very gocd to me and the b"by, he is not thoughtful or affectionate. I have met a man recently who has taken a great lik ng to me. He is sc thoughful and kind to the baby and me I am afraid Miss Mattel s that if our friendship con tinues I will fall desperately in love with this man. Mrhat shall I do? Shall I discourage this man’s friendship or should I continue as I am?If so I am positive it just means a lot of miserable suffer ing for me in the end. Ans.—"You say thaft your nus 1 and is not thoughtTu] or affec tionate as you think he should be. The fact that he was sufficiently, attractive to cause you to marry him is something in his favor. Are you making yourself as attractive to him as you did before1 veu • man1 age. Marriage ia the problem of two people. Are you in the ha bit of pouting while waiting for un pleasant difficulties to adjust themselves? Every human-being has a responsive chord. If you have failed to win completely the thoughts and affection of your husband who treats you fine in other respects it is probably due to the fact that you have not ex tended yourself along th's line. Have you tried being thoughtful of him. If you did marry this ot 1 er man could you really trust him knowing the unconventional rnet-h oc'n he used to win you? Or do ycu think he could sincerely trust y»u, knowing that you had en couraged his love while pledged to another? How do you know tha. el1 of this fancied kindness is no. e. means towards a self'ch end. Ycu state that you were happy in your home until this Don Juan came along. Put him out of your life and find happiness where you found it before. (A slipping body increases ib3 speed as it progress es downwards—Don’t slip. _ | Dear Miss Watters—I am writ ing you for some advice. My prob lem is this: I am very much ir love with a boy, but he is insanely .ecdcu.', or me. lies even gets angry it 1 talk with another boy. As ] h«”- said before. I am very much ir !ov: •vith him rnd he is wit'.i n an >i continually begging me tc- marry him. What shall I do? Shall I marry this fellow, knowing he is jealous or shall I try to gle him up? It will be very hard as I love him si mvu-h.—Doubtful. Answer—My Dear .young lady: My advice to vou is to forget about this boy entirely. A jealous persons makes life very miserable, riot only for you. but for himself, and for others. If -this boy is in sanely jealous, as you say, it is bet ter you know it now and avoid t ruble, than to marry him and nrke your home life for you and y„ur family miserable. You may be very much in love with him now but time heals all things and it would be far better to let time heal a broken heart than to have an unpleasant situation existing during the rest of your life. Dear Miss Watters—I did a fa vcr for a man three months ago j because of nothing more than sym ! pathy. Ever since he has hounded j mo to death with proposals of • love and marriage. Now this man could never be anything to me but j just a friend and I have told i him so. But he keeps on being a t pest. What shall I do to convince him?— F. B. ANSWER:—Stop smiling when ycu say them words. Stop being so attractive to him and stop be ing tlattered by his persistance, as you probably are. Manage to have something else to do when he seeks audience. Dear M'iss Watters:—I am a young lady and I am love with a boy eleven years my junior. We ! are very much in love with one another. My parents and friends •tell me that this boy will event ually tire of me and will seek a younger girl. I feel confident that I am capable of holding him always. Shall I listen to my pa rents and frienc’u and give this boy up or shall I continue to go with him? Answer —* Your pjarents and friends are about 78 percent cor rect ,why not try to find some? one your ape. Miso Watters a member of the Niles Domestic Bureau has kind ly consented to assist in the ad justment of love nad domestic problem's for readers of this pa per. Answer- piven throuph this column arc free. For nrivate and detailed answers, tend addressed stamped envelope and 20c. Ans wers in this column are limited to readers and subscr bers of this paper. Addresn Miss Trubble Wat ters, Box 15, of the Omaha Guide, 2418 Grant S:., Omaha, Nebraska. -oOo-. Snelson I? Last Of ‘Sneisons’ New York, Nov. 26 (C)_ Floyi G. Snelson. newspaper man, 40° Manhattan avenue. Sunday that the death of his uncle, i)r. S. C. Snelson of Okalahoma City on October 30 after six months ill ness leaves him the only surviv ing “Snelson.” The late Dr. Snelson i 69, was a native cf Andersonville, [ Ga., and was educated at Atlan ta university, Howard, the Univer city of Pennsylvania, and abroad. Ho server! several years as phy sician in the U. S. Army, stationed In the Philipines, and went to Ok lahoma in the U. S. Public Health Service, later taking up private practice there. He served as city physician in Oklahoma for several years. Dr. Snelson was a volunteer in the Spanish-American war and the World War. Garlic-Parsley an Aid In HIGH BLOOD PRESSUE Medical report* say that Garlio-Parsiey con centrate has a double action in reducing high blood pressure First, it tends to relax tightened arteries. Second, it checks or inhibits decompo sition of waste matter in the bowels, a contribu tory cause of high blood pressure. To get concentrated garlic and parsley in odorless, tasteless form, ask for ALLIMIN. These tablets, used repeatedly at regular intervals, aid in reducing blood pressure and relieving headache and dirtiness caused by excessively high readings. To learn what raises your blood pressure and for medical treatment consult your doctor. Large box, 80c. Special economy site, *1.00. DOUBLE COLA IDEAL BOTTLING COMPANY WEbster 3043 C9- LOAN S BANK AND MERCHANDISE STORE Confidential Loans at Reasonable Rates Men's n( west style overcoats . $12.50 Sheep lined coats. ..5.95 Beau Rrummel gabardine shirts .. ... '.95 Beau Brummel Aayon silk shirts , . 1.98 Zipper Jackets, nice assortment Dress and work gloves allkinds IT'S time •for Spats. 89c Snappy felt HATS_1.45 & 1.98 Extra heavy Union suits 79c -$1 100 percent all wool, extra heavy Union. Suits, i" tr. $4.96, size ’3(5 only __ 2.45 Latest Zipper Dress Sweaters 1.95 — Peters Shoes for the family— Black Shirts with real cuff but tons, dice 7-11. .1.45 Ladies Jitterbug Dresses $1.00 Full Fashion HOSE ..69c COATS. 10.95 HATS .... . ,98c & up Silk DRESSF .... .... 2.95 GLOVES .29c & up Pocketbook-i. .. ..1.00 >1 wool Twin Sweaters . 1 69 '’•^o-tone Ear muffs .t ie Boys Zipper Coat 2.45 & up Girls Dr-esses ... .... 59c Boys and Girls knee length Hose -19c & 25c Girls Bloom' rs 15c Wo feature Red Ball Rubber Foot wear for everyone. Ladies Heavy Union Suits ...98c USE OUR LAY AWAY PLAN — NO EXTRA CHARGE. 1801 NORTH 24th ST. PHONE WE. 1369 I HAVE GOOD NEWS FOR»YOU Regardless of what your trouble may be, you can look the world in the j Face; Solve all problems; Get what you Want and Fear no Man or Cir-j cumstances. Your Happiness and Success demand that you print your | name clearly and send it to: REV» CHAS. P» COLBERT 545 OWEN AVENUE DETROIT, MICH^