Theatricals Music Features S> f GOSSIP0F ™E MOVIE LOTS By HARRY LEVETTE Hollywood—(ANP)—The Gol den State Art award is the newest departure in all-colored cast mo tion picture circles and although it has modestly made it debut it is to be a permanent institution. It will fill a need toward establish ing a goal for Negro Artist to strive for in their portrayals of modern Negro life or in historical or in period plays, if in the future they too are brought into being on the screen. The idea originated with a little group here who deplored the fact that no colored screen player has won the annual award allotted to Hollywood stars, nor has even been listed among the runner-ups. Nor during the number of years when the famous “Wampus Babies or new starlets were named from the ranks of young actresses were evear any colored ones even con sidered. So representative men 11 in number, located in as many key cities of the United States, were asked to make their selection of the mo«t outstanding players who bad appeared in all colored cast pictures during the 1937-38 sea son. These includes luupn Herbie Jeffries, Marten Moreland, Flournoy M/iller and others who appeared in “Bargain with Bul lets” ‘“Spirit of Youth” “Life Goes On,” “Harlem on the Praire," “Two Gun Man from Harlem,” and “The Poke is Tops.” The plan was absolutely fair and 3mparial; no suggestions or advice tending to influence the judges ■was sent and the decision will rest on the majority of the votes when all are in. The Golden State Mutal Insur .‘.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.-.V/.VAN Duffy Pharmacy We. 0609 24th and LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery AV.V.V.'.V.V.VA'.V/.'.V.V Get Joyful Relief From BACKACHE _ Caused by Sluggish Kidneys Stop Getting Up Nights And Feel Younger Here’s one good way to flush excess harmfull waste from the kidneys and relieve bladder irrit ation that often causes scanty, burining and smarting passage. Ask your druggist for a 35 cent box of Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules—a splendid safe and harmle ssdudretie and stimulant for weak kidneys and irritated bladder. Besides getting up nights, some symptoms of kidney trouble may be backaches, puffy eyes, leg cramps, and moist palms. But be sure to get GOLD MEDAL—it’s a genuine medicine for weak kidneys _right from Haarlem in Holland. anco company with headquarters here, generously put up the first trophy, which will be awarded the winners.* Incidentally the award was not named after the Insurance company, but after the nickname of California, “The Golden State.” As soon as !l" th*3 votes al'° ’n< a public reception will be held and the winner pei*sonally presented with the beautiful expensive tro phy’. The judges asked to serve this year were Messr. Robert E Ab bott, publisher of the Chicago De fender; C. A. Franklin, publisher ol' the Kansas City Call; C. B. Powell, publisher of the Abster (iam News; Cliff Mackay, Atlanta Daily World; Carl Murphy, Balti more Afro-American; Billy Rowe, theatrical writer of The Pittsburg Courier; Georgo Ross, of the Den ver Star; Roscoe Dunjee, Oklaho ma Black Dispatch; Wm. Nunn, Pittsburg Courier; Albert G. Bar nett, news editor of the Associated Negro press, and Russell Jackson, theatrical editor of the Ohio State News. Mr. Barnett and Mr. Jack son were the first to mail in their votes. The rest are urged to hasten, .10 the outcome may be made pub lic AH the studios both major and minor are hitting on all cylinders, getting as mucs production before the holidays as possible. LESLIE’S 'BLACKBIRDS' OPENS IN BOSTON Boston, Mass-It is the first dme all-Negro musicale in five years, the stage has seen such an attr&cton other than Federal pro jects. Lew Leslie international impressario presented “Blackbirds of 1939.” Opened at the Majestic Theatre, election night. Principals: Lean Horne, Ham tree Harrington, Pigmeat Mark ham, Bobby Evans, J .Rosamond, Johnson Choir, Taps Miller, Baby Hines, Norman McConny, Attn Elake. Van Grona’s Swing Ballet Music by Rube Bloom, lyrics by Johnny' Mercer, Dorothy Sachs, Louis Haber, Choral arrangement* by J. Rosamond Johnson; Diologui by Nat Dorfman; Choreography by Eugene Van Grona; orchestration* by Frede Gerfe and Ken Macorn her; settings by Mabel A. Buell costumes by Verconica; entire show conceived and ; taged by Lew Leslie. Blackbirds owned by Elbony Productions, Inc. Blackbirds is of the typical Ne gro show variety enveloping in teresting and novel scenes of Har lem life, chock full of comedy love, romance and melody divulg trying the modem trivialities with numbers rackets. Fatoher Divine culti-sts in the life of a happy peo ple. -oOa Still Coughing? No matter how many medicines you have tried for your common cough, chest cold, or bronchial Irri tation, you may get relief now with Creomulsion. Serious trouble may be brewing and you cannot afford to take a chance with any remedy less potent than Creomulsion, which goes right to the seat of the trouble and aids nature to soothe and heal the inflamed mucous membranes and to loosen and expel germ laden phlegm. Even If other remedies have failed, don’t be discouraged, try Creomul sion. Your druggist is authorized to refund your money If you are not thoroughly satisfied with the bene fits obtained. Creomulsion is one word, ask for It plainly, see that the name on the bottle is Creomulsion, and you’ll get the genuine product and the relief you want. (Adv.) Effective May 1st: 20 Cent Discount on Laundry & Dry Cleaning Cash and Carry Edholm and Sherman Launderers & Dry Cleaners j|j|_ WE 6055 MILLS BROTHERS PAY FT V ALLEY INFORMAL CAL' Foi Valley, Ga.,—The N. and I. Sc! ol’s student body received a rare treat when the famous Mills Brot’ ir ; ring at chapel time Tues day oming November 18. Tb students had to wait for a few 1 inu:es before the Mills Bro thers 1 rived and so enthusiastic ■"( re they, that Principle George Towns found it diff cult to talk to them about anythin# else but the Brothers. VYh n .hear singers swung into such numbers as *• fh > Lambeth Walk’ and "Lazy Bones’ with real in .rum ntal music, the stui'Vrt were pleased beyond the extent of their fondest hopes. During their stay here to appear at the local theatre in a tour of ' the Fouth, the Mills Brothers were | '->'vcn lodging and meals in Fort lley’s ulrro-modern home ec> 1 retiic buile! r.g. ON THE AIR ..By SALLYE BELL for ANP One of the most Stimulating Ne gro musical forms which will be heard at New Masses’ “from Spi rituals to Swing” concert at Carne gie Hall, New York, on Dec. 2' is the “Boogie-woogie” style of piano playing, characterized by ite Ire men dour, volume and masterfu lefthand technique. It is the resul' of the poverty of Negro Ameri cans who could not afford orehes tras on their festive occasions, and so were forced to give thei piano playing the drive of a jaz I orchestra. The greatest living mas I ters of this Boogie-woogie style I are Meade “Lux” Lewis of Louis | ville, Albert Ammons of Chicagi Bcb Johnson of Robinsonville Miss., and Pete Johnson of Kan sas City, Mo., all of whom an going to New York for the con cerl. The story of “Lux” Lewis life is an intertsting one and s typi col of the neglect of native genius. In the early twenties he recorded one of hi8 compositions. “Honky Tonk Train^ Blues,” for a cheap record company, and through th< years this recording became a clas sic of jazz to a few American and European enthusiasts. But no one knew what had become of Lewis, so five years ago John Hammond, who is producing the New Masses’ concert, started to look for “Lux.” He found him last year washing J cam in a Chicago Southside gar age, and took him to New York I where he recorded “Honky-Tonk | Train Blues,” “Yancy Special,” j “Whistling Blues,” and “Celeste Blues,” for American consumption. After these recording Lewis again dropped into obscurity because there was no appreciation in Amer- j ica for his talents. He returned to Chicago where he is now working in a a garage, and his appearance in New York for New Masses' “From Spirituals to Swing,” con cert will bring him before an au (Hence whose interest may finally break the jinx for him. “From Spirituals to Swing’’ was conceived and produced to John Hammond and directed by Charles Friedman, and will portray Am erican Negro music as it was in-' vented, devel READ TOPS FOR THE .SENSATIONAL SOCCESS STORIES OF: V > MARIAN ANDERSON \ She bad I chance in 360, jel made good, f Today she h one of the world‘ t grealeit singers. Don't miss ber tbrillsng story. < DR. GEORGE W. CARVER J Born into slavery, be climbed to world ^ honors ns one of its greatest, most re J spec ted sc ten tuts, > DUKE ELLINGTON £ Read bow be helped create swing mnsic, J why bss orchestra, compostttons and C arrangements made btm iamous. WALTER WHITE V Tbt article by the Secretary of the / N.A.A.C.P. about himself It alone ^ worth the price of TOPS. ^ BILL ROBINSON Known everywhere as the greatest Tap Dancer ot all lime—now a movie star. ^ JOE LOUIS C Yon may think yon know all abonl foe Jt Lams, but tacts in Topi will he new to ^ yon abont this greatest champ of all. J y 1H9S9 or# only six or tho n brilliant coiorta suiwu fAAAAA In words and plcfuras. inaf.i/ifu fimn the nrw *- M^P IM^f ’®P||j|^P out. vriil 2^c iu COM or stamp5 and a copy wiU| “,C BP ■ PP be maned to you at oo«a PHAME PUBLISHING CO., INC. • 1 ROCKEFELLER PLAZA • NEW XORK, N. /. FOOTLIGHT FLICKERS, By Al Moses for ANP New York, Nov. 24.,—Theatre goers who come frocn far and near to watch what's going on in the “Harlem Sector”, are saying right out loud today that Chick Carter has the finest drummer boy any band can boast of. That means that when Chick Carter and his troupe received the top billing for tho parish in which you reside,. . . get out there and see for your self il this 22 year old youngster deserves rating over such a« Lionel Hampton, Chick Webb, Sonny Great, Walter Thompson, et al, et al. Henry Armatrongbounded int i I the Apollo the other night and tried to make himself very obscure in ? darkened side box. But such was a well nigh mpossibility with Ralph Cooper, Hollywood star do ing the "MC” for a week. In a raucous voice that carried to the exit doors, Ralph demanded that Henry take a bow after announc ing his presence to the crowd. Tsk—- tsk— tsk—-such is fame. One never knows the meaning of pri vacy after they get on top.. . .did you say Henry was hiding out all the time and someone hadn’t tipped Cooper offf that he was in the house? ? ■?—we’Ill strangle yo>u if you say-YES. WILLIE BRANT, without the band, or. . . with it, is still Harlem’s Gla mour Lad Number One, and that u all one needs to be in order to keep the landlord from hanging out the "dispossessed sign” ... eh what William does the announcing at the Midnight shows amatuer nites. and in between, draws down a sizeable check for doing something you’d never guess—plain and fancy— ’MUGGING". That rag called "TOPS’., i« just what its advertised, the Solid Tops', get a copy of it and stick it away in your trunk, one day in the distant tomorrow, you’ll thank m; for telling you to do so. GOODMAN ADDS ANOTHER ARRANGER, F. D. NORMON New York, ANP)—Latest col ored musician to crash Broadway and its attendant fame is Fred D. Norman, a<*e Harlem arranger who has been acclaimed by both "white and colored critics as one of the best. Norman has been added to the staff of arrangers employed by Benny Goodman. The number which sold Norman to Goodman was an original tune, “Smokehouse Rhythm,’’ which was waxed for Victor last week by the Goodman aggregation. It will be on sale within the next two weeks. In an exclusive interview Nor man said. “Now is the time for all good colored arrangers to cash in on the pupularity of swing num bers. I find white orchestra more than willing to work with colored airangers, and Goodman is one of the best with whom to work. DUKE SCORES BEFORE 1,8<* ••JITTERBUGS” KANSAS CITY, —Approximate ly 1,800 ‘‘jitterbugs" voiced their approval of the musir poured *ut by Duke Ellington and his orches-* tra last Wednesday night at the Roseland Ballroom. Already put “in the groove" by Harlan Leonard and his Kansas City Rockets an the Ellington fan" found little difficulty swaying to the more than delectable rhythms poured out by the number one dance band in the country. From the opening number until the final one the dancers could be heard voicing their approval of the aL'ai.'. Ellington was masterful in his handling of the band. Seated at the piano with the ease and poise that only becomes the most polieh o 1 artists in the theatrical world. Ellington went about his every move graciously and knowingly. Unemployment Compensation Lincoln, Nebr. Nov. 12—The Ne braska Unemployment Compensa tion division today appealed to Nebraska employers, who are sub ject to the law an have not yet fil i d their report forms for the quar ter ending Septembr 30, 1938, to do so immediately. R. T. Malone, Director of th« Unemployment Compensation divi jion, pointed out that filing of these reports are necessary so that inscribing of individual employed wago credits can be completed be fore the payment of benefits be gins next January. -oO»-—. DISCUSS NEGRO IN UNITED STATES LITERATURE New York. Nov. 19 (CNA) — Margaret Bourke-White’s series of photographs. “Picture of the South” served as a setting for a forum, “The Negro as a Force in American Literature,” held by the league of American Writers last Sunday at the Mid Town Music Hall, 846 Seventh Avenue. Langston Hughes, well known poet, novelist and playwright, and Genevieve Taggard author of “Cal ling Western Union" and several other volumes of poetry, headed an impressive list of speakers which also included Jessie Fauset Harris author of “The Chinabeiry Tree, and Sterling Brown, Professor at Howard University" author of “The Southern Road’ and an out standing authority on Negro cul ture. -O TWO NAMED TO CITY COUN CIL IN NORTHERN INDIANA GARY, Ind.. ov. 17 (ANP) Gary and East Chicago, Ind., will have Negro aldermen, results of last Tuesday's elections shows. Wilbur J. Hardeway, formerly alderman for two years but who lost in 1934 to William Andersra, i Democrat, was elected from * Fifth district on the Re" ' i ticket beating out R njamin | Cresswell, local undertaker and Democrat. t