WOMEN’S DEPARTMENTAL Page.V FASHIONETTE Beauty t.x-iwv -x.r- r-Mi-v-u- ^-»-V -m—r—\sv\r- i"’~'5-v - r—# inr—«* TTr^^tT^y -mnmr-t:t~trrjr~rt-V'K3Vr]r(x'xwr 'g—'f '4. IiA. T'. t-j. y. .-•y By Hazel L. Griggs for ANP Accessories were never more important to the fashion picture than they are today. The manufac turers of costume jewelry, bags, glove ... frills and furbelos, are re ally outdoing themselves in an ef l'jrt to enhance milady's charm. There's a revival of daguerrotype jewelry, along with dagurrotype fashions, and one finds Canutes set on black ribbon bands for the for evening, stick half a dozen tiny combs, tipped with ostrich feathers ,be.ween them to achieve a beaut fully colorful effect. Kven nock or arms, lapel gadgets, flo wer-like clusters of stones massed on gil chains, brooches, pendant necklaces end earrings. The long pendant necklaces are especially good when they follow the line of a deeply slashed decol letage. Topaz is the stone of the year, but many of the bracelets, pina and pendants are made of brilliantly coloraT enamel set a gainst gilt backgrounds. it you re wearing pneu-up cun" for evening, stick half a dozen tiny combs, tipped with ostrich feathers between the mto achieve a beauti fully colorful effect. Evening bags as well as dresses, are found in slipper satin, sleek and undecora ted. Others come in puffed kid, silver or gold, and they are smal ler copies of the sculptured bags, featured for daytime use. Contrasting satin slippers are being used with evening frocks— American beauty red with gray, bright blue, purple or fuchsia with other colors, and evening hand kerchiefs, which are stepping to the front again, are matched as a tie-up. They may also be used to protect the curls. Evening dresses of slipper sa tin are seen on such old-time olors as mauve, ashes-of-roses page grey and sprig green, and clus ters of matching ostrich feutherp, in the hair, accompany them. When this material is used, full skirts are the order cf the ay. Dust ruffles, flounces and hoop skirts are a part of the quaint, though modern fashion picture, harking back to young lady fash ions of the past, and long lace mitts are often seen with these dresses. A powder-puff of silver fox "lanting down over the eye, and held on by a ribbon band, is the latest whim of a hat, and in in triguing one, if I may say so. This concludes a bird’s eye view of the mode for this week, but I'll be back next week with more sugges tions and remember, I'd like to hear from you about fashion pro blems. Address inquires (with stamped-odd rested envelope en closed) to Hazel L. Griggs, care of tho Associated Negro Press, 1507 South Parkway, Chicago, Illonois. -0O0-— FASHIONS By JULIA SANFORI) With the holidays just aroun~ the corner, you’ll want to be gla morously gay. And this seasons frocks do just that to you. There are romantic gowns with wide stand out skirts and also revert ing back to grandmothers day hoops. There are those forimals, they have a hint of the guy ninties. I ‘ .."~"i I™—j Freni Thanksgiving until after the ! \t»w Year there 11 be one gay round of parties after another and you I* ili vpnt fomethirg' that’s be i witchingly gay and smart. I his wet k in the mops there I may b'< re“n all k>nds of formals. itartling in their individuality ot ’fesign. There are two frocks which es pecially catch the eye this week. I'm first is one of those picture ginwn. It is of two-toned aqua c lr ed moire and has quaintly pul.cd sleeves. There is a sash of darker aqua combined with the I ghter aqua of the dr^»s. There ,ir i horizontal bands of darker aqua around the ckirt. The second frock is a more so i | - sticated version. It is a black crepe, made on slimming princess lines. There is a ruffle of lace around the low cut neckline. The dress is worn under a white bead id jacket with a red velvet belt foi a dash of color. ' ‘ HOLLYWOOD CHARM T->y/ir-t>ir ■ rva r&T&Tr-^" By Bessie Mae West Althouse Beauty School Facial massage is a daily prac tice with movie stars. This is one of the reasons for their radiant I complexions. Facial massage is truly one of, ii not the greatest beauty Hids. Thera are many b-nefits derived I'rt.r the various kinds of facial | trassage. Tho plain facial is the founda tion of all facial treatment except in case of skin eruptions. Mas sage rest and quiets the nerves, increases the circulation, freeing th face of muddy sallow com plexions. It clearses the pores of wash and dirt preventing black h' ads and ot^er skin diseases. Vi-.'t your cosmeologist and catch “Hollywood Charm” for helpful Beauty Hints. ——_ oOo THE BEAUTY BBX By VEItSlE WINSTON of NOKTHSIDE BEAUTY SHOP I WHAT IS PHYSICAL BEAUTY? Fomin physical beauty i« ft - ccgnizpd by all mankind. Even t ivilized man varies in his indi dividual estimates. Those accepted charms of form, fac< and figure, how. ver, which appeal most to the majority of individauls, may be taid to bo the nearest approach to nr exact standard of beauty we have. Proportion, color- delicacy, type the flash of th( eye .the sweetness of the smile, and » thousand othir factors contribute* to make a wo ' man beautiful. Every woman hw; her special individaul beauties; some women posstss a number in combination. A lovely natural com plexion delicately shaped hands, rhapely feet and ankles, glorious hair, a noble and alluring figuts , all lay a duty upon their possi s sors the duty of care and pre servation. For beauty, physical as well as mental and moral, it is a virture. It is as essential to humanity as loyalty and truth. It is, or should be the truth of the, physical feminine being, expressed in its most perfect terms. Woman’s face and form are the. j mast exquisite of all that has been created. They combine all the charm* of color, harmony, grace, refinement and magnetism. And they reflect the higher attributes of mind and soul. Even th<> de formed and disfigured may culti & BOILER REPAIRS Omaha Stove Repair Works 1208 Douglas St. Phone ATJ2524 I --- -— _ vatc physical lx auty to some de gree. Make the most of each and every cl arm you. individaullly, may posse Before' marriage ali girl* usual | ly make the most of their physi cal charms. Beauty is woman's age I »lc* and legitimate lure to attract s. life companion of the other sex. Nature helps the young girl wit 1 the gift of youth, and as a rule si e is willing to aid Nature in making the* most of it. But many i young x ) mn. once niamed, grown careless about the care of 1 I ■ hair, hands skin and figure, ihi neglects her person an! her ih.he*. and tends to becom. a •verily houehold drudge. Now sic-al beauty is a definite part the feminin sex appeal. And I'appy marriage depends large ly on a normal and happy sex on th • part of the woman, and cor respending sex int. rest on the part of the man. (Koad the continuation of BEAUTY BEFORE AND AFTER MAJtRIAGE in next week’s issue) -—0O0 Calvin’s Newspaper Service j TESTED RECIPE -By Irencet Lee Bar***-—-* WHEN the chill, shivery days come, how pleasant for the tired home-comers to be greeted by the welcoming savory aroma of hot comforting stew. For when j a stew Is well ^ and carefully made It’s a right royal winter dish. And when _ feathery light. * dumplings are in the stew this good old-fashioned dish becomes something to dream a6out. But the dumplings must be as tight as light can be! Feather-light Dumplings 1 cup gifted flour; 1% teaspoons double-acting baking powder; l* teaspoon salt; 1 teaspoon melted butter; V4 cup milk. Sift flour once, measure, add baking powder and salt, and sift again. Add butter to milk; add to flour and stir carefully until all flour Is dampened and soft dough Is formed. Drop from teaspoon on boiling stew; cover very tightly and cook, without removing cover, 5 to 7 minutes aoc!>n,,''t to size of dumplings. Serves o to 8. Omaha Public Library November 13-id v.ill \ National Cl.ildi i s Book We k, The Omaha public library will celebrate the oc casion by holding open nouse in th0 main children’s Room, Tuesday November 15 at 8. B. M. Rabbi Da vid Goldstein will speak on “How Good books influence the level of 'he community’s life.’’ An organization meeting of a “Kr. n.:s of the library” group will also bo held. “Friendfc of the library’” are those who-have grasp ed the function of th„ library as a great interpreter of a man to him eif; they realize the part the li brarians play in that int rgreta tion j they know libraries and li brarians cannot pi rform alone t-his great work. More community, more books, moro borrowers, are neces sary if tht librny is to multiply its power to interpret life to the living, to spread the great message of libraries -that life holds far mcr, than which often appears on the surface. Mir. David Nortaflg) of the Oma ha public library board will spon sor the local group. All are cordi ally invited to attend. -.. |> ——— NO MOHR BINGO IN DEE CEE Washington, Nov. (ANP)—Dr. Frank W. Ballou, superintendent of schools, has come out against tht game of bingo, or any other game that is inconsistent with police re gulations. Her-1 of ore the schools have ben op« n to organizations providing bingo as entertainment if such organizations obtained a ruling that their particular game was legal. Dr. Ballou, in writing to Mrs. Elizabeth Peoples on the subject, expressed the opinion that school officials should not put themselves in a position of un certainty in games of chance. . .tfTltOujLs^Ournlmq. BERUTy>RoTnnn[Ei hH' The Larieuse Isanty foundation »M established by 7 the Codefray Manufacturing Company to atudy methodi of preserving women’i natural beauty, and to make the multi of thia research available tu the public. This Is the season of the year when we are all studying fashion notes and planning that momentous step, the selection of our winter wardrobe. But, unfortunately, there are too many of us who will rush out and buy the latest whim of fashion without tuking thought as to whether that particular style will he becoming. We all want to be In style, of course, but it is wise to consider beauty ns well. You can be dressed In the height of vogue and still look like a ridicu lous caricature of What the well dressed woman Is wearing. Men have a habit, often times justifiable, of making fun of the blind way we follow the dictates of fashion. Short Girls Get the Breaks This Year Everything seems to be on the side of the short girl this season. Shoes with platform soles ure de signed especially to give her added height. The newest hats have peaks and tall feathers to give her several more Inches towards the sky. And then, too, there’s the plied up hulr-dress to give her the illusion of height. The short girl should have no difficulty keeping up with the style und still looking her love liest. There are only a few pit falls which she need vuteh. First of all, she must beware of horizontal lines which will give her a wide, dumpy appearance. Vertical line*, however, will make her look longer and slimmer. Two-piece dri-cses, too, are a mistake since they have a tendency to cut her lr two, so to speak, and destroy thal sweeping all-in-one line which wll add several illusory inches. Reverse Rules for Tall Girls The tall girl, on the contrary must reverse the rules. The nev platform soles and extremely liigl heels are not for her. She must save the swept up hair-dress for evening and then only If she Is fortunate enough to have a very tall man In tow. Even then It Is often unsatisfactory since you can never tell when you will find yourself danc ing with a midget—comparatively! speaking. Hats for the tall girl' present a problem tills year. If you scout around, however; you can find some that are fashionable and still not too high In the crown. Yell can always have the feather cut down or set at on angle without destroy ing the line. Muny of the peaks are designed so that they may bo I tucked in und still look stylish. Wide brims con be worn with dis tinction by the taH girl, whereas they have a tendency to make her short sister look like a mushroom Wide collars, full shoulders, puffy sleeves are becoming although they make a small girl look top-beavv. Even If you think that you are too tall, don’t make the mistake of slumping. The tall girl wears her clothes with an air. Heii.*m*.er that the best fashion models *re over five feet six. Select your clothes with care, carry yourself like the princesses in fairy tales, and you'll get considerably more at tention than the “limited edition,’’ even if you do have to look down on lesser men occasionally. What are your beauty prob lems? Write Marie Downing, Larieuse Beauty Foundation, Room 607 —ill Locust St., St. Louis, Mo., and she will be glad to answer them. Be sure to en close a self-addressed stamped i envelope. NOTE:—Your question will be analyzed free in this column only when you include a clipping of this column and sign yonr full name. birthdate and correct address to your letter. For a "Private Reply"... send only 25c and a stamped envelope for my latest ASTROLOGY READING covering your birthdate; also a free letter of advice analyzing three Questions. Explain your problems clearly and con fine your questions to those within the scope of logical reasoning. — Sens You* Lftteh To — ABBE’ WALLACE, P. O. BOX 11, ATLANTA, GA* i C. L. S.—I wish to know if with tho experience I have had, can I mako it through nursing school in ■ i year arul oe successful in a » i f ti rwai'ds or what is best for * n ’* 1 ^ 1 “■ i Ars; P?!ardle>s of how much experience you have, it will he nec es-.ery ft .• vou to spend the limited iim; in s. * d> if you plan to take up a course in nursing. If vt»u tinisl the cou: . yt.u w ill get em p.eymeni. W. P.—Will this girl that I have in mind get me into trouble and does she mean me any good? Ans: The young ladv means # you no harm—but she isn’t in love with you. It would be .well for y-U to choose someone around your own age for a friend as she is much too young to take you ser iously. No trouble will arise from yt*jr associating with each other. J. C. W. My boy friend and I get along terrible. He stays out all hours of the night and never says where and when he goes out and if I go out a while in the day, he gets angry. Tell me if I should stay here and take this stuff or go home ? Ans: Go out and leave him flat. Find you a good paying job and get a hoarding place by your self as you would be better off. Make a visit home if you like, but you will be able to make a better salary right where you are now. fr a few months you will meet your ideal mate. m R. W. \V. I am trying very hard to get compensation from my hus band's death and wonder what I I must do. Art : Get in touch with the lo cal American Region office in yottr city and ask their help in helping you secure the pension. This mat ter will he handled through the War Department. Washington, D. C‘. X. Y. Z.—Please tell me does n y husband s till love me and when v. ill he change and be affectionate rn1 take into his confidence as I bei'ort ? What am I to do about this matter? Ans: He loves you—but at this time he is experiencing r-;ome dif ficulty from a financial angle wh'eh hc.s him worried and upset. Hi.ve patience—and in the mean time make it a point to take more interest in your generaj appear ance and he will eventually change his whole attitude. S. E. C.—L>o you think that L | C. cares anything about me and ' i” he marry me? How about F. D.? Under no circumstances should you marry I*. G. as you are well pet1 tainted with his habit of gam bling and it just won't mix with matrimony. F. IU does love you —but he Lsr't going to marry any time soon. Why don't you make some other friends. _ I A. A. H.—Should I step aside and let my brother go with this girl? Ans: Yes—to do so would be the means of you both finding out which one of you brothers she really likes best. Your “heart beat” is as yet to come into your life. L. T.—Will we start to house keeping as I am tired of living with my husband’s folks? Ans: Not until you get work and save enough money to get moved. Your husband seems con NEBRASKA PRODUCE 1202—4—6 North 24th St. 1 Phone WE 4137 Poultry and Egg Dealers Out prices are reasonsable, see us first. Free Trading Stamps with each Purchase. 1 tented enough right where he is | r m* l>. is going to make no attempt to get out 'until you get the place and establish yourself in it. Then he will follow. .. 1939 Astrology Readings SOW READY! v > V ABBE' WALLACE Just off the press ... my new 1939 Astrol ogy Readings covering your own birth date. Price 25c. Free letter of advice Included with each order. CALVINS DIGEST Bv FLOYD J. CALVIN (Listed by Editor & Publisher) Vann Leaps Again We now have the spectacle of a Negro leader being openly at tacked in the white press by so high an official as a United States Senator, and the attack being so vicious as to brand the leader as “ 1 ceitful and dishonest.” We chub': seriously however, whether anybody in the Negro group will corao to the defense of this leader which only gees to prove the type o leadei he is. Ordinarily, no lead er in Negro life would be openly attacked by a white man, high or low, without Negroes promptly rallying to the defense of their own; and ordinarily, no white man high or low, would have occasion to attract publicity a leader among Negroes, except on a social ques tion in the deep South. The fast and loose—even reck less—game played by Robert L. Vann of Pittsiburg during the last ter years is now coming to a cli n . I'- '.r. nev H-.r'rtg the frir't t-'ia. was inevitable that it would lea \ Somehow, somewhere Vann gc th' idea fiat he could buck wl Itf America. Mr nv men in Ne gri, liii resent the disabilities un der which the race labors, but few arc foolish enough to believe that they can do a great deal about li-respect is ermpromised. Book er T. Washington showed the most effective way to handle the white man. Booker Washington left more to th. Negro than any other mem ber ot' his race—a ten million dol lar institution that operates on a half million dollar par year bud get—ar.d he got it all, or practi I tally all from the white man. Vann comes along and tries to use lorce—POLITICAL force, of all things—to BEAT the white man. , That simply cannot be done in this country, to ary lasting de gree. Any Negro who tries it will in the end, most likely come to grietf. Vann long since lost out with his own people because of his “leap frog" qualities, and now it looks like he is headed for the last roundup" with the whites. Ore lesson might be learned well from the figure he has cut, and that it, consistency is still a jewel. Durham Anniversary On October 20, 1898, what is now the North Carolina Mutal In surance Company was founded at Durham by John Merrick and Dr. A. M. Moore. The record of this company during the past 40 years is well known. It now has 1,000 employes, 250,000 policyholders, $5,108,472.22 in assets, and $41. 521,952 of insurance in force. Tho record of service of the of ficers ar.d directors of the company V, particularly impressive. Dr. C. C. Spaulding, president has serves! tho full 40 years four have strveef more than 30 years; four have served more than 20 years; two have served 19 years, and one 18 years. The company has paid $16. 750,000 in policy obligations since its organization. Congratulations are in order for this company, which is an inspira tion to Negro business. FORCED DAUGHTERS INTO PROSTITUTION, JURY CHARGE Meadville, Pa., Nov 11—A back woods housewife from the farming community of Gemvta, 15 miles from here, will go on trial Mon day on charges that she forced two young daughters 12 and 14 years old— into prostitution. Tho mother, Mrs. Emma Taylor, was indictfd by the Crawford County Grand Jury yesterday on charges of contributing to the de linquency of minors, prostitutions of children under 16 years of age, ami assault and battery. THE SECRET TO TOOTHFUL-LOOKING HAIR » • • Drab, Lifeless, Gray-Streaked Hair fakes on Glowing Beauty with a Single Application of Larieuse THE middle-aged woman whose hair is soft, alluring, colorful, always sparkling with dancing highlights—how does she do it? What is the secret to her youthful looking hair? Chances are she uses a hair ador ing and chances are the hair color ing she uses isGodefroy s Larieuse. Years ago this “secret" was gener ally known only to professional hairdressers. Today it is shared by women everywhere. You, too, can ha-'e bea-’tiful hair by using Godefroy’s Larieuse, the quick-acting, easy-to-use hair col oring in the red box. Whateier its condition — whether drab, lifeless, off-color, or streaked with gray — Larieuse will make your hair one even, lustrous, natural, youthful appearing color. Choice of 18 shades, including jet-black, black and brown. Remember—ugly hair sometimes kills a man's interest in a woman. Don't risk it—use Larieuse. Satia faction guaranteed or your dealer will refund your money. Larieuse Shampoo . . . produces a remarkably cleansing shampoo which leaves the hair soft and fluffy. Larieuse Stain Remover . . . removes hair dye stain* from hands,forehead and scalp. Will not alfect color of hair. GODEEDOW’S If your deal*' Jo.i not hove *'f® hair coloring ... GODEFROY MANUFACTURING COMPANY • 3510 OLIVE ST. • ST. LOUIS, MO. I ET PEOPLES DO IT Olean up that front room. We specialize in making old houses look like new, inside and out. No charge for euta mation on work. No job too small or too large. Ten trained decorating mecfhatnics. Our Motto—Service First, at the lowest prices. Call WEbster 2858. Peoples Paint and Papering Shop LARRY PEOPLES, Proprietor