affairs The "S-o-c-i-e-t-y^ World organizations CONFINED TO SICK BEI) Mr.-. George Camper, 2843' vVirt oho is confined to her sick bed in the hospital is reported as ini s' f-ing nicely. - I i?»__ / """ nnson Drnjr Co. / Hit** Liquors, Wines and Beer Prescriptions 0998 1984 No. 24th St gjuZTTT AMERICAN WEINER SHOP 2509 North 24th Street Bee* Chili nrd R*»t Hot Dors in the West Ail Kinds of Sandwiches ■OWE MADE ICE CREAM In celebration of their son, Her-i man A. Smith's thirteenth birth day, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith gave a party at their home Wed nesday evening. November ninth. There were fourteen gusts pre 3 nt. Emma Louise James, their neico acted as hostess. The buffett table was decorated with pink ehrystnthemums, and there were pink candles on the cake. The youngsters had an hour of fun and laughter, after which a paper was dropped ito a box and a name drew t'.-om to determine who should cut the cake. The name was that of little Miss Rozelln Thomas of 2874 Maple St. -—0O0 Springers Cheaper than Bacnn, j 20<* lb. Dressed and Delivered , Free: Green Trading Stamps,— j CAREY’S GROCERY. WE. Open Sundays—Baby Beef Head.j quarters. ciues GREEN I* \RKOTS CU B Calling all Bridge and Whist ''avers. The Green Parrots Club i > spcn" • ring a bridge and whi»t j ■; at the Logan Fontenelle •nif ,-. December R, f038. Buy i •• • I V t, nnv and make your •o.’vallon*. T chi' j ; re 25 c I ’Inpbl yrir.o.-. are being given a I. L fi>r the Green Parrots. I i A. Yarn, pr, . Mr.-. R. .Ree-e, - V. Mr.-. Dill, r i - r ‘ ..._j-oOi- • Id ill-.K.V ART CLUB The Eureka Art Club met n't t’--:i home of Mrs. Helen A. Ward, [ -MV CharU fit, with the pr si* ber': prt sid’ng'. There w re eight j rnentb i:. present. All old business war, finis! d and report was made rrn y left, in treasure. This be- j irg the first meeting in the new , yon,-, new plans were discussed for thi 1 year. The meeting adjourned l - meet with Mrs. Lula Roundtree J n NovcmbV- lfith. A delightful, repast was served by th1 hostess.' Mr . Starks, was reported on the —V lis;-. Mrs, S. Moore, president. II. N, Wrrd, repor « r —-oOo COLINT ON ME CLUB Salem Baptist Church Count on M ■ Club met. Tuesday, November ,r>. at tho homo of Mrs. Geneva I Henderson, 3860 Harney St. The • Goodrich • CAR HEATERS I Here’s a Real Bargain— bight When You Need It! Cold weather it coming and you will want d car beater. We have a Knotted stock of fully-guaranteed Goodrich Compact Heater* that we boeght at an unusually low price. They would regularly tell for $10.95 bet during this Advance Sale we are offering them for only $7.95. Emery one it first-quality,' will fit all cart end will assure you of comfortable driving on the coldest days. Stop in today—get one for .your car—this is the best "heater buy" you'll teg this Winter! m etiny, opc.K.i with the scripture reading by the chaplain. Song by Mr i. Jesse White, A very de licious chicken dinner was serve! by the ho«te s. Fifteen were pro- | sent. Everyone had a splendid time. We were pleased to have ou,- pastor Rtv,^E. H. Hilson to address tho club. His subject was “Loyalty to Leadership". I am sure everyone enjoyed the talk. We have a wonderful president, Mrs. Fronnio Green, and I am sure that we will be loyal and make our club a success. After bu incs was over the club adjourn ed to meet Tuesday November 22, at the home of Mrs. Dorothy North. 1632 North 22nd St. Mrs. F. Green, president, Mrs. T. Barnell, Secretary, Mr..-. Lf. ona .Jackson reporter Lev. E, H. Hilson, I’astor. -O-— I QUACK CLUB The Quack club of the YWCA will hold an panel discussion at j Clair ( 'apel the 1st Sunday in j Dec miser. The Club is making' preparations I inr the dinner dance. For Thank-giving the Quack. ; si as u ual | oparing to look af tn and daughter n law, Mr. ;ui(j Mrs. Milton Wil son. of Ohio St. I) I VIS >N CHAIRMAN EXPRES SES APPRECIATION Mrs, S. C. Hanger, chairman of Division ( of the Community Chest wants to thank h r majors cap tain'. and Lieutenants for the plendid work and enthusiasm they are giving this drive. We want to go over the top, we will go ovt .• tlm top and pass our quota f the Community keeps giving the splendid way they have don • in the passed twro days. ■ Give and give until it hurts and W'o will see tht. results this com ing year. CHARITY CLUB-RUMMAGE SALE The Charity Club of the Omaha il .hur I.eagut» Center met Tues day evening Nov. loth at the Cen ter to fin l h shaping up theiV plans for their Rummage sale to be h hi at the Elks Hall Saturday Now 19th. The pledge for the Community Chest was voted out of the Treasury. Plans are now on foot for their annual Xnui Party. Remember the Rummage Sale Sat. Nov. 19th at the E!ks Hall on Lake S: ( OR SECTION Mr. R. C. Trice candidate for t h • School board said that the article in last week issue of the Cmahr. Guide stating that anoth er Colored candidate had received 10,000 in the last 10 years was in correct. -0O0— WORKS PROGRESS ADMINIS TRATION RECREATION DEPT. FONTENELLE HOME RECREATION A handwork exhibit and dance hold in the Masonic Temple No vember 10 by the Binney Street Art Clnb under city recreation was attended by no fewer than 800 per sons. Many beautiful examples of quilt spread and fancy work on display were greatly admired and exclaim ed over. Tho ladies presented themselves in gingham formals. MILLER PARK RECREATION TT fclowing schedule of classes i,, now being observed at this een N r ■ x Monday from 10 to 12 A. M. and 1 t( 3 P. M., Sewing. Tu sday form 9:33 to 12 A. M. Knitting; and from 1 to 3 P. M.. I a die , handcraft (woodcraft etc.) Wednesday from 1 to 9 P. M.. Mens cabinet making. Thursday from 1 to 3 P. M., Ladies Landcra'i't (basketry and weaving.) ; FTl DIES) IN MEXICO Miss Ann Leibst. who has studi c ' for two years at Mexico univer c ty and is a teacher at Brownell Hall brought a message of Mexico to the Gross Eicks in keeping with their world fellowship program, Tuesday Nov. 15th. -oOo COMMUNITY CENTER Tuesday. Nov. 15, the Board of the Urban League Community enter hi Id their regular monthl; board dinner meeting in the offices of the building. SICK LIST Still on the sick list are: Me."lames Edgard Camper, Chas. Seymour and Florence Riggs. -—oOo-* LISTEN TO THIS— (continued from pag, 6) and the very pillars of civilized governments. Moses received what education he. had in the schools of the black people of Egypt. iver ; to leaders of voluntary ; tvLgieus association who promis 'd to hold money or property in a •aw nly treasure, representing ' hat' bank were un afe and un ci taking to return upon demand, and promising "g i ts. ’ Brown vs. Father Divine, 298 N. Y. 042. Potivicr’s Law Dictionary, gifts,} w voluntary immediate and abso- ! lot transfer of property without I consideration. -. Kquality of treatment of. white rn l colored races under equal pro jection clause of Constitution does no', r quire that privileges he pro vided. members of such races in dime place^ but state may choose method by which equality is main tained. N' gro student held -entitled to ; rdmission to law school of state university (Maryland) where at I ha' t nip .state could not furnish Hial facilities ftp- legal training •lor colored students in no other Liability to whit person riding ir Colored, car. 12<> S. \V. 144. It is an actionable wrong for a tailioad company to disregard the -tafi > requiring separate cars * ■ white and colored persons and rJ m | r quire a white person to ride in a colored car. But if the passen ger voluntarily ride^ in such car lather than risk getting- a seat in another one, she can recover noth ing on account of so riding. I want my million readers to read very carefully a part of Chief Justice Taney’s opinion on the Dred Scott decision. Have you misconstrued the phraseology? “In the opinion of the court, the legislation and histories of the times, and the language used in the Declaration of Independence, show, that neither the class of persons who had been imported as slaves nor their descendants, whether they had become free or not, were THEN acknowledged as part of the people, nor intended to be included in the general words used in that memorable instru ment. It is difficult at THIS day to realize the state of public opinion in relation to that unfortunate race, which —prevailed in the civ ilized and enlightened portions of he world AT THE TIME of the Declaration of Independfnee, and her. tho Constitution of the U. S. was framed and adopted. But the public history of every European natic 13 d splays it in a manner too plain to b3 mistaken. They had for more than a century before h’. r. regarded as beings of an in ferior order, and altog ‘.her unfit t > associate with the white race, e ther* in social or political rela tions and so far inferior that th y had no rights which the white man was bound to respect; and that tho Negro might justly and lawfully bo reduc d to slavery for his bene fit. Ho was bought and sold, and treated as ordinary article of merchandise and traffic, whenev er a profit could be made. This opinion was at THAT time fixed and universal in the civilized por tion of the white races.” Do you belong to ’’Listen To This” scrapbook club? Copyright 1938 MOW YOU TOO CAN HAVE THAT fpriwim THAT MEN ADMIRE t AND WOMEN ENVY | When skin is too dark, rough, blotchy, etc. spread on gen_ uine DR FRED PAL MER’S SKIN WHITENER. It must make nature work faster to bring out a lighter brighter, cleaner new skin surface or your money hack. 25c at d'-'ug stores. FREE SAMPLE For Free Sample, write to I)R. FRED PALMER’S LABS., Depf. D-302, Atlanta Geo. rgia. RHEUMATISM RELIEVE PAIN IN FEW MINUTES To relieve the torturing pain of rheuma tism, Neuritis, Neuralgia or Lumbago, in a few minutes, get the Doctor's formula N1JRITO. Dependable—no opiates, no nar cotics. Does the work quiekly—must relieve worst pain, to your satisfaction in a few * minutes or morn- * hack at Druggists*. Don’t BufTer. Use NURiTO on thus guarantee today. Dolgoff Hardware PAINT, GLASS & VARNISH Me l)o Glazing & Make Window Shades to Order Stove Pipes, Furnace Pipes, & Stove & Furnace Repairs Electrical Supplies Plumbing Supplies Roofing Paper & Guttering We Have a Full Line-of KITCHEN UTENSILES (Open Evenings) —WE. 1607— 1822-24 N. 24th St. IRenfcesvous grille (formerly the Apex Bar) A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF LIQUORS — BEERS & WINE SPACIOUS DANCE FLOOR — NEWLY DECORATED 1818 N. 24th St. JA-9331 Tff miil price you ray for km CStrck Below Anti See If Yon Have Any Of The Signs Quivers* nerves fan make you old and r- .fgard lookin ', cranky and hard to live •Rilfi -can keep you awake nights and rob you of good health, good times and jobs. Don t let yourself "go” like that. Star*; taking a good,; t. liable tonic—one made ciaUi/ far womt i. And could you ask for any thing whose benefltraave been better proved than world-famous Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound? Let the wholesome herbs and roots of Pinkham’s C i npound help Nature calm your shrieking nerves, tone up your system, and help lessen distress from female func tional disorders. Make a note NOW to get a bottle of this time-proven akham’s Compound TODAY without fail from your druggist. Over a mil lion women have written in letters reporting wonderful benefits. For the past 60 years Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound has helped grateful women go “smiling thru" trying ordeals. I Why not let it help YOU? ■ BEPA,Reo mjtoclaii,^^ w _BEFORE__ _ .AFTER_. |MApSlMM»[m[S)flATr®[B Ct >906 CUMI Ng c r JESSSS® 0MAHA.Nf88; - Free Estimates. TRAOt^ NO E&y' bi yfc I MAK K A cough due to a cold is no joke. Get Smith Brothers Cough Drops. (Black or Menthol.) Cost only 5tf—yet they’re a real cough medicine. Smith Bros. Cough Drops are the'oniy drops containing VITAMIN A This is the vitamin that raises the resistance of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat to cold infections.