The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, November 19, 1938, Page Four, Image 4

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fiiii'c L04N
Dill 9 BANK
Confidential Loans at Reasonable
Men's nrwest style overcoats
Sh- cp lined coats.5.95
Beau Brummel gabardine shirts
' 95
Beau Brummel Aayon silk shirts
Zipper .Jackets, nice assortment
Bit , and work gloves ailkinds
IT’S time for Spats .. 89c
Snappy felt HATS_1.45 & 1.98
Extra heavy Union suits 79c -$1
100 percent all wool, extra heavy
Union Su.ts. r<g. $4.95, size '36
only . . . 2,45
I ntest Zipper Dress Sweaters 1.95
— Peters Shoes for the family—
Blaek Shirts with real cuff but
tons, dice 7-11 . 1.45
La/iiis Jitterbug Dresses $1.0)
Full Fashion HOSE 09c
COATS . 10.95
HATS .... .... ..98c & up
Silk DRESSE . 2.95
GLOVES __ .29c & up
Pocketbooks ... ..1.00
Al wool Twin Sweaters ... 1.69
"’■'o-tone Ear muffs . ...49c
Boys Zipper Coat 2.46 & up
Girls Dresses.. 59c
Boys and Girls knee length Hose
....19c & 25c
Girls Bloomers . 15c
Wo feature Red Ball Rubber Foot
wear for everyone,
ladies Heavy Union Suits ...‘)8c
1804 NORTH 24tb ST.
PHONE WE. 1369
Rev. ft. E. Johns ;ii, paster
Edna Mitchell, reporter
Sunday school was opened at
9:45 by tile superintendent, Mrs.
Edn?, Mitchell. Forty five minutes
was devoted to th, lesson. Tht re
was a large attendance. Eleven o
clock sermon was opened by the
cho'r sing ng the “Lord is In His
holy T mple.” Ser-ron by Rev.
Caldwell. Text from St. Luke “Let
Alon«' They need Me Some Day.”
Wo wer. glad to have nur visitor
at tie morning service. We are
•lorry our pastor was s’ck and
Could not be with us in our ser
vice. Wi hope for his sP- edy re
; eovery.
At six o'clock BYPU wa4 taught
I by the Rev. Sister Jackson. There
; was a nice attendance.
Eight o’clock s: rvice was opcn-|
cd by the choir singing the Lord1
is in His Holy Temple. Sermon by
Rev. Caldwell. Text: Rev. 1:12 Sub
ject: Be Your Our Friend. The
>pirit ran high.
Wo are still conducting our re
vival .meeting. All are welcome.
We are having a Gospel Feast.
Como out and hear these great
truths from one of God’s servants.
Services will last for three more
Friday, afternoon, the Mission
ary Society meets. Our president
wishes al members to be present.
Rev. L. M. Relf, Pastor
Edna Pank y. Reporter
Sunday, Nov. 13, Sun Jay school
opened at 9:30 A. M. with a splen
did attendance. Rev. Gray of Og
den. Utah, delivered the morning
message. The text was found in
tho book of Amos and was enjoy
ed by all. HYPU is held every
i | i., , . , _ .1 LuJ— 1 ■■ KJ,.’—. ==»
jAaa a aa • ■> A'fi A Gift with Every
$5000 ,n Free Gifts *™riw
These Beautiful
Winter Lowboy
Made to Sell
Regularly at $295 0UR pRICE w
Have full 88-noto keyboard,
| beautiful case in rich ma
hcyony. marvelous tone.
Purchased dir ct from fac
tory to tfiy you the ‘blKsrest
piano value in the city’ dur- NO MONEY DOWN
'nsr our 79th Anniversary
! gnje Trade In Your Old Piano
S.IBMBT NMB rota 178
ii ■■■■■ ■ ■■ ... *—
Unusual Values!
Low Price
Has the same features found
in 'vashers selling at $70
an more.
ONLY $4950
i Little as $1.00 per week buvs
a new Easy during this sal- ■
———WBMW—IIHI—Will Hi II *1—1
Prices Slashed!
Brand New
Popular models, your choice
of our entire : tick during
this sale.
m of;
Trade in your old stove.
Terms arranged to suit.
We «iv you b beautiful new instru v. nt’*' t §M*
with case, and 20 private lessons, a $30.95 Sm -J
valu". all for _ .
Only $1.00 per week pays for everything
Accordions! Guitars! Trumpets! Clarinets! Sax
aphones! at Money Saving Prices— Low easy
®-———— -:— _- _
1 . M. service. Our pastor preached
! atioth r good section, Subj ct.
I -i1 wt cont ue in Sin." Many
vi i v ere prc*<? 'i.
Com out and worship with us.
Vis . is re always (riven a hearty
v. Icotne.
Rev. I>. H Nicholson, pastor
Clarinda, Iowa
Sun ay Srhool opened at the
usual hour with Miss Rachel Ga«on
sup \ pr siding.
Thu lesson war enjoyed by all
We were pleas-<| to have Mrs.
Thornton of St. John, Omaha, as
0 guest in our Sunday school.
Morning servicf was conducted
b;, the young minister:; of Omaha.
Lev. Renfrew R.< v. J. L. Rigean.
and Rev. E. L. Young brought us
the message which was full of
Afternoon s< rvice was the spot
light service. Ri v. E. Hilson and
church was in charge. Rev. Hilson
1 reached the third annivirsary
sermon of Rev. D. H. Nicholson,
which was i njoyed by all and wc I
were happy to know that the three '
pantors that have preached the
anniversary sermon for the past
the o years were present at this
meeting. We were inspired liy the
address given by Mrs. Joseph I).
Lewis, of Omaha, Nebraska. M r,
subject was “Inspirat'on.'' We wire
['eased to have many of the fri
ends i f F« . John AME churdi.
P'th I AME chur-h. F' 'rdm Ran
list chivch and Salem Baptist of
Ora' i in. this meeting.
Evening service was in high
spirii. Rev. Renfrew of Omaha,
b urrht the message which was ,ri
i yi ' by all. We highly apprec'at"
P* * wonderful :■ pirit Mint onr
! refc :d jwed us throughout the
f visb t ■ tnk- this opportunity
to than'- all that helped to rra’to
my third anr.ivcr ary a great suc
R: • It. ir. Nh olsm,
’ ' ’ 's- * Or ett Baptist Church
t’-'v. •t yvno'ds. Pa tor
Wi'l > 5Jn Ross. Reporter
Sunday school 9 o’clock with
Supt. presiding. Teachers taken
charg of he classes. Number pre
sent 04.
A lovely lesson was d'scitss 1.
-Morping' worship 11 o’clock tlev >
tion service led by tile deacons.
Song by the choir. Prayer for th
by die*. Cresn. A lovely ser
mon was preached 1 y the pastor.
The e'ang li fe meeting has star
ted you all are welcome to come.
Como one. come all. Come and help
to save you soul for the master.
Midday server. Song by the
choir of Council Bluff. A lovely
and inspiring .sermon was preached
by Rev. (layton. Song by the
choir. Evening worship devotion
| led by Rev. tire, n Pearl. Song by
ihe choir. A lovely song program
! was rendered by the choir. It was
! enjoyed by all.
The soul saving m eting will
| eont nu for 10 ndys.
WEbster 3043
tn»i>rican and Chinese Pi«hoi*
Kinff Yuen Cafe
201(Pi N. 24th St. Jackson 857f
Ooee from 2 n. m. until S n
L<f2» North 2ith St„
Lhi.r eh S. Spught, pastor
! Punday School openeJ at the us
1 ual 1 )Ui'. Supt. Joe iJiIdens it
charge. The attendance was good
Thj Subject of the h s m v.a ■
“Th j fco.i .cdness H i n Life”.
| Many thoughts were brought out
! in the lesson on how we a Christ
ians should not allow hatred to be
in our hearts. As Jesus said,
“Whosoever hateth his brother jg
murderer (I John 3:15).
At 11 o’clock the pastor brought
tho ressage. The rubj-ct was
‘‘Th Peace that the World Needs.’
I 1. 119-165. We wire made to
| think as he so wonderfully explain
| ed to us through the word of God
how tho world stands in need of
that peace. We can o -ly get th s
peace by accepting Jesus into our
Six o’clock p, m. A wonderful
program was rendered. Lor ne
Spagl t was in charge. A visiting
quartette sang two splendid num
bers for us. At seven-forty-five,
th- pastor delivered another inspir
ing messge.’ Subject: ,‘Thc Church
that Jesus Bult”. He made us to
know by the- word of God. that
only men and women who have
fully d cided to forsake their
wicked ways and be willing to live ,
p. righteous life, can enter the
kingdom of God.
Everyone is always welcom
Rev. F. P. Jones, Pasfar
F. Burroughs, Rcpeter
The revival meeting was brought
to p clos. Friday night but the
spir.t still lingers. Dr. G. A.
Burke who conducted the services
had a 'ast storehouse of knowledge
1 o bring home to his list ners, both
material and spiritual.and those j
who did not hear him, missed a I
At the morning worsh:p the
pastor brought a message which
was really suburb. Subject was:
“Seven Great Wonder* in the
Christian World’’. These wonders
wero classified as the ’Miracle of
Creation," ‘‘Mian’s K^iship wifi'i
Co * “The Fact of Sin’’, “The
Divine 1 lan of Salvation’. “The
c’encr ol the Holy Ghost and
Propagation of the gospel”,
iv akirg at length upon each of
o topic a sp rit filled sermon
war; produced which touched the
• t of many. .
Dr • J, P. B tts who has been ill
me time, was present at the
n worship. He stated that
h’s recovery was through the pray
, off it 1 up for him.
Sian; vVtors were present one
"vn rut of town. AU the visitors
• welcome to otlr servie s. Come ,
wo: L n w'th us.
P'der W. I, Irving, Pastor
Mrs. L. TIarffield. Reporter
T! • church that stands for the
unity cl' Cod’s children as th.. stan
t ' I Christian fellowship.
fim 'j-, service? seemed to
' 'e«s all who were pres nt. Ou
■ 'j intern lent Miss Marie Perkin j
is hack rga'n on'the job. The i
rrhool !:■• vv 1] attended and is g.a 1
oally increasing.
Rev. A. J. Wager our general
supervisor worshipped with us and
pr-ached the morning sermon Sub
ject “Our Be-t Friend” St. John
1.4. It was ch arly shown that the
proverb. ‘‘They who t 11 us our
iault;- and help us to mend them
ar<i our best friends, all fulfilled
in Christ.”
in. the afternon w( had a coop
erative meeting. The thoughts
that were advanced wer0 from
Kccles. 11 Charity, boundless, min
istry Instant. Judgement inescap
Rev. O. 1). Hancock, pastor
Sunday school 9:30 a. m.
Preaching 11:30 a. m.
Epworth League G;30 n. m.
I reaching 7:30 p. m,
Sunday school opened at the
usual hour with a good attend
ance. These crisp mornings stem
tp stimulate the children to the joy
of getting out. It would he quite
nice if the older ones would follow
At eleven o’clock Rev. Hancock
selected his scripture text from;
rGen «is 3:1:21. :T'.:h; -was an in
spirfr';: me'srgi an! enjoyed by
; ell. The Sunday School Alliance
met at 8:30 p. m. with a goodly
number pro o it. V, extend an
1 invitation to you at this time to
fomr out and t ..l.e part in our Ep
worth League < n Sunday evenings
An nter m nrogram i« always
f: omi1' I. Sev a! visitors wors
hip; Ld with us an 1 we are always
phased to have you. On Thursday
Nov. 24, 1938 Thanksgiving Day,
i there will be union services at
Lethe] A ME. Church at 11:00 a.
1 m. Rev. Hancock will deliver the
message. On Monday Nov. 14th
Sister Carrie Collins on- of the
Church’s most beloved and faithful
member;. wa>< buried. The entire
church ext nd.a its deepest and
j nicest heartfelt sympathy to the de
j ceased:s family.
.. A.. I
“ " *
A ■week of Religion—This week
has been observed on the campus
I of the University of Nebraska at
! Lincoln, as a we k of Religion and
Several outstanding ministers
and churchmen are conducting con
.‘ergnee among them is the belov
d missionary to India, Dr. E.
'tanly Jonc3. He addressed several
wusands last Sunday evening in
the coloseum.
This encouraging to those of
ur. who arc desirous of a spiritual
awaking among the students and
educators of our time.
Thanksg'v'ng—Before another
issu • w hope to have celebrated
our National Thanksgiving Day.
Realizing t is i.ur duty to always
be thankful, we have followed the
exa-rr ; le of our Puritan prtde
c snors by setting aside at least
one day in which to express our
One of the signs of the last
■days is that men be “unthankful.”
Though wo have this many thi re
are probaETy'm'any vho will care
lessly pass it by and only think
of the “supposedly” good t'me that ;
they shall have by eating and
drinking. But wh-ther we have
turkey, pumpkin pie, etc., it. is a
good thing to praise the Lord. Our
Missing are without number.
Even, so far, the weather has not
bee extremely cold thereby sav
ing fuel. This has b en a fruitful
y» > •. Farmers seen to be gather
ng large crops.
Let every on of us endeavor to
s'tt' nd church ?■ ervices wherever1
they are h Id on Thanksgiving |
morning (probably at. 11 o'clock) j
. I out of the depth, of our hearts j
thank oto;..( reator for His bounte
ous gifts.
‘O give thanks unto the Lord !
for Ho i ■ good and Ibis mercy in- |
; urclh .forever.”
YEARS OLD; HAS 8706,000
1 hiladelphia, Nov 10 (C)—An
important anniversary in the busi
rr ■ life of this city is the 18
1 ithday of the Citizens and
Sou'hern Bank and Trust com- 1
pany, 19th and South Sts. who is 1
th ■ active president spending
each day at his desk passing on
loans and looking after details of
the business. The bank has $706,
000 in assets, is p. member of the
Federal Dt posit Insurance which
insures each depositor up to $6000
and i d pository for the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania, Postal
Savings, ard the city of Philadel
phia. The lending colored busines
ses of the city and several large
whit ■ businesses carry deposits at
New Crop Tree Ripened
Oranges and Grapefruit
90 pounds $2.88
(plus $2.40 express)
Fine Georgia PECANS
$4.85 to $6,85 for 25
—Ideal Gift—
Rockmart, Georgia
1 the bank and number of leading
1 Negro organization includirg the
A ME church and the Grand Lodge
of Elks. Recently a committee on
Way and Means of Introducing
Thrift into the AME church, Mrs.
i Maym A. Sims, chairman rfcom
! mended and urged that all pastors j
j open personal accounts an t advise
their boards to establish connec- j
tieno with the Citizens and South-1
cm Hank. This hank is now the
only Negro bank north of the Ma
son and Dixon Line.
Washington, Nov, 10 (ANP)—
Although the NYA and WPA both
New Deal agencies, have 211 of
ficials drawing salaries in ex
cess of $5,000 yearly, not one
goes to colored executives in the
two setups. Mrs. Mary McLeon
Bethune of the NYA is the high
est paid Negro, with a reported
alary of $5.000.
Or those making more than
$5,000, 108 receive $0,000, 20 are
paid in excess of $7 000, 10 get
?8.000 or more, six draw over
$0,000 and one, WPA Administra
tor Harry Hopkins is paid $12,000.
The situation in WPA and NYA
where whites draw the large sal
aries, Is considered of other New
Deal bureaus and agencies.
—■ ——- j
Decatur, 11. Nov. 19—Indignant
over what they regard-d as an
attempt on thi par of the city to
introduce segregated platfgrou ds
here, i\ eomniitte of citizen* lead
ed by Jesse C. Barton passed a
resolution upholding “cue recrea
tion system to se.-w all p - .pie
regardless of race or color.”
Tho resolution was contained in
a letter signed by members of thei
committee. It caused a furor when
it was read by the mayor at a
mass me ting held in the City Hall
Sunday, October 23, to consider the
establishment of a recreation em
Tho ational Recreation Associa
tion, which at th, request of J. a.l
*g white civic groups, sent Er
nest R. Atwell here to make a re
creational survey, denied emphati
cally that it ever recommends se
gregated centers outeidt* of the
Washington, Nov. 18 (CNA) —
Tho Public Works Administration
announced this week approval of
14C non-Fcderal projects for which
the PWA has allotted $7,322,220
in grants and $990,500 in loans.
All cf the projects are in the
Perhaps, this year, instance will keep Mother, Dad,
son or c’ tughter from joining you ’round the table.
Then why not da the next best thing . . . talk to
them by telephone.
Yov can telephone at any time from 7 o’clock
Wednesday night through Thanksgiving
Day until 4.30 a. in. Iriday at lowest long
distance rates , between no:ntn in the United
“'W’OU wouldn’t believe it now, but
X a few months ago my skin was so
dark, coarse and oily I was ashamed.
My mother said I was foolish to keep
trying remedies. But I refused to give
up hope! I read an ‘ad’ in the paper
about Nadinola Cream. That night I
began using it. So quickly did my
skin get softer and lighter that I for
got all about my past disappoint
ments. Nothing else makes a girl so
happy as a gloriously beautiful skin!”
Do as Famous Beauties Do
Famous beauties preserve their love
liness because they take infinite i
pains to care for it. Most girls have !
much greater beauty than they even j
suspect. And it frequently isn’t a bit
hard to bring it out! It’s the duty of
every girl to try, for the sake ol
her own happiness.
Do you want men to admire you
women to envy you? Do you want a
soft, smooth, lighter skin? Then try
famous Nadinola Blenching Cream!
Simply smooth this fragrant cream
on every night. No rubbing, no mas
saging. While you sleep the positive
bleaching action of Nadinola softens
and lightens your skin. Soon you’ll
see a marvelous improvement. Get
Nadinola today.
You Can’t Lose!
Money-Back Guarantee
Every cent you pay for Nadinola is
refunded if you’re not fully satisfied.
At all drug stores, 50c—large money- j
saving size, $1.00. Be sure you get I
genuine Nadinola! Don’t trust your
loveliness to any unknown substitute.
If your druggist doesn’t have Nadi
nola, send us the money and we will ;
mail it to you postpaid. Address Nadi- Wt \
nola. Dept. 40, Paris, Tenn.
,' HE 9u ;