Theatricals Music Features I {Music Features & Photo Syndicate) «" irpHE song, “Music, Maestro, Please,” by Allie Wrubrl and Herbert 1-1 Magidson, a.s.c.a.i-., is rapidly crowding its way to the top cf cu' 'rent crazes . The word "music” could be omitted and the com.uand would lose none of its meaning . . • Melody men Sam Coslow, Walter Donaldson and Johnny Noble are in New York from Hol lywood, arrang i n g for pub lication of new numbers . . . Melody man Lew Pollack has returned to the West Coast. Pollock’s name t—i-■«-«—'-1 is not generally Louis Reid known to the public, yet he manages to turn out ©tte hit after another ... A leading inember for many years of the Am erican Society of Composers, Au thors and Publishers, he is the au thor of such popular ditties as “'Moonshine Over Kentucky,” ‘‘With You on My Mind,” “Isn’t It Won ierful, Isn’t It Swell.” . . . I.ordy, .f there isn’t now a “Sweet Chimes cl Hawaii”! p—G—p Dance bands outdraic all other bnusical organizations at the box office. Hammy Kaye established « ficw attendance record the other blight at Asbury Park At a single 1appearance at the resort’s casino, 1he ployed to 4,500 persons. The im mense popularity of dance band leaders ran be attributed chiefly to badio tvhich has made of them household gods Yet, radio repeti \tion of tunes presents on ever present threat to the landmen’s prestige. In paying,trib-‘, tite to the com positions of the ■fate George (Gershwin music Jovers single out f'Rhapsody i n Blue,"' generally' lover look tne isongs of “Porgy Herbert Pdagidson fciul Bess.” Yet, A.8.CA P. •there is no more rollicking ballad in American music lore than the composer's “I Got Plenty of Nothin' ’ from his above-named opera, with Its gusty, ingratiating expression of (the Negro's essentially happy-go Jucky nature. Tibbett, who has ladded it to his repertory, sings it (particularly well. , “We have Mother’s Day and Father's Day,” comments Ferdc Crofe, “why not a Children’s Dayt” Why not, indeedf % New Words for Old The music world in general and bandleaders in particular continu • :c. hunt for a word more suitable {■ r*. “jazz” in describing modem Arne • ican mucic. “Jazz,” they insist, i o longer serves. In fact, for those v: > take the new American music f ously, it hasn’t served for srr.; years. They maintain—and right'y —that such music has gone far be yond jazz, that jazz is merely n rhythmic style of playing, a pnmi tive, hot cacophany that followed hard upon the ragtime era. ■0—4—0 Maestros have long shied from the word. They believe it insuits their new-found dignity—"swing,” of course, describes a special kind of jazz—and their search is for a word that has vigor and euphony and will rol I easily off their tongues as the It music rolls off their fiddles. The word that springs spon• taneously into public approval and usage will, be the one, of\ course, that /tr-j litre dictionary 3 will record The Allie Wrubel American lan• A.S.C A P. guage, fortunate ly, is not hampered by hide-boit: l conventions and traditions It 0 SAYS HE’LL BE MORE CAREUL IN FUTURE Chicago, Nov. 12 (ANP)—Local musical and theatrical circles con tinued to buzz this week after hearing the strange story of Zil- j ner T. Randolph, colored WPA mu sician who declared that he had written tho song hit. “Old Man j Mose,” and >n 1934 had sold it to ; Louis Armstrong to avoid eviction from his home. Randolph, who at one time had played tho cornet in Armstrong’s band, said ‘ My wife and I talked it over, and we decided to sell it. So, for $50 I let a song go that I had lx en afraid to trust to the j mails to get copyrighted. I carried From now to Christmas, every j Lucky Heart Agent makes TWICE AS MUCH MONEY. Agents I that used to make $10 to $20 a week I can make up to S45.00 a week full * time, FROM NOW ON! Be a Lucky 1 Heart Agent, DOUBLE YOUR | MONEY. Write now for $9.00 worth i of guaranteed cosmetics, medicines, i flavorings, curios and BIG SAMPLE 1 CAJ$E FREJJ of extra _cosL^_ Lucky Heart Co., Dept. 1-11-47, Memphis Tenn. i. all the way to Washington my self. Louis Armstrong later hear ! it and wrote to me about it. 1 had an lidea, is was good but sold it to save my home.” Randolph^ who is the father of five children, now has two new numbers “as good, if not better, than Old Man Mose.” One “Knock Kne-d Sal.” he wrote for Eddie Dudhin and the other “Liza Down cn the Levee,” was introduced by Ethels Waters last year on the Ben Bcrnio program. Asked about these songi.^ Randolph said quickly “You can bet I won’t sell them for $50. —-0O0 SEATTLE WPA THEATRE PRE SENT PLAY ABOUT DUNBAR Seattle, Wash. Nov. 12 (By Ar line N. Paiya for ANP)—“An evening with Dunbar,” a play by the Federal theatre’s Negro re pertory company, playing last week at the Metropolitan theatre was a huge success. The play is based on the works and life of 1 aul Lawrence Dunbar, entirely written and set to music by the cast. Joseph Staton plays the part of the- poet, while Howard Biggs, brilliant young muscian, wrote most of the music. Biggs directs Effective Miylst: 20 Cent Discount on Laundry & Dry Cleaning Cash and Carry Edholm and Sherman i Launderers & Dry Cleaners i WR 6055_l tho chorus and also the 30-pieeel hand for the se nes. The ploy, which is called a folks opera, is : exceptionally don j ar.d is the sc | eon'’ play written by the Negro | easi. T1 o other play was "Natural i Man,” a rather dramatic interpr-' N-.tion of tho John Henry Legend by Tod Browne. Browne is now in the Rost with the hope of present mg this play. Thu Negro P pert rry theatre is i now three years old. Tho project j wag originally submitted by the Seattl Urban League under J. S. Jackson, its executive secretary. Thu church scene was one of tho most beautifully and well enacted. Doris Booker, whoso pleasing voice delight d the audience with several numbers sings in this scene. Sir lcfj. Groves, a* the deacon draw-, loud applause with his rendition i of the "Artm-TMlum Sermon." Ifermon Moore and Thomas Trice as “Tho Rivals,” are another higli ; light of tho play. Others members ' of th; cast are Sarah Oliver Jane # 1 Chandler. Joe Smith, Harry Phil ' !'ps. Frank Colins, George Height, Edward White Leo Fletcher Mark * , Allen, George Blackw‘1,1 Derry I Gilliam, Heiibert Coleman, Alice Powtll, Evelyn Winston Marceta Tribble, Ulalia N’ckel r and Robert A. Si. Clair. Harper Gaston and St. Clair d; 1 rected the dancing for “the Party” i scene. Tin chorus sings both for ! lh« epilogu and prologue. Tho play drew crows at the Metropolitan theatre for a week, (Oct. 31th to Nov. 5>lh.) and now has b-en moved to the Federal theatre on Rainer avenue where it is st 11 attracting crowds. HARLEM SKETCHES j By SID THOMPSON FOR ANP i New York, Nov. 17—Latest rac ket of the smart boys in New ' ork's Harlem is a job selling rack t in Which a young girl is old an office job by a man who goes into the office to talk to the proprietor, ostensibly about the job. What he does is go in and talk about th^> weather or some thing else and then comeg out and tells the girl^ who has seen him talk to the man, that she should J eomc. around the next day. When she does she is told there is no job or her. Many such cases brought o light in the past few weeks. We have looked all over Harl m for a corner which would cor respond to Chicago’s 47th and South Parkway, or Memphis’ Beale dreet, Tulsa’s Greenwood street, Cincinnati’s Fifth and John, San Antonio’s Commerce street or Houston’s Milam and Prairie or Odin streets. The Seventh. Eigh th and Lenox avenues are typical Negro section streets they do not compare with any of the above named streets. There are many populous centers on Harlem’s treet but none where one can say bat “if one stands there long enuf on0 will see any one who is in town. Tho West Indian is fast taking over most of tho business estab lishments in Harkm. Few Negro businesses are run and owned by American Negroes. Because tho West Indian is frugal, thrifty, knows how to sitrike a bargain and lives up to his word, he is called th0 “Jew of Harlem”. There is much enmity and envy between the two peoples. While the American Negro does a lot of talking about the situation, as usual, he does nothing about it. The West Indian brother just goes along, saves his moneyf opens more business and gets his pe|pi-’s support. F<| which we say, "bravo.” One thing in particular which we have noticed is that while the colored man in Harkm thinks it is perfectly all right for him to! go out and around with a whke girl he quickly feels and expresses ASSISTS mmm VENTURE ETTA MOTEM j THEATRE STARS B \CC CEtCAGO NERRO THEATRE Cl. 'cagvi, Nov. 12 (t'XA)—P.-om ! inont th atrical stars, civic leaders j social workers j.lined this • week in paying tribute to the N - ! r-r. Peoples Theatre nt a t a held Ut tho YMCA, 4559 So. Parkway I S3 ;* “get-together” for those “who i hnv'.i indicat. d an interest in the a n’fj and potentialities of the MPT. ’.tho tea was organised by the pro-’ n tif nal and publicity committee • of th. group. Tho program -opened with the j introduction by Mis Ailcne Marks of Mrs. Lillian Summers, chairman , af tho committee. Mrs. Summers m' l’n i brh fly the intensive cam paign which has been fallowed by the committee in its attempt t > ■-tain support for the Negro Peo ples theatre venture. Among the stars who participat ed were Mrs. Etta Moten of stage and screen and radio fame; Leigh Whipper who is appearing h re currently as a star in the produc '< f Men and Mice;’’ Edward v'r: elion. the “Mikado” in the pro !' ■>. r.f the f.aiftn na me. Miss Fanny McConnell, ex> cuiiv T < ter < f the NIT, vijprouiy pponled for an increased interest >n d mag based on fh„ r al and •■litre:;*; pc't> rn of Negro life.” 1 Tin gathering heard an appeal ! ! r 1 i.vallst Spain bv M Th; rn 1 ’wardsi social'wok: eiv 1.1 .’ss E I : ward;, u.gcd the n cessity cvf re rista'nco by the Negro pc pie to any advance of Fascism here or 1road_ and asked support for the: cam; ign to li#t thr US arms em bargo against Spain. Tho Negro People Theatre is at present producing T .mg ton Hug it .' play, “Don’t you want to b? Free.” Th-, production opened Nov. 10 at the Linccdn Centre. 700 E. Ooakwood Blvd, and will he pre sented on the 121h, 17th, 19th and 25th. together with a modem dance presentation, the "Dancers of the Masque.” the later group under ihe direction of Miss Posey Flow er.-.. resentment when he sees some colored girl running around with p. white man. Lots of it done, however, but always there is quite a bit of excite ment created when it is seen. Is this the same feel ing the white man has about his women with Negro men in the Southland. HARLEMANIA—Some of West Indian women have the nic est and cutest accent evfr. We love to hear them talk.***Trench ant saying in Harlem: “When a man's money gives out his girl friend runs out”***Many men have nice jobs here, esp cially those gigolos who have to air the dog for their mistresses. Couldn't very well call it a he-man’s job. Hut we do wish they would take them to the edge of the sidewalk to satisfy the demands of nature. Sidewalks littered with excrement everywhere* **Three cars preced ed by a motor cycle escort, stops suddenly at the Mimo club, 133 and Seventh. Many white men jump out of the’ cars. Bystanders follow them to the club. They go into the club. Looks like a raidt but no, just District Attorney Dewey, who ran for governor, coming to pay his respects to Joe Louis, who is having a good time in the elub.***Politics occupied the limelight this past week. Candi dates wooed the colored brother with hopes of success. All kinds of people handled ‘ big” money ($5 or more) who have not sfen that much at one time *ir.ce the last election. YE NITE LIFER IN HARLEM: —Fill Robinson, Harlem’s Bronze mayor is back. Greeting friends everywhere While considering an offer to go back to his old stand, ELLA FITZGERALD the Cotton Club.**Chiek Webb and the world’s most not d canary, Elle. Fitzgerald, have signed up for a 12 week stint at the exclusive Park Central hotel, an ofay spot ir the h art of th ngs. At a sal ary r< puted to be $2,000 per week and p. nightly cut on covers. He will be an ice break< r there for the colored, outfits.♦•♦Joe Gordon and his young ork is clicking nt Small s Paradise 135 and Seventh avenue f ♦••Watch for the coming of Roose V. It Sykes, better known as the ‘‘Honey Dripper”, who is headed Wist and South or. a scout for Dccca waxing talent***After play ing many colleges, debutante danc es (white), theatres and clubs. Andy Kirk has left for the hinter lands. Will come back to Ilarl c.n in December***Air fans are lis tening to Alberta Hunter ov< r NBC each night from G to 6:30 p. m. EST***Oscar Moore bass fid dler of the King Cole Jesters, lat ent radio team to click in Harlem, i;, an Aust n, Texas, hoy who has made good in the —big city. They arc cn the air every Monday via1 NBC from 5 to 5:15***Eddie South famed “Dark Ang*1 of the Violin" 1 a Ch’cngo product, hes been sign- j ed to play the ofay Famous Door Club n the downtown sector. He will bring his entire string cn-i somblo th* ra and soell Count Bar e who is i\ decided hit***deni LegOh dancing darling of the stage and screen, pny* a delicate compliment to Lou Swa>z, solo art tat of St. Ionia, When ,;he stopped off cn route to Washington to visit her ‘ Low Leslies’ Blackbirds sched uled to open on Broadway this month. Twill be a bigger and tetter show accord ng to princip als* **( hick and Ella hit the road iv> December, nmi'ng a southwes tern tour thru the provinces**** -tuff Smith and his slap-happy music will play tho pink Merry to Round in Newark, starting January 22****Oponing of “Con Jur” dramatic story of supersti t oug colored people, at the Rrat tleboro in Brooklyn*this past w ok ****Roland Hayes, who appeared at Town Hall. Nov, 8, has accept' d Negro college bookings for the first time. “Wrhy", asks Harlem "** Shelton Brooks wis(. cracking pianist, is wowing them at Casa !Uanantt***Tho fir t all fat man’s ’< nd is being organized by Nat "rtj'. b'ff. To b' come a member ono mu-! bo 200 pounds or over. Fats Waller will positiv ly NOT i !>o a mombor’ ^ 'Ftbf'l Waters will appear as a soloist with the ITall .••Vhnson choir at Town Hall, Nov. 21 *+* WITH THK CAB A PFTS:- Fb rmr.ii*s Paradise, 135th'and Sev enth avenue,1 holds cilebrity nigh1 y Sunday. Stars from all the elu1’;' in town entertain to the gay tunes of Jor1 Gordon and hie or*, (continued on page 5) I___ FASTER St. Joseph -$ 2.2® TIME Kansas City. 3.20 Dm Moines . 2.50 Ottumwa . .... 3.80 ' Chicago .—. 8.50 Detroit .11.25 SCENIC New York ..19.35 ROUTES Denver .9.00 Eos Angeles ..27.00 San Francisco _27.00 Whether you travel for business or pleasure, let Burlington Trailwayg save you money. Economy fares to all points— phono agent or come in and ask. BUREINGTON BUS DEPOT 1116 Douglas at 15th Sts. 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One way to help safeguard the eyesight of your children is to see that they have I.E.S. Better Sight Lamps I eA equipped with 100-watt MAZDA lamps. I 9 ■_ TO MAKE READING EASIERt Have an I.E.S. Better Sight Lamp next to every easy chair. For the 3-Light bridge lamp, you need a a wA 50-100-150-watt MAZDA lamp ; ; . ^f«#Y / JhfL fchciJiic. SJwpA.. * Nebraska Power Company