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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1938)
I rime I Af Tie rirUT To Give John Henry His LLWlJ-LUUlO rlull 1 First Taste of Real Cash SP01TS.. I ; | -----e FIGHT EXPERTS VIEW ARM STRONG-GARCIA NOV. 25 WITH LIFTED EYEBROWS --—* s New York, Nov. 10 (ANP) Goth ams vast coterie of fight experts *iwt insiders are viewing the newly set Nov. 25th date for the licmy Armstrong-Cer.fino Garcia welterweight title bout with lifted «yebrowr. many bellieving the lit tle champion is about to b« sacri ficed on the alter of financial greed. On Nov. 1, while going through final limbering up exercises for RESERVED FOR The FEDERAL Market 14k N. 24th St. AT 7777 Across the street from the COGAN FONTENELLE HOMEd Call Us For MODERNIZATION Attics, Kitchens, Ituisemenis, Re roofing, Insulation, Re-siding. No Down Payment Fasv Monthly Payments MICKLIN LUMBER CO. 19th & Nicholas Sts. JA. 5000 _____ PHONE AT. 6355 ROGERS GOAL & KINDLING 2520 LAKE ST. COKE & COAL BLOX Wo Handle All Kinds of Coal “I Won $100 The Day I Got My Rabbit’s Foot” writes F. T. of Pa. "The Prayer you sent me with my RABBIT’S Foot has helped me wonderfully. I was nearly crippled. Now I am getting well again,” says Mrs. L. <C. of Ohio. "I now have steady work,” writes Fred C. of Canada. .Letter like these coming from grateful men and Woman all over tho country make me very happy. It may be coincidence, or it may be tho phychological effect but whatever it is, these people be lieve I have helped them—and I would like to help YOU, too! ■No matter what your Hard Luck i«, Poor Health, No Job, Unlucky in Numbers, Races Sweepstakes, etet.. in Love, Lonely, Worried, or anything else—you should send this very day for one of my Gen uiao LUIKY RABBIT’S FEET end tho SPECIAL PRAYER for You and Your Loved One's which f enclose in every order. Thousands of people swear that tho mysterious LUCKY POWER of a real RABBIT’S FOOT brings good fortuno and Protection from Harm. Almost cevry living soul has FAITH in the Tremendous, Mighty^ Never-Failing POWER OF PRAYER. If you haven’t tried the combination of these two Grc>at POWERS, don’t delay! People say they may Change Your Luck over nigh;. So please hurry! Clup this mes sage and mail with 25c (coin) to faelp cover my expenses! want to 'help you as fast as I can. Your Sincere Friend. LADY HOPE, 207 Post Road, Noroton, Conn. the Garcia bout, sched^cd for the next night. Homicide Henry slip ped ar,d fell. Examination show ed a back injury, which is expected to heal before the end of this week. But before this accident, somu of the wise boys who saw Armstrong in training went a round shaking their heads. There is a definite impression ir acme circles that the champion is in no condition to take on such a powerful puncher as the Filip ino* In his last fight, the one in which ho lifted Lou Ambers’ light weight crown the little battler sustained sustained a severely cut lip, and the first hard punch he lands may rip the wound open. These observers declare that the desire of Manager Eddie Meade and Promoter Mike Jacobs for cash has caused them to rush henry back to the ring when he should still be convalescing. They also doubt that the back injury will bo completely cured by Nov ember 25. There are also rumors here to the (.fleet that Garcia is destined to emerge from the bout with the welterweight crown. 'This talk has it that Armstrong may be an innocent victim of inside manipu lations, and that the haste with which ho has been thrown into a match with Garcia despite his physical inabilities is n method of insuring victory for the haul punching Filipino. NEGROES APPLIES TO BOSTON HOCKEY TEAM Boston, Nov. 10 (ANP)— The Boston Bruins of thc National Hockey League received formal application last week from a 23 year old Negro ice hockey star of Medford, Mass, and the name Charles Booker, a brilliant for ward, has officially placed on file for future reference for next yiar’s Bruin cub aspirants. Not satisfied with this trail blazer of progress, Booker has won a tryout and is undergoing prac tice sessions with the high rank ing white Boston Olympic club. RED BIRMAN TO FIGHT ROSCOE TOI.ES New Rork Nov. 10 —Clarence “Rid" Burman, protege of Jack Dempsey, and Rosco© Toles, knock out conqueror of Jimmy Adamick who was himself defeated by Wil lie Reddish, will meet in a 10 round bout at Olympia stadium, Detroit, on Nov. 18. Robbin’s Pharmacy 2306 No. 21th St. WE 1711 RABE’S BUFFET 2229 Lake Street for Popular Brands of BEER and LIQUORS —Always a place to park— "IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL" MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children’s Work A Specialty —2422 Lake Street— Your K!dney3 contain 8 million tiny tube: or filters which may be endangered by neg lect or drastic, limating drugs. Be careful If functional disorders of the Kidneys o: Bladder make you suffer from Getting Ui Nights, Nervousness, Leg Pains, Circle Under Eyes, Dizziness, Backache, Ewollei Joints, Excess Acidity; or Burning Passages don't rely on ordinary medicines. Figh such troubles with the doctor's prescrip tion Cystex. Cystex starts working In hours and must prove entirely satisiactor; i In 1 week, and be exactly the medicine yor need or money bark Is guaranteed. Tele | phor1^ vour druggist for Cvatex istss-tex todax The guarantee protects you.. Cop: 1 1927 The Knox Co. DARK LAUGHTER by 01 Harrington _ * ■“What the do you mean cornin’ in an’ punchin’ my little Sylvester in the eye. What it he waz beatin’ me—ain’t this?” MOREHOUSE VICTORIOUS OVER LEMY ONE IN STARTL ING UPSET Atlanta, George, November 5( \ special. Coming ' into th November ; ' stretch like a howling wind, a , formidable Morehouse eleven cauv I ed the most startl ng unset of the season by stopping the lx Moyne Ycllowjaekets’ all conquering quest (!-0 an Ponce de Leon today. Receiving LeMoyre’s kick-off on | his own 25-yard line, Chin Evans > eturnfd the ball to the 45-yard lino. LeVain powerful Morehouse fullback hit ahe center of the line for an 8-yard gain. Another l n» plunge made it first and 10. Jimmy Washington^ brilliant freshman came into action on the next play as he skirted end for in 15-yard gain. After penetrating LeMoyne’s 20-yard line, the Ma | roon Tigers lost the ball on downs, j I SEEK MIXED TILT FOR WORLD’S FAIR * WOULD MATCH COLORED AND WHITE DIAMOND STARS AS NEW YORK EXHIBITION Boston, Mass.,—A game between Negro and major league stars would be a good attraction for the World’s Fair next year, but wheth er it will take place is another1 matter. The statement was enclosed in' a letter of reply to Walter E. j Bolt, newly acquired baseball edi tor of the militant Boston Chron icle weekly. Alvin Harlow author] nf the Esquire magazine article “Unrecognizi d StarR in Baseball^” was the sender of the letter of re ply. -nOn l WAYNE STARS FOR UCLA FROSH TEAM Los Angeles—John Wayne, former Negro star at Manual Arts 1 High school was the only standout i on the UCLA fro^h team that met ; and was downed by the Stan i ford first yiar-l'ngs in Saturday i morning’s preliminary to the UCLA-Idal.o game in the coliseum. '1 Wayne playing a fullback was ) outstanding on defense, and vainly tried to spark the Briun Babes to a touchdown when he broke out for a 36-yard run in the last- few minutes of the game. -qOo KY. STATE SPOIL MO. LINCOLN HOME-COMING Athletic Field, Jefferson City. Mo.—A damper was thrown on a pc rfoct home-coming here Satur day when th~ Kentucky State Throbreds drove to a smashing 12 0 victory over a hard-fighting team of Lincoln University Tigers. Thirty five hundred persons tasked under a bright sun that greeted the home-comers, but even the perfect day couldn’t keep the spirits of the fans up to par as the shadows clos'd o'er the field with the Thorobreds definitely in control of the game. —■-0O0 JACK BLACBUUN VISITS HOT SPRINGS Hot Springs, Ark., Nov. 10 — (ANP)—Jack Bluackburn, trainer <u Heavyweight Champion Jo Louis, made h's first visit to Hot Springs last week. VARIETY “Scoop Seay” ANSWER THESE— Where can a man buy a cap for his knee? Or a key for a lock of h:s hair, Can his eyes be called a school room Because there are pupils there? 'r tho crown of your head what jewels are found? Who travels the bridge of your nose ? Can the crook in your elbow be sent to jail? If so what did he do? I'll be doggone if I know, Do you. Can the calf in your leg eat the corn on your toe ? What would you buy if you had tho baker’ dough? HEARD— Leroy Thomas—‘Say, what is a Metapphor? James Williams, looking impor tant—“Why, to ke p cows in.” MOONSHINE— A South Carolina farmer had been brought in by police with several others for illegal distilling. The judge asked him his name, and ho answered “Joshua.” The * judge, knowing that Joshua was a Eiblical character, said with a smile, “Are you the one who made the sun shine?” The farmer with n bewildered look on his face an swered, “I^bpe, I made the moon shine.” WANTED!!! To know where I can buy any thing as cheap as J. M. looked when after choir practice when T. W. starts walking home with G. H. after he has walked to pi-ac tice with her.— —A sympathetic Looker Oner. -- Challenged Juror: I couldn’t serve as a juror. Judge. One lo'ok at that fellow convinces me he’s guilty. Judge: Sh-h! That’s the dis trict attorney! -0O0 Lucille: Does my gown look as ! if it were falling off my should e,\ Philip: No, I t’s dance. Lucille: I’m sorry, but I must i go and rearange it. It’s supposed ' to look that way. get Money --- Love 1 I fuannUt to help you tat a ne«* *urt to life. No com beyond hopt 8k>f worn ins I Write m« today Information FT* FI* M. WILLIAMS, Journal Square St* Jersey City. N. J. Dept. O. New York. Nov. 10 (ANP) L'ght Heavyweight Champion John Hen ry Lewis, kept out of thj big money because he refused to sign with the czar of boxing, Uncle Mikj Jacobs capitulated last week Ho will meet that other Louis the t ; cno named Joe for the world's JOE LOUIS heavyweight crown >n Madison Square garden on January 27. The match, announcement of which came as a surprise to fistic circles, will pit two gladiaters to gether for the first all-colored he avyweight fight cJn American soil in the history of boxing. It will set at rest charges heard in some quarters that the Brown Bomber had drawn the color line against members of his own race, and it will establish definitely whether or not such a match will draw dollar money. And it will give John Henry a chance to make heavy sugar, not only on January 27, but for the next five years, for Jacobs will sign him to a five year exclusive contract should he defeat Joe. The light heavyweight champ although holding the crown for three years^ has made money in only one fight, fhat against Len Harvey in Lon don when he collected $20,000. Previously Lewis had been of fered a contract by Jacobs, but Manager Gus Greenlee turned it town, stating he was opposed to Uncle Miko’s stranglehold on box ing. As a result, John Henry could get no bouts that would draw' well, for Jacobs had corner ed prcatically every fighter of im portance. The powerful promot er also succeeded in having the New York Boxing Commission de clare John Henry's title vacant. Lewis' best chance in considerable time to line his coffers came when ho was engaged to fight Two-ton Tony Galento last summer in Phil adelphia—only to have Tony floor ed by pneumonia a few days be foro the match. For defending his crown recently against A1 Gainer he collected about $3,500. The fact that he had a “frozen asset” may have causexl Greenlee to do an about face, for the Pitts burgh manager, while apparently well fixed, is hardly a financial rival of Ford or Rockefeller. The opportunity to make money for ...... ■■■ . both himself and Lewis may have cau:,ed the capitulation. There is also the fact that Lew is challenged James J. .Braddock for the title and has persistently begged for a shot at Louis. This bout will give him the chance he has been looking for. Just how successful he will be is another question. To Joe, the Opponent doesn’t matter, just so long as he fights. He also could use the money, for despite being in the heavy sugar for three years he operates un der the assumption that after tak ing care of his annuities, real es tate investments and family, money was coined for spending purposes and a champion, like a king or cosgressman shouldn’t be a nickel nurscr. He will draw 40 estimates put at $100 000 and percent of the gate, which present Lewis will take away 17V4 percent. The last previous fight for the heavyweight crown between Ne groes was in Paris in 1913 between Jack Johnson and Ben johnson. ► Oddly enough, both principals had tho same last name then just as they will this time, only the 1939 match will find the gladiators spelling their names differently despito the sameness of pronunc iation. While most experts are confi* dent that Joe will dispose of his less heavy namesake in the same efficient manner he ha1- conquered others, a good bout is predicted. Louis is essentially a puncher who boxes well; Lewis is the cleverest boxer in heavier classes today and has a capable punch. Jack John son went on record a few years a- ^ go with the staement that Joh* was a better man than Joe, al though the second Schmeling fight may have caused him to change his mind. Louis may be anywhere up to 20 pounds heavier than John Hen ry, since the latter fights best at around 182. But John Henry is expected to make up in speed in cleverness what be lacks in weight. Lewis has never been knocked out in 100 fights. Contracts will not l>e signed un til Nov. 25. It's appearance here then at athletic commission head quarters may prove a bit embar rassing for L( wis has sued that body for heavy damages because they voided his crown. John Henry will also have to square himself with Herman Taylor, Phil adelphia promoter, who claims to havc advanced him $3,300 before the cancelled GaUnto fight which has never been repaid. ^ ENROLL NOW’—.. FOR FALL CLASSES ALTHOUSE School of Beauty Culture Fully Accredited by State of Nebraska. Tuition in Small Weekly Payments. 2422 N. 22nd St. Omaha, Neb. Telephone WE. 0646 ■■■.V.VW.'.V.V.V.V.V.W.V i Save Money and Buy Aliolitv Used Clothing yuailiy and Shoes from the Best of Homes—Come in and See for Yoursetf— THRIFT SHOP, Room 201 Crounse Blk, opposite Postoffice (upstairs) Emerson-Saratoga I LAUNDRY Announces— — — Here’s Good News for North Omaha’s thrifty homemakers. You can now save 20% on all laundry and dry cleaning by i using Emerson - Saratoga’s convenient . Drive in Courteous Service plus Savings j Equal to Receiving Every fifth bundle without charge. You’ll like Our Quick Cash and Carry Service Southwest Corner 24th and Erskine Sts.