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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1938)
Jitterbug Jamboree at Dreamland, NoV. 14th Lloyd Hunters Orches tra. -0O0-—. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Carey and Mr. and Mrs. Malcoln Scott mo tored to Kansas city and Moberly Mo. for the week-end. -0O0—. The Sisters of St. Andrews of i St. Phillips Episcopal Church held ' their regular monthly meeting at j the home of Mrs. Lizzie Buford.; Tho club is planning a doughnut | sale in the near future. Mrs. Wil- | liam G. Haynes is Secretary. Fa-1 , ther Stans was guest of the even ing. -—oOo— The Sunday Musical Club met at the home of Mrs. Earl Wheeler Sunday Nov. 6th. CALIFORNIA ROUND »-w -. ‘ Monday night, Mr. and Mrs. j Jasper Brown of Miami, St. enter-j tained a farewell dinner party in honoir lof M/ and Mrs. Henry Black who are leaving the city for sunny Californ a on business. The center piece of the dinner table was delectable in itself consisting of a table artistically grouped with seasonable fruits and nuts. Around the heavily laden table, were seated 15 guests. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Blacky Mr. and Mrs. George Watson, Mr. and Mrs. Ho ward McDaniels^ Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Hangfr, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Burt Fow ler, Mrs. Lizzie Buford and Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Brown. Chinese checkers and bridge were the amusements of the evening. Adult recreation night despite political and other meetings was quite a success. More than 15 prizes were won. Mrs. Murray was the luck person ef the evening^ for she was both door and third prize winner. Keep your ears turned for the next evening that will bo devottd to adults. -0O0 The boys and girls of the Ur ban League Community Center aro still trying to get to the top of the ladder and one thinks they will succeed especially with such a wide-a-wake sponsor in the per son of Mrs. Evelyn Singleton. Mon day night Nov. 7th. the High school Council consisting of both boys and girls was formed with a membership around 38 or 40 stu dents. The Turkey Dinner held in the recreation rooms of Zion Baptist Church. Thursday evening, Nov. 3 by ono the ladies clubs of that church was more than ordinarily successful. There were more than 100 reservations served. -0O0———■ Novi mbc r 4th the beautiful homo of Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Good j en was artistically decorated in a | fall scheme. This was the occasion when the elite of Omaha had tho pleasure of meeting Mrs. L. Dixon formerly of New York and recent bride of the Gooden’s nephew. Autumn leaves of yellow brown and gold mado a riot of color in tho beautiful antique vases in the living room. Hallowe’en colors in tho candies, napkins and other re freshments, made a hormononious setting qombined with the yellow' and whit© pom-pom* which formed the center piece, while the tall tapering candles shed a soft glow over all. At the table sat the gra cious and charming Mrs. C. C, Fos ter. Others assistaning were Ma dams. H. Wiggins, A. L . Hawkins Young and Miss Dorothy Scott. In the receiving line were guest of honoi*f Mrs. L. Dixon. Madames, Malcomn Scott, G. G. Bradford and Miss Ida Roberta Bell. —-0O0 r.VAV/J’.V.VAV.VAWMi Duffy Pharmacy We. 0609 24th and LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery AVyVtWVAW/AWAVAV Mrs. Miltop Johnson had a few close friends in Monday Nov. 7th da>*. to help her celebrate her birth Jitterbug Jamboree at Dreamland, Nov. 14 th Lloyd Hunters Orehe* tra. , -0O0--i. FOUND: THE SECRET TO YOUTHFUL LOOKiNG HAIR... Life is so different for the woman who knows this "secret"—the easy way to make, and keep, hair youthful locking. Whatever its condition — whether drab, lidcss, off-color, or streaked with gray — a single application of Godefroy’s Larieuse ilair Coloring will make your hair one even, lus- ■ trous, natural, ■'outhful-appearing c lor. No wait ing. No disappointments. Choice of 18 colors. Results must satisfy you or dealer will refund your money. Don’t wait—get a bottle of Larieuse today. y rjr* OODIIROW'I If your dealer doei not have It, send $1.25 ,, . , _ direct to.,, HAIR COLORING ym lODIFROY MANUFACTURING COMPANY • 3510 OUVI ST. • ST. LOUIS. MO. THE OMAHA GUIDE ■■■ Classified Telephone Directory — — The following Merchants will Appreciate Your Patronage. . For Quick and Courteous Sei vice at A Reasonable. Price. . . Consult The OMAHA GUIDE’S Classified Telephone Directory. I—————— Automobiles SHAMES BODY BUILDERS 1906 Cuming Street Cars in very good condition—.good rubber, like new. Oldsmobile Coupe ‘34 excellent condition, reasonable; take over payments—WA 6542. Beauty Culturists CHRISTINE ALTHOUSE It Pays To Look Attractive 2422 N. 22nd St. WE. 0846 BEER TAVERNS IIA BIS’S BUFFET 2229 Lake St. JA. 9195 I CHARLIE’S PLACE 1604 No. 22nd St. WE. 4019 BEVERAGES & LIQUORS FREE DELIVERY ' JOHNSON DRUG CO. Liquors, Wines and Beer Prescriptions We. 0998 1904 N. 24th St. DOUBLE COLA IDEAL BOTTLING Company WE. 3043 _ THE LIQUOR STORE 2315 Cuming St. JA. 6564 “We Appreciate Your Patronage" ICE CREAM JOHNSON DRUG 1904 N. 24th WE. 0998 DUFFY PHARMACY 24th & Lake WE. 0609 Contractors_ W. F. HOCH Grading and Excavation 4506 Ames Ave. KE. 0316 Let It Rain! Tnrprove Your Home Experienced Roofers — Asbestos Siding— Reasonable Prices. B. Jones,— 34th Taylor, E. Omaha, Call WE. 5310 . Groceries_ HERMAN’S MARKET 24th and Lake WE. 5444 MONUMENTS & MARKERS HEFT & NOYES 40th & Forest Lawn Avc. KE 1738 TAILORS Economy Tailor—Cleaning & Re pairing. We cut, trim, make suits to order. 1918 N. 24th St. HARDWARE DOLGOFF HARDWARE Paint, Glass and Varnish. We do glazing and make window shades to order. 1822 N. 24th WE. 1607 Laundries & Cleaners CURTAINS 25c UP —...No Pin Holes. Special— Office Laundry or Men’s Laundry— Blankets— Tablecloths. Laundry Delivered. Mrs. Berniece Morrison. JA. 2541 EDHOLM & SHERMAN 2401 N. 24th WE. 6055 EMERSON LAUNDRY ~ 2324 N. 24th St. WE. 1029 CURTAINS Laundered 20c Pr. Will Assist In Your Spring Cleaning To Obtain The Best Results in Curtain Laundering Call JA. 1628 Paintinjar - Decorating Ben & Hermit Anderson Painting, Wall Washing & Decor ating Work Guaranteed 2801 Miami, 2872 Bironey WE. 5826 Let Me Assist Your SPRING CLEANING By Doing Your Papering - Painting We Specialize in CABINET WORK - CARPENTRY CALL EGGERTH JA 6896 Let PEOPLES Do It—Ten train ed decorating mechanics. — Our Motto ‘Service’. Peoples Paint & Shop— AT. 0054. NOW is the time to Improve Your Home— Let Bob do your Paper ing, Painting & Plaster Patching Reasnable Prices. WA. 8199. -• Poultry and Egrers " METROPOLITAN PRODUCE .. 1301 N. 24th WE. 4737 Poultry dressed while you wait.— Strictly Fresh Eggs. NEBRASKA PRODUCE 2206 North 24th St. Our Prices are Reasonable—See us first. WE. 4137. Shoe Repair " LAKE SHOE REPAIR ‘Shoe Pride or Shoe Shame*— Shoes look new again with Our New Invisible half soleing. 2407 Lake St. ______ FURNACE REPAIRING FIREPOTS FIREPOTS Donovan Bros. 4733 Seward WA 1656 HAVE YOUR FURNACE— Cleaned and Repaired Now! CaU The— Farnam Sheet Metal Works 2908 Farnam St. JA. 6666; Wanted _ WANTED Wanted experienced beauty oper ator. Call Mrs. Michael, WE. 5633 Salvation Army Industrial Home Needs Your Aid—Call Us When House Cleaning—Clothing—Furn iture, Magazines, Newspapers, or Anything You Have. Call JA. 4135 WANTED housework or will serve as maid or nursemaid. At. 7470, Doretha Watson. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Neatly furnished rooms strickly modern for rent $2.00 per week i and up. Apartment and houses for ! rent. Call ATlantic 7436, or Mrs. E. Z Dizon, WEbster 3678 FOR RENT—Love’s Kitchenette Apartments, 2516-18 Patrick, or 2613 Grant St. Call WE. 5553 or WE. 2410. 2 ROOM APARTMENT^ 2226 j OHIO ST. 4 Room Apt. 28th and Binney St., WE. 3030. I Modern Kitchenette Apt. WE. 4286. Hot & Cold runfting water. Apt. for Rent. WE. 2365. Call after 5 p. m. Two Rooms nicely furnished Apartment. JA. 2568. Furnished rooms with housekeep ing privileges. 2115 Grant St. Web. 269,1. TRANSFER r NORTH SIDE TRANSFER 2414 Grant St. WE. 5656 MEN WANTED Colored young man for Commercial posing Athletic build, good pro file necessary Write, giving details and snapshot- Omaha Guide, Box 398 PLACES TO EAT 16c Extra for Taxicab Delivery AMERICAN WEINER SHOP 2509 N. 24th Street Z CHOP SUEY ’ American and Chinese Dishes KING YUEN CAFE 2019H N. 24th St. JA. 8576 SHOE SHINING Anrouneing Fancy Shining Parlor 2406 Lake St., Ladies Invited. SPIRITUAL Spiritual adviser and divine healer in readings daily. Edna Mitchell Williams, 2613 Grant St., Apt. 6—WEbster 5553. Wodnerful Big Bargainsin Rum mage. Proceeds to Charity 316 S. 16th St. Tuts., Wed. and Thursdays, Nov. 15, 15, 17th. —Legal Notices— LEGAL NOTICE Charles Davis ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Lula R. Thomas, deceased. All persons interested are here by notified that on the 27th day of October 1938, Johnny Owen filed a petition in said County Court, praying that his final administra tion account filed herein be settled and allowed, and that he be dis charged from his trust as adminis trator with will annexed and that a hearing will be had on said peti tion before said Court on thc 19th day of November 1938 at 9 o’clock A. M., and contest said petition the Court may grant the prayer of said petition, enter a decree of heirship, and make such other and furthers orders, allowances and decrees, as to this Court may seem proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to said estate may be finally settled and determined. Bryce Crawford, County Judge -'—oOo For Sale Bargains In Homes Down Payment from $75 up to $350 BALANCE LIKE RENT E. M. DAVIS LISCENSEI) REAL ESTATE BROKER I 7R17 No. 24th St. WE 1166| URBAN LEAGUE RECREATION On Friday evening Nov. 4 about 150 persoij* attenA d what was billed at “Adult night,” when games were played and specimens of handcraft displayed. Valuable prizea were awarded the winning competitors. Other equally interes ting events are being planned for tho immediate future. 'Boys and girls of the handcraft classes are pleasantly engaged in tho seasonal occupation of making Christmas present. Classes meet at 3:30 PM. on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Mothers are earnestly invited to send their children to the pre school session held daily from 9 to 11:45 AM. under the able di rection of Miss Edrose Willis and Mr. Nat Goldston. Those wjho are atttiAlmg the adult handcraft class held every Monday evening are deriving con siderable enjoyment from the mak ing of what-not-shelves, end-tables and other us'ful pieces of furni ture. This class also affords op portunity for its male members to try their skill at a smoking stand or cabinet, magazine rack or other desired, article. Admission to the class as to all recreation sponsored activities is free. * * * The mischievous destructiveness on the part of youthful pranksters usually acocmpanying the celebra tion of Hallowe’en was notably ab sent, or at least practically negligi ble in Omaha particularly on the south side, this year. In remarking upon this almost phenomenal circumstances police & city officials gave credit to Re creation for the part it played in providing counter attractions in various sections of the city on Hallowe’en night. Thus, while children and youth were not deprived of the fun they arc entitled to on such occasions, thtir loss desirable impluses were successfully held in check and any contemplated wantonness circum vented. WPA ORCHESTRA Scheduled for the week of Nov. 14. Monday: WPA Civic orchestra: Ashland Park School 9:00 A. M.; Madison school, 10:46; Robbins school 1:15 P. M. WPA Colored orchestra; South High and Benson High schools, noon; Florence home 6:30 PM; school for Deaf, 8:30 PM. Tuesday: WPA civic orchestra: Yates school 9:10 AM.; Dundee school, 1:15 PM. WPA Colored orchestra; Dundee school, 10:45 AM.; South High noon; Christ church Center, 8-11 PM. Wednesday: WPA Civic orches tra; Field Club 9-10 AM. Our Layd of Lourdes school. 10:50 Park school 2:00 WPA colored orchestra South High and Benson High, noon. Thursday: WPA Civic orchestra: Jungman school, 9:10 AM; St. Agnes. 10.45 Brown Park school, 1:15 PM.; South side Public Li brary^ 4:00 PM. WPA Colored or chestra; South High noon. Friday: WPA Civic orchestra; Central Park school, 9:10; Holy Namo school 10:46 AM; Clifton Hill school 1:00 PM, W'PA color el orchestras; South High anti Benson high schools; Tech High 3:30 PM.; Urban League and Florence Community Hall, 8-11:30 PM. Saturday: WPA orchestra; Fon tenella Park Pavilion, city recrea tion da ice 8-11:30 PM. --oOo-■ VISITORS HONORED On Wednesday Nov. 2 at the beautiful palatial resident home of Dr. G. B. Lennox, Mesdames, Len nox and Wheeler gave a tea honor ing Mrs. Lennox and Mrs. Sexton of Texas, the mother and sister of Dr. G. B Lennox. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Randall of St. Louia^ whose marriage took place last week and Mrs. Alfred Jack son of Louisanna, sister of the bride. Assisting the hostess were Mesdames Lizzie Buford and Willis Gray. The table decorations were beautifully carried out in fall col ors, from the centerpiece of yel low and white pom-poms and tall tapering candles too the candies and nuts and ices. Among those present were: Mesdames, Bobby Davis and mother, Katherine Wil son and daughter-in-law W. G, Haynes, S. C. Hanger, Russell Bryant, Wesley Jones, Weldon So lomon, E .R. Westf Dotson, B. B. Squires, Malcoln Scott, J. D. Craw ford, W. L. Mcytrs, Geo;ge W. Althouso^ H. W. Wiggins, .G W. Gooden and niece, Nat Hunter, Pinhelt, Milon Johnson, Milton Wilson, Carrie Jewell^ and mother, Edward Groomes, Status, Joseph Stuart G., Irwin, and I. Roberta Bell. HUNTING PARTY Tho Hunt party given by the J Hiawatha chapter of OES No. 4 ■ Wed. evening Nov. 2 at the Ma j .-ionic Hall went ovir wih a bang. Tho hall was decorated like a com field. Autumn leavej, covered the lights appearing as if the wind was blowing them earthward from j tho trees. Corn stocks were in all | corners and against the four walls and rushes in the middle. The Mai ——I_ 1 lard Duck as a prize was won Mrs. Edgar A. Lee. NEURITIS RELIEVE PAIN IN FEW MINUTES To relieve the torturing pain of Neuritis, Rheumatism, Neuralgia or Lumbago in a. few minutes, get the Doctor’s formula. NURITO. Dependable—no opiates, no nar cotics. Does the work quickly—must relievo worst pain, to your satisfaction in a few minutes or money back at Druggists. Don’t I suffer. Use NURITO on this guarantee today. I ELECTRIC WATER HEATING IS CHEAP 9 t The new scientifically designed Electric Water Heater operates automatically at low cost. It requires no attention, no turning oif and on. and is so clean and attractive in appearance it can be installed in your kitchen if desired, or in the basement. At the turn of the tap. water heats instantly, providing all the hot water you need for any purpose without delay. You owe it to yourself to investigate how easily you can install this time and labor-saving modern home con venience in your home. Learn, too, how inexpensive it is to operate a modern Electric Water Heater. Ask Your Nebraska Power Company Representative About the One-Cent “Off-Peak” Water Heating Rate. i - !SEE YOUR DEALER STEP UP TO BETTER LIVING WITH STEP-DOWN ELECTRIC RATES 50°ur Shopping with me Omaha Guide