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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1938)
CHURCH NEWS SECOND BA1T1ST CHURCH Clarinda, Iowa Sunday school opened at the us ual hour with Miss Rachel Cason superintend- nt in charge. A large group was present and all were in terested in the lesson. Morning servieo was in a high spirit. Th... paster preached a doctrine sermon, and communion was taken. We were- pleased to have thr e vis tors with us from Omaha. Evening ser vices were »r. a very high spirit. Tho pastor brough fourth another semi stirring m- asage, full of though:. On Sunday Nov. 13, will b« celebrated the third anniversity of oux pastor Rev. Nicholson. Part of the program for the day; Morning service conducted by the young minirt r of Omaha, a talk by Miss Rachel Cason and a ad dress by Mrs. Joseph D. Lewis of Omaha. Three o'clock, Samel Baptist church in Omaha, in charge. Rev. Hilson, pastor. Come one and all and help us Lewis Service Station Southwest Corner 24th & Grant St. It’s time to change your oil from , Summer to Wint. r. Conoco Bronze i Germ Processed Oil. Package Coal, Fuel Oil and Ice. Grease your car and change your OH from Summer to Winter. —Service with A Smile—■ □L LOAN 5 BANK MU MERCHANDISE store Confidential Loans at Reasonable Rates LADIES DKPT. Newest styles Coats........ $10.95 Silk Dressea.2.96—3.96 Smart Looking Hats 98c & 1.29 Snappy Pocketbooks r ... $1.00 Wool and Silk Gloves _49c Klanni 1 ?ajamas . 09c Nightingale Silk Hose, fashion fit .. r.49c Snugiea and Vest ...... . 25c Nice Selection Blankets all Prices Twin Set Sweaters. $1.69 Full Fashion Hose. 69c ANNOUNCING New Dept. Ladies Footwear Suedo^ Brown and Black, Kid Lea ther, black redish and black patent Lather . $2 19 Men’s and Young Men's Dept. Black Shirts with real cuff button dice 7-11 . .. , 1.45 Newest rayon silk shirts, blue green and borwn '1.98 New up-to-date Overcoats $16.50 Zipper Jackets, suede, whipcord, blue melt,on corduroy coats to match and collnrs Newest styles HATS . 1.45, 1.98 Largo assortment zipper Sweaters -- . f.95—2.95 Heavy winter Union Suits 79c $1 Sheeplined Coats $5.95 up to $7.95 Peters Shoes for all the family. Dr ss Gloves of All Kinds Cordusoy Pants 2.19 —2.79 Boy’s blue melton zipper Coats . ■ —.2.45 Plaid all wool zipper Coats 2.98 3-4 Socks .__ .19c Corduroy Pants . 1.98 Boys and Girls Stocking Caps 49c Children’s Bloomers . 15c Children’s Dresses .59c Children’s Hose . 15c Blanki ts . 49c 1804 N. 24th St. Phone WE. 1369 •- --- to make this a great day in Clar | inda. Visitors are all ways welcome. Wo are asking every one to bring your dinner to the church and have n old time basket union dinner. -O CHURCH OF GOD Elder S. S. Spaght, pastor Sunday school opened at the us ua1 hou.\ Supt. Eddens in charge. T.'.o le. son “Honoring our Parents’ was well discussed. We received many good thoughts on how each on.i oi us should obey and respect cur parents. The pastor brought a very inspiring message at 11:00 n clock object. ‘ The Church of God” as a family” dur ng his dis course ho touched on many points which were very interesting as will a. instructive. Despite the in clemency of the wheather the ser vice was well attended. At six o'clock the young people rendered si wonderful program with Loreni Spagl in charge. At 7:45 the pastor brought another soul stir r ng message. Sub. God is calling his people out. Ezel 34-12 Our h arts was made to rejoice as he brought out how we as Christians should live after God has caller! us out from everything that is not governed and ruled by his word, that we might by his grace prove to th i world that men and women car live a clean life in this present World. We wa* glad to have pre r'nt with us; Sister Bessie Beard, irom Arkansas, who is visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. M. Sawyer. Everyone is always welcome. -oOo-—. MT. CALVARY COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev. R. E. Johnson, pastor Edna Mitchell, reporter Mj 0:45 Sunday school openid by Sister Edna Mitchell, Supt. 45 minutes wap devoted to the lesson there wac u nice attendance. 11:00 o'clock service was opened by the choir singing the Lord is in his Holy Temple. This being th first Sunday the pa ,i ir spoke for testimoney service. Many tes tified. One wa added to the church. Tho Holy Communion was held^ a sorg was sang and all went away with glad h arts. 6:00 Service. I he young people union met. the lesson was from Jameu 1st chapter, taught by our belovt d pastor, there were many benefited by his teaching. 8:00 service was opened by the choir singing the Lord Is In His Holy Temple. Our pastor delivered tho message from 55th Pslms of Daniel 8th verse and I said Oh, that I had wings of a dove. Sub ject: Rest Enternal. The spirit ran high. We had a spiritual treat. We always welcome our friends and visitors. Revival service beginning Nov. 7th lasting two weeks. Rev. E. C. Gore, who is a mighty power in E'ang lit work and hir gospel singers. Sister Austin will conduct tho services. Mother Patterson is better. Glad to have mother Tay lor of Kansas City in our service Sunday night. The sick ones of the church are sister Robertson, Sister Gillian and sister Smith V I who we wish a speedy recovery. Friday afternoon Missionary So-; ciety meets at 2:30 o'clock. I’resi-j dent wishes all membi rs to b© pre sent. — —oOo- < CHRIST TEMPLE CHURCH Rev. I*. M. Relf, Pastor Edna Pank y. Reporter Attendance was poor at Sunday school because of the inclement weather. All teachers wer© pre sent. Mr. A. R. Goodlett was a speaker for the Junior church. Rev. L. E. Rosser th© presiding Elder was pv .->« nc and made on couraging remarks to the Sunday school. This being the Quarterly m eting, Hew RasPer, preached both morning and evening. Rev Adams, p. ter of St. John A ME church preached Sunday af-ernocn. Attendant !, was good and the spirit was high thormghovt the day. Mrs. L. \. Story, wife of our pastor in her own charming man n< r, stated that she was here to serve in any way that would make for success. Mrs. Story, like her efficient hu.baftil^ is outstanding in her own particular field. Ophelia Story, a nic-ce, who mokes her home with tho Story’s was also in troduced. Tho Storys were w leom td with a storm of grocerys Sat. evening. Tho Epworth League is still keeping up its inter-st. The Missionary Soc ety wi.l sponsor a musical program Sunday at 3 .'clock. Installation services for all of fice; of tho various d partmens of tic church will be held Sunday night at 8 o’clock. --_oOo ST JOHN AME CHURCH “Tho Friendly Church” Dr. R. A. Adams, pastor f -- In spite of the snow and cold wclath' r, the attentjlance at St. John last. Sunday was very good. Dr. Adams preached a very strong sermon, selecting his sub ject from Ex. 13:14. In the after noon. Dr. Adams, the choir and a numb r of his congregation went to Cleaves Temple to be with thun in their quarterly meeting. The choir eang with great spirit. Th, sick of tho church are about tho same as last week. We pray for their comfort. T he trustees and the pastor are very anxious that all me-mb r* and friends do their very beet in the financial drive which will close Sunday, Nov. 13th. Now this is a drive that every one should see to it that hj or she pays all their obligations so tho trustees can meet some of their urg nt bills. Tho Choir’s Host and Hostess’ fourth annual turkey dinner will bo the best one yet. The choir is working hard to give you a great, music and edueatioral treat. It will be worth fifty cents to see the table; and hear the young people’s chorus ir.'ich i'ess the other part of the program. It seems that most all tickets will be '‘old on Sunday night so be sure to see that you have yours. You must get them before Mon day night, as the place cards will havo to be made for this by Wed nesday. Tht choir's fourth Sunday night’s request service: are getting both r each Sunday night. Send in your requ: st^ that they may sing it for you. Watch for your church news in your local newspapers. They are trying to keep you post ed. Tho Booster Club will have its 20th nnniv r iry service Sunday sight, Nov. 13th. -O SALEM BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. E. H. Hil«on pastor Anita Depp-Young, reporter Sunday school opened at 9:30 o’ clock wit han average attendance, asd the Sup rinbendant at his post. Tho morning service opened at 11 o’clock with the pastor, Rev. HiU-on delivering the sermon. Tixt j found I Peter 2:21 Subject “The | Seven Officis of Christ.” The str mon was very instructive and ^ t,hero was much food for thought. The pastor is conducting a re vival in Council Bluffs which is meeting with much success. Sever al Salemites have accompanied the pastor and wife. Tho evening services were well attended and the pastor brought a wonderful message. Subject: “Go and Tell J sus.” Text Mark 6 chapter 30th verse. Rev. Contee and family were worshippers in our congregation ar.d their son Jobnni.t rendered a very inspiring number. One young man was add ed to the membership. Mrs. Bib bio Harris, Mr. James Austin, and B« Successful! Studv Law - Political Science - Ne gro History AT HOME Men and wouaen trained In these subjects win higher positions and bigger success in business and public lUc. They command reaped a Ad wMatn leAdjjtfsikto WHHfc WHLiTY - MAWS PAIS - TKMC - MORE nolir ega be yours. Start nowl Bawd "NJKJROHU AWC) THE LAW". Semi tor free proepeetus beetle! THE LANOir'ION CIVIC ClAW OF AMERICA, SMS W. Oelwwalle Jkrr., PfeUa., Pa. I— -— -—* v~— - Commodore, the son of Mrs.' May re r hiyoas are r ported j ill ■$. this writing. Uif pastor lost one of nip two finoR;red German Police digs on a hujjong tr p last week. The ani mal mm:iwers to the name “Ring’. I Anyme finding such an uniinr.l in | or Mnvn \ Omal:a< call Rev, Hilscn. T» min’s Laymen are planning a «■ elaborate program for next tfuidfay at thr.,e o'clock and all are invited and wc will assure you I of an enjoyable time. ! The Salem church and pastor ■ will go Clarinda, Iowa, next Sun day, Nov. 13, where th. pastor will preach the second anniversary ser mon for R v. Dnv;d Nicholson who is a son of Salem. Pleasant Green Baptist Church Rev. Reynolds, Pastor Wills M» Rosa, Reporter Sunday school, 9 o’clock with supt. presiding. A lovely lesson was discussed. Pr sent 84 You are weleomo to our S. S. Morning Worship. 11 o’clock devotional servieo was led by the deacons. Song by the choir, prayer for the sick by R< v. Gr. en. Song by the choir. A very lovely and inspiring governant was rendered. Song by j th i choir. BYPU 6 o’clock. A lovely song service was conducted by Miss Bnxtcn. Teach-rs took charge of their for 16 min. A lovely program was rendered by Edith Cottrell. Present 64. It was enjoyed ly all gong. and adjournment. Tho Evangelistic service will be gin Nov. 14 to 26 conducted by Re,\ Win. Clayton pastor of Ta bernacle Baptist Church of Coun cil Bluffs, Iowa. Pray much for the salvation cf the unsaved. Come and help make this a great mutiny for the Lord. Bring a friend. En courag, them to except Jesus. Come one! Come all! --oOo-~ ZION BAPTIST CHURCH The Fall Festival is still in pro gress at the Zion Baptist church. Tho program for this week is as iollows: Nov. 14 Mon. Night—Vocational Demonstration* of Negro Busines 8<JS. Tues. nirfifc—‘Nov. 15—Dr. G. D. Hancock and members of Clair Chapel MK Church. Thrus. Nov. 17—Gospel Song Wed. n'ght.—Nov. 16—Gospel Party. All local pastors and membrs are cardially invited to attend. Test and Drama “Mr. and Mrs. Alligator.” Friday. Nov. 18— City-Wide choir nite—Massed Choirs of Zion directed, by Mrs. M. M. Rodgers. Mr-'. Rodgera will also be sing ing each evening. Miss Thr< sa E. Curry, is the accompanist. Rev. M. K. Curry, pastor^ Mr. Josie Moore, Church clerk Mrs. M. M. Rodg rs, directress -oO o— TMSJVEEK IN RELIGION AND THOUGHT R. L. MOODY. Twenty years After.— Sine, last Armstice< we have lived in a hectic world. As we celebrate the twentieth anniver sary of the signing of the Armis tice, we think of the fear and un rest that is in our hearts and minds. At times we have felt that peace was a lost cause, and we arc not so sure that some equotis tic maniac will not set a spark to '.he keg of dynamite. The treaty of Versailles which was associated with the Armistice has become another broken promise Adolph Hitler, Europe’s “boogy man” has succeeded in frightening hin contemporaries into meeting his demands. Much has been sacri . ficed to preserve the purpose of | the Armistic. Austria and Czech oslovakia have surrendered uncon ditionally. The rest of us stand by and wonder what will come j next. “It gratifies my sold to know, That tho’ I ptrish, truth is so.’’ The truth was in 1918 and re main* ‘so” today that world peace will not or cannot be realized until individuals and the world at large, accept Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace and His Way of Life and Peace. For he is our peace and has left for those who desire and will accept. Peace not as the world I gives, but His peace that passes [all understanding. And may we I add: All-misunderstanding. ! !. RIM RAIT’IST CHUROfl Rev. G. E. Stevenson, pastor Mrs. M. L. Dixon, reporter Sunday school was well attended j-.nd after perliminarys the pastoT spoke from the 14th chapter of John 16th vcr~e cub. ‘‘The office and Personality of the Holy Spirit. Ha spoke of the Holy spirit as a | teacher. \ isitors were Mrs. Telyabeth . Hurt of Clear s Temple, Miss Cla j re of Christ Temple, I Mrs. M. G. Countee and son of Kansas city( Mo., Mrs. Ralf Tif ‘ ter St. Louis, Mr, Rex Anderson. Tho ordination of Rev, Camp b: 11 to thj ministry was held at 4. r. m. Group No. 1 presented a pageant during the program hour. For the evening service the pas tor spokj from ahe 6th chapter of i Gal. sub. Wise Pilgrims. Rev\, ! Stevenson has acepted a church in Washington and He and family I will be receptant of a program in i their honor, next Sunday affcer ! noon of a reception. The Young peoplo’s choir w'll render sermon next Sunday. They will also ren der a program honoring Rev. Ste venson Sunday evening at the us ual church hour. Little John Davis I who is in the methodist hospital with pm umonia is improving. --I CLAIR CHAPEL ME CHURCH Rev. G. D. Hancock, pastor Sunday School 9:30 A. M. Preaching 11:00 A. M. Epworth League 6:30 P. M. Preaching 7:30 P. M. Sunday morning was our first wintry day but it did not effect the attendance of the Sunday school. We are anxious that more adults be present. The scripture text, for the morn ing serv'ces was selected by Rev. Hancock from St. John 20:19. Sa crament was taken at this hour also. The visitors are always wel come at Clair Chape 1. At 3:30 P. M. Sunday^ the Sunday Forum was held with an interesting program by the Trojan Club. Don’t forget ,the November birthday party to bo held on Friday the eleventh at the church. You are invited to at tend the regular Wednesday night prayer services. Sister Collins, one of our most faithful members is very ill and our prayers go out to her at this time. The Sunday school Alliance will hold their services with uh next Sunday at 3:30 P. M. The Sunday Forum which made its first attempt last Sunday in trying to bring the public some thing different was well received by a good number and by the in terest shown we are hopeful that throughout the winter more will avail themselves of the opportuni ty to become a part of there For ums. The program which was ren dered by the Trojan Club of the YWCA was educational and in spiring. The address by Mrs. Lu cille McAlester could not have b:en better. The same is true of the others. Their program w'as based on World Fellowship, The iy: xt Forum will bo the first Sunday of .V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.VA CHOP SUEY American ami Chinese Dishcr King Yuen Cafe . 2010H N. 24th St. Jackson 8576 '"t'n ' r.»if* •# |) m iinlil 3 i /.'.•.■.■■V.’.’.V.V, .V.V.VV.V. I MODERN SHOE REPAIR 1410 North 24th St. We are agents for the 9 cent Cleaners, bring us your laundry. Have it wet washed sem-flat, or dry washed for your dry cleaning and pressing see us first. We have a nice lot of army shots to sell at reasonable price. Beware Coughs from common colds i That Hang On No matter how many medicines you have tried for your common cough, chest cold, or bronchial irri- i tation, you may get relief now with ! Creomulsion. Serious trouble may j be brewing and you cannot afford to take a chance with any remedy less potent than Creomulsion, which | goes right to the seat of the trouble i and aids nature to soothe and heal the inflamed mucous membranes i and to loosen and expel germ laden phlegm. Even if other remedies have failed, j don’t be discouraged, try Creomul sion. Your druggist is authorized to refund your money if you are not . thoroughly satisfied with the bene- ! fits obtained. Creomulsion is one 1 word, ask for it plainly, see that the ] name on the bottle is Creomulsion, and you’ll get the genuine product , and the relief you want, (Adv.) December so remember we will be i xpecting you. Bettr mark the date now, Sunday Dee. 4 Clair Chapel ME Church. -_oCo THE FIRST CHURCH OF OEIJVERENCE SPIRITUAL Rev. Albert Themes, pa“*or Mrs. H. Taylor, reporter Wo are having service every night. Mother TaylOT, the wife of Bishop Taylor of Kansas city are preaching for us. Also we havp Gospel Singers from Chicago^ 111. who are singing every night. Prayer services eevry Sunday Morn at 6 A. M. Regular service from 11 A. M. to 1 P. M. to 8. And from 8 P. M. to 10 P. M. Spiritual union from 6-8. "GIVE ME A BREAK.. cook me on a new 'MAGIC CHEF' GAS RANGE . . . I'll Taste Better" • This is the month of glorified cooking. No ' woman can resist the beauty, the many cooking features, and the money-saving opportunity of the new MAGIC CHEF model 3501, on special sale during NOVEMBER ONLY with a saving of $36.00. Cook your Thanksgiving dinner on this range . . . and you'll enjoy cooking pleasure for years to come. This Beautiful “MAGIC CHEF” (350l> $0(150 O W w Old Siove (Cash Price) SAVE $36.00 Formerly Sold at $125.59 EASY MONTHLY " CREDIT TERMS NOTE THESE FEATURES This model has the new KNEE HIGH BROILER. No stooping to broil. Broiler is smokeless and has SEPAR ATE BURNER FROM OVEN. You can broil and use the oven at the same time! You also get self-lighting top burners, large insulated oven, accurate oven control, and dozens of other features. 4 i t