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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1938)
Theatricals Music Features I CN THE AIR 'ark Benny and Eddie Anderson kr.owr as ‘‘Rochester’’, as they ap pear in their side splitting radio program every Sunday night over ! p coast to coast NBC network. Their “Jello” program is rated as one of the two best programs cur rently on the air. (ANP) MEET EDOIE ANDERSON' “ROCHESTER" TO JACK BENNY AND YOU Hollywood, Nov. 10 (ANP) — Eddio Andersen owes his present position as Jack Benny’s “air val et” to his inability to leave the dinni r table. The bewildering Rochester, who exasperates his boss with hi3 lazini ss and larceny each Sunday night o'er the NBC Red network might have been a jockey rather than a radio and screen comedian with a string of his own thoroughbreds if he’d practiced a little more restraint at mealtimes as a boy. Because Eddie decided that he prefered second helpings to spurs and saddle, he deserted the pad docks for the footlights at the age of 13. Born in Oakland, Eddie ■ferried across the hay with a dime *he’d found and won an amateur contest in a San Francisto vaude -villo house. During the next few months. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules Fine for W«ak Acid Kidneys and Bladder Irritation STOP GETTING UP NIGHTS Ore 35 cent box of these famous capsules will put healthy activity into your kidneys and bladder— flush out harmful waste poisons and acid and prove to you that at. last you have a grand diuretic and stimulant that will swiftly cause these troubles to cease. iBut be sure and get GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules— safe and harmless—the original and genuine—right from Haarlem in Holland. Millions have kidney and bladder trouble and never sus pect it—some symptoms besides visits to bathroom at night are backache, moist palms, puffy eyes and scanty passage that ofttimes smarts and burns. , Eiidie would have had no trouble making his weight had he decided to return to the race track. He spent most of his time on an en forc- d diet. But finally, havirg established himself ac a comedian with a versatile, hoofing act to boot Iij began to get better bookings. It was during his vaudeville days in the East that Eddie first met Jack Benny. They just shoo'; hands—nothii g more. But Jack remembered Edu e’« name as well as his act, a fact which was to pave the way to Anderson’s event ual selection as “Rochester.” Like many another vaudevillian, Eddie drifted back home to Califor nia and in pictur s.when the four t’.-day circuits folded. After a ser es of minor roles Eddie first at tracted attention^ of “Noah” in “Grion Pastures,” and was hailed by critics everywhere for his whim sical charaterization. A. year later Jack Benny decid ed ho needed a “valet.” When he issued his audit'on call, Jack made sure that Eddie whose work he remembered was invited to try out. The following Sunday, “Rochester” was born. Today h.’s one of the most popular supporting charac ters in the Benny gang. A. boi n complemi nt to the Benny type of comedy, Rochester never has to rehearse a line twice. He is one of the actors on whom Jack can depend for sure-fire laughs r.nd is never caught off balance by one of the boss’s “ad lib” cracks.” Possessed of a remark able memory Eddie usually knows his lines by heart at broadcast time and seldom refers to his * script. At rehearsals and scrip sessions Eddie is usually very quiet, pays rapt attention to Benny, whom he idolizes. If Jack smokes a cigar, Eddi-i lights one, too. If Jack looks perturbed, Eddie’s brow wrinkles also. During the rest periods^ he can usually be found in the vicin ity of Phil Harris’ orchestra ‘trucking” on down. After his aadio debut, Anderson was more and more in demand for picture part. He’s appeared in an even dozen since the first of the year, but will be best remember ed for his scene-stealing perfor mance in “Jizebel” and as Donald Effective May 1st: 20 Cent Discount on Laundry & Dry Cleaning Cash and Carry Edholm and Sherman Launderers & Dry Cleaners WE 6055 Mr • jb Portland, Oregon—Youngsters of the Negro Federal School of Music, part of the WPA rec reation program. Bert Turner, pictured above, is leader of the boys and girls who play in the thirty-two piece band and the drum corps made up of sixteen youths. These musical enthusiasts meet regularly for instructions and practice. They give performances at schools and in parks. The instruction, practice and puhlic appear ance of these youthful musicians in Portland are a part of a total of 500,000 hours spent a week by thousands of persons taking part in choral, hand and other musical training programs in WPA recreation centers throughout the country, (WPA Photos.) in '‘You can’t Take It With You.” Always true to his first love—•—the first thing Eddie did when -prosperity came his way to buy 3 thoroughbreds and help to train them himself. One little brown mare is expected to do great things during -the Santa Anita season this year. Unmarried, “Roche-ter” lives wit!; hir. mother and sister, in Hol lywood where he spends his spare tim;, takirg them for cruis<« in his trim little yacht.—That is, when he’s not eating some of his mo ther' good home cooking. ON THE AIR _"-a.--- - .-ri,,—1| |- — ■■■ INKSPOTS, NiBC Blue, Thursday, 11:00 P. M. OVER CHS. MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS Cab Calloway and his Orchestra ! arc broadcasting Mondays and Thursday; 11:30 P. M. from the Cotton Club in New York City. -0O0 WALLER, CALLOWAY TO HEAD HANDY CELEBRATION | Thomas “Fats" Waller, the gods gift to swing music, and Cab Cal loway will headline the outstand-; ing group of Negro stars of the ! jazz and classical field who will take* part in the Willian C. Handy birthday concert to be held at Car negie Hall Novembe r 21. ’-0 MUSICIAN HONORED Hamilton, Bermuda. Nov. 10 (A NP)—I>ast Monday a reception promoted by several local musi cians was given at the Albert Guest house in honor of Edgar Sampson, the composer and an ar ranger for Benny Goodman’s or chestra. Sampson wrote Stomping at the Savoy. • -__— The Vagabonds—Hot Harmonists NOVEMBER PROCLAIMED INSURANCE “CONSERVATION MONTH” Detroit, Mich. Nov. 10 (C)— President L. C. Blount of the ra tional Negro Insurance Associa tion in a proclamation issued here, has proclaimed thi month of No vem-ber as “National Negro Con servation Month,’’ changing the original “Collection Month” first conducted in December last year. G. Ish, Jr., chairman of the Conservation Month committee in a special statement from his of fice in ttloicago said that last year only eight companies took part in the drive, but that “this year we are trying to institute a program in which all companies will be interested and will parti cipate." w w -w AN EXCELLENT HAIR STRAIGHTENER GUARANTEED to straighten tho most stubborn Hair quickly and surely. Pleasing and attract ive—an excellent tonic—giving the Hair a deep luster. Costs but a few cests. Write for FREE OF FER. JOHNS - PACK CO.. 856 Wilson Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. Vagabonds, Club matinee NBC | Blue, Mon., thru Fri., 4 P. M. and the Jamboree Tues., 9:30 P. M. (Vocal Quartet.) They are standing left to right, Rob'rt O'Neal John Jordan, and Norval Taborn ar.d, with guitar. Ray Grant, Jr. -0O0— ROBINSON HEADS ACTOR GUILD BENEFIT COMMITTEE New York,—With Bill Robinson as honorary chairman in charge plans for the mid-winter benefit of the N< gro Actors Guild of America, Inc, was launched this, w( ek. Tho benefit will take place De cember 11, at thp 46th Street Theatre, scene of the current hit “Hellzappin.” -oOo hattie McDaniels in new PICTURE Hollywood, Calif. Nov. 10 (A NF1—Hattie McDaniels has re cently completed work in the new Joan Crawford opus, “Shining Hour,” at Metro-Goldwyn-Maytr Studios. -© Starts SATURDAY HACK AT POPULAR PRICES, BY POPULAR DEMAND! f ClauMk > COLBERT fANNIE^HURST'S IMITATION VjOF LIFE > -WITH Louise Beavers as “Aunt Delilah” Fredi Washington as “Peola” •--COM PANION FEATURE-— MICKEY ROONEY WALLACE BEERY WARNER BAXTER IN “S L A V E SHI P” A Story of the Smashing of the Aft can SIav« T |