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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1938)
WOMEN’S DEPARTMENTAL PageV NOTE:—Your question wi.l In answered FREE in th's cnr nmn ONLY when a ti pping of thin column is enclosed with YOUlt QUESTION. YOUR FULL NAME, BIRTH DATE and CORRECT ADDRESS. For PRIVATE REPLY send twenty-fhe cents and a self-addressed, stamped envelope for my NEW ASTROLOGY READING and receive by return mail mj FREE. ADVICE on THREE QUESTIONS. Send all letters to Abbe Wallace. P. O. Box II, Atlanta, Georgia. N. A. —Please inform me as whether I will be able to own a homo of my own and if so about how long will thir. be? Ans: You could have a home of your own within a period of a few years. Save a por tion of your income each month and bank it. When you g t ahead choose you home end pay rent down on it. Pay the balance in monthly pay ments as you would rent. H. J.—Has the party I am most interested to see me? Ans: If so happens that he is taking a v.ry indifferent at titude towards the affairs and is trying not to show how in terested he is. Stay out of this and stop acting like a couple of kids. S. C.—1 am a school teacher and my salary is so small that I can hardly live. How must I go about getting my salary raised? Ans: I don’t think that you could g t a raise this term. Can’t you take up some kind of canvassing or selling on the sido and that should net you a little extra money each week. Try.. Herman’s Market First HERMAN FRIED1ANDLR PROPRIETOR 24th Lake St. WE.5444 Omaha Stove Repair Works 1208 Douglas St. Phone AT.2524 NEBRASKA PRODUCE 1202—4—6 North 24th St. Phone WE 4187 Ponltry and Egg Dealer* Otu prices are reasonable, 1 see n* first. Free Trading Stamps with each Purchase. J ■ ■ .=g I New Crop Tree Ripened Oranges and Grapefruit 90 pounds $2,88 (plus $2.40 express) Fine Georgia PECANS $4.85 to $6,85 for 25 pounds LARGE LOTS ON REQUEST —Ideal Gift— NICHOLS & CO, Rockmart, Georgia Next year try to get in a larg er school. E. C.—I don’t get a thing that 1 don’t work for. My husband has a store and he don’t do so good as a business man. What must Wu do? Ars: We all must work if wo expect to get ah'ad. The thing for you and your hus band to do is to fix your store up attractively and try to get new custom* n. Help him out in tho store ar.d go ut of your way to be ever so cour teous and kind. Your business could be increased, but it is left up to you two to bring about the change. I W. T. S.—-There is a woman I love and I beli*ve she love me but tho people talk so .much stuff to her that seems half way afraid of me. Tell me what to do ? Ans: Talk to your lady fri end if you go about the matt* r right she will understand. Al so bo more friendly with the people in your neighborhood and they will not inclined to talk about you. Th« impres sion you give your friends is tho attitude they take towards yo.\ E. J.—I am writing to find out about a girl 1 have been going with for a year and ten months and row Rho iR going with a fri end of min«'. Is sh< doing this for s pi to and should I just forget about her? Ans: If you were older I would say forget the girl but since you aren’t anything but kids why shouldn’t she go wiih othi r boys in your group. It will b0 years before you or she either ore can get married and you should make othc r friends. M. M ,R. Can I get my job back at the hotel ? Ans: Yet you could. It might hj a good idea to go back and apply for work, (but in all pro babality it will be a ‘month or two before you get can back on) as the work you are doing now will not get any better through the wiror months. R. N. W. Now I am a young girl who wants to go to a near by city and study b auty culture an i my daddy doesn’t have the money and I wish to know how soon can •: go? Ans: You must depend on yourself entirely in th's mat ter. Try to get good employ ment and when you get ahead make arrangements to take your course of study at night. You will like the work and you can do well along this line. M. M. M.—Please tell me if my husband is going to be successful in keeping the job that he has during another year? Ans: He will yes. Indica tions aro that when he changes jobs again he will get some thing bettor and will get more money for his efforts. Study along his line would be well for him during spare time. F. Z. P.—Will you tell me please how can T get rid of my husband without beir.g in danger for he says if I separate from him he will kill me? Ans: It is against the law for anyone to threaten your lifo( if you honestly feel you aro in danger, then the thing to do is secure a peace war rant. A separation is the only logical thing to do as the long as you cannot get along. •• * * ^DchViVmzi ■ leg. If. fi. Taf. Off. /f BERUTy^RomnncE The larieuse Beauty Foundation was established by j tbo Godefrey Manufacturing Company to atudy methods of preserving women's natural beauty, and to make tbo results of this research available to the public. | I hove Just come back from a flying trip to Chicago and I simply must tell you about It. The word “flying” Is used literally because I flew up on n Chicago and Southern Airlines plane and was met at the Chicago airport by an enthusiastic group of friends, among them Mrs. Marjorie Stewart Joyner, president of the National Beauty Culturlsts League, Inc., who presented me with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. The purpose of the trip, of course, was to attend the convention of the Nntionai Beauty Culturlsts League the week of September 2. Besides the excitement of the plane ride (I must confess it was my first time in the air and I was a bit nervous nt first), there was a parade and a series of dances and other social gatherings along with the serious work of the convention. The convention, Itself, was a tre mendous success. The National Beauty Culturlsts League hns been a powerful influence in the up building of the Industry, Its pur poses, you know, are to encourage continued Improvement of methods of treating the hair, scalp and skin; to gather and distribute scientific Information regarding the care of the hair, and to establish Race re lations between Individual hair (leasers and various systems of haffflreBsIng throughout the coun _ More than three hundred licensed beauticians, owners, proprietors and managers attended tlm convention. There were fifty booth* represent ing the local and larger beauty shops. There were demonstrations and lectures for the thousands of spectators on the progress and newest Innovations In Race beauty culture. I am terribly enthusiastic abont all this because I think our own system of beauty culture is of ut most Importance. To be truly suc cessful In the field of cosmetology we must have onr own methods, our own make-up and cosmetics, made especially for our types of skin and^ colorings, and manufactured ex pressly to suit our varying needs. Such marvelous strides have been taken In this direction that I am delighted. The plane ride was Just the beginning of my excitement. I am still thrilled to death. What are your beauty prob lems? Write Marie Downing, Larieuse Beauty Foundation, Room 607 — Ml Locust St., St. Louis, Mo., and she will be glad to answer them. Be sure to en close a self-addressed stamped envelope. .. ■■ iif GETS HIGH “Y \V” POST MRS. GEORGE W. LAWRENCE, who was elected as the first color ed woman member of the National Young Women’s Christian Asso ciation’s Committee on Review of Program and Budget and who at tended her first meeting in New York last week. Mrs. Lawrence. wife of the form j cr president of the National Bar Association, has had wide experi ence in the Chicago YWCA Hnd is ! a member of the city wide board in Chicago. (ANP)— Groom: Gosh! I b"en sleeping like p. log. Bride: Yon wood. M. W. I want to ask why the people watch me so hard and lau^h at me where I am employed. I am / ry neat and clean ai d don’t un derstand at all? An3: They really don’t mean any harm and they aren’t actually laughing at you. The mistake you are making is to ignore these people, join in their fun and laughter and tho will like you better and you will feel better yourself. S. H. S.—Does this lady I go ..round with love me? She says she does but something tells me that she is trying to fool me? Ans: The lady in question is mighty fond of you and there isn’t anyone else that she likes any betO r. Accept her de claration of love as the truth but you don’t have to be blind and think she can’t change her mind at a Inter date. A. NV • Will we be nble to clear any money out of our crop hi year as we exp ct? Tell me mething about n y sor. as I am worried about him. Ans: Yes, you will make a from yc'ur crop this year the returns will be yours v ry soon. Don’t interfere one way or the other with your son and his matr'imnial pro blems. At thi? t me he can’t make up his mu.. about re turning to his wife. ■--— M. L. G.—Can expect a change foe the better in my hus band’s health? Ans: I feel that you can. If he gets the proper medical cato a change will take place for him before many more weeks have passed. T. I). H.—'Does the boy I am go ing with at the present like me aM a girl friend? Ans: If he didn't he would not be wasting any time keep ing company with you. Al though the young man won’t e'er mean anything to your life other than a friend. C* S. S. I have in mind, to eith er take a Beauty Course or go to Miami and I wish to know what would be the best thing ? Ars: Take the Beauty Cul ture Course right now. If you beg n tHs fall yo will be through with it and making a living by next fall ard that would be an ideal time to move to Miami. You are using good judgment in wanting to help your husband buy a home. -0O0 ..-. In China the people have the right idea. They sit on the floor at the beginning of a party in stead of near the end. MODERN ETIQUETTE By ROBERTA LEE —• 1. When an invitation is receiv ed over the t lephone, is it all right for one to say, “I : hall let you know this ev» ning, or tomor row ? ” 2. Should a man remove his hat. wh. r, in the elevator of a hotel or an office building when a wo t man enKr . 3. Whin passing a plate for a second helping, siould one leave the knif(; ard the fork on the I late? 4 Should a young man engag ed to b< married resent it if the girl’s father asks him questions pertaining to his f nancial affairs business position ard health. 6. Is it di'-courteous when one s talking with a person, for this person to show' a lack of intern st r what ;s being said? (i. When a woman ard her es cr' enter a theatre and an usher is at tjhe entrance of the isi'j which ono should be first to fol Ujw the usher? V. Please m ntion about six of I ho most common forms of rude res-. for either a hu-.bard or a e ifo to be guilty of. when the ether is entertaining frien Is in th . home. 8. Is it poor form to ur- the expression “Gent’’? 9. Should a hostess always ri.s" ; when a guest is 1 aving as well os arriving? 10. Is it all right for a man to give a woman tn article of wear-1 ing appanl. as a gift. 11. How long should a hostess wait for a guest who is late for dinner? 12. Is it proper to address a : wadding invitation to “Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Brown and Family? ANSWERS 1. Never. This invitation must be accpetid or declined without moment’s hesitation. A pause of even two or thr-e seconds is bad iorm. 2. He should do so in a hotel elevator, but it is not necessary in an office building or shop. 3. Yes, Under no circumstances should silver he placed on the ta ble cover. 4. No. The father has a perfect right to be concerned about eve rything that might affect the ha ppiness of his dtughter. 5. Yes. This is one of the most frequent acts of discourtesy. To] be a good listener is one of the | :-urest ways to gain friends, and is just as important as to be a good speaker. 6. The usher goes first then ihi woman and last her escort. If there is no usher the man should go first. 7. ’Refuse to balk, refupe to smilo appear, bored, fall aslefp. leave the room abrutly, sit and read. S. Yis. It is very foor form. It is no more comet than “lades” would be for “ladies.” 9. Yes, always and whether the guest be a man or a woman. It is exceedingly discourteous if she doen not. 10. Not unless the woman is h s mother, sister or a close relative. 11. No longer than fifteen mis ut's. 12^ No. The words “and family are no longer wed. An invita tion should be sent to Mr. and Mrs. Browrn and a separate invi tation to each other member of the family. HOUSEHOLD SCRAPBOOK - By ROBERTA LEE - Mucilage Substitute Quite often when one is in a hun-y to mail a letter there will bv but one stamp and it has no mucilage on its back. In this pre dicament all necessary is to mois ten the mucilage flap on another envelope, run the stamp over the dampened part quickly, then place on the letter to be mailed. Mending A Cracked Range A crack on the inside of a range can be mended by using a filler made of equal parts of common tabla salt and wood ashes, moist ened with water to the proper consistency. Tfiis filler will dry hard and will be lasting. The Hanging-Iiasket A now! iday to water the REID’S PHARMACY Cut Prices — Free Delivery 21th & SEWARD ST. Phone WE. 1613 I hanging-basket without qpilling water on the floor is to insert a small funnel in the dirt as near tho center of th basket as possi ble', and hidden by the foliage. Fill this funnel with water every oocfjation has been in existence day, and it will soak into the soil gradually. T sting Coffee A way to test the quality of coffee is to put a spoonful in p glass of cold water and add a few drops of lemon juice. If the coffee is pure, it will remain on top of the water; if not the wa ter will become brown in color. The Patch Bag A most practical patch bag can ba made from a yard or two of mosquito mtt'ng. This enable one to gee the cortents from the out side, and there is no necessity for emtpying the entire contents to find the exact piece of good* wanted. Pouring from Cans The secret of poring liquid from the cans is to make two holes in the can instead of one. about an inch apart. The one hole is for the liquid to pour from, the other hole to h t the air into the can. Writing While Travel'ng When necessary to write while traveling, in an automobile train or bus, prcss the elbows into the body just above the hips and you will find the task easy. The doer Key That important door key w'll net be evasive anymore when the housewife return* from the gro cery, if she will sew a large *izcd dreas hook inside her handbug near the top, on which to hang thei key. Sewing Room Hin*u Cut the strips containing but tons and button holes from dis carded gt rments and use /them under flys in new garments. This will save much time and labor. To Clean Playing Cards . plsving cards can b“ c.wuned Lj dipping a small spongj in spirts of camphor and rubbing th- card gently. Thic wili restore th ntv. ncy. A Convenient Iligh-Cluair , If four ruble r,tipped door | stops are screwed into the legs of an ordinary chair, it will make an ideal high chair for kitchen work or for a small child. ' A solution of peroxide of hy drogen containing a few drojp of nm.nosia will r-move ink stars l'rom the hands. FASHIONS % J. SANFORD Afternoon! Teas, cocktails, low ered lights subdued voices and of course the most important thing of all that rich looking suit or smart afternoon dress. I have two in mind for an important after noon out. The f rst one is a square shouldered coat dress of black wool. It buttons to the hip with self covered buttons. A swirl of fox fur at the throat and at the hip gives this dress a look of lux uriousr.ess^ which wins much admi ration for the wearer. i no second costume is a softly draped one of green crepe. The ! gathered neckline is high and drap ed and is clipped at the right shoulder, with a sparkling clip. I Just above the waistline, are two i hows of gold lame’. From these I falls a column of the fame mater i ial. draped the length of the dress. This costume is certain to give one that envied look of sophistication. Calvin’s Newspaper Service TESTED RECIPE 1 *—■'By Frances Lea Barton—■■■ WITH the departure of summer sunshine and the arrival r T cold weather, mothers naturally v. I plan to sen* more substantia E food. Here Is cl dessert for l nippy day whicn not only supplies important food values, but is also supremely good to eat. Coconut Molasses Cake 2K cups sifted cake flour; 214 teaspoons double - acting baking powder; 14 teaspoon salt; 14 tea spoon soda; 14 teaspoon allspice;1 jl teaspoon cinnamon; 14 cup butter or other shortening; 14 cup brown ;sugar, firmly packed; 1 egg, un beaten; y3 cup molasses; 14 cup milk; 114 cup shredded coconut, coarsely cut. Sift flour once, measure, add .baking powder, salt, soda, and ■pices, and sift together thrr i (times. Cream butter thorough’- „ *dd sugar gradually, and cream tc xether until light and fluffy. Aud «gg and beat well; then molasses-.! lAdd flour, alternately with milk, .J jemall amount at a time, beating After each addition until smooth.; EFold in coconut. Bake In greased pan, 8 z 8 x 2-inches, in moderate! -oven (375* F.) 45 minuteB, or until 'done. — ' i FOUHE! THE SECRET TO YOUTHFUL-LOOKING HAIR • • • Drab, Lifeless, Gray-Streaked Hair Takes on Glowing Beauty with a Single Application of Larieuse THE middle-aged woman whose hair is soft, alluring, colorful, always sparkling with dancing highlights—how does she do it? What is the secret to her youthful looking hair? Chances are she uses a hair color ing and chances are the hair color ing she uses isGodefroy’s Larieuse. Years ago this “secret ’ was gener ally known only to professional hairdressers. Today it is shared by women everywhere. You, too, can ha-’e be?"tiful hair by using Godefroy’s Larieuse, the quick-acting, easy-to-use hair col oring in the red box. Whatever its condition — whether drab, lifeless, off-color, or streaked with gray — Larieuse will make your hair one even, lustrous, natural, youthful appearing color. Choice of 18 shades, including jet-black, black and brown. Remember—ugly hair sometimes kills a man’s interest in a woman. Don't risk it—use Larieuse. Satii fauion guaranteed or your dealer will refund your money. Larieuse Shampoo . . . produces a remarkably cleansing shampoo which leaves the hair soft and fluffy. Larieuse Slain Remover . . . removes hair dye stains ; from hands,forehead and scalp. Will not alTect color of hair. GODEFDOY'I ' g * ff HrS ’ a/tisnAB dl'ractto... hair coloring „a GODEFROY MANUFACTURING COMPANY • 3ST0 Ol!VE ST. • ST. IOUIS, MO. ,*.+. ****** .v *• *- - * - - - AA|-VW>I*I|‘ r>rtji LET PEOPLES DO IT Clean up that front room. We specialize in making old houses look like new, inside and out. No charge for esti mation on work. No job too small or too large. Ten trained decorating mechanics. Our Motto—Service First, at the lowest prices. Call WEbster 2858. Peoples Paint and Papering Shop LARRY PEOPLES, Proprietor