The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, November 05, 1938, Page Four, Image 4

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Rev. R. E. Johnson, pastor
Hina Mitchell, reporter
Sunday School opened at 9:45
o'clock with superintendant presid
ing'. Forty five minutes was de
voted to the lesson. Th>: re was a
nice attendance 0s the d*y was
fire. 11:00 service was open d by
tho choir ringing, “The Lord is in
His Holy Temple." Scripture les
son from St. Luke 19 chapt-r “I
Want To See Jesus". Many testi
moines were given to the glory of
God. Rev. Moss was with us in our
sirvice. He had ended a weeks ser
vice with us, which was crowned
with great success.
The pastor preached a wonder
ful scrmor. At three o’clock tho
Missionary society sponsored a
At six o’clock the Young Peo
ple '« Union met. Th< re was a great
lesson from the Third chapter of
Lewis Service Station
Southwest Corner 24th & Grant St.
It’s time to change your oil fr m
Summer to Wint. r. Conoco Bronze
Germ Processed Oil. Package
Coal, Fuel Oil and Ice.
Grease your car and change your
Oil from Summer to Wint< r.
—Service with A Smile—
I WEbster 3043
El* !» LOAN
Confidential Loans at Reasdnable
Newest styles Coats. $10.95
Silk Dresses . 2.95—3.95
Smart Looking Hats 98c & 1.29
Snappy Pocketbooks r _ $1.00
Wool and Silk Gloves ,49c
Flanni 1 Pajamas . 69c
Nightingale Silk Hose, fashion
fit .. r. ..49c
Snugies and Vest . 25c
Nice Selection Blankets all Prices
Twin S^t Sweaters _ $1.69
Full Fashion Hose . 69c
ANNOUNCING New Dept. Ladies
Suedo^ Brown and Black, Kid Lea
ther, black redish and black
patent l ather .. $2 1()
Men’s and Young Men’q Dept.
Black Shirts with real cuff button
dice 7-11 ... 1.45
Newest rayon silk shirts, blue
green and borwn . '1.98
New up-to-date Overcoats $16.50
Zipper Jackets, suede, whipcord,
blue melton corduroy Coats to
match and collars
Newest styles HATS_1.45, 1.98
Largo assortment zipper Sweaters
— . 1.95—2.95
Heavy winter Union Suits 79c—$1
Sheeplined Coats $5.96 up to $7.95
Peter.'. Shoes for all the family.
Dr ss Gloves of All Kinds
Cordusoy Pants ..2.19 —2.79
Boy’s blue melton zipper Coats
... 2.46
Plaid all wool zipper Coats 2.98
3-4 Socks . 19c
Corduroy Pants . 1.98
Boys and Girls Stocking Caps 49c
Children’s Bloomers . 16c
Children’s Dresses. 59c
Children’s Hose . 15c
Blankets . 49c
1804 N. 24th St. Phone WE. 1369
| St. John, taught by sister Irene
I Booker. Eight o’clock service was
opened with the choir singing. Rev.
| Moss of Ohicago< 111., who is a
| wonderful prophet had charge of
the service. He gave some wonder
! ful messages. We are gorry to have
him leave our city tonight as he
I has been a wonderful influence.
I Thursday night November 3rd th
‘ Mysterious Harmony Four” will
be with us in Gospel songs. Every
day this week from 12 to 1 o’clock
will be prayer nueting service.
Tuesday night the Pastor’s Aid.
Wednesday right regUlWr sfervice.
Fr'day afternoon the Missionary
Soci- ty will meet.
Look for the great service which
will soon be here with the coming
of Rev. E. C. Gore. The Young
Evangil st and her Gospel singer.
Miss Austin, will be here. This
date will be around the seventh of
Rev. L. M. Rdf, Pastor
Edna Pank y, Reporter
Sunday School opened at 9:30
a. m. with a good attendance. We
were glad to welcome home our
pastor who has be n visiting in
Chicago for the pnrft Week. Rev.
Relf preached a wonderful serm
on. found in Hebrews 12:28 which
was enjoyed by all. BYPU. was
held at 6:00 p. m. with Miss Alma
Forrest, president, presiding. The
Union had a splendid program.
Many beautiful songs were rend
ered. At the evening service Rev.
W. Ervin of the Interd* nominat
ional Church delivered the mes
sage. The subject: ‘‘’the Church
es’ Relation to God.* Many good
thoughts were brought out. Come
out and worship with utn'j Visitors
are always welcome* 'ha '
Pleasant Green Baptist Church
Rev. Reynold** I’M*tor
Willa Ma> Koss, Reporter
” .. «- i f 1, j. /
' Sunday School opened .at nine
o'clock with Superintendent pres
iding Surday was Missionary
Day. Teachers took charge of their
cla^s. K for twenty minSf&s. There
wan a very interesting subject.
Trizes were awarded to, the con
testant of last we JCsj Harvest
Pally. The classes all enjoyed
the service. r
Morning worship was at 11:00
with the deacons in charge of the
devotional service. Song by the
Choir. Prayer for the sick by Rev.
(5ieen_ Song by th Choir. An
inspiring sermon was preached by
Rev. Reynolds. Song by the choir.
Solo by Bessie Taylor. Collection
and adjournam nt. Evering wor
ship was at 8:00 p. m. Devotion
al service with the deacons in
charge. Song ly the Choir. An
inspiring sermon was preached by
Rev. Reynolds. Song by the choir.
Tho evangelistic service will begin
November 24th and 25th, conduct
ed by Rev. William Clayton of i
Tab made Baptist Church of
Council Bluffs, Iowa. Pray for
the salvation of the unsaved, There
w ill be a special song and prayer
.serVice each evening. Help makv
this a great meeting for the Lord.1
Bring a friend and help encourage
them to accept Jesus.
Visitors: Mrs. Stuart, and Mr.
Anderson and Mr. Vernon of Coun
cil Bluffs.
Tho Mission program sponsored
by Mrs. Elsie Warwick follows:
Devotions by Mrs. Gilbert, pa
per by Mrs. Benson of Salemi Bap
tist Church. Solo by Mrs. V. Moore
of Pleasant Green Baptist Church,
Solo by Mrs. S. Barge, Short talk
| on Missions by Mrs. A. Green of
I Salem Baptist^ Quartette, Mrs.
Daniels and family of Mt. Calvary
HeBe’S B'® ^ \
SOMO^'11 aT.4U4 \
AC1T^ f «el and °lL C°
A pageant by Red Circle G ria ol
I Pleasant Gr e. “Wh»t Yissior a
(Ought to Mean to P ' La-,»• Kxen
I Yrcher, Blind-Helen Moore, Jsw-k
I.ambert, Prison-Gale Warrick. Re
marks by th , pastor. Pa f on the
program. “Famous Worn n of the
Bible.’* Mr-. Florence Trippet, I)o
eas; Mrs. Bessie King, Deborah;
Mrs. Lottie King, Reb' • Mrs.
S. Barge, Orpalui, Mrs.. St. f lair
Esther; Mr -. Gilbert, Mary Magda
lire; Mrs. Estella Waters, Mary.
Mother of Jesus; Mrs. hr sic War
rick, Qu en of Sheba.
‘‘The Friendly Church"
l)r. R. A. Adams, pastor
The new conference years is get
ting off to a fairly good start at
Si. John.
The Sunday schiid started the
services last Sunday with only a
fair attendance.
At the morning worship, Rtv.
Matthews of the Kansas District
preached a very good sermon on
“The Value of Leadership.” At
thi evening service, Dr. Adams
There are quite a number of
people who are sick and unable
to be, with us. Among theme are:
Brother L. M. Goodlet, who has
been rick for some time. Sister
M'rmi i Wilson, Att. John Adams
J and the mother of brother
M. lvin Freeman. We wish for these
and others whose names were rot
mentioned, a speedy recovery.
We bow in sympathy to sister
Smith and relatives, in the passing
of Brother Smith.
We were very pleased to see
sist r and brother W. P. White
nut Sunday. Sister White has been
rck for some time. We hope that
she will be able to get out more in
the future.
The chior’s Host ard Hostess
Turkey Dinner, which will take
place on Novf mber the 17th pro
miser. to be one of the bests so
cial, as well as educational even
ings of the season. The hostesses
leport that the table reservation
being taken up rather fast, so
make yours before it is too late.
u can do so by seeing any mem
ber of the St. John Choir.
Mrs. Laura Adams, the wife of
the pastor, is visiting her grand
children in Kansas City.
Th,. pastor and Trustees are
anxious that all members and
lrienl:. will give full support to
the financial drive that will close
the second Sunday in November.
"V cu will find all you church, so
cial and fraternal n ws in your
local newspaprs. Read them ar 1
keep informed, as there are some
very good musical progi’ams to
take place in the different
church e
Visitors are always welcome to
Si. John and ar invited to make
it their church home while in the
-0O0 --
Rev. L. A. Story, Pastor
Beatrice Gray, Reporter
Sunday school opened at the re
gular hour. The names of the new
t achers were read to the school.
They are: Beatrice -Williams, pri
mary, Mrs. A. Adams, junior, Mrs.
Eifie Moore was changed from:
the adult to the senior Intermedi
ate class, Rev. L .A. Storey, pas
tor was eleced to the men’s bible
class. The rest of the teachers wei\
reelected. Rev. Storey, our pastor
r.poko to the Junior Church. The
attendance at the morning services
aro increasing, each Sunday Rev.
Storey spoke from Matthew 24:27.
“The Messeng« r.” A weekly Bulle
tin for Cleaves Temple made its
first appearance Sunday morning.
It was well received by the con
gregation. It will keep every one
who attend Cleavs Temple inform
ed of the Church activities.!' The
pastor preached from John 5:6 at
tho evening service. Rev. Storey
left Tuesday night for Kansas
City, Mo. He will drive back with
his wife, Mrs. Storey. They expect
Be Successful!
Study Law - Political Science - Ne
gro History AT HOME Men and
women trained Mn these subjects
win higher positions and Wager
success In business and public life.
TCey command respect aad attain
ypure apgrt uoff ! Read "TilMfRoW)
M. ft pfOiptO^M V
AMHWCA, MM W. OiImi*U Arc.,
to au-5/e in Omaha on Frida; .
Th.j No, 2 board will give a
■ l'h* Contest'* on Thursday night.
■ -— 0O0
Silver S. S. ,S| ! ght, paste r
SAJay schor l op one ] at 9"45
i Tb"^l«: eon was taught by Hn -her
j I'.JdAis, Supt. Many inspiring ro
I i©i B were brougjjts cut in the
Cs<t^s,on of the lesson.
TiB par,tor brought the lesson
at 11^11:00 service. Subject: “Liv
ing by'.the Word of God,” Matthew
4:4. The message stirred our souls
as he’so wonderfully expounded
the jbruth of the gospel.
AtK pm. BYPU which was well
tu-y^fc by Sister Naimi Johnson.
At ?:45 p, m., the pastor brought
another powerful message from
Ps. 16.1. Ht showed in his discourse
how men should walk upvigthlv
at all time* before God, so that
theywiight alway have his divine
favojp. Sunday Nov. 6, is family
day. ^lome ard bring your family.
E'^ryone is always welcome at
the -nerviees at the Church of God.
S . .n—_
V -*
ChrLsUan Lit rature
A person is not only judged by
the company ho keeps, but he is j
also judged ly what he feeds his
mind upon. Next to the radio, the
press is the greatest scoure of j
propaganda. Every doctrine or
theory seems to realize thj value j
of the printed page. Communism,
Nazism. Fac'sm Christianity and
all “isms” try to impress and sway
the masses by spreading literature, i
The month of November is be-1
ir g observed as “Literature Month!
by th(, Gospel Trumpet Press and j
the church of God. Special em
phasis is being placed upon (a) the
reading of good Christian books,
(b) the church paper (c) the dis
tribution of phamplets. These are
; to carry the message of the gos
| jels of Christ and its power to save
from sin wfeea applied by faith.
Most i f the popular r aders
spend their time reading fiction
ard many time it is the cheaper
I sod. There is no unfavorable cri
, ticisma to b,. passed on the reading
of fiction, when it is clean and
i practical. One cannot l:ne a well
! i ounded physical life, if he eats
only starches, or fats or vegta
bler. alone. There should be a well
rounded dies and a balanced ration.
,Since this is true physically, it
is also true with the mind. We
, must not read all of one kind of
j reading matter i. e. only fiction, But to be intelligent, we must
I have an accurate knowledge (*f
1 biography, science fiction (clean
i an practical) and religion. Since
i Christ is, or should,be the center
of ;»11 cur lives, then Christian
literature is the best means of
s preading tho truth about him.
Sunday, Nov. 6, 1938 the begin
ning of the Sunday Forums which
are to be held during the ertirr.
winter at Clair Chapel MR Church
22 and Miami Sts., on the first
Sunday of each month.
Prominent civic and social clubs
will present, a variety of programs
at meetings. At each onc a
different club will be in charge.
The Trojan Club of the YWCA,
on of the outstanding clubs of the
community will preside at this, the
f r't meeting Sunday a 3:30 P. M.
The public is cordially invited to
attend these fprums.
Salem Rapt'st Church “Count on
Me Club” met Tuesday, November
1. at the home of Mrs. V. Rarnell,
2506 Decatur at 2:00. Twelve mom
b-r« were present. Two new mem
bers were taken in. They were Mrs.
Ford and Mrs. L. A. Henderson.
After the business meeting was
over, beautiful needlework was
put on display. A lovely luncheon,
served by th:. hostess, was enjoyed
by all
Mrs. F. Green, pres. Mrs. Wil
liams. chaplin, Leona Jackson, Rev.
E. H. Hilsoft, pastor.
' ___ _ V ,<J u,,
JL o
Favors old age pensions; opposes new taxes;
s?e-'s i •••re a -equate administration of relief ; 1937
S( sicr. iintroduced ami sponsored all Housing Legis
lation foi Nebraska; led fight for full cent of gas tax
apprppri ted to relief and state assistance; sought
distribution of relief on basis of need, not population;
supported Omaha. Police and Firemen bills; sponsor
ed bill authorizing creation of dock boards; voted for
L. B. 112, prohibiting religious questions on applic
ations for teachers’ positions in Nebraska; sponsored
unemployment insurance bill.
Mr. Adams is a graduate of the University of
Nebraska in 1929 with Bachelor of Arts and Bachel
or of Law Degrees. Since then he has practiced law
in Omaha and has become very Well known as an at
torney. He has served two terms in the Legislature.
He has been endorsed by Labor.
H. A Gray, Director olf Housing of the Federal
Emergency Administration of Public Works, Wash
ington, D. C., in a letter to John Adams, J!r„ dated
May 24, 1937, in speaking of the Housing Legislation
introduced by Mr. Adams, stated: “I think that you
may justly be proud of your successful efforts on be
half of legislation designed to meet one of the most
urgent social problems confronting us today.”
Mr. Adams states:
“I wish to take this opportunity to thank all of
my f riends who supported me in my last campaign.
I have always had the desire to be of some service to
my community, city and state. For this reason I de
sire to continue as your State Representative. I will
sincerelly appreciate your vote.”
General Election Nov. 8th
Omaha Stove Repair Works
1208 Douglas St. Phone AT.2524
Unity Pharmacy
We. 0609
Free Delivery
• ■ i • <- ‘
Political adv. --—
Political adv. ' v - -—0O0——- ’
f. • ■' *—
For the Family Washing
There's no place like home for the family
washing if you do it the modern, economical
way with an Electric Washer and Ironer.
The modern electric washer will do a big
family washing quickly, thoroughly, easily.
It makes washing a pleasant task instead
of back-breaking toil.
Finish the laundry on an automatic Ironer
that lets you sit down while ironing. No
tiresome pushing, lifting or standing! You
simply guide the clothes through the roller,
and the ironing is done in a jiffy.
Learn how easily you can take the hard
work out of washing, yet do it yourseli ani
save money. ' ,
' 7, v