The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, November 05, 1938, Image 1

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    Largest _
Negro Pf .4
^02b. Nl£!*tort*> *+ ' M* ■ ■ ■
in JNebra&iw* FULL pages of
Scents lit w fjnmins
Entered as Second Class Matter at Postoffice, Omaha, Nebraska— Omaha, Ncbl*., Saturday, NOV. 5, 1938 Number Thirty
Robert Smith For
District Clerk
One local newspaper said there
-were 81,000 reasons why Robert
Smith should be elected to the of
fice of Clerk of the District Court
of Douglas County. To the Col
ored citizens of Omaha there is
just 15,000 more reasons why he
should be elected to this office.
Robert Smith is known to never
say no to any inquiring person.
His answer always is “We shall see
-what oan be done.” And if it is
to tho interest of justice and right
and to alieviate suffering human
ity, Robert Smith is just the man
V’ho would not ard could not stop
until relief and justice have been
done. "Any charges?” “No.” To
tho contrary he has been known to
put his hand into his own pocket
and, give hours, days^ weeks and
(months of hi8 time to do things
that are requested of him by men
•and women in all walks of life,
both whta and black. Robert
Smith is known to lend his ear
more tenderly and readily to what
Is commonly called the underdog.
Tho only thing any of his oppon
ents have tver been able to accuse
him of is that he was hooked up
with the wrong group. All give
him credit of being the outstanding
and upright citizen of today in
public life. Negroes can make no
mistake in voting for Robert Smith
for Clerk of the District Court.
Tho Harvest Festival is still in
progress at the Zion Baptist
church which is being conduced
by M. M. Roberts, National Evan
gelist and Singer, services last
week were well attended. On Mon
day nigbt, Dr. Wesley Jones, de
livered a wonderful address, which
was enjoyed by all. He was pre
sented by Rev. M. K. Curry, pas
The program for th:s week is
as follows:
Monday, Nov. 7, Visiting Minis
ters; Tuesday night, soloists and
Musicians, Big Broadcast; Wed
nesday night, Gospel Party; Thur.
night, Youths Song Review-, Fri
day night, Ushers and Usherettes
Boards of the city, Mr. M. C. Sands
and Mrs. Edith Todd in charge.
The old soldiers and Amertician
Legion will be welcome guests.
St. Louis, Nov. 3 (ANY)—Picket
ing of the Gamble community cen
ter for Negroes, now under con
struction, continued thig week with
members of local organizations
carrying signs demanding that
skilled workers be admitted to
membership in A. F. of L. building
unions and that additional Negroes
be employed on the community cen
ter project. Electricians started
tho picketing last Friday.
Sidney Williams, industrial sec
retary of the Urban League, said
that a count of workmen employ
ed on thc project disclosed that
there were 26 whites and only two
Negroes, both laborers.
Washington, D. C., Nov. 3 (A.
NP)—In a statement from WPA
headquarter* last week Hairy L.
Hopkins said that adult education
classes will soon be opened to an
additional 500 000 all over the
country. Total enrollment is (x
pected to reach 2,000,0000 before
the end of the year Maximun (n
rollment heretofore has been
slightly above 1.500,000 which was
reached last April.
In a statement given out October 14, 1938, Senat
or George W, Norris declared that the most import
ant issue before the voters was the election of a Chief
Justice. He urged the people to support C, A
SORENSEN for that office. —
His Statement follows:
“The most important issue before the voters of
Nebraska in the coming election is the selection of a
Chief Justice on the Supreme Court of our state.
“There should be no politics involved in the solu
tion of this question.
“I have no personal interest whatever in it. I
feel keenly, however, what a proper judicial system
means to the future happiness and comfort of our
people. One good way to decide between aspirants
for judicial position is to ascertain what kind of
clients the candidate has had in his legal practice.
If he has in the main represented monopolies, j
trusts or seliish interests seeking to get some tech
nical and unfair advantage, he is very apt to have
the viewpoint of monopoly and greed. He overlooks
the rights of the lowly and those who toil. On the
other hand, the poor man’s lawyer, like the great
Brandeis, by his association with the common people
will be impressed with the necessary protection of
the liberties and rights of honest citizens struggling
in an unequal contest with great combinations of
wealth and special privilege.
“Measured by this criterion, C. A, SORENSEN
would get practically every vote in the coming elect
ion. His election to the high office of Chief Justice
i would help to keep our highest court on a pedestal of
| ability, honor and integrity, above the influence of
foarty machines and beyond the control of selfish in
Washington, Nov. 3 (ANP) —
Henry A. Wallace, Secretary of
Agriculture, and Dr. Robert R. j
Moton, president emeritus of Tusk-'
egce institute, will deliver the
principal addresses before th“ semi
cntennial conference of the YMCA
Workers at Howard university^
Nov. 4. 5 and 6. Over 500 leaders
| of both races are expected to hon
or the 50th anniversary of assoc
iation activities with colored men
and boys and to consider at the
same time the place of the colored
YMCA. in tomorrow’s community.
Washington, Nov. 3 (ANP) A
study of health services, with em
phasis on tuberculosis and syphil
is, will ba made this fall in 32 Ne
gro colleges in eight states by Dr. I
Paul B. Comely, director of Stu-1
dent Health Service of Howard j
university. Washington^ D. C., itj
has bef n announced by Dean Numai
-oOo-— I
New York, Nov. 3 (AND Mrs.
George W. Lawrence of Chicago
was a visitor in New York this
week in attendance upon the bud
get reviewing committee of the
National Board of the Young
Women’s Christian Association.
This highly important position in
the organization, being occupied
for the first time by a colored
v’»man< plans the budget for YW
work throughout the entire coun
try and is an important cog in the
policy making of the body.
Solomon ordered Hiram of Trye
to secure the services of black men
to do the skilled hewing and de
signing of the timber work on the
temple. Solomon declaring that
these “black men” were the only
men possessed with sufficient skill
to take charge and complete the
artistic timber work.
The three most important events
in the history of American slavery
all occured on the some date.
April 14, 1"75—First movement
to free American slaves began in
Philadelphia^ as Quakers organized
the first anti-society with Benja
min Franklin as president.
April 14, 1861—The American
flag was hauled down from Fort
Sumter in Charleston, S. C. harbor
as the War between the States
over slavery began.
April 14, 1865—Abraham Lin
coln, 56 emancipator of the slaves
was fatally shot in the back of the
head in Ford’s theatre, Washington
at 10:80 P, M.
Jethro, the Ethiopian, father in!
law of Moses who was the author
who first employed that, which is
today, our judicial system. (Quote j
from the Bible) And Moses' father
in law* said unto him, The thing
that thou doest is not good.
Hearken now unto my voice, I
will give thee counsel, and God
.'.hall be with thee: Be thou for the
• i -
The Gavaliers Club of which
lyromoH Perry is president, will
give a Jitterbug Jamboree at the
Dreamland Hall, Nov. 14th. Hours
9 til 1 a. m. IJoyd Hunter will
furnish the music.
A Special Jitter I,si g Contest will
he held.. Prize' will be awarded
to the winners.
people to go forward that thou
mayc.t bring the causes unto God.
And thou shall teach them ordi
nances and laws, and shalt shew
them the way wherein they must
walk and the work that they must
do. v
Negroes in ho United States in
1936 own some 20.000.000 acres of
land or 31,000 square miles.
Thf, first Negro to be elected a
member of Phi Beta Kappa frater
nity was Edward A. Bouchet, 1874
Yale University.
If the pdophecy of Daniel is ,
true. Chriat when he left this
earth, had wooly hair.
Hiram R. Revels, the first Ne
gro to serve as United States sen
ator and the first man of the
race to appear in either house of
Congress completed an unexpired
term from Ftb. 25 1870, to March '
3, 1871. Senator from Mississippi.
David Walker, a free Negro, the
first person of color to attack,
slavery through the press. ‘Wal
kers Appeal” was published in Bos
ton in 1829. which was circulated
in the South.
The second settler in Ala. was J
a Negro. He visited the country
with DeSoto— like the climate
and the ebrmry—stayed and lived
with the Indians (1540).
In November, 1910,^ The Crisis,
the official qrgan of the National
Association for the Advancement j
of Colored People^ was first pub- j
lished. In 1911, the Association'
published its first pamphlet against
lynching and held its first large
meeting of protest.
The black belt was originally a
fertile strip of black soil. The
black belt of today is that part of
a city where most of the colored
population reside.
Free Negroes in Maryland had a
right to vote down to 1783. A law
was passed in Virginia in 1723 that
they were not allowed to vote. i
Solomon’* dark skin should
cause no surprise, because his mo
ther, Hittite, was also the widow j
of Uriah. The Hittites are the de
scendants of Heth and Heth was
the second son of Cannna.
Somewhere I read this 1 ittle
poem—I pas* it on to you—
This land is ours by right of birth,
This land is ours by right of toil;
Wo helped to turn its "irgin earth
Our sweat is in its fruitful soil.
Chicago, Nov. 3 (ANP)—On the
cv0 of Nov. 8 elections, national
attention is being focused on the
race in the fir*t Congressional dis
trict of Illinois, the only district'
where the election of a Negro to |
congress is assured. The battle
this year is between Arthur W.
Mitchell, twice winner in the con-1
gressional race and present incum
bent. and Second Ward Alderman
William A. Dawson.
Chicago Porter, Winner ot
$75,000 Sweepstakes, Won’t
Retire from Railroading
Chicago, Nov. 3, (ANP) Royal
E. Spurlark, Pullman porter be
tween. Chicago and San Francisco
for 27 years, returned here Friday
morning richer by $76,000 than he
had ever hoped to be. His horse
won that amount for him by fin
ishing second in the Cesarwitch
stakes at Newmarket, England.
Northwestern station was the
scene of a royal welcome when
the winner got off the Overland
Limited around 8:30 Friday morn
ing. The entire family of the 69
year-old porter^ lodge brothers and
friends as well as reporters and
photographers were present. Later
he was guest of honor at several
But his good fortune and sudden
riches will not cause him to quit
his job. He will continue giving
service to Pullman guest for ano
ther three years. At that time he
can retire with a pension. That
will mean a steady monthly in
come for the rest of his life.
Actually, Mr. Spurlark will col
locet for his personal use about
$52,087.50 of the 75,000. The fed
eral government will take $.1,000
as normal income tax ami $19,
910 as surtax. Of course, the cost
of his ticket $2.50 will have to be
deducted, and he has until March
15 to pay bis taxes to Uncle Sam.
But the residue will mean con
sideral comfort to several people.
Th0 Spurlark family has been liv
ing for 17 years at the home of
Mrs. Glover Compton. Included in
his family are Royal Spurlark jr.
21. who is attending Loyola Uni
versity Law School through earn
ings as a red cup and with 'his
father's help; Mr. and Mrs. James
McKains, cousins, and Mrs Hen
rietta Taylor, the porter’s 80-year
old aunt.
When he left Chicago on his re
gular run Mr. Spurlark kn< w he
was ‘in the money,” but he had no
idea how much. His ticket was
coupled with Dubonnet, second
prize winner, in the drawing a
week ago Friday. He had offers
from one source of $7,500 for his
ticket. On visiting relatives at
Belvidere, 111., his home? he told
them he had also been offered
$40,000 by a syndicate but turned
it down.
If he follows hi* avowed inten
tion of working until he reaches
the retiif ment age, Mr. Spurlark
plans to devote the rest pf his life
to fraternal work. He is prominent
in Masonic ranks and is a grand
lecturer for the lodge. He was the
only Chicagoan to win a major
prize in this year’s Irish sweep
New Roads, La.. Nov. 3 (ANP)
—A 12 year old boy^ Walter Wil
liams, was sentenced to life impri
sonment in the state penitentiary
last week when he pleaded guilty
to a charge of shooting and kil
ling Hubert Brouillete, 9, white
boy. Williams was 11 years of age
when the shooting occured.
New York, Oct., 28—Sixty-seven
candidates for the lower house of
Congrc ss replied up to October 28
to a auestionnaire sent them by
tho National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People
and pledged to support a federal
anti-lynching bill in the next ses
sion of Congress which opens in
Not so long ago I was poppin’
off about one of my favorite Sen
ators from down yonder in the old
mud-cat State, and ,1 got to talk
ing about sor
ghum and wish
ing for some. And
lo and behold, an
editor down there,
he ups and sends
Ime a can.
I And I tried it
[with corn cakes
[and bacon and a
Joe Serra .•ouple cups of co- {
ffee, ari(j I guess it had a quieting
effect .because Susis, she says I 1
gu* ss we better send down there
for a winter supply.
But I got a friend out in Ore
gon who ha,s been around eonsid
enable. and he says sorghum and ;
cane syrup, they are not the same.1
He miys sorghum is from Illinois ,
and thereabouts and is made from
a eorn-Jike can^-and the juice of
the southern cwne, it makes cane
syrup not sorghum.
But this Mississippi editor, he
calls it sorghum. But whatever it
is, it is great and grand stuff.
And any woman who has a griz
zly or polar bear for a husband,
she can handle him as easy as pic,
if she knows her corn-cakes and
sorghum—or cane and maple syrup.
Yours with the low down,
- 0O0
- A circular from a mysterious
source was being circulated to vot
ers in the 5th legislative district
this week bearing the pictures of
John Adams'and his opponent Dr.
Foster, and warning the readers
to be watchful. This is apparent
ly on attempt on the part of pred
judiced individuals to defeat one
of Nebraska’s best liked and most
able senators though racial hate.
No one can question the fitness
and ability of Senator Adams and
all fair minded voters in the fifth
district regardless of race or color
can vote for John Adams with
complete assurance that they will
have the best representation avail
Chicago, Nov. 3 (CNA)—Lang
ston Hughes, famous poet and
playwright, will be present at the
opening of his play^ “Don't You
Want to be Free, by the Negro
Peeples Theatre, it was announc
ed this week by the publicity com
mittee of the theatre.
Chase City, Va. —Nov. 1—Pro
secution of a white man, collector
for the Universal Life Insurance
Company of Richmond^ Va. charg
ed with raping a 17 year old color
ed school gild here is being pushed
by the local branch of the National
Association for the Advancement
of Colored people.
Select Your
Candidates Now
In a few more days the gnernl
election will bo over and campaign
ing by candidates for the various
offices will have ceased. The pol
itical meetings, with their floods
nn<J torrents of oratory followed
by “refreshments”, will be forgot
ten and relegated to the past. The
victorious candidates will rejoice
in their success and start laying
the foundation for their adminis
tration of office. Those who were
defeated, saddened by the collapse
of their eastles of expectation, will
return to their pre-election life
consoled only by the satisfaction
that they had offered their servic
es to the public and that they had
been rejected. On the Sidewalks
and in the homes there will be a
resumption of th discussion of
other subjects which have been
neglected for the past few months.
The tax-payers and citizens will
sit back and relax satisfied that
they have (xerecised their right of
franchise by partaking of the most
socred right which can be bestow
ed upon an American.
Then, as voters, happy with the
thought that you have performed
your duty, will ask yoursJves the
question: Have I, by my ballot, se
lected the men who are most fit
ted, qualified and deserving? And
hav€ I indicated the men who by
their past record as good citizens
as civic leaders in the life of their
community and a* public officials
merited the confidence of the peo
ple? And it will be too late to
turn back. Your decision must bo
made Now!
Don’t Be Misled—Learn the True
Facts Before Voting!
With recogniz'd political obser
vers conceding Douglas County Re
publicans the biggest chance in
several years to have a majority
on the county board, Bernard Stone
A1 Elsasser and H. B. Bergquist.
Republican candidates for county
commissioners, are preparing to
wind up their campaigns over the
wefk end with numerous rallies
and downtown demonstrations.
Following along the general
campaign theme of “Sweep the
Courthouse Clean”, these candidat
e, who carried their respective dis
tricts by overwhelming majorities
in the primaries, are stressing their
pledge to r'lieve the taxpayers of
the heavy financial burdens which
has been placed upon them during
the Democratic regime. Their
pledge follows:
“Wo pledge ourselves to see that
the total county expenditures do
not exceed the county’s income^
thus preventing any further defic
I its. We will practice the utmost
! economy in the spending of tax
money and wipe out the present
million dollar deficit as quickly as
possible, saving the taxpayers the
huge interest payments on this
debt. Existing conditions require
the careful scrutiny of county pay
rolls to eliminate the padding
They have also pledged themsel
ves not to place any relative on
the county payrolls and that all
employees will be selected on the
basis of character and ability and
will not be chosen for the purpose
of building up a political machine.
Republican Commissioner Comm.
Rev. James Pierson, radio psr i
of Shenandoah. Iowa, who " "t
married several thousand e'mp’ei
is desirous of uniting 51 oolorM
couple accc’-’ ng to TT,mry K iser,
book store proprietor.