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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1938)
I>Ua~ v;LLD3 on S1DAT-SINCH Duke Uni'’ rsitf through Coach Wade, ha* just wired Syr acxsc University, “Duke will raise wo objection to Sidat-Singh play ing in the game of November 12th. lat *no ore minimize the tre mendou* significance of this an nouncement released two wc eks befor« the schedul d game, to still tha rising t’dc of openly expressed disgust and condemnation of the prospective banning of the brilliant young Negro star. It is the ex CHOP SUKY American an*l i-’hincw Dishea King Yuen Cafe .. 20H>»4 N. 21th St. Jackson 8576 Open front t o m. until 3 a. nt. A PURE, DELICIOUS COLA ‘ BEVERAGE OF GREAT MERIT * I press ion of the great extent to ' which America sports life, funda | mentally democratic and healthy ! has started to cast off Jim Crow I past few years is the walls or a discornected dec'sion, but the maturing of a long and some times painful struggle. It is not stretching a figure of '■ speech too much to say that the dots and dashes that ticked out tho brief message from Durham, North Carolina to Syracuse New York, may have sounded the begin ning of the' end for discrimination on tho spoits fields of America. The issue here was clean cut and had been forced into tho limelight —forced by seven forward passes that shook the football world last Saturday and shoved the picture of Sidat-Singh on the sports page of almost tveyr Sunday paper in the country. With the dramatic realization that the Duke team would ask as usual to keep tho Ne gro star cut of a game on which a Rose Bowl bi<; might hinge cani' tho fast crystall zation of an anti discrimination sentiment and vie toiy was assured. 1 ho sani" conditions now exists in tho fight to break down the tot tering Jim Crow walls in big Ha gue baseball. It’s not false opti mism or kidding oneself to predict tho imminent end of discrimination in our National pastime. The great* st stars cf tho game have joined with the majority of sports | writers and fans in putting them selves on ,record as in favor of I admitting the Negro players to baseball. Satchel) I’aig b ns well known as Sidnt-Singb. Thi opin ions of Joe DiMagg’o and Dizzy Dean, to name two. that he is tho gteal 'st p’t her there is, sen timents of the- stars, later echoed ev-rywhere. A vigorous push of pubi c opin ion now will force the ha-tv end ing of Jim Crow' in baseball before tho 11*3!! s n on evert gets under way. Lift those voices just a lit tle louder. - oOo-—. BILL B»CKNEK. FORMER WHITE H(>\ TRAINER. IS FOUND INSANE Chicago, Oct. 27 (ANP) -Wil liam A. (H ll) Buckner, trainer of tho White Sox baseball team for over 20 years was adjudged men tally incompetent in county court Wednesday .and ordered held in ! the p rycopathic ward at the County hospital pending transfer to Elgin hospital for the insan . This decision to send Buckner to Elgin came after he had been examine 1 by several psychiatrists. He was taken into custody last Saturday when relatives noted “igns of mental defectiveness. In his day. Buckner handled , some of the greatest stars of the baseball diamonds, and was looked upon as a really great trainer. He started with the Sox in February 1908. Among those trained by Buckner are: Dr. Harry White, Ted Lyons, Urban Faber, Big Ed Walsh, Lefty Williams, Eddie Oi cotto and Cecil Pat Caraway. Calvin’s Newspaper Service I TESTED RECIPE I——By Frances Lee Barton ■' Housewives who are expert budget balancers know full well that fish Is a great aid In that WH department of home manage ment. But many families are blessed with members who, at the sight, of fish, ' dig In their heels and stage a re b e 111 o n. Nine limes out of ten it iim'l fish they dislike, but the way it's served. I think l can safe ly my that smiles will adorn the fan i of the anti fish members o£ the family when they taste the sav ory goodness of this baked fish. Put he careful what you serve with I don't serve the stronger fla vored vegetables Baked Fish 2 eg1; yolks; 3 cups milk, 1 table fi ons quick-cooking tapioca; 2 teaspoons salt. teaspoon pep per 2 cups flaked cooked tish; V» eup finely cul celery; 1 tablespoon chopped parsley. 1 teaspoon r raped onion: 2 egg whites, stif fly beaten; '.j cup bread crumbs, buttered. Mix < gg yolks with small amount of milk in top of double boiler. Add remaining milk, tapioca, salt, pep per, fish, celery, parsley, and on ion. Place over rapidly boiling water and heat until scalded (al low 5 to ? minutes after water re suim-s boiling): then cook 6 min utes Stirling frequently. Beat egg whites until just stiff enough to hold straps Fold small amount tapioca mixture into egg vyhites; add to remaining tapioca. Turn in-' [ to greased baking dish and cover with crumbs. Bake in moderate ; oven (350° F ) 30 minutes, or until brown. Serve hot. Serves G. _ __ __ „_.i Patronize Our Advertisers_ m_ ftr Quick Relief from Winter Grief 9. QUICKER STARTS—with Goodrich Kath anode Electro-Pak Battery, guaranteed cm long a* you own your car. % QUICKER STOPS—with new Goodrich Silvertown Tire with Liie SaTei Tread. X QUICKER HEAT—with new Goodrich “11“ Heater that "heat condition#'* your •ntire car. «OTK:—1 aur gue-stion w'M be answered FREE in this cor mnn ONLY when a <! pping of this column is enclosed with YOUl< QUESTION, YOUR FULL NAME, BIRTHDATE and CORRECT’ ADDRESS. For PRIVATE REPLY send twenty-five cents and a self addressed, stamped envelope for my NEW ASTROLOGY READING and receive by return mail my FREE ADVICE on THREE QUESTIONS- Send all letters to Abbe Wallace. P. O. Box 11, Atlanta, Georgia. ~ - -“ W. F_I am working now but I am planning on going to ano ther plant next month and I want to know will it be the best thing for me? Make some inquirtg about this other job. but hold on to the ore you have. If you are offered a better price for your services and tht work appeals to you more, then make the change. L E. W.—Will I ever marry a good working man and if so when ? Ans: A marriage is not in- j dicated in thc rear future. If you will take your time and not rush into marriage, you will make a wise choice. Choosp yours If a good Chris tian husband and only associ- . ate with tie paitcular type you like. T. M. H.—Th re was a yoqjig , man who sef med very interested j ir. mo until I said ye-., to his ques tion.j Now he has failed to keep! two promisee and I wish to know what to do for I only said yes, be cause ho asked if I could be best girl friend. Ans: Well, youngster this only nv ans one problem that will arise in your life. Why worry about love at this early date, just be rice and congen ial with your little friend and ho will like you allright. M. A. V.—I am troubled crazy with my husband. I f el that he is going with another woman and I want to know what to do? Ans: Keep your eyes open and when you have positive proof of your suspicions wash your hands of the whole af fair. In the meantime, warn the gentleman of his conduct and let him know that you won’t tolerate it very long. D. A. W.—Please tell me if it is best for me to go to Chicago to my si»tcr, or boarding school? Ans. School is the place for you young lady. Get as much training as you can and you won’t ever have to worry ser iously about your future. Your sister would be proud to have you but it would only be a mat ter of time until you would regret giving up going to school. ■■■ ' • ■ < A. M.—I have in mind to open up a small business place and want to know if I should carry out these plans or not? Ans: It.’8 a favorable loca tion you have chosen and you [fotM Coat tf Nebraska C. A. SORENSEN ABLE, PROGRESSIVE, INCORRUPTIBLE A LAWYER OF EXPERIENCE, |UDG MENT AND CREAT COURAGE • Former ATTORNEY GENERAL Political Advertisement should be abl^ to put your lit tle business over without any difficulty at all. It takes hard work, long hours, and a stiff chin to put any business over. You have what it takes to do this. J. I'.—Should I leave my home where I now reside, and how soon should I leave town? Ans: A change of cities won’t help you out to any great extent. Remain where you aro and try to enter into a good paying business. You have all the advantage neces sary to make a success right where you are, the rest is up 11 you. L. M. F.—My husband ard , I! are so discouarge i. He works hard < all day long and his salary is so ! small we can hardly live. Tell us, what to do? Ans: .Brace up and every w ek of the world he should make application for a new job. If he continues to try hard ,it won’t be very long un til lie finds something better and is able to give up the place that ho now has. Keep him cheered up and in good spirits. Among those on the sick list are Mrs. Florence Riggs of 3118 Corby St. Although still confined to her bed, she is on the road to recovery. Mrs. Charles Seymour of 2626 Maplo is still eonfinel to her bed and would be glad to have Mr friends call. Friends are hold'ng thoughts for recovery for these two matrons. Miss Barbara Harrison of North 26th St. is confined to her bed with pneumonia, but is on the road to improvement. ■ A. MORE THAN 100 PRIZES AWARDED AT OMAHA GUIDE HOUSEHOLD SHOW More than hundred patrons of tho Omaha Guide’s 12th and most lavish Household display, were proud winners of door prizes. The Demonstration lasted for five nights and was visited by many of Omaha’s best known citizens Business places cooperating in the exhibit were: Paxton and Galla agher, Butternut Coffee and P & G products, Nebraska Power Co., Robin Hood and Metz Beers. Ro b rts Dairy Products, Omar Flour Harding Cream Co., U. S. Break fast Food Co., and Finocchiaro Inc. distributers of Salute Wines. Attendants were Mrs. Merritt. Miss Lila Pryor, Mrs. B. Craw ford, Miss Julia Sanford, Mrs. Hallot Barnett, Mrs. Alma Clarke, Miss Susie Whiteside. Senator J. Adams appeared on the program. Wdnesday night. Boyd V. Gallo way and Arthur McCaw served as master of Ceremonies. The Swing ing Swingsttrs and Taylors Music Shop furnished the musical enter tainment. The majority of prize winners | NEBRASKA PRODUCE ■ 1202—4—6 North 24th St. Phon* WE 4137 Poultry and Egg Dealer* Out prices are reasonable, see us first. Free Trading Stamps with each Purchase. Poisoned Kidneys STOP GETTING UP NIGHTS To harmlessly flush po!sons ar.d acid from kidneys and correct ir ritation of bladder so that you can stop “getting up night^’’ get a 35 j cent package of Gold Medal Haar-j lem Oil Capsules and take as dir-j j c tied. Other symptoms of kidney j and bladder weaknesses are scant (burring or smarting passage— ( baekach:—leg cramps- puffy eyes aro listed as follows: Marjorio Ross, Felix Williams, J. C. Carey, Frank Laye, Tamar O’Neil, Antonio Garcia, Tcror Fort, ./ohm'ata Williams, Leroy Grice, Harrison. Ed Johnson, Mrs. Mer ritt. Mrs. Glass, Mrs. Webster. Bill Britt, Lovejoy Crawford, Miss O’ Ntil, Mrs. Bates, Mr. Scott, Her man Franklin, Mrs. Barnett, Joe Glass, F. Williams, Mrs. Carrey, Mrs. James, Sidney Britt, Lee Me Davis, Louis Jackson, Mrs. Webs ter, John Patterson. Wr. Bridges. Mrs. Pinkett ,Mr. Bates, Mrs. Len nox, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Wheeler, Mrs. Bryant, Mrs. Herbert Clark, Mrs. Lottie Keys. Mr. Jack Hale, Mrs .Florence Speese, Miss Betty Jean James, Miss Edith Buckner, Mrs. Toby Jones, Miss Lena Buck ner, Mrs. Alma Clark ,Mr. Jhonnie Gardener, Mrs. Scott, Mr. Robert Scott. Mrs. Jean Clive, Mrs. Chet tles, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Valena Mc Carey. Mrs. Harris, Mr. Spencer Jacobs, Mr. McCaw, Mrs. Evelyn Dyer, Mrs. Givens of Council Bluffs, won a box of candy. Mis* Maggie Buff kins, Mrs. McCaw, Rev. Steams, M. F. C. Williams, Mrs. Bates, Mrs. Mollie Carr, Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. Leroy Jackson, Jack William, Mrs. Merritt, Mrs. Stephcnsen. Miss Longmire, Miss Jackson Miss B. Dorsey, Miss Geraldine Fields, Miss Ruby Artisen, Little Miss Gibson, Master Stearns, Miss Fiances Bell, Mrs. F. Terrell. Mrs. Mary Watts, Mrs. Hasting, Mr. Scott, Mrs. Marv Campbell, Joe Nathan, Mrs. Watson Mrs. C. Mcrtensen, Mr. Truelove, Miss Velma Shcrring, Mrs. Solomon, Mr. Bates,'Mr. John Crawford and Mr. Harold Lane. FASHIONS One of Hollywood’ leading style pettPrs is Shirley Temple, whose new vacation wardrobe indicates what the smart young miss will wear this season. When Shirley completed her newest 20th Cen utry-Fox musical “Little Miss Broadway,” she and her mother shopped for the promised holiday. Purchases included: a hand em broidered bolero dress in white and navy; p. dark green pleated dress with bright colored smokings on1 the bodice; several non-crushing shantung linen dresses; and little calots, hat* which Shirley calls “beanies” and which she wears far back on hfr head. -q-. Papa Knows Best Maizic: Mother, tell me how Father got to know you. Mother: I met him at a dancing school. M'aizie: That’s funny. He won’t let me go to a dancing school. PHONE AT. 6355 ROGERS COAL & KINDLING 2520 LAKE ST. COKE & COAL BLOX We Handle All Kinds of Coal KABE’S BUFFET 2229 Lake Street far Popular Brands of BEER and LIQUORS —Always a place to park— use SALUTE I IN COOKING [ LOUIS PINOCCHIAROf Inc.. CW*‘ Robbings Pharmacy 2306 No. 24th St. WE 1711 “IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL” MAYO'S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children’s Work A Specialty —2422 I.ake Street— Cal! Us For MODERNIZATION Attics, Kitchens, Basements, Re roofing, Insulation, Re-siding. No Down Payment Easy Monthly Payments MICKLIN LUMBER CO. 19th & Nicholas Sts. JA. 5000 rip you tret • ite* iurl to No mw be?r>n«J h*.,^ Stop worry* ng f Wrif" mo trwjay Information FKKBI W. WILLIAMS, Journal Square St& Jersey Ciry. N. J. Dept. 0. ENROLL NOW!— FOR FALL CLASSES ALTHOUSE School of Beauty Culture Fully Accredited by State of Nebraska. Tuition in Small Weekly Payments. 2422 N. 22nd St. Omaha, Neb. Telephone WE. 0646 RESERVED FOR The FEDERAL Market 1414 N. 24tk St. AT 7777 Across tie street from tlie LOGAN FONTENBLLE HOME* Save Money and Buy Quality "SfiSS1 from the Best of Homes—Come in and See for Yourself— THRIFT SHOP, Room 201 Crounse Blk, opposite Postoffice (upstairs) Emerson-Saratoga LAUNDRY Announces— — — Here’s Good News for North Omaha’s thrifty homemakers. You can now save 20^ on all laundry and dry cleaning by using Emerson - Saratoga’s convenient Drive in Courteous Service nlus Savings Equal to Receiving Every fifth bundle without charge. You’ll like Our Quick Cash and Carry Service Southwest Corner 24th and Erskine Sts.