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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1938)
THE OMAHA GUIDE ~ ■-" .. Classified Telephone Directory —"". The following Merchants will Appreciate Your Patronage. . For Quick and Courteous Seivice at A Reasonable. Price. . . Consult The OMAHA GUIDE’S Classified Telephone Directory TWO DIFFERENT WAYS OF MEETING JIM-CROW BUTLER YIELDS TO REQUEST TO DENCH NEGRO STAR, BUT SANTA BARBARA TELLS TEXAS MINES “NOT A CHANCE” ’Ray for Santa Barbara State College and scallions to both But ler University and George Wash ington University! Santa Bar bara, a small California school, had the courage to cancel a gam with Texas Minrs College at El Paso, while Butler, on demand from George Washington, benched Tom Hard ng, Negro star. Upon learning that Santa Bar hara brut" two Negro players in the ]in; up, Texas Mires immediately demanded their withdrawal. Texas Coach Mack Saxon admitted that Negro players may be used in games against Texas teams out side of thi state, but based his withdrawal demand upon the fact that Negroes have never played a gainst whites “in Texas. Don Fol let, graduate manager of Santa Barbara refused the Jim Crow re quest ar.d promptly cancelled the game. An altogether diff. rent course was followed by the officials of Butler and George Washington. Max Farrington, head of George Washington athletic department, submitt A his jin» crow demand a gainrt the use of Tom Harding ar.d it was granted. When asked why Butler did not cancel the game, j Paul Henkle, Butler graduate i manag r, gave as his excuse the fact that Butler had to live up to conti act obligations. Not only (wag Harding barred from the I game, he was also jim crowed at tho Burlington Hotel where Butler players were scheduled to stay ! ir. Washington and had to find ! .separate accomodations at the Whitelaw Hotel. j Last year the same George Wash ' ington cancelled a b autiful game with Long Island University on ac count of the presence of Dolly ing, a Negro in the New York quintet’s line-up. This was after King had led his team to victory | n ft New York game. Officials of Texas Mines and George Washington U. overlooked tho fact that Southern Methodist | of T1 xas and North Carol na, both ■ played against teams having Ne gro players last year. Southern j Methodist played U. C. L. A. while ! North Carolina met N. Y. O. S. M, ! U. and North Carolina won the gamei, but, when they returned to Dixie, North Carolina players vot ed Ed. Williams, Negro fullback of N. Y. U., the best opposing back they had encountered all season and S. M. U. players did likewise for Kenny Washington Negro ace of UCLA. . And now we salute little Santa Barbara College for upholding the American Tradition of sportsman ship. Right! Doctor: What’s the most you 1 ev. r weighed ? C o-Ed: One hundred and twenty 1 pounds. Doctor: And the least? Co-Ed: Five pounds, six onces. Sttf/f and Nonsense j Taxidermist’s Secretary: Congra tulations, the stork hag arrived! Absent-Minded Taxiderm i s t: | Well, don't stand there. Show him I in and I’ll stuff him. _ Lottie; So that last danct. you had with Jerry was an contest. Margie: And how! I had to en duro his close embrace, his B. O., and hi?, trampling on my tootsii s. LEGAL NOTICE Charles Davis ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT In the County C'.'ot of Douglas ! County, Nebraska, i In the matter of the estate of ! Lula R. Thomas, deeeastd. All persons interested are here- ! ! by notified that on the 27th day ‘ of October 1938, Johnny Owen filed ! n petition n said County Court, I praying that his final administra tion account filed herein be settled ant* allowed, and that he be dis charged from his trust as adminis trator with will annixed and that a hearirg will be had on said peti tion before said Court on th., 19th day of November 1938 at 9 o’clock A. M., and contest said petition. the Court may grant the prayer of said petition, enter a decree of heirship, and make such other end furthers orders, allowances and decrees, as to this Court may »ten* proper, to the erf| that ail matters pertaining to said estate may ho finally s ttled and determined. Bryce Crawford, County Jut 'trr --0O0-.. ^Scratching {• RELIEVE ITCHING SKIN QuxtfZ Even tho most stubborn itw ewma’ blotchen, pimples, athlete's r*.t,,„„ aiwj ottior externally caused skin ee- -uinut. quickly y icilia to puce, pooHtiff, etc •** pt ie liquid O.D.O. PRESCRIPTION. < h t pry) ™ ami stainless—dries fans, i. , R, rio oils soothe tilt) Irritatioti. Stops trie mask Intense Itching inn hurry. A :*.>e trial t«ifc tic, at ail 11 run stores, prove* it—m* your money back. Ask fur D.D.D. PRESCmprcoa. Automobiles SHAMES BODY BUILDERS 1906 Cuming Street Cars in very good condition-good rubber, like new. Oldsmobile Coupe ‘34 excellent condition, reasonable; take over payments—WA 6542. _Beauty Culturists CHRISTINE ALTHOUSE It Pays To Look Atti’active 2422 N. 22nd St. VVE. 0846 BEER TAVERNS RABE'S BUFFET ~ 2229 Lake St. JA. 9195 CHARLIE’S PLACE 1604 No. 22nd St. WE. 4019 BEVERAGES & LIQUORS FREE DELIVERY JOHNSON DRUG CO. Liquors, Wines and Beer Prescriptions We. 0998 1904 N. 24th St. DOUBLE COLA IDEAL BOTTLING Company WE. 3043 THE LIQUOR STORE 2315 Cuming St. JA. 6564 “We Appreciate Your Patronage” ICE CREAM JOHNSON DRUG 1904 N. 24th WE. 0998 DUFFY PHARMACY 24th & Lake WE. 0609 Contractors w. fThoch Grading and Excavation 4506 Ames Ave. KE. 0316 Let It Rain! Improve Your Home Experienced Roofers — Asbestos Siding—- Reasonable Prices. B. Jones,— 34th Taylor, E. Omaha, Call WE. 5310 . Groceries HERMAN’S MARKET 24th and Lake WE. 5444 BERNARD'S GROCERY & MARKET . Where You Get More for Your Money. 2012 North 24th St. _________ _ _ _ I LONDON’S MARKET 24th & Charles Street WE. 0561 FREE DELIVERY MONUMENTS & MARKERS HEFT & NOYES 40th & Forest Lawn Ave. KE 1738 TAILORS Economy Tailor—Cleaning & Re pairing. We cut, trim, make suits to order. 1918 N. 2rfth St. HARDWARE DOLGOFF HARDWARE Paint, Glass and Varnish. We do glazing and make window shades to order. 1?22 N. 24th WE. 1607 Laundries & Cleaners CURTAINS 25c UP —... No Pin Holes. Special— Office Laundry or Men’s Laundry— Blankets— Tablecloths. Laundry Delivered. Mrs. Berniece Morrison. JA. 2541 EDHOLM & SHERMAN 2401 N. 24th WE. 6055 EMERSON LAUNDRY 2324 N. 24th St. WE. 1029 CURTAINS Laundered 20c Pr. Will Assist In Your Spring Cloarrisg To The Best Results in Curtain Laundering Call JA. 1628 Painting - Decorating Den & Kermit Anderson Painting. Wall Washing & Decor ating Work Guaranteed 2801 Miami, 2872 Bironey WE. 5826 Let Me Assist Your SPRING CLEANING By Doing Your Papering - Painting We Specialize in CABINET WORK - CARPENTRY CALL EGGERTII JA 6896 Let PEOPLES Do It—Ten train ed decorating mechanics. — Our Motto ‘Service’. Peoples Paint & Shop— AT. 0054. NOW is the time to Improve Your Home— Let Bob do your Paper ing, Painting & Plaster Patching Reasnable Prices. WA. 8199. Poultry and Esrsrs ..METROPOLITAN PRODUCE 1301 N. 24th WE. 4737 Poultry dressed while you wait.— Strictly Fresh Eggs. 7 NEBRASKA PRODUCE 2206 North 24 th St. Our Prices n.rc Reasonable—See us first. WE. 4137. Shoe Repair _ . LAKE SHOE REPAIR ‘Shoe Pride or Shoe Shame’—| Shoes look new again with Our' N'ew Invisible half soloing. 2407 Lake St. __ FURNACE REPAIRING FIREPOTS FTREPOTS Donovan Bros. 4733 Seward WA 1650 HAVE YOUR FURNACE— Cleaned and Repaired Now! Call The— Farnam Sheet Metal Works 2908 Farnam St. JA. 6666 •»— Wanted WANTED Wanted experienced beauty oper ator. Call Mrs. Michael, WE. 6633 Salvation Army Industrial Home1 Needs Your Aid—Call Us When House Cleaning—Clothing—Furn- j iture, Magazines, Newspapers, or! Anything You Have. Call JA. 4135 | WANTED housework or will serve i as maid or nursemaid. At. 7470, Doretha Watson. Wanted To Buy AUCTIONS Runge & Son Auction Co. Highest Prices Paid for Complete Homes of Fnrnitune or Odd pieces. 2821 N. 16th At. 3341 Cash Paid for Complete Home«j of furniture or odd pieces, of fur-; niture. We estimate prices on all complete hom>s of furniture. Kenwood Auction Co. KE. 3124 ROOMS FOR RENT For Rent, 2 Nicely Furnished Kitchenette Apartment Room, Call KE. 2044. Two Room Apt. for Rent, 2424 Erskine—WE. 0718. Furnished 3 room Apt. for Rent. WEbster 0487. FOR RENT Neatly furnished rooms strickly modern for rent $2.00 per week and up. Apartment and houses for rent. Call ATlantic 7435, oj Mrs. E. Z Dizon, WEbster 3678 FOR RENT—Love’s Kitchenette Apartments, 2516-18 Patrick, or 2613 Grant St. Call WE. 5553 or WE. 2410. Rooms for Rent. Web. 1632 Nice, Large Room Web., 6015 3 Room Newly Furnisl ed Apt., WE. 0487. FOR RENT—2 or 5 Rooms, mod ern,— furnished or unfurnished, 2403 North 21st St., Essex Wil liams, Prop. 1 2212 Burdette St. Rooms for Rent J JA. 2549. MEN WANTED Colored young man for Commercial posing- Athletic build, good pro file necessary Write, giving details and snapshot- Omaha Guide, Box 398 TRANSFER .. NORTHSIDE TRANSFER 2414 Grant St.WE. 5056 PLACES TO EAT 15c Extra, for Taxicab Delivery AMERICAN-WEINER lilHOP 2599 N. 24th Street __ CHOP SUEY American and Chinese Dishes KING YUEN CAFE 2010V. N. 24th St. JA. 8576 SHOE SHINING Announcing Fancy Shining Parlor 2406 Lake St., Ladies Invited. —Leig'al Notices— LEGAL NOTICE Charles F. Davis, Atty. 2504 No. 24 th St. —Noticd of sale of Personal Pro perty to Satisfy Storage Lien — You are hereby notified that I will sale to satisfy storage charg es the following described goods aad property of the following per sons t« wit: Mrs. Alberta Randall, 2115 Ohio stored goods listed below with Northside Transfer and Storage, 2414 Grant St., July 26, 1937. 1 Piano, Schmoeller & Mueller (Cleo Mortimer got piano, all set tled); 1 ga3 stove (broken door); 1 coal heating stove; 1 ice box; 1 dining room table top; 1 buffet; 1 clothes ringer; 1 china cabinet; Y0°ur Shopping with ^he For Sale Bargains In Homes Down Payment from $75 up to $350 BALANCE LIKE KENT E. M. DAVIS | I LISCENSED REAL ESTATE BROKER ! 2817 No. 24th St, WE 1186 1 sewing machine; 2 dining table legs; 6 dining chairs; 2 kitchen chairs; 1 rocker (leather); 1 straight chair (leather); 1 table filler leaf; 2 trunks; 1 box (wood) 1 kitchen table; 1 ironing board; 2 floor lamps (bad order); 1 oil heater; 1 hall rack; 1 wash board; 1 picture; 2 pieces linoleum; 2 folding chairs; 1 mattress; 1 cot pad; 1 thermos jug; 1 basket empty jars; 4 joints stove P>Pe» 1 lamp shade; 1 link for stove; 1 checker board; 1 bed, bow end; 3 slats; 2 wooden bed rails; 1 chest of drawers; 1 vanity dresser; 1 bed springs; 1 dust mop; 1 mop stick. Driyage ....%.$7.00 Storage per month .$3.00 Due July 26, ’37.10.00 paid, 7—28 .X 1.60 balance . 8.50 8— 28 . %. *.3.00 9— 28 . 3.00 10— 28. 3.00 Total due .17.50 paid 10—11 . 4.00 balance due .13.50 11— 2(f . .. 3.00 12— 26 . 3.00 1— 26, ’38 .3.00 2— 26 .3.00 | 3— 26 . 3.00 4_26 .3.00 5— 26 ..3.00 6— 26 ..... .. 3.00 7— 26 .3.00 8— 26 .3.00 . 6.50 Total due . $50.00 Tueday, March 29, 1938 Mrs. Randall Furniture Stored at North Side Transfer from 2115 Ohio 1 radio; 1 trunk; 1 suitcase; 1 tub and contents; 1 smoking stand; 1 magazine rack; 3 floor lamps; 1 table cover; 2 card tabl es; 1 bundle of rugs; 1 electric sweeper. Dray age .$1.50 Rate of storage per month 1.00 Total .2.50 Storage due $50.00. Said goods to be sold at my warehouse. The Northside Trans fer, 2414 Grant street in Citv of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebras ka, on the 21st day of December 1938, at the hour of 9 a. m. to sat isfy charges and costs of the re spective parties heretofore men tioned. Dated this 31st day of October 1‘38. Northside Transfer Preston Hieronymous, Owner by Charles P. Davis, Attorney begin Oct. 8, ’38 ending October 2‘, ’38 Atty. John Adams 310 Karhock Block 15th at Douglas PROBATE NOTICE In the matter of the estate of Martha Taylor Carter Deceased. Notice is hereby given: That the creditors of the said deceased will meet the administrator with will annexed of said estate, before me, County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the County Court Room, in said County, on the 5th day of December 1938 and on the Pth day of Feburuary 1938, at 9 o'clock A. M., each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination adjustment and al lowance. Three months are allowed for th0 creditors to present thoir claims, from the 5th day of Nov ember 1938. Bryce Crawford, County Judge Begin Oct 15-38 Ending Oct. 29-38. STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT, CIRCULATION ETC., REQUIRED BY THE ACTS OF CONGRESS OF AUGUST 24 1912, AND MARCH 3. 1933 Of Tho Omaha Guide published weekly at Omaha, Nebraska for October 1, 1938. State of Nebraska County of Douglas. Before me., a Notary Public in and for the State and county afore said, personally appeared Boyd V, Galloway, who, having been duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that h* is thc Editor of tho Omaha Guide and that the fol lowing is, to the best of his know ledge and belief, a true statement of th* ownership, management etc., of the aforesaid publication for the date shown in the above caption, required by the Act of August 24, 1912, as amended by the Act of March 3, 1933, embodied in section 537, Postal Laws and Reg ulations, printed on the reverse of this form, to wit: 1. That the name* and addresses ol' the publish, r, editor, managing editor, and business: managers are: Publisher, Omaha Guide Pub. Co., 2418 Grant St., Omaha, Nebr.; Edi tor Boyd V. Galloway, 2418 Grant St., Omaha, Nebr.; Managing Edi tor Boyd V. Galloway, 2418 Grant St., Omaha, Nubr.; Business Mana gers H. J. Ford and C. C. Galloway, 2418 Grunt St., Omaha, N< hr. 2. That the owner is: Omaha Guide Publishing Co., 2418 Grant St., Omaha, Nebr.; H. J. Ford, 2418 Grant St., Omaha, Nebr.; Flurna Copper, 2418 Grant St., Omaha, Nebr.; Boyd V. Galloway, 2418 Grant St., Omaha, Nebr. 3. That the known bondholder, mortgagis and other security hold ers owning or holding 1 per cent or mora of total amount of bonds mortgages, or other securities are: Dorothy. Woodward, Congress Ho t. II, Omaha, Nebr.; Frank Stewart, 3015 Manderson St., Omaha Nebr.; M. If. Holmes Omaha, Nebr. 4. That tho two paragraphs next above, giving the names of the owners, stockholders, and security holders, if any contain not only tho list of stockholders and security holders a8 they appear upon the books of the company hut also in cases where tho stockholders or security holders appears upon the tho books of the company as trus tee) or in any other fiduciary rela tion, the name of the person or corporation for whom such trustee is acting, is given also that the said two paragraphs contain state ments embracing affiant’s full knowledge and belief as to the cir cumstances and conditions under which stockholder and security holders who do not appear upon the books of thu company as trustees, hold stock and securities in a capa . city other than that of a bona fide ] owner; and this affiant has no j reason to believe that any other persons, association or corporation has any int* rust direct or indirect in said stock bonds, or other secur ities than as so stated by him. Boyd V. Galloway Editor Sworn to and subscribed before mo this Idtli day of October, 1938. Charles F. Davis (My commission expires June 14,. 1941.) Atfy. C. E. Walsh. Room No. JOS Omaha Roan Rld*r. Asa'a At 16th & Dodge St. PROBATE NOTICE In tho matter of the estate cf Mry Piei'Cj. Deceased. Notice is hereby given: That the creditors of !ne said deceased will meet tho administrator of said es tate, before me, County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska at the , County Court. Room ,in said County on tho 12th day of December 1938 und on the 14th day of February 1939, at 9 o’clock A. M., each day for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjust ment and allowance. Three months aro allowed for the creditors to present their claims, from the 12th day of November 1938. Bryce Crawford County Judge Begin Oct. 22-38 Ending Nov. 5-38 -O Sid: Ah, but love is grand! My teet ara on the ground, but my head is in tho clouds. Roy: Oh, pull yourself together. LEGAL NOTICE AS TO MEASURE TO BE VOTED ' -UPON NOVEMBER 8, 1938 ‘ i «' The following amendment to the Constitution of the State of No*' braska will be submitted to the electors of this State for approval or; rejection at the general election to be held November 8, 1938: | ‘Be it Enacted by the People of the State of Nebraska: Section 1. That Section 7, Article XII, Constitution of the State ot Nebiaska is hereby repealed. Sec. 2. That at the general election in November, 1938, there shall be submitted to the electors of the State of Nebraska for their approval or rejection the foregoing proposed repeal of Section 7, Article XII, Con* stitution of Nebraska in the following form: “FOR repeal of Section 7, Article XII, Constitution of Nebraska* fixing individual liability of stockholders in banking corporations or bank* ing institutions”, and “AGAINST repeal of Section 7, Article XII, Constitution of Na* braska, fixing individual liability of stockholders in banking corporation* or banking institutions.’*^-- -* £ • HARRY R. SWANSON, Secretary of State. WE. 1517 "Classified dept.” Omaha Guide