The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, October 29, 1938, Page Two, Image 2

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    SOCIAL 'T'i_ _ C „ ; _ ---.1/4 CLUBS
The Women Auxili ary of the
Postal Alliance will award their
a-conil annual scholarship, Sunday
afternoon at 4:30 at the YWCA.
Tl*n public is invited.
The Cedar Chist will also be on
display. Any girl wishing to en
ter the contest might call Mrs.
Claire I)acus, WE. 4158 or Mrs.
Clayds Ervin. WE. 1543.
The Social Art Club met Oct. 19,
1938 at 1 P. M. at the home of
Elmer PortrT, 2870 Miami St. Af
ter a thirty minute business meet
ing, the president turned the meet
ing over to the Assistant Sewing
Instructor, Miss Rosa Overton al^o
becamo a niw member. The hostess
served an excellent repast, which
was enjoyed by all. ThP melting
adjourned at 3:00 n .m. to meet
Nov. 2, 1938 at the home of Mrs.
J. E. Ware, of 2870 Grant St.
Mrs, E. Blue ,pprea.
Mrs. J. E. Ware-, reporter
We Pay Cash
For 03d & Antique
WE 2869 521 No. 16th St.
2031 N. 24th St.
—4 for 10c
We Specialise in
Tho Very Latest from tho
Chicago Convention:
The New—
“Pin Curl” WAVE
Tho Same Effect as the Cro
quinole without the heated
Althouse Beauty School
2422 North 22nd Street
WEbster 0846 —
Springers Cheaper than Bacon,
20? lb. Dressed and Delivered
Free: Breen Trading Stamps.—
Open Sundays—Baby Beef Head,
The J. M. F. Bridge Club, one
of Omaha's oldest gave a ‘‘Kid
Party" on Wednesday even rg, Oct.
inti , at the Masonic Hall, which
turned out to be a "killer dillcr,”
upon arrival of th. Diarne Quints
impersonated by the charming ma
| dames Le’oy Wright, Charles Di
j kerson, Jr., Joseph Pauline and
| Misses Mary Ellen, Dickerson and
j Certrudo McCaw. The Quints have
| grown considerably and entered
the hall with lollypops via the slide
ns ev rybod.v had to do- and at
i onco began to make merry with
i many gamcs taught them by their
| capable Retinue of nurses.
Accompanying th< m ve!t four
f no lud'', dressed alike in short
Hack trousers and coats, and large
red neckties in the personages of
I M ssrs. Chas. Dickerson, smior
nnd junior, and Leroy Wright and
his father, who is vjs ting in the
city. Mr. Wright's sister, Mrs. Hayl
wood Vawter was dressed as a
bouncing baby girl of six and she
brought the house down wh( n she
mad her entrance via the slide.
Mi\ Vawter, represent'd little Hen
ry and therfore had nothing to
say. Mrs. S. C. Hanger was too
cuto in her dainty littl, rompers.
Miss Dorcus Jones, doing a Shir
lf y Temple in curls was unexcelled.
Madams Bert Fowler, G. B. Len
nox, W> sley Jones, Arthur McCaw
John Adams, Russel Bryan, Carrie
Jewell, William Countee, Nat Hunt-'
or, Roberta Bell, the new “Y” secre
tary Elizabeth Buford, Lois Gordon1
Joseph LaCour, Earl Wheeler. Wil
liam Hayres, B. B. Cowan, Willis
Gray, Frank Blackw<U, Bobbie Da
vis, (accompanied by her father)
Edward Groomes, Louise Dtechnrd
and Miss Edrose Willis all made
very swotet and charming little
girls which on, would wish to hold
"n their laps and squeeze, in fact
tho same Is true of all the ladies
in attendance.
But no boy ever possessed mpre
energy anl zip and go than Chas.
Dickerson Jr. He literally every
where and followed by a large
‘country boy” Bert Fowler.
Virgil Shakes, with large pearl
£ 1Rcn6e3vous grille
(formerly tho Apex Bar)
1818 N. 24th St. JA-9331
Quick, Safa, Sura
It'» no trouble to use Nadinola Bleach
ing Cream. It’s a bedtime beauty
treatment that takes effect while you
sleep. For 39 years Nadinola has been
tested and approved by millions of
happy users.
You 6et Results—or Money Back!
Don't take chances with unknown
bleaches, ointments or salves. Demand
genuine Nadinola, tried and trusted
for two generations. Every jar of
Nadinola contains full instructions
and positive money-back guarantee.
For sale at good drug stores in two
sizes, 50c and $1. If your druggist
doesn t have Nadinola, don’t accept
a substitute—write direct to Nadi
nola, enclosing 50c or $1, for postpaid
package. Address Nadinola, Dept. 42,
Paris, Tennessee.
/^AN you wait 5 to 10 days to see
^ your complexion begin to im
prove wonderfully—to see dork,
coarse, oily skin give way to lighter,
lovelier beauty? Then buy a package
of Nadinola Bleaching Cream. Smooth
it on your face each night. While you
sleep, the positive bleaching action of
Nadinola begins to make your skin
finer, softer, lighter!
buttons ir his pantletts, ju.' t about
took tho cake among the men, had
it not been for the long ribbon;,
on Karl Wheeler’s bub bonnett.
Miss Bemieg Givens ard two,
gentlemen furnished the music
featuring “A Tisket, A Tasket,”|
which was enjoyed by all.
Tho hall was decorated with
hundr ds of toy ballons and a de
lightful froz' n luncheon was serv
ed as refreshments.
Tho J. M. F.’s are composed of
the BlackwHfS), (Mwians, Grays
Hangfis, and Wheelers.
Those present were: Dorcus
Jones, Mr. Peters of Texas, Mr.
Wright, out of town, Mr. and Mrs.
Leroy Wr'ght, Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Dickernn, Mrs. ar(i Mr. Pauline,
Mr. an 1 Mrs. Thomas Scott, Mr.
and Mis. Fr- d. Stormes, Mr. and
Mr.'. Shirley Yancey, Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur B. MeCaw, Mr. and Mrs.
John Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Olarette
Biddieu..', Mr. and Mrs. William B
Haynes. Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Bryar, Dr. anl Mrs. G. B. I/ennox,
Dr. and Mrs. We ldon Solomon, Dr.
I and Mi s. Milton Johnson, Dr. and
Mrs. We dey Joni s, Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph LaCour, Mr. and Mrs. Wil
! ton Wilsor. Mr. and Mrs. J. D.
Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil
Shobes. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fowler,
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Groomes,
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Ray, Mr. and
Mrs. Tommy Wilson, Mr. anl Mrs.
Young, Mr. nnd Mrs. Nat Hunter.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Clarke,
Mr. and Mrs. Haywood Vawtcr.
Gotha P* gg and sister Edrose
Willis & Co., Fay l/ee Jones, Lit
zio Buford, Bob Belton, Mrs. Jo
seph Stuart, Mrs. January Jewell,
Miss I. Roberta Bell, Nadine Clark.
Mrs. Eva Mae Dixon and Co.,
Ixiuise Dechard Mrs. Jessica
Wright, Charles Dickerson, Marj
Ellen Dickerson, Gertrude McCaw,
Herbert MeCnw, Mrs. Contee, Mr«
Robbie Davis,, Mr. Turner.
Tho Entre Nous meets every
Thursday night at the YWCA. Thi«
club consists of young womtn who
: havo graduated from high nnd up
to the age of twenty five years.
They are celebrating Halloween
in the form of a Barn Dance, Fri
day Oct. 28, at the Masonic Hall.
The Minute Men’s and Auxiliary
Club will hold c. Calendar birth
day party at the YWCA Wed., on
October 26th.
-O-- _
Fall Festival and Bee Hive Ral
ly conducted by Mary Magdalire
M. Rodger-., national Evangelist &
singer at Z’on Raptist Church.
221.5 Crust St. Rev. M. K. Curry,
Pastor, programs as foil >ws:
Mon. Oct. 31.--’-Doctors and
Nurses night.
Tui's.—Nov. 1—Attorney and
K al Estate Men.
Wed.—Nov. 2— Gospels Feast
Party with visiting minister and
Congregations. •
Thurs.Nov. 3—Drama entitled
“Tho I.azy Husband.”
Fri.—Nov. 4—Young people am
ateur night.
Mon. Nov. 7—Visiting; Churches. I
Tucs.—Nov. 8—Soloists Musici
ans Big Broadcast.
Wed.—Nov. 9— Gospel Feast
Party with visiting ministers and
Thurs.—Nov. 10—Youths Song
Fri.—Nov. 11—American Legion
and Old Soldiers Ushers & Ushere
ttes of city week.
Mon—Nov. 14—Vocational and
Demonstration. All Colored busi
Tucs.—Nov. 15—Official Boards,
all churches of the city.
Wed.—Nov. 16—Gospel Feast
Party with visiting ministers and
Thurs—Nov. 17—Drama entitled
“Mr. and Mrs. Alligator” and
musical program.
Fri.—Nov. 18—City wide Choir'
night and massed choir; of Zion.
Flo sure and attend the Bazaar
is prpgro 13. dowr/stairs in the Sun
lay School room.
Tuursday ,Oct. 20., Rev. L’as» of
the Cleaves Temple Methodist
Church gave a farewell musical
recital consisting of h's two daugh
tors and son. Mrs. Bass accompani
ed them. ,Rev\ Bass has been called
to officiate in Kansas City, Kan.
Rev. Bass will not only be missed
by the congr- gation but by the
members of Long School PTA
where he and his wife were both
enthusiastic and progressive work
ers. The choir presented Mrs. Bass
with a beautiful black letter purse
with her initials in gold. Light re
freshments wore served after the
On. Friday Oct. 28th, the Quack
Girls of the YWCA will hold their
regular weekly meeting at the “Y”.
As this is their social meeting of
the month they will ent rtain in
the form of a Carnival, carryng
out the season of Halloween .Edna
| Thomas is the president of this
club and Lydia Rogers is the secre
The Trojans Girls will hold their
weekly meeting, Thursday cveadnj;
Oct. 27, at the YWCA.
Dorthea Turner, Pr(s.
Vejnette Mills, Sec’y
The Bible Institute meets each
Monday morning at the YWCA.
The Sunday musical club held
its regular monthly meeting at the
homo of its president, Mrs. Frank
■ Blackwell, Sunday evening October
i 23rd. This was their initial meeting
of th0 fall and they are looking
forward with much enthusiasm to
this years work.
Halloween parties of particular
interest will include the Semper
F'dlis who will entertain the 29th
of October and the Gross Eichs
on the 31st of October .Both clubs
consists of Girl reserves groups
nrd aie held at the YWCA, The
girls and th> ir escorts will costume
and mask.
The Boy and Girl Forum holds
ts first group meeting of the high
school boys nrd girls Sunday Oct
ober 30th at the YWCA. Miss 1.
R< bertr. Bell is the guest speaker.
Mrs. Williams G. Haynes is adviser
l’cr this group .
The Booklovers Club held their
regular monthly meeting Thursday
October 20. 1038 at the YWCA.
“My Son My Son,’’ was reviewed
by Mrs. Swanson of the YWCA of
Mrs. B. B. Cowan, pres.
Mrs. Frank Blaekwc 11, Sec’y.
Tho dinner gi'en by the auxiliary
of St. Phillips the Deacon Episco
pal Church at the YWCA Thursday
October 20, from 6:30 to 7:30 was
more than a huge success. Over
100 persons were served including
a number of political candicates
of both parties .
Mrs. John A. Williams, pres.
The P. T. A. of Long school held
their regular monthly meeting, on
Thursday, October 20th at the
School. Installation of officers and
chairmen was held by the president
of the PTA council .A program fol
lowed the installation of officers
with Mrs. Webb singing “About a
Child’ 'followed by Mr. Preston
rendering “Mighty Deep.” Both
Best Grade of Low-Priced Semi ^
LUMP....$10.00 GRATE EGG....$9.75 L
MINE RUN .$8.50 S
, v'era accompanied by Mrs. Jami
i son. Mrs. Jamieson is the organist
I and the others are members of
! Presbyterian Church choir.
Mrs. Herbert Wiggins. Pres. Mr.
Thompson, principal, First vice
pre«., Mrs. S. C. Hanger, Sec’y,
Mrs. Gooden Treasurer; Mrs. Pres
ton chairman of the program com
mittee; Mrs. Wesley Jones, student
aid; Mrs. Jesse Cain, Summer
Roundup and Health Chairman;
Mrs. Morten .Adult Education; and
Mr, S. C. Hanger, legislature chair
Mrs. Herbe rt Wiggins, pres.
Mrs. S. C. Hanger, Sec’y.
—.>0-— ...
Salem Baptist Church “Count on
Me Club’’ met at the home of Mrs.
j Leona Jackson, 2611 Maple Street.
| Tuesday October 25th. Thirteen
i were present. Two new members
were taken into( the club. Mrs.
John and Mrs. Theodore Morris. A
lovely luncheon was served. Every
one had something to say, which
was very interesting and inspiring.
The club is giving a Tea on Nov.
27th at the home of our presi
dent, Mrs. Green. 947 No. 27th
Ave. Everyone is invited. The of
ficers of the club are; Mrs. F.
Green Pre.-.ident, Mrs. Henderson,
vice-president, Mrs. Barnell, secre
tary, Miss Leona Jackson assistant
secretay, Mrs. E. Jackson, treasu
rer, Mrs. Adams ,Chairman of the
f inoMnn jVf Q CTlUVcl
1 Henderson, chairman of the Sick
Committee, Mrs. Hi Ison, chairman
of the Boosters Committee, Mrs
McGauth, chairman of the enter
tainin' nt committee .Rev. E. H.
Hilson is the pastor and Miss L.
Jackson is the reporter.
/-v _
A Bible Institute will be held
every Monday at 10:00 A. M. Rev.
Jordan is teacher. Come one come
all and make this a big affair. At
the YWCA (second floor.)
The Omaha City BYPU will meet
with the Zion Baptist Church in
its regular 5th Sunday M<eting.
Sunday Oct. 30, at 6:30 P. M. with
a very special programs. The prin
cipal speaker will be attorney
John Adams Jr., a special address
on the Youth of Today. The en
tire City is cordially invited and
all urgid to attend, music will be
furnished by this city BYPU
Mr. Wm Cooper, Pres.
Miss G. Hayden, Cor. Secty.
Mrs. Lula Mae Powell, Secty.
Mr. and Mrs. William Cooper of
2624 Blondo St., were included in
the 33 guests at The Hill Hotel on
j Thursday Oct. 20 from 7 to 10:30
1 p. m. which consisted of a dinner
i party and a Surprize party, honor
ing Mr. R. A. McFarland of 5117
Gumming St., who is manager of |
the Eastman Kodak Co. whose lo-;
cal store is at 1618 Harney St. The
group consisted of the employees
and their families. Mr. Cooper who
is a stock man and truck driver,
has be< n in the employment fori
eleven years is pleased to say that
he has never worked with more
congenial and pleasant people and
employers and was shown every
courtesy at the party. Another
brother Mr. E. Cooper of 2616
Blondo St. ,also employed as jani
tor was not present due to other
business. After the dinner the em
ployer was presented with a beauti
ful Gladstone bag. With tears in
his eyes, he stated that he had
the best group of employees in this
country and all wished him many
more happy birthdays.
Regina Myrn Sims entertained
20 children at her party Sunday
October 23rd. at her rome 2321 No.
27th. The home was decorated with
ballons including green monkies,
and pink elephants.
Tho children had a delightful
time playing games, singing songs
nnd dancing. The party was quite
a style show. The little girls were
in prints ard plaids. Little Bever
ly Jean Irvin was very attractive
in her plaid dress and Scotch tarn.
The other children that attended
the party were: Marcia Southern
Delores and Gloria Bryant, Dar
lene and Carol Croker.
Geraldine Grim, Patty Sims,
. Peggy Union, Muddy Artison,
' Chas. Adams, Bobby Owens and
Johnny Jeffery.
K gina Wyrn celebrated her 7th
birthday .Regina is the daughter
of Mrs. Booker Sims.
An Autumn Tea will be given
by Princess Ozeil Chapter No. 11
0. E. S. Nov .6, 1938 from 4:00 p.
m. to 7:00 p. m. at the Masonic
Hall at 26th and Blondo.
In memory of n>y Mother, Luet
la Gardner Macklin, who departel
this life October 17, 1927.
There are tributes of love that wc
owe to each other,
But the greatest of these should
be paid to our mother.
All thg days of our lives she shel
ters us with her love,
May she ever be rewarded with
blessings from above.
The presence of mother makes
glad many homes,
But it’s gloomy to those where
she never comes.
j However it be, Kt us cherish those
With our deeds of rare kindness—
j the sweetest of flowers.
I When but a m re infant,- her watch
o’ver us kept,
When wo sought lone to wander,
she advised our step.
Through we left our fond home
stead, for us she still waits,
j Bidding us to go with her to Hea
I ven’s golden gate.
When sickness and trouble have
j become your lot,
And hours of darkness she’ss for
sake you, O not.
Then grieve her not, children, but
trust and obey,
And each day you will walk in the
straight, narrow way.
i When her footsteps a«"e wending
j their path to the grave,
1 Breathf, on, gentle spirit, thy soul,
O be brave.
God’s spirit will guide you in those
jonely hours,
And bear thee up- in His world of
ne'rer fading flowers.
—Your daughter
Ckore Macklin Harmon.
Bessie Mae West
Althouse Beauty School
Just as oth(r organs of the body
j become diseased, so do tiny oil
glands of the skin. These diseases
in most cases are not serious.
Oily skin it first disordtr, and
if this condition is not properly
cared for, blackheads result.
Blackheads are pores filled with
the oil. The top collects dirt and
this accounts for the black hi ad
on top.
There are very few persons that
do not have some blackheads. I
Blackheads are not b. yond the care
of home treatment, but a cosme
tologist is recommended.
■Blackheads should never be
squeezed as the skin is delicate ami
bruises easily. They should be mas
saged until they can be pushed out.
After blackheads have been ex
tracted the face should be washed
with care daily .Camphor and soda
properly used are used in treat
ment of blackheads. Next week
acne or the second stakes of black
heads WH1 be discussed.
Visit your cosmetologist and
watch ‘Hollywood Charm” for
helpful Beauty hints.
Tho reason a girl likes a man who
has polish is that there’s never a
dull moment.
Your Neighborhood Coal &
Wood Man will give You
4 rompt & Courteous Service,
See 4Iim First
Johnson Drug Co.
Liquors, Wines and Beer
WE 0998 1904 No 24th SL
2509 North 24th Street
Best Chili and Best Hot Dogs
in the West
All Kinds of Sandwiches
To relieve the torturing pain of Neuritis.
Rheumatism, Neuralgia or Lumbago in a
get the Doctor's formula
NURITO. Dependable-—no opiates, no nar
cotics. Does the work quickly—must relieve
worst pain, to your satisfaction in u few
minutes or money back at Druggist*. Don’t
suffer. Use NURITO on this guarantee today.
M < 11 et
" , * . ' . h * •
24th Lake St.
Dolgoff Hardware
We I)o Glazing & Make Window Shades to Order
Stove Pipes, Furnace Pipes, & Stove & Furnace Repairs
Electrical Supplies Plumbing Supplies
Roofing Paper * Guttering
We Have a Full Line of KITCHEN UTENSILES
(Open Evenings)
—WE. 1607— 1822-24 N. 24th St.
Cbsek Below And See If Yon Hare
Any Of The Signs
Quivering serves can make you old and
haggard looking, cranky and hard to Uve
with—can keep you awake nights and rob
you of good health, good times and jobs.
Don't let yourself “go" like that. Start
taking a good, tellable tonic—one made espt>
exally for women. And could you ask for any
thing whose benefits have been better proved
than world-famous Lydia E. Pinkham’s
Vegetable Compound?
Let the wholesome herbs and roots of
Pinkham's Compound help Nature calm
your shrieking nerves, tone up your system,
and help lessen distress from female func
tional disordeis.
Make a n#fn NOW to get a bottle of this
time-proven . ' vkham'a Compound TODAY
without fail from your druggist. Over a mil
lion women have written in letters reporting
wonderful benefits.
For the past 60 years Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound has helped grateful
women go "smiling thru" trying ordealn.
Why not let it help YOU! (}