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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1938)
NOTE:—Your question w;;l be answered F’KEE in this col* limn ONLY when a dipping of this column is enclosed with YOUK QUESTION, YOUR FULL NAME, BIRTHDATE and CORRECT ADDRESS. For PRIVATE REPLY send twenty-five cents and j a self-addressed, stamped envelope for my NEW ASTROLOGY READING and receive by return mail my FREE ADVICE on j THREE QUESTIONS. Send all letters to Abbe Wallace, I’. O. Box It, Atlanta, Georgia. ^ __ _I O. A. S.—My father is dead and it was said that he left some money for me and I wish to know if this trug and how must I get it? Ans: You won’t receive any money from this source your father left nothing of value. M. J. H_Does this friend care as much for mi as he «ays? Am I wasting time writing to him, I j hate to forget him because he is such a likeable person. [ Ans: His friendship means something to you, so you artv not wasting your time writing him. He isn’t in a position to m«an anything to your future life at this time, but I will say that he has high respect for you. E. J. S.—I loaned a friend , tw'enty dollars a few days ago and h© promised to pay me and he hasn’t and I wonder if I will be able to get this money or not? Ans: When he gets the mon ey himself you will get a part of what you loaned out. Al though it’s going be like ‘ pul ling teeth” to get your money, and you might as well begin pressing him right now. Don’t start a fight, hantile the mat t!w sensibly. £1. S.—I have in mind to leave my husband for he is going with a girl that lives close by us and h0 also works with her. Tell me .what to do? Ans: Don’t leave, stay right whire you are and pj^otect your rights. However, you should talk this matter over with your husband and let him know that you won’t put up with his foolishness, if there is any leaving to be done, he should get out. W. C_Is my work slipping? Will I get out of work or whal does the winter hold for me? Ans: Just as long as you do your work well, you can bet your boots that you will hold your job. Indications are that you will be employed through out the untire winter and your income will be somewhat grea ter than it is at this time. T. M.—Will my husband and I ever be successful together ? Ans: The answer depends entirely upon you and your husband. Right now thero is doubt in my mind if you two will make the grade, but it could be done if you were just patient and considerate of the others feelings. No marriage can succeed if the interested parties carry on a fuss all of the time about nothing what ever. S. F. M.—I am in love with a man and ha say he cares for me r—-- m Equip your car now for fho snow, ice and freezing weather that are ahead. We have everything you need for safe, comfortable driving . . . come in— get what you need—and save money. For Quicker Starts—The powerful Goodrich Kathanodo Battery, guaranteed as long as you own your car. For Quicker StopS^The new Goodrich Silvertown Tire with Life-Saver Tread, that stops you quicker, safer on wet roads than you've ever stopped before. i For Quicker Heat—The new Goodrich Model "81" Heater, that "heat conditions" your entire car. Gives quick flow of warm air to every nook and corner. i For Radio Pleasure—The 1938 Motorola Auto Radio sets a new standard of performance. For Radiator Protection—Nor way Anti-Freeze. The stronger anti-freeze — practically odorless and lasts longer. Speedy Ocedli Says ^ ^CHARGE IT OR USE \| f OUR BUDGET PLAN . i Pay the way most convenient \ lor you. Whether you open a ' i 30-Day Charge account or \ buy on our Deferred Payment \ Plan—you will receive last, k ' courteous service and immed * iate installation. I % ! but he doesn’t act like it. How can I get a husband as men , pro so untrue? I want to do the ! right thing but I need a husband. Ans: Your wishes will bo granted before the summ.r of , ‘3D. Your greatest mistake is giving your whole time to one f Jllow, and this has a tendency to make them lose interest. Make some other friends and show your present flame that you can b$ popular and he will open his eyes and carry out some of the promises he has been making you. A. L. L—My husband is very sick, but he has put in for his divorce. Should I sign or what would bo the best thing for me to do? An's: Under the circum stances, I would wait until he got over his present illness before signing the divorce pa pers. It is your duty to stick by him at a time like this and let him know that if he still wishes to have a divorce you will cooperate when he is bet tar. THE LOW DOWN FROM HICKORY GROVE I been reading about a governor out there in Iowa who seems to havo idea that maybe people there seeing that they elected him, they really meant for him to be gover nor, So he is go ing ahead and do- t ing so, and is running the out fit. And he is some- * thing like this f Martin in Oregon 1 and Mr. Davey in Joe Serra L/mo. And half thu uproar, and com motion and stagnant business, and quandry that seems to have set tled down on our land, it is be tauso there is too many sheriffs, and governors, and mayors, etc., who are afraid of losing one vote end are trying to be on 2 sides of one fence, both at the same time. If we are ever going to need a coolin-systcm for some of our rusty and moth-infested cash re gisters in this here nation, we got ta get some more double-fisters like they have there in Ohio and Oregon, and etc. Limber scaredy-cats they do not get to first base. And pussy-footers nobody likes 'em—and never will. Yours with the low down, JO SERRA -0O0 BOOK GIVES NEW SLANT ON RACE RELATIONS Now Orlears, Oct. 13 (By Leon Lewis for ANP)—Besides being an inspiring analysis of Negro life and development, “Negro Participation in the Texas Centennial Exposi tion,” by Jesse O. Thomas, gives I mssm A delicious, energy building cola drink. Its name is fniinHort a sociological study of inert Negro characteristics as they are influ enced within his own group and as they are affected by or may be applied to interracial activity. Thomas, Southern Field Director of the National Urban League and who headed an administrative personnel of recognized ability as General Manager of Negro Parti cipation in the Texas Centennial gives due credit to the Lone Star State, comparatively for its consi deration of the Negro as he has participated in the development of tho state, for what it has done to stamp out illiteracy and promote higher type education among Ne groes and for advocating a genaral policy of inter-racial good-will and fellowship. The interesting features of the book besides a thorough and de tailed description of the building, housing the Negro exihibits and the exhibits themselves, are, the dedi cate nspeech of Eugune Kinkle Jones, how the Negro activity, the influence upon whites and the com parative courtesies accorded No groes by white commercial inter ests. -o UNIVERSITY OF OMAHA NEWS BULLETIN - — A poodle dog barking viciously at its good-natured, easy-going neighbors was the picture of the present Mexican government drawn today by Professor W .T. Meek, head of the economics department at the University of Omaha. Mexico’s indulgent neighbors, ac cording to Professor Meek, are the nations whose Mexican properties havo been confiscated without con pensation by that country’s govern ment. The University of Omaha eco nomist believes that America’s ‘Good Neighbor” policy is partly to blame for the acts of expro priation. Had the American State •department taken a firmer stand, or allowed the British to act, Mex ico would never have gone so far, he says. Professor Meek’s view of the Latin American republic was gain ed from a summer there conduct ing research and conferring with a number of natives acquainted with Mexican problems ‘‘Mexico for Mexican” might be all right as state policy, admits the economist, but failure to award conpensation for this confiscated property would violate the Mexi can domestic law as well as inter national law. Short of armed force, Professor Meek sees more economic and di plomatic pressure as the only pos sibility or redressing American los ses Otherwise, the whole matter may as well be dropped. “Military ac tion is the only really effective measure but the administration .V.W.V.V/.V.V.V.V.V.VA CHOP SUEY American and Chinese Dishea King Yuen Cafe .. 201<m N. 24th St. Jackson 8576 Open from 2 p. m. until 3 a. i" /.V.V.V.WAV, V.W.V.V 1 doesn't think the affair of suffi- ' cent importance to warrant that," he added. The economist and his wife re turned to the Univeristy of Omaha just recently, after being detained several weeks by flood waters in Mexico. Robbin’s Pharmacy 2306 No. 24th St. WE 1711 NEBRASKA produce 1202—4—6 North 24th St. Phono WE 4187 Poultry and Egg Dealers Oui prices are reasonsable, see us first. Free Trading Stamps with - cach Purchase. ! S MEET THE BOYS— [Gf _at the N BROWN BOMBER g 1812 North 24th St. S SL. Proprs. Hamilton & Hesck [nj| “IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL" MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children’s Work i A Specialty —2422 take Street— Call Us For MODERNIZATION Attics, Kitchens, Basements, Re roofing, Insulation, Re-siding. No Down Payment Easy Monthly Payments MICKLIN LUMBER CO. 19th & Nicholas Sts. JA. 5000 I guarantee to help yuu get a atari ti Me. No ease beyond ho,*e. Stop •rorfTr ng f Write me today information PHEa * II. WILLIAMS, Journal Square Sta Jersey City, N. J. Dept. 0. v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v ENROLL NOW!— FOR FALL CLASSES ALTHOUSE School of Beauty Culture Fully Accredited by State of Nebraska. Tuition in Small Weekly Payments. 2422 N. 22nd St. Omaha, Neb. Telephone WE. 0846 RESERVED FOR The FEDERAL Market 1414 N. 24tk St. AT 7777 Across the street from the LOGAN FONTENELLE HOMES - Save Money and Buy Aunl'tw Used Clothin Quality and Shoes from the Best of Homes—Come in and See for Yourself— THRIFT SHOP, Room 201 Crounse Blk, opposite Postoffice (upstairs) Emerson-Saratoga r LAUNDRY Announces— — — Here’s Good Nows for North Omaha’s thrifty homemakers. You can now save 20% on all laundry and dry cleaning by I using Emerson - Saratoga’s convenient Drive in Courteous Service plus Savings Equal to Receiving Every fifth bundle without charge. You’ll like Our Quick ' Cash and Carry Service Southwest Corner 24th and Erskine Sts.